944 resultados para Ålands landsting
Due to growing land scarcity and lack of nutrient inputs, African farmers switched from shifting cultivation to continuous cropping and extended crop area by bringing fragile lands such as river banks and hill slopes into production. This accelerated soil fertility decline caused by erosion, harvesting and insufficient nutrient replenishment. We explored the feasibility to reduce nutrient depletion by increasing nutrient utilization efficiencies, while diversifying and increasing food production through the development of integrated aquaculture – agriculture (IAA). Considering the climatic conditions prevailing in Kenyan highlands, aquaculture production scenarios were ideotyped per agro-ecological zone. These aquaculture production scenarios were integrated into existing NUTrient MONitoring (NUTMON) farm survey data for the area. The nutrient balances and flows of the resulting IAA-systems were compared to present land use. The effects of IAA development on nutrient depletion and total food production were evaluated. With the development of IAA systems, nutrient depletion rates dropped by 23–35%, agricultural production increased by 2–26% and overall farm food production increased by 22–70%. The study demonstrates that from a bio-physical point of view, the development of IAA-systems in Africa is technically possible and could raise soil fertility and total farm production. Further studies that evaluate the economic feasibility and impacts on the livelihood of farming households are recommended.
Livestock keeping is increasingly becoming more popular in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. However, lack of feed is a real challenge. Inadequate feed supply in urban areas is due to many interacting factors, which include among others land shortage, high cost of feeds, climate risks and poor quality of feeds. The objective of this study was to identify and examine the effectiveness of the strategies adopted by livestock farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda to cope with feed scarcity. A total of 120 livestock farmers from Kampala were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Dairy cattle (48.3%) and chickens (37.5%) were the most common species, followed by pigs (34.2%), goats (26.7%) and sheep (3.3%). Farm size was generally small both in terms of herd size and total landholding. Cattle and pig farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala ranked feed scarcity as their first major constraint, while chicken farmers had high cost of feeds. These farmers have adopted several strategies for coping with feed scarcity. Among the major coping strategies adopted were: changing of feed resources based on availability and cost (37.5%), purchasing of feed ingredients in bulk (29.7%), using crop/food wastes (26.6%), harvesting of forages growing naturally in open access lands (23.4%) and reducing herd size (17.2%). However, most of the coping strategies adopted were largely aimed at dealing with the perennial challenge of feed scarcity on a day-by-day basis rather than dealing with it using sustainable and long-term strategies.
Faisalabad city is surrounded by agricultural lands, where farmers are growing vegetables, grain crops, and fodder for auto-consumption and local marketing. To study the socioeconomic impact and resource use in these urban and peri-urban agricultural production (UPA) systems, a baseline survey was conducted during 2009–2010. A total of 140 households were selected using a stratified sampling method and interviewed with a structured questionnaire. The results revealed that 96 % of the households rely on agriculture as their main occupation. Thirty percent of the households were owners of the land and the rest cultivated either rented or sharecropped land. Most of the families (70 %) were headed by a member with primary education, and only 10 % of the household head had a secondary school certificate. Irrigationwater was obtained from waste water (37 %), canals (27 %), and mixed alternative sources (36 %). A total of 35 species were cultivated in the UPA systems of which were 65% vegetables, 15% grain and fodder crops, and 5% medicinal plants. Fifty-nine percent of the households cultivated wheat, mostly for auto-consumption. The 51 % of the respondents grew cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) and gourds (Cucurbitaceae) in the winter and summer seasons, respectively. Group marketing was uncommon and most of the farmers sold their produce at the farm gate (45 %) and on local markets (43 %). Seeds and fertilizers were available from commission agents and dealers on a credit basis with the obligation to pay by harvested produce. A major problem reported by the UPA farmers of Faisalabad was the scarcity of high quality irrigation water, especially during the hot dry summer months, in addition to lacking adequate quantities of mineral fertilizers and other inputs during sowing time. Half of the respondents estimated their daily income to be less than 1.25 US$ and spent almost half of it on food. Monthly average household income and expenses were 334 and 237 US$, respectively.
In the pastoral production systems, mobility remains the main technique used to meet livestock’s fodder requirements. Currently, with growing challenges on the pastoral production systems, there is urgent need for an in-depth understanding of how pastoralists continue to manage their grazing resources and how they determine their mobility strategies. This study examined the Borana pastoralists’ regulation of access to grazing resources, mobility practices and cattle reproductive performances in three pastoral zones of Borana region of southern Ethiopia. The central objective of the study was to contribute to the understanding of pastoral land use strategies at a scale relevant to their management. The study applied a multi-scalar methodological approach that allowed zooming in from communal to individual herd level. Through participatory mapping that applied Google Earth image print out as visual aid, the study revealed that the Borana pastoralists conceptualized their grazing areas as distinctive grazing units with names, borders, and specific characteristics. This knowledge enables the herders to communicate the condition of grazing resources among themselves in a precise way which is important in management of livestock mobility. Analysis of grazing area use from the participatory maps showed that the Borana pastoralists apportion their grazing areas into categories that are accessed at different times of the year (temporal use areas). This re-organization is an attempt by the community to cope with the prevailing constraints which results in fodder shortages especially during the dry periods. The re-organization represents a shift in resource use system, as the previous mobility practice across the ecologically varied zones of the rangelands became severely restricted. Grazing itineraries of 91 cattle herds for over 16 months obtained using the seasonal calendar interviews indicated that in the areas with the severest mobility constraints, the herders spent most of their time in the year round use areas that are within close proximity to the settlements. A significant change in mobility strategy was the disallowing of foora practice by the communities in Dirre and Malbe zones in order to reduce competition. With the reduction in mobility practices, there is a general decline in cattle reproductive parameters with the areas experiencing the severest constraints showing the least favourable reproductive performances. The study concludes that the multi-scalar methodology was well suited to zoom into pastoral grazing management practices from communal to individual herd levels. Also the loss of mobility in the Borana pastoral system affects fulfilment of livestock feed requirements thus resulting in reduced reproductive performances and herd growth potentials. While reversal of the conditions of the situations in the Borana rangelands is practically unfeasible, the findings from this research underscore the need to protect the remaining pastoral lands since the pastoral production system remains the most important livelihood option for the majority of the Borana people. In this regards the study emphasises the need to adopt and domesticate regional and international policy frameworks such as that proposed by the African Union in 2010.
Land tenure insecurity is widely perceived as a disincentive for long-term land improvement investment hence the objective of this paper is to evaluate how tenure (in)security associated with different land use arrangements in Ghana influenced households’ plot level investment decisions and choices. The paper uses data from the Farmer-Based Organisations (FBO) survey. The FBO survey collected information from 2,928 households across three ecological zones of Ghana using multistaged cluster sampling. Probit and Tobit models tested the effects of land tenancy and ownership arrangements on households’ investment behaviour while controlling other factors. It was found that marginal farm size was inversely related to tenure insecurity while tenure insecurity correlate positively with value of farm land and not farm size. Individual ownership and documentation of land significantly reduced the probability of households losing uncultivated lands. Individual land ownership increased both the probability of investing and level of investments made in land improvement and irrigation probably due to increasing importance households place on land ownership. Two possible explanations for this finding are: First, that land markets and land relations have changed significantly over the last two decades with increasing money transaction and fixed agreements propelled by population growth and increasing value of land. Secondly, inclusion of irrigation investment as a long term investment in land raises the value of household investment and the time period required to reap the returns on the investments. Households take land ownership and duration of tenancy into consideration if the resource implications of land investments are relatively huge and the time dimension for harvesting returns to investments is relatively long.
El trabajo consiste en un estudio histórico y crítico de los mecanismos jurídicos de protección de las tierras de la población desplazada, en el cual se revisan las políticas públicas y la legislación que ha tenido incidencia en la materia. Así, partiendo de un breve estudio de los móviles que determinan el desplazamiento forzado, del cual concluye que la tierra ha sido un factor permanente y definitivo para el conflicto armado y el desplazamiento forzado, por lo cual se justifica abordar el desplazamiento forzado a partir de ella y la necesidad de protegerla, se adelanta un análisis crítico de las medidas que el Estado ha abordado para proteger a los desplazados en sus tierras, destacando la insuficiencia histórica del mismo, para finalmente plantear la necesidad de revaluar la política estatal al respecto.
Esta monografía trata sobre un tipo específico de redes transnacionales: las redes de activistas que defienden una causa más allá de las fronteras estatales. Para tratar el tema, la monografía se concentra en el análisis de un caso específico: las redes que se constituyeron a nivel transnacional para hacer visible en la arena internacional la problemática de los pueblos indígenas mapuche en Chile, frente la construcción de una hidroeléctrica en su territorio, por parte de una compañía multinacional española (Endesa). La monografía hará un especial énfasis en las estrategias utilizadas entre 1996 y 2000 por el Consejo de todas las Tierras (una organización que defiende la causa mapuche), para hacer que las reivindicaciones de los indígenas trascendieran el plano local-nacional.
El presente estudio de caso analiza desde la construcción espacial comunitaria del campesinado, las maneras en que la Asociación Campesina del Valle del Rio Cimitarra teje formas de resistencia política a las estructuras latifundistas imperantes en el Magdalena Medio. En un periodo donde el modelo agroindustrial relacionado con la globalización tiene mayor profundización en el sector agrario nacional, se analiza como la organización campesina ejerce una resistencia localizada en defensa de lo territorial, como filón para detener la expansión de los circuitos de acumulación de Capital.
La jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de los últimos años, ha establecido una serie de criterios y medidas que configurarían un catálogo de disposiciones que deben emprender los Estados para garantizar la real protección del derecho de propiedad de las comunidades indígenas y tribales. Dichas medidas deben ser implementadas en los procesos de formalización y titularización de las tierras ancestrales ocupadas, en la delimitación y demarcación del terreno, en la restitución de porciones de tierra pérdida, en la estipulación de criterios para el otorgamiento de tierras alternativas; y en los estudios que tiendan a establecer políticas públicas para la satisfacción de las necesidades de las comunidades relativas a la producción y posesión de la tierra como mecanismo idóneo para el mantenimiento de condiciones de vida digna. La regulación colombiana para las tierras de las comunidades indígenas y las comunidades afrocolombianas presenta aspectos divergentes: las primeras poseen una reglamentación destinada a la ampliación, reestructuración y saneamiento de los resguardos indígenas, y las segundas están regidas bajo un estatuto general de la propiedad colectiva y adjudicación de baldíos. En los dos sistemas, los procedimientos son complejos, tardíos, confusos, requieren de sofisticados prerrequisitos, y ante todo su estructura está basada bajo criterios de una sociedad no indígena y no tribal. Adicionalmente, el compendio normativo en materia de titulación, delimitación y demarcación de tierras de comunidades afrocolombianas antes enunciado, presenta diversas lagunas normativas que se acentúan con la carencia de actualización de dicha regulación a las condiciones actuales si se tiene en cuenta que no ha existido modificación a la misma en los últimos 19 años, y que hacen necesario aplicar analógicamente las disposiciones del Código Civil en materia de propiedad individual a efectos de dar respuesta a los supuestos de hecho no contemplados.
Este trabajo es una colección de perfiles y crónicas sobre personas que tienen tres cosas en común: son víctimas de la violencia colombiana, el hecho de ser víctimas los afectó profundamente, y decidieron continuar con sus vidas pese a ello.
The armed conflict in Colombia, which has generated over three million internally displaced persons, has dramatic humanitarian consequences and raises serious issues regarding the protection of displaced peoples’ rights. The underlying reasons for the displacement often lie in the dynamics associated with territorial control and land seizures undertaken for strategic, military or purely economic purposes. Domestic and international legal provisions have established the victims’ right to the restitution of their homes and property as the “preferred remedy” in cases of displacement. However, policies dealing with displacement, both those of the Colombian government and of several international institutions, fail to take this sufficiently into account. A comprehensive reparation policy for victims must necessarily entail the reversion of lands, territories and goods seized in Colombia under the pretext of the internal armed conflict.
The State-building process must be understood through the study of the agencies in charge of each of its regulatory functions. One such function is the regulation of property rights. During the Liberal Republic, as a reaction to the massive mobilization,new tools to better regulate property rights were promoted: colonization, parceling, the award of public lands and, at the end, a new legal framework. In spite of its purposes, they faced and failed to solve the challenges every organization experiences when growing: resource scarcity, controlling its agents, and keeping technical simplicity.
Las ocupaciones ilegales, vinculadas a los procesos especulativos del mercado de tierras, generan numerosas tensiones ambientales y sociales. Estos conflictos se ven reforzados por la debilidad de las instituciones y los choques de intereses entre los agentes económicos. La mayoría de los estudios sobre los procesos de ocupación de las zonas rurales periurbanas en el Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil, se basan en la suposición de que de la Ley de Protección de los Manantiales (LPM) se genera la caída de los precios de las tierras. En este contexto, el presente estudio aporta un análisis de la urbanización de estas áreas en los manantiales de la región metropolitana de Sao Paulo, del control de la influencia de la LPM en las ocupaciones y de la depreciación/valorización de terrenos ubicados en esa zona. Los resultados muestran que el comportamiento de los precios de las tierras agrícolas de los municipios pertenecientes a las cuencas hidrográficas de la zona no estuvo influenciado por la LPM. La influencia predo inante, en este caso, es la de las políticas macroeconómicas del plan real de Brasil.
En Colombia las actividades de exploración, explotación, transporte y procesamiento de hidrocarburos que se vienen realizando desde comienzos del siglo XX son responsables de grandes procesos de transformación del territorio y de degradación de los ecosistemas en los que se realizan. Estos procesos han impactado negativamente la seguridad de las comunidades indígenas poniendo en riesgo su cultura y en algunos casos su existencia misma. Aunque históricamente los derechos de estas poblaciones frente a la explotación petrolera, y minera en general, han cambiado y su autonomía e integridad es protegida por la Constitución de 1991, las comunidades siguen teniendo una alta vulnerabilidad frente a la intervención de los ecosistema que habitan.La degradación ambiental producida directamente por las actividades petroleras y por los procesos de colonización que estas impulsan se constituye en una amenaza a la seguridad de las comunidades, cuyos territorios y recursos de subsistencia se ven disminuidos. La colonización y la presión sobre los recursos naturales que esta produce son motivadas principalmente por la pobreza de poblaciones campesinas que buscan nuevas tierras para habitar, a su vez estos dos procesos son causa de degradación ambiental que empobrece a las comunidades étnicas debido a que afecta sus fuentes de sustento, situación que genera inseguridad para los indígenas. Adicionalmente, la degradación ambiental y la disminución de los territorios ponen en riesgo la cultura de estos grupos humanos, pues afecta sus valores, tradiciones, autoridades y, en general, su forma de vida lo que constituye una amenaza a su seguridad.-----In Colombia, the exploration, exploitation, transport, and processing of hydrocarbons since the beginning of the 20th century have caused great territory transformations and ecosystem degradation. These processes have impacted adversely the indigenous communities security, exposing their culture and, in some cases, their existence itself. Even though, facing oil and, in general, mineral exploitation, the rights of this population have changed historically and their autonomy and integrity is protected by the 1991 Constitution, the communities are still highly vulnerable to the intervention on the ecosystem they inhabit.The environmental degradation directly arisen from the oil exploitation activities and the colonization they have driven, has become a threat to the security of the communities whose territories and subsistence resources have been reduced. Colonization and the resulting natural resource pressure are mainly caused by the poverty of the country population that seek new lands to occupy and these two facts cause in turn the environmental degradation that impoverish the ethnic communities by affecting their living sources, thereby causing insecurity to the indigenous population. In addition, environmental degradation and territory reduction risk these human groups’ culture by impacting their values, tradition, authorities and, in general, their way of living, and therefore turn into a threat to their security.
El propósito de este estudio de caso es analizar la forma en la que la Ley de Víctimas y restitución de tierras del 2011, especialmente el mecanismo de la ruta de reparación colectiva, contemplando un enfoque de género, ha contribuido al empoderamiento de la mujer víctima del conflicto armado en Colombia. Se pretende analizar cómo ha sido el proceso de implementación de dicha herramienta en la organización de mujeres ANMUCIC (Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas, Indígenas y Negras de Colombia). Por medio de esta investigación se busca identificar cómo se puede llegar a tener una ley en el postconflicto que contribuya al reconocimiento de la mujer a través de su implementación.