870 resultados para viral particles
In models of coupled dark energy and dark matter the mass of the dark matter particle depends on the cosmological evolution of the dark energy field. In this Letter we exemplify in a simple model the effects of this mass variation on the relic abundance of cold dark matter. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The stability threshold for an Efimov state is determined as a function of the physical scales of the system. Light exotic nuclei and triatomic molecules are investigated. Scaling, universality, and renormalization-group invariance properties are discussed in this context.
We examine the recently found equivalence for the response of a static scalar source interacting with a massless Klein-Gordon field when the source is (i) static in Schwarzschild spacetime, in the Unruh vacuum associated with the Hawking radiation, and (ii) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime, in the inertial vacuum, provided that the source's proper acceleration is the same in both cases. It is shown that this equivalence is broken when the massless Klein-Gordon field is replaced by a massive one.
We present a search for a neutral particle, pair produced in pp collisions at root s=1.96 TeV, which decays into two muons and lives long enough to travel at least 5 cm before decaying. The analysis uses approximate to 380 pb(-1) of data recorded with the D0 detector. The background is estimated to be about one event. No candidates are observed, and limits are set on the pair-production cross section times branching fraction into dimuons + X for such particles. For a mass of 10 GeV and lifetime of 4x10(-11) s, we exclude values greater than 0.14 pb (95% C.L.). These results are used to limit the interpretation of NuTeV's excess of dimuon events.
We present the results of a search for a new particle X produced in p (p) over bar collisions at root s- = 1.96 TeV and subsequently decaying to Z gamma. The search uses 0.3 fb(-1) of data collected with the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We set limits on the production cross section times the branching fraction sigma(p (p) over bar -> X) x B(X -> Z gamma) that range from 0.4 to 3.5 pb at the 95% C.L. for X with invariant masses between 100 and 1000 GeV/c(2), over a wide range of X decay widths. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present in this work a generalization of the solution of Gorenstein and Yang to the inconsistency problem of thermodynamics for systems with a temperature dependent Hamiltonian. We show that there are, in principle, an infinite number of solutions.
Photon propagation is non-dispersive within the context of semiclassical general relativity. What about the remaining massless particles? It can be shown that at the tree level the scattering of massless particles of spin 0, 1/2, 1 or whatever by a static gravitational field generated by a localized source such as the Sun, treated as an external field, is non-dispersive as well. It is amazing, however, that massive particles, regardless of whether they have integral or half-integral spin, experience an energy-dependent gravitational deflection. Therefore, semiclassical general relativity and gravitational rainbows of massive particles can coexist without conflict. We address this issue in this essay.
One of the models proposed for the origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR's) suggests that these events are the decay products of relic superheavy metastable particles, which we call S particles. These particles can be produced in the reheating period following the inflationary epoch of the early Universe. We study this possibility and obtain constraints on some parameters such as the lifetime and direct couplings of the X-particle to the inflaton field from the requirement that they are responsible for the observed UHECR flux.
We calculate the gravitational deflection of massive particles moving with relativistic velocity in the solar system to second post-Newtonian order. For a particle passing close to the Sun with impact parameter b, the deflection in classical general relativity is Phi(C)[GRAPHICS]where v(0) is the particle speed at infinity and M is the Sun's mass. We compute afterwards the gravitational deflection of a spinless neutral particle of mass m in the same static gravitational field as above, treated now as an external field. For a scalar boson with energy E, the deflection in semiclassical general relativity (SGR) is Phisc[GRAPHICS]This result shows that the propagation of the =2E spinless massive boson produces inexorably dispersive effects. It also shows that the semiclassical prediction is always greater than the geometrical one, no matter what the boson mass is. In addition, it is found that SGR predicts a deflection angle of similar to2.6 arcsec for a nonrelativistic spinless massive boson passing at the Sun's limb.
Faddeev-type equations are applied to three-charged particle systems. The rather satisfactory results are obtained for low energy e(+)H elastic scattering and muonic transfer reactions. The cross sections for antihydrogen formation from antiproton-positronium collisions are calculated using a six state model (Ps[1s2s2p], (H) over bar[1s2s2p]).
We present in this work a generalization of the solution of Gorenstein and Yang for a consistent thermodynamics for systems with a temperature dependent Hamiltonian. We show that there is a large class of solutions, work out three particular ones. and discuss their physical relevance. We apply the particular solutions for an ideal gas of quasi-gluons, and compare the calculation to lattice and perturbative QCD results. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)