944 resultados para units package


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Outreach is now a prevailing activity in health sciences libraries. As an introduction to a series of papers on current library outreach to rural communities, this paper traces the evolution of such activities by proponents in health sciences libraries from 1924 to 1992. Definitions of rural and outreach are followed by a consideration of the expanding audience groups. The evolution in approaches covers the package library and enhancements in extension service, library development, circuit librarianship, and self-service arrangements made possible by such programs as the Georgia Interactive Network (GaIN) and Grateful Med.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers transferred DNA (T-DNA), a single-stranded segment of its tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid, to the plant cell nucleus. The Ti-plasmid-encoded virulence E2 (VirE2) protein expressed in the bacterium has single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding properties and has been reported to act in the plant cell. This protein is thought to exert its influence on transfer efficiency by coating and accompanying the single-stranded T-DNA (ss-T-DNA) to the plant cell genome. Here, we analyze different putative roles of the VirE2 protein in the plant cell. In the absence of VirE2 protein, mainly truncated versions of the T-DNA are integrated. We infer that VirE2 protects the ss-T-DNA against nucleolytic attack during the transfer process and that it is interacting with the ss-T-DNA on its way to the plant cell nucleus. Furthermore, the VirE2 protein was found not to be involved in directing the ss-T-DNA to the plant cell nucleus in a manner dependent on a nuclear localization signal, a function which is carried by the NLS of VirD2. In addition, the efficiency of T-DNA integration into the plant genome was found to be VirE2 independent. We conclude that the VirE2 protein of A. tumefaciens is required to preserve the integrity of the T-DNA but does not contribute to the efficiency of the integration step per se.


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Fragments of small interlobular bile ducts averaging 20 microns in diameter can be isolated from rat liver. These isolated bile duct units form luminal spaces that are impermeant to dextran-40 and expand in size when cultured in 10 microM forskolin for 24-48 hr. Secretion is Cl- and HCO3- dependent and is stimulated by forskolin > dibutyryl cAMP > secretion but not by dideoxyforskolin, as assessed by video imaging techniques. Secretin stimulates Cl-/HCO3- exchange activity, and intraluminal pH increases after forskolin administration. These studies establish that small polarized physiologically intact interlobular bile ducts can be isolated from rat liver. These isolated bile duct units should be useful preparations for assessing the transport properties of small bile duct segments, which are the primary site of injury in cholestatic liver disorders, known as "vanishing bile duct syndromes."


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O Experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a substituição parcial e total de plasma bovino por levedura hidrolisada na dieta de leitões desmamados no período de 21 a 47 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 1600 leitões da linhagem PIC, distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos. As dietas foram divididas em quatro fases (pré-inicial I 22 a 28 dias; pré-inicial II 29 a 35 dias; inicial I - 36 a 47 dias e inicial II 48 a 63 dias). A inclusão percentual, Plasma: Levedura, nas dietas foi: T1 (6:0; 4:0; 2:0 e 0:0); T2 (3: 4; 2: 3; 1: 2 e 0: 0); T3 (1,5: 6; 1: 4,5; 0,5: 3 e 0: 0) e T4 (0: 8; 0: 6; 0: 4 e 0: 0). Cada tratamento teve 10 repetições (cinco de machos e cinco de fêmeas) totalizando 40 unidades experimentais com 40 animais cada. As variáveis zootécnicas avaliadas durante o período experimental foram: consumo de ração, ganho de peso, e conversão alimentar. Foram tomadas amostras de sangue de 5 animais por tratamento no dia de início do experimento, e de 10 animais por tratamento 25 dias depois. Foram quantificadas a IgA e a IgG. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise de variância ANOVA, utilizando-se o teste Tukey para comparação das médias ao nível de significância de 5% utilizando o pacote estatístico SAS. Não houve diferença estatística nas quantidades de Ig A e Ig G circulante, nem na variação destas imunoglobulinas no tempo, entre os tratamentos. Considerando a análise dos dados conclui-se que nas condições estudadas, a utilização da relação percentual de (1,5: 6; 1: 4,5; 0,5: 3 e 0: 0) de plasma: levedura hidrolisada resultou um maior consumo de ração e ganho de peso dos animais, em comparação às outras proporções, e consequentemente podendo trazer um maior lucro para o produtor


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Landscape units based on the visual features of the relief have been distinguished in the “Barranco del Río Dulce Natural Park” (Spain). These units are geomorphic entities composed of several elementary landforms and characterized by a visual internal homogeneity, and contrast with other landscape units in their location, height, profile and gradients, reflecting their different evolution and genesis. Landscape units bear some subjectivity in their definition and in their boundary location due to the overlapping of geomorphic processes along time. Visual, compositional and conventional boundaries have been used for mapping. Neogene landscape evolution mainly occurred through thrust faulting at the Iberian Ranges-Tagus Basin boundary, driving tectonic uplift and erosion of the Ranges and correlative sedimentation in the Basin. Erosion of the Ranges occurred with the development of planation surfaces, leaving minor isolated reliefs in the upland plains landscape. The lowering of the base level, caused by the endorheic–exorheic transition of the Tagus Basin in the Pliocene, originates fluvial entrenchment and water table lowering with development of the first fluvial valleys and the capture of karstic depressions. Two subsequent phases of renewed fluvial incision (Pleistocene) lead to abandonment of some Pliocene valleys, fluvial captures, and development and reincision of tributaries


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Units and slides for the Structural Determination of Organic Compounds subject


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Ppoint presentations of Units for Marine Biotechnology Course


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Ppoint presentations of Units 1 to 4 corresponding to Advanced Genetics course.


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The Greater Himalayan leucogranites are a discontinuous suite of intrusions emplaced in a thickened crust during the Miocene southward ductile extrusion of the Himalayan metamorphic core. Melt-induced weakening is thought to have played a critical role in strain localization that facilitated the extrusion. Recent advancements in centrifuge analogue modelling techniques allow for the replication of a broader range of crustal deformation behaviors, enhancing our understanding of large hot orogens. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is commonly used in centrifuge experiments to model weak melt zones. Difficulties in handling PDMS had, until now, limited its emplacement in models prior to any deformation. A new modelling technique has been developed where PDMS is emplaced into models that have been subjected to some shortening. This technique aims to better understand the effects of melt on strain localization and potential decoupling between structural levels within an evolving orogenic system. Models are subjected to an early stage of shortening, followed by the introduction of PDMS, and then a final stage of shortening. Theoretical percentages of partial melt and their effect on rock strength are considered when adding a specific percentage of PDMS in each model. Due to the limited size of the models, only PDMS sheets of 3 mm thickness were used, which varied in length and width. Within undeformed packages, minimal surface and internal deformation occurred when PDMS is emplaced in the lower layer of the model, showing a vertical volume increase of ~20% within the package; whereas the emplacement of PDMS into the middle layer showed internal dragging of the middle laminations into the lower layer and a vertical volume increase ~30%. Emplacement of PDMS results in ~7% shortening for undeformed and deformed models. Deformed models undergo ~20% additional shortening after two rounds of deformation. Strain localization and decoupling between units occur in deformed models where the degree of deformation changes based on the amount of partial melt present. Surface deformation visible by the formation of a bulge, mode 1 extension cracks and varying surface strain ellipses varies depending if PDMS is present. Better control during emplacement is exhibited when PDMS is added into cooler models, resulting in reduced internal deformation within the middle layer.


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Recent research works have concluded that corn cob may have interesting material properties, in particular, lightness, and thermal and sound insulation abilities. In this research work, corn cob is proposed as an alternative sustainable aggregate for lightweight concrete masonry unit (CMU) manufacturing. The corn cob requires to be granulated previously in order to obtain adequate particle size grade. Subsequently, the particles are wrapped in a cement paste with the purpose of reducing their water abortion and adherent capacities. CMU are current applied in the building of partition walls. The main goal of this research work consists on studying the fire behaviour of partition walls built with CMU of processed corn cob granulate (CMU-PCC).


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Introduction : The acute care surgery (ACS) units are dedicated to the prompt management of surgical emergencies. It is a systemic way of organizing on-call services to diminish conflict between urgent care and elective obligations. The aim of this study was to define the characteristics of an ACS unit and to find common criteria in units with reported good functioning. Methods : As of July 1st 2014, 22 Canadian hospitals reported having an ACS unit. A survey with questions about the organization of the ACS units, the population it serves, the number of emergencies and trauma cases treated per year, and the satisfaction about the implementation of this ACS unit was sent to those hospitals. Results : The survey’s response rate was 73%. The majority of hospitals were tertiary or quaternary centers, served a population of more than 200 000 and had their ACS unit for more than three years. The median number of surgeons participating in an ACS unit was 8.5 and the majority were doing seven day rotations. The median number of operating room days was 2.5 per week. Most ACS units (85%) had an estimated annual volume of more than 2500 emergency consultations (including both trauma and non-trauma) and 80% operated over 1000 cases per year. Nearly all the respondents (94%) were satisfied with the implementation of the ACS unit in their hospital. Conclusion : Most surgeons felt that the implementation of an ACS unit resulted in positive outcomes. However, there should be a sizeable catchment population and number of surgical emergencies to justify the resulting financial and human resources.