943 resultados para welcome to country


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This is a due date card for the book titled Country Lawyer, with stamped dates from 1941.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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The long-range transport of Ambrosia pollen to Poland is intermittent and mainly related to the passage of air masses over the Carpathian and Sudetes mountains. These episodes are associated with hot dry weather, a deep Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) in the source areas and winds from the south. Such episodes can transport significant amounts of Ambrosia pollen into Poland. The study investigates Ambrosia pollen episodes at eight sites in Poland during the period 7th to 10th September 2005, by examining temporal variations in Ambrosia pollen and back-trajectories. PBL depths in the likely source areas were calculated with the Eta meteorological model and evaluated against the mountain heights. Considerable amounts of Ambrosia pollen were recorded at several monitoring sites during the night or early in the morning of the investigated period. Trajectory analyses shows that the air masses arriving at the Polish sites predominantly came from the south, and were in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary the previous day indicating these countries as potential source areas. We have shown the progress of Ambrosia plumes into Poland from the south of the country, probably from Slovakia and Hungary, and demonstrated how Lagrangian back-trajectory models and meteorological models can be used to identify possible transport mechanisms of Ambrosia pollen from potential source regions.


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We propose here the hypothesis that all of United Kingdom (UK) is likely to be affected by Ganoderma sp. spores, an important plant pathogen. We suggest that the main sources of this pathogen, which acts as a bioaerosol, are the widely scattered woodlands in the country, although remote sources must not be neglected. The hypothesis is based on related studies on bioaerosols and supported by new observations from a non-forest site and model calculations to support our hypothesis. Hourly concentrations of Ganoderma sp. spores were measured from 2006 to 2010 using a 7-day volumetric spore trap at the city of Worcester. The concentrations peak during the night and early in the morning. This suggests that the main spore sources are located a few hours away with respect to air masses transport and reach urban areas thanks to air masses transport. The back-trajectory analysis was applied to determine the location of Ganoderma sp. spore sources. The analysis of back-trajectories demonstrated that 78% of the air masses reached Worcester from a 180° arc direction from the East to West. Three episodes were selected for detailed investigation and they revealed that during the episodes air masses always passed main UK woodlands before the arrival in Worcester, independently of their origin, but the long distance transport under certain conditions might be possible. Our studies suggest that the sources of UK Ganoderma sp. spores are mainly to be found in UK. Hence our studies suggest that research and mitigation strategies in UK should give their main attention to national sources, without neglecting the contribution from long distance transport.


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Managing an online reputation is critical to higher education. Universities cannot afford to lose enrolment numbers by neglecting to monitor, control, promote and enhance their online presence. It is critical that universities measure their social media reputation scores and presence on the web, as well as those of their competitors. Universities need to continuously review their social engagement strategy and online reputation to ensure they maximize all opportunities to maintain, and improve student enrolment and retention. Universities have embraced social media to enhance their brand reputation. This study examines the use of social media and its effects from a global perspective. It analysed 90 universities in three geographical areas to assess the impact and level of online social media, especially as it relates to “university brand reputation.” Results of the study indicated there was a wide variation among the three geographical regions, and within countries in the three geographical regions. Use of social media communication tools such as Twitter and Google+ by active users also varied widely depending upon country and region.


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This article reflects growing academic interest in the careers and historical significance of professional women town planners, an interest clearly registered in Planning Perspectives and other publications. Unlike other women town planners, however, the career of Monica Felton remains largely obscure. It was certainly short-lived, beginning as it did on the London County Council in 1937 and ending spectacularly while she was Chairman of Stevenage Development Corporation in 1951. Felton became an outcast from both her profession and her country when she gave up on new town development to campaign against British and American involvement in the Korean War in 1951. This article emphasizes her distinctive contribution to the evolving roles of women in British town planning during the mid-twentieth century and shows how this contribution was obscured by her fall from grace.


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This paper examines the development of road freight transport operations to, from, and within London, from medieval times to the present. Until the twentieth century, road transport was the dominant mode within London but was less important for goods moved between the rest of the country and the capital. However, since the mid-twentieth century, road transport has also dominated goods movements to and from London, mainly through technological developments in goods vehicle speed and size. Since the introduction of a Mayor of London in 2000, there has been much interest in the efficiency and sustainability of road freight transport measures at a London level. Analysis suggests that present day journeys from London generate approximately four times fewer vehicle miles per tonne lifted than in the 1830s and nine times fewer than in the 1690s.


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Physical location of data in cloud storage is an increasingly urgent problem. In a short time, it has evolved from the concern of a few regulated businesses to an important consideration for many cloud storage users. One of the characteristics of cloud storage is fluid transfer of data both within and among the data centres of a cloud provider. However, this has weakened the guarantees with respect to control over data replicas, protection of data in transit and physical location of data. This paper addresses the lack of reliable solutions for data placement control in cloud storage systems. We analyse the currently available solutions and identify their shortcomings. Furthermore, we describe a high-level architecture for a trusted, geolocation-based mechanism for data placement control in distributed cloud storage systems, which are the basis of an on-going work to define the detailed protocol and a prototype of such a solution. This mechanism aims to provide granular control over the capabilities of tenants to access data placed on geographically dispersed storage units comprising the cloud storage.


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According to UN Women, to build stronger economies, it is essential to empower women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors. Increasing women and girls’ education enhances their chances to participate in the labor market. In certain cultures, like in Saudi Arabia, women contribution to the public economy growth is very limited. According to the World Bank, less than 20 percent of the female population participate in the labor force. This low participation rate has many reasons. One of them, is the educational level and educational quality for females. Although Saudi Arabia has about thirty three universities, opportunities are still limited for women because of the restrictions of access put upon them. A mixture of local norms, traditions, social beliefs, and principles preventing women from receiving full benefits from the educational system. Gender segregation is one of the challenges that limits the women access for education. It causes a problem due to the shortage of female faculty throughout the country. To overcome this problem, male faculty are allowed to teach female students under certain regulations and following a certain method of education delivery and interaction. However, most of these methods lack face-to-face communication between the teacher and students, which lowers the interactivity level and, accordingly, the students’ engagement, and increases the need for other alternatives. The e-learning model is one of high benefit for female students in such societies. Recognizing the students’ engagement is not straightforward in the e-learning model. To measure the level of engagement, the learner’s mood or emotions should be taken into consideration to help understanding and judging the level of engagement. This paper is to investigate the relationship between emotions and engagement in the e-learning environment, and how recognizing the learner’s emotions and change the content delivery accordingly can affect the efficiency of the e-learning process. The proposed experiment alluded to herein should help to find ways to increase the engagement of the learners, hence, enhance the efficiency of the learning process and the quality of learning, which will increase the chances and opportunities for women in such societies to participate more effectively in the labor market.


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This paper investigates relationships between modernity and monumentality in the architecture of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In his Modern Architecture, the critic and historian Kenneth Frampton separated Mies’ work into two historical periods, 1921-1933 and 1933-1967; the first he entitled ‘Mies van der Rohe and the significance of fact,’ the second ‘Mies van der Rohe and the monumentalisation of technique.’ The two historical periods correspond to two different geopolitical phases of Mies’ career, the first in Weimar Germany the second in the United States. By looking at a number of designs and texts made by Mies in the 1930’s and 1940’s, this essay questions the validity of separating Mies’ architecture into such clear-cut categories, where each one can enjoy a seeming independence from the other. The fulcrum for the discussion is Mies’ design of 1930 for a country golf clubhouse for the industrial town of Krefeld in north-western Germany. Our attention to the golf clubhouse design was prompted by the recent installation (2013), in which a 1-1 model of the design, made primarily from plywood, was erected in a field close the the site of Mies' original proposal.


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The post-surgical period is often critical for infection acquisition. The combination of patient injury and environmental exposure through breached skin add risk to pre-existing conditions such as drug or depressed immunity. Several factors such as the period of hospital staying after surgery, base disease, age, immune system condition, hygiene policies, careless prophylactic drug administration and physical conditions of the healthcare centre may contribute to the acquisition of a nosocomial infection. A purulent wound can become complicated whenever antimicrobial therapy becomes compromised. In this pilot study, we analysed Enterobacteriaceae strains, the most significant gram-negative rods that may occur in post-surgical skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) presenting reduced β-lactam susceptibility and those presenting extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL). There is little information in our country regarding the relationship between β-lactam susceptibility, ESBL and development of resistant strains of microorganisms in SSTI. Our main results indicate Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. are among the most frequent enterobacteria (46% and 30% respectively) with ESBL production in 72% of Enterobacteriaceae isolates from SSTI. Moreover, coinfection occurred extensively, mainly with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (18% and 13%, respectively). These results suggest future research to explore if and how these associations are involved in the development of antibiotic resistance.


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This Is England is social realist film portraying racism and poverty in 1980s Britain through the eyes of Shaun, a 12 year old boy, who has lost his father in the Falklands war and as to come to terms with his own identity, the difficult transition from childhood to adolescence and the need to fit in a determined group/tribe/gang. The following article aims at analysing relevant aspects depicted from the film emphasizing the so much debated reality of life during 80s. In This is England Shane Meadows manages to rediscover his own self geography, by revisiting his adolescent years. It is a biographical film about the importance of peer pressure and the results of an excess of nationalism, at the same time it typifies some issues related to the 80s youth culture.


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This paper analyzes the Portuguese short-run business cycles over the last 150 years and presents the multidimensional scaling (MDS) for visualizing the results. The analytical and numerical assessment of this long-run perspective reveals periods with close connections between the macroeconomic variables related to government accounts equilibrium, balance of payments equilibrium, and economic growth. The MDS method is adopted for a quantitative statistical analysis. In this way, similarity clusters of several historical periods emerge in the MDS maps, namely, in identifying similarities and dissimilarities that identify periods of prosperity and crises, growth, and stagnation. Such features are major aspects of collective national achievement, to which can be associated the impact of international problems such as the World Wars, the Great Depression, or the current global financial crisis, as well as national events in the context of broad political blueprints for the Portuguese society in the rising globalization process.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação