969 resultados para water-loss
Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of clinical attachment loss (CAL) and to investigate the association of demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators with CAL in an untreated isolated population in Brazil. Methods: All subjects aged >= 12 years were identified by a census. Participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured, written questionnaire. Results: Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and examined clinically, CAL >= 5 mm in at least one site was observed in 8% of the 12- to 19-year-olds and in all dentate subjects >= 50 years of age; the age-dependent prevalence of CAL >= 7 mm in at least one site ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 83% among subjects >= 50 years old. Multivariate analysis identified plaque (odds ratio [OR] = 2.8), supragingival calculus (OR = 2.9 to 10.6), age >= 30 years (OR = 11.4), and smoking (OR = 2.4) as risk indicators for CAL >= 5 mm and smoking (OR = 8.2) as a risk indicator for CAL >= 7 mm. Conclusions: CAL is highly prevalent in this isolated population. The high occurrence of CAL in young age groups and the confirmation of traditional risk indicators for CAL in this study suggest that other factors, such as host susceptibility, may be needed to explain the high levels of CAL found. Age and behavioral factors were risk indicators associated significantly with the CAL found in this population and may be useful indicators of high-risk subjects for periodontal diseases.
Surgeries performed with high-intensity laser devices may be improved with accurate protocols, including the air-water spray regulation. Thus, this study sought to investigate the healing process of wounds made on the dorsum of rat tongues using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser device with different air-water spray regulations. The incisions were made on the dorsum of Wistar rat tongues using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser with three different air-water spray regulations (100/0%, 50/50%, 11/7%). Scalpel incisions functioned as controls. The sacrifices occurred between 0 and 14 days after surgery. Morphological, histological, and immunohistochemical (fibronectin and type III collagen) analysis of the wounds were performed. The air-water spray regulation influenced wound healing and the inflammatory response, especially in the earlier stages. Incisions performed using the 100/0% air/water spray regulation had the worst results, expressing a greater amount of fibronectin and type III collagen. The 50/50% air/water spray regulation brought in a non-clear surgical field and poor laser interaction with the tissue. The 11/7% air/water spray regulation showed the best clinical results and less pronounced histological events. According to the results encountered, the air-water spray should be regulated to improve surgery.
Background Prolonged exposure of the lip to sunlight may cause actinic cheilitis (AC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Maspin is a serpin with tumor suppressor functions. This work analyzed the presence and distribution of maspin in AC and lip SCC. Methods Sections from 36 cases diagnosed as AC (18 cases with mild epithelial dysplasia, 11 with moderate and 7 with severe), 18 cases diagnosed as lip SCC and 7 specimens containing normal lip vermillion epithelium were submitted for immunohistochemical analysis to detect maspin. Results All AC cases with mild and two cases with moderate dysplasia were scored 3. The remaining nine cases with moderate dysplasia were identified as score 2, whereas all cases with severe dysplasia were scored 1. Positive staining for maspin decreased from the basal layer to the surface. Among the 18 lip SCCs studied, 15 cases showed abundant staining for maspin. Epithelium adjacent to the SCCs also showed intense positive staining in all cells. Conclusions Our results suggest that the loss of maspin expression occurs from the basal layer to the surface. Lip SCCs related to solar radiation show an intense presence of maspin protein in almost all tumor cells as well as the neighboring epithelium. Fontes A, Sousa SM, Santos E, Martins MT. The severity of epithelial dysplasia is associated with loss of maspin expression in actinic cheilitis.
Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and risk indicators of tooth loss in an isolated population of Brazil. Material and methods. Two-hundred-and-forty-two subjects, ranging in age from 14 to 82 years (mean 36.2 years), were identified by census in an isolated population of Brazil. All consenting subjects received a full-mouth clinical (DFT index and information about missing teeth) and periodontal examination of 6 sites per tooth. Furthermore, they were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire in order to gather information about demographic, environmental, and biological variables. Results. Of the 200 subjects (80% response rate), 19 (9.5%) were edentulous, 90% had lost at least one tooth, and 39% had lost more than 8 teeth. The mean number of teeth lost was 9.5 (95% CI = 8.2-10.8). First mandibular molars were the most commonly missing teeth. In a multiple logistic regression analysis based on a theoretical hierarchical model of tooth loss, having more than 8 teeth lost was strongly associated with adult age (OR = 18.3-17.3, 95% CIs = 4.8-69.7 and 4.0-75.1) and female gender (OR = 5.9, 95% CI = 1.9-18.2) in the final model. Conclusions. Tooth loss was highly prevalent and extensive in this isolated population. Demographic and behavioral factors played an important role in tooth loss prevalence in this population.
This study evaluated in vitro commercial desensitizing toothpastes with respect to the prevention of erosion and explored the effect of their agents alone or in combination with fluoride. Bovine enamel blocks were randomly allocated to five groups of 20 and exposed to: Sensodyne ProNamel (1,425 ppm F as NaF, 5% KNO(3)), Sensodyne Original (no fluoride, 10% SrCl(2)), Colgate Sensitive (1,450 ppm F as sodium monofluorophosphate, 5% K citrate), Crest (fluoride-only toothpaste, 1,100 ppm F as NaF) and water (negative control). A second experiment was conducted with experimental dentifrices containing fluoride (NaF, 1,100 ppm F), 10% SrCl(2), 5% KNO(3) or 5% K citrate alone or the latter three combined with F. The samples were submitted to four cycles, alternating demineralization (cola, 10 min) and remineralization (artificial saliva, 1 h). Before and between cyclic de- and remineralization, blocks were treated with slurries of the respective toothpastes or water (1 min). Erosive tissue loss was analyzed by profilometry. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests (p < 0.05). The mean erosion depth (+/- SE, mu m) was significantly less for Colgate Sensitive (0.04 +/- 0.00), Sensodyne Original (0.06 +/- 0.01) and Crest (0.07 +/- 0.01) than for Sensodyne ProNamel (2.36 +/- 0.25) or water (2.92 +/- 0.24), which did not significantly differ from each other. Both F and the desensitizing agents alone reduced erosion, but no additive effect was found. In addition, the combination of F and KNO(3) did not reduce erosion. These in vitro results suggest that the presence of fluoride or desensitizing substances in toothpastes, alone or in combination, can reduce erosion of enamel, but this is not valid for all the formulations. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Inflammatory cytokines contribute to periapical tissue destruction. Their activity is potentially regulated by suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS), which down-regulate signal transduction as part of an inhibitory feedback loop. We investigated the expression of the cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha); interleukin (IL)-10 and RANKL; and SOCS-1, -2, and -3 by real-time polymerase chain reaction in 57 periapical granulomas and 38 healthy periapical tissues. Periapical granulomas exhibited significantly higher SOCS-1, -2, and -3, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and RANKL messenger RNA levels when compared with healthy controls. Significant positive correlations were found between SOCS1 and IL-10 and between SOCS3 and IL-10. Significant inverse correlations were observed between SOCS1 and TNF-alpha, SOCS1 and RANKL, and SOCS3 and TNF-alpha. Increased SOCS-1, -2, and -3 messenger RNA levels in periapical granulomas may be related to the downregulation of inflammatory cytokines in these lesions; therefore, SOCS molecules may play a role in the dynamics of periapical granulomas development. (J Endod 2008;34:1480-1484)
It has been suggested that fluoride retention in plaque is limited by available binding sites. We determined the effects of fluoridated or placebo dentifrices on plaque and salivary fluoride concentrations [F]s in communities with different water fluoride concentrations (0.04, 0.85, 3.5 ppm). After one week of dentifrice use, samples were collected 1.0 and 12 hrs after the last use of dentifrices. After the use of fluoridated dentifrice, plaque fluoride concentrations were higher at both times, except at 12 hrs in the 3.5-ppm community. Plaque concentrations at 1.0 hr after the use of fluoridated dentifrice increased almost constantly (6.5 mmol/kg), but then decreased approximately 50% at 12 hrs in each community. Unlike previous studies, the present findings suggest that the use of fluoridated dentifrice is likely to increase plaque fluoride concentrations significantly for up to 12 hrs in areas where the water contains fluoride close to 1.0 ppm. As previously reported, plaque fluoride concentrations were directly related to calcium concentrations.
Abstract: The Murray-Darling Basin comprises over 1 million km2; it lies within four states and one territory; and over 12, 800 GL of irrigation water is used to produce over 40% of the nation's gross value of agricultural production. This production is used by a diverse collection of some-times mutually exclusive commodities (e.g. pasture; stone fruit; grapes; cotton and field crops). The supply of water for irrigation is subject to climatic and policy uncertainty. Variable inflows mean that water property rights do not provide a guaranteed supply. With increasing public scrutiny and environmental issues facing irrigators, greater pressure is being placed on this finite resource. The uncertainty of the water supply, water quality (salinity), combined with where water is utilised, while attempting to maximising return for investment makes for an interesting research field. The utilisation and comparison of a GAMS and Excel based modelling approach has been used to ask: where should we allocate water?; amongst what commodities?; and how does this affect both the quantity of water and the quality of water along the Murray-Darling river system?
This in situ/ex vivo study assessed the effect of different concentrations of fluoride in dentifrices on dentin subjected to erosion or to erosion plus abrasion. Ten volunteers took part in this crossover and double-blind study performed in 3 phases (7 days). They wore acrylic palatal appliances containing 4 bovine dentin blocks divided in two rows: erosion and erosion plus abrasion. The blocks were subjected to erosion by immersion ex vivo in a cola drink (60 s, pH 2.6) 4 times daily. During this step, the volunteers brushed their teeth with one of three dentifrices D (5,000 ppm F, NaF, silica); C (1,100 ppm F, NaF, silica) and placebo (22 ppm F, silica). Then, the respective dentifrice slurry (1: 3) was dripped on dentin surfaces. While no further treatment was performed in one row, the other row was brushed using an electric toothbrush for 30 s ex vivo. The appliances were replaced in the mouth and the volunteers rinsed with water. Dentin loss was determined by profilometry and analyzed by 2-way ANOVA/Bonferroni test (alpha = 0.05). Dentin loss after erosive-abrasive wear was significantly greater than after erosion alone. Wear was significantly higher for the placebo than for the D and C dentifrices, which were not significantly different from each other. It can be concluded that the presence of fluoride concentrations around 1,100 ppm in dentifrices is important to reduce dentin wear by erosion and erosion + abrasion, but the protective effect does not increase with fluoride concentration. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Glucose intolerance in fluorosis areas and when fluoride is administered for the treatment of osteoporosis has been reported. Controlled fluoridation of drinking water is regarded as a safe and effective measure to control dental caries. However, the effect on glucose homeostasis was not studied so far. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the intake of fluoridated water supply on glucose metabolism in rats with normal and deficient renal function. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into eight groups of four rats. Renal insufficiency was induced in four groups (NX) which received drinking water containing 0, 1, 5, and 15 ppm F (NaF) for 60 days. Four groups with simulated surgery acted as controls. There were no differences in plasma glucose concentration after a glucose tolerance test between controls and NX rats and among rats with different intakes of fluoride. However, plasma insulin level increased as a function of fluoride concentration in drinking water, both in controls and in NX rats. It is concluded that the consumption of fluoridated water from water supply did not affect plasma glucose levels even in cases of animals with renal disease. However, a resistance to insulin action was demonstrated.