873 resultados para the self-condemnation.


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Metaheuristics performance is highly dependent of the respective parameters which need to be tuned. Parameter tuning may allow a larger flexibility and robustness but requires a careful initialization. The process of defining which parameters setting should be used is not obvious. The values for parameters depend mainly on the problem, the instance to be solved, the search time available to spend in solving the problem, and the required quality of solution. This paper presents a learning module proposal for an autonomous parameterization of Metaheuristics, integrated on a Multi-Agent System for the resolution of Dynamic Scheduling problems. The proposed learning module is inspired on Autonomic Computing Self-Optimization concept, defining that systems must continuously and proactively improve their performance. For the learning implementation it is used Case-based Reasoning, which uses previous similar data to solve new cases. In the use of Case-based Reasoning it is assumed that similar cases have similar solutions. After a literature review on topics used, both AutoDynAgents system and Self-Optimization module are described. Finally, a computational study is presented where the proposed module is evaluated, obtained results are compared with previous ones, some conclusions are reached, and some future work is referred. It is expected that this proposal can be a great contribution for the self-parameterization of Metaheuristics and for the resolution of scheduling problems on dynamic environments.


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This paper aims at analysing the writing of the Portuguese author António Lobo Antunes, considered one of the major writers in European Literature with 26 books published, by focusing on the strategies deployed in his texts of creating micro-narratives within the main frame, and conveying the elements of individual and collective memory, past and present, the self and the others, using various voices and silences. Lobo Antunes incorporates in his writing his background as a psychiatrist at a Mental Hospital in Lisbon, until 1985 (when he decided to commit exclusively to writing), his experience as a doctor in the Portuguese Colonial War battlefield, but also the daily routines of the pre and post 25th of April 1974 (Portuguese Revolution) with subtle and ironic details of the life of the middle and upper class of Lisbon‘s society: from the traumas of the war to the simple story of the janitor, or the couple who struggles to keep their marriage functional, everything serves as material to develop and interweave a complex plot, that a lot of readers find too enwrapped and difficult to follow through. Some excerpts taken from his first three novels and books of Chronicles and his later novel – Ontem não te Vi em Babilónia (2006) – will be put forward to exemplify the complexity of the writing and the main difficulties of the reader, lost in a multitude of narrators‘ voices. Recently, Lobo Antunes has commented on his work stating: What I write can be read in the darkness. This paper aims at throwing some light by unfolding some of the strategies employed to defy new borders in the process of reading.


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Diane Arbus‘ photographs are mainly about difference. Most of the time she is trying ‗[…] to suppress, or at least reduce, moral and sensory queasiness‘ (Sontag 1977: 40) in order to represent a world where the subject of the photograph is not merely the ‗other‘ but also the I. Her technique does not coax her subjects into natural poses. Instead she encourages them to be strange and awkward. By posing for her, the revelation of the self is identified with what is odd. This paper aims at understanding the geography of difference that, at the same time, is also of resistance, since Diane Arbus reveals what was forcefully hidden by bringing it into light in such a way that it is impossible to ignore. Her photographs display a poetic beauty that is not only of the ‗I‘ but also of the ‗eye‘. The world that is depicted is one in which we are all the same. She ―atomizes‖ reality by separating each element and ‗Instead of showing identity between things which are different […] everybody is shown to look the same.‘ (Sontag 1977: 47). Furthermore, this paper analyses some of Arbus‘ photographs so as to explain this point of view, by trying to argue that between rejecting and reacting against what is standardized she does not forget the geography of the body which is also a geography of the self. While creating a new imagetic topos, where what is trivial becomes divine, she also presents the frailty of others as our own.


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The tribological response of multilayer micro/nanocrystalline diamond coatings grown by the hot filament CVD technique is investigated. These multigrade systems were tailored to comprise a starting microcrystalline diamond (MCD) layer with high adhesion to a silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramic substrate, and a top nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) layer with reduced surface roughness. Tribological tests were carried out with a reciprocating sliding configuration without lubrication. Such composite coatings exhibit a superior critical load before delamination (130–200 N), when compared to the mono- (60–100 N) and bilayer coatings (110 N), considering ∼10 µm thick films. Regarding the friction behaviour, a short-lived initial high friction coefficient was followed by low friction regimes (friction coefficients between 0.02 and 0.09) as a result of the polished surfaces tailored by the tribological solicitation. Very mild to mild wear regimes (wear coefficient values between 4.1×10−8 and 7.7×10−7 mm3 N−1 m−1) governed the wear performance of the self-mated multilayer coatings when subjected to high-load short-term tests (60–200 N; 2 h; 86 m) and medium-load endurance tests (60 N; 16 h; 691 m).


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The self similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. The fractal geometry is typically characterized by a recurrent structure. This study investigates the identification of a model for the respiratory tree by means of its electrical equivalent based on intrinsic morphology. Measurements were obtained from seven volunteers, in terms of their respiratory impedance by means of its complex representation for frequencies below 5 Hz. A parametric modeling is then applied to the complex valued data points. Since at low-frequency range the inertance is negligible, each airway branch is modeled by using gamma cell resistance and capacitance, the latter having a fractional-order constant phase element (CPE), which is identified from measurements. In addition, the complex impedance is also approximated by means of a model consisting of a lumped series resistance and a lumped fractional-order capacitance. The results reveal that both models characterize the data well, whereas the averaged CPE values are supraunitary and subunitary for the ladder network and the lumped model, respectively.


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This paper is on the self-scheduling for a power producer taking part in day-ahead joint energy and spinning reserve markets and aiming at a short-term coordination of wind power plants with concentrated solar power plants having thermal energy storage. The short-term coordination is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem given as the maximization of profit subjected to technical operation constraints, including the ones related to a transmission line. Probability density functions are used to model the variability of the hourly wind speed and the solar irradiation in regard to a negative correlation. Case studies based on an Iberian Peninsula wind and concentrated solar power plants are presented, providing the optimal energy and spinning reserve for the short-term self-scheduling in order to unveil the coordination benefits and synergies between wind and solar resources. Results and sensitivity analysis are in favour of the coordination, showing an increase on profit, allowing for spinning reserve, reducing the need for curtailment, increasing the transmission line capacity factor. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fractional order modeling of biological systems has received significant interest in the research community. Since the fractal geometry is characterized by a recurrent structure, the self-similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. To demonstrate the link between the recurrence of the respiratory tree and the appearance of a fractional-order model, we develop an anatomically consistent representation of the respiratory system. This model is capable of simulating the mechanical properties of the lungs and we compare the model output with in vivo measurements of the respiratory input impedance collected in 20 healthy subjects. This paper provides further proof of the underlying fractal geometry of the human lungs, and the consequent appearance of constant-phase behavior in the total respiratory impedance.


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This article studies the intercultural trajectory of a Portuguese female aristocrat of the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. Her trajectory of intercultural transition from a Portuguese provincial lady into an independent owner of a sugar mill in tropical Bahia is documented through family letters, which provide a polyphonic representation of a movement of personal, family, and social transculturation over almost two decades. Maria Bárbara began her journey between cultures as a simple spectator-reader, progressively becoming a commentator-actor-protagonist-author in society, in politics, and in history. These letters function as a translation that is sometimes consecutive, other times simultaneous, of the events lived and witnessed. This concept of intercultural translation is based on the theories of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2008), who argues that cultural differences imply that any comparison has to be made using procedures of proportion and correspondence which, taken as a whole, constitute the work of translation itself. These procedures construct approximations of the known to the unknown, of the strange to the familiar, of the ‘other’ to the ‘self’, categories which are always unstable. Likewise, this essay explores the unstable contexts of its object of study, with the purpose of understanding different rationalities and worldviews.


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BACKGROUND: The second Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH02) was conducted among a representative sample (n = 7428) of students and apprentices aged 16 to 20 from the three language areas of Switzerland during the year 2002. This paper reports on health needs expressed by adolescents and their use of health care services over the 12 months preceding the survey. METHODS: Nineteen cantons representing 80% of the resident population agreed to participate. A complex iterative random cluster sample of 600 classes was drawn with classes as primary sampling unit. The participation rate was 97.7% for the classes and 99.8% for the youths in attendance. The self-administered questionnaire included 565 items. The median rate of item non-response was 1.8%. Ethical and legal requirements applying to surveys of adolescent populations were respected. RESULTS: Overall more than 90% of adolescents felt in good to excellent health. Suffering often or very often from different physical complaints or pain was also reported such as headache (boys: 15.9%, girls: 37.4%), stomach-ache (boys: 9.7%, girls: 30.0%), joint pain (boys: 24.7%, girls: 29.5%) or back pain (boys: 24.3%, girls: 34.7%). Many adolescents reported a need for help on psychosocial and lifestyle issues, such as stress (boys: 28.5%, girls: 47.7%) or depression (boys: 18.9%, girls: 34.4%). Although about 75% of adolescents reported having consulted a general practitioner and about one-third having seen another specialist, reported reasons for visits do not correspond to the expressed needs. Less than 10% of adolescents had visited a psychiatrist, a family planning centre or a social worker. CONCLUSIONS: The reported rates of health services utilisation by adolescents does not match the substantial reported needs for help in various areas. This may indicate that the corresponding problems are not adequately detected and/or addressed by professionals from the health and social sectors.


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Le self est une notion polysémique qui fait l'objet d'un consensus relatif dans plusieurs domaines, dont la psychologie du développement. Elle rend compte de la faculté de s'éprouver le même au fil du temps et de distinguer le « je » qui regarde du « moi » regardé. C'est le garant d'un sens de soi plus ou moins cohérent au fil du temps, en dépit des changements qui surviennent au cours de la vie. Le self combine des processus de réflexivité et d'intersubjectivité. Nous en avons analysé trois composantes fonctionnelles : la mémoire de travail, la mémoire épisodique et la narration, à partir d'un protocole expérimental témoignant de son ontogenèse chez des enfants de 6 à 9 ans (n=24 répartis en deux groupes de 6‐7 et 8-9 ans). Nous avons créé le « jeu informatique du lutin » qui propose un parcours semiorienté dans un monde imaginaire. C'est une narration de soi, opérant la mise en sens des temporalités et des espaces auxquels les événements se réfèrent. Deux semaines après cette « aventure », on recueille la narration des souvenirs épisodiques de cette histoire. Nous avons également utilisé un test de mémoire de travail visuospatiale non verbale. Des différences développementales affectent les dimensions narratives de la mémoire de l'épisode du jeu, comme l'efficacité de la mémoire de travail visuospatiale. Ces développements témoignent d'une augmentation de « l'épaisseur temporelle de la conscience» entre 6 et 9 ans. L'épaisseur de la conscience renvoie fondamentalement à la faculté du self de vivre le temps dans une cyclicité incluant le passé, le présent et le futur anticipé. Le développment observé élargit les possibilités de mettre en lien des mémoires et des scénarios futurs, tout comme les mises en sens des relations aux autres et à soi-­même. Self is a polysemic concept of common use in various scientific fields, among which developmental psychology. It accounts for the capacity to maintain the conviction to be « oneself », always the same through circumstances and throughout my life. This important function contributes in maintaining coherence and some sorte of Ariadne's thread in memory. To analyse the ontogeny of the self, we have focused upon three components : working memory, episodic memory and narration in children aged between 6 and 9 years. We used a non verbal working memory task. It was completed by a video game specially designed for our purpose, in which children were engaged in moving an elf in a landscape changing through seasons, in order to deliver a princess from a mischievous wizard. Two weeks after the game, the children had to tell what happened while they moved the elf. It is a self-narrative that creates a link‐up of temporality and spaces to which the events refer. The narrated episode was assessed for its coherence and continuity dimensions. Developmental differences affect the narrative dimensions of the memory of the episode of the game, as the effectiveness of visuospatial working memory. These developments show an increase in "temporal thickness of consciousness" between 6 and 9 years. The thickness of consciousness basically refers to the ability of the self to live in a cyclical time including past, present and anticipated future. The observed development broadens the possibilities to link memories and future scenarios, like setting sense of relations with others and with oneself.


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This thesis poses two fundamental issues regarding Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity. Firstly, it examines Kojeve's problematic interpretation of Hegelian intersubjectivity as being solely rooted in the dialectic of lordship and bondage. It is my contention that Kojeve conflates the concepts of recognition {Anerkennung) with that of desire (Begierde), thereby reducing Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity to a violent reduction of the other to the same. This is so despite the plenary of examples Hegel uses to define intersubjectivity as the mutual (reciprocal) recognition between the self and the other. Secondly, it examines Hegel's use of Sophocles' Antigone to demonstrate the notion of the individual par excellence. I contend that Hegel's use of Antigone opens a new methodological framework through which to view his philosophy of intersubjectivity. It is Antigone that demonstrates the upheaval of an economy of exchange between the self and the other, whereby the alterity of the other transcends the self Ultimately, Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity must be reexamined, not only to dismiss Kojeve's problematic interpretation, but also to pose the possibility that Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity can viably account for a philosophy of the other that has a voice in contemporary philosophical debate.


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Kierkegaardian Intersubjectivity and the Question of Ethics and Responsibility By Kevin Krumrei. Kierkegaard's contributions to philosophy are generally admitted and recognized as valuable in the history of Western philosophy, both as one of the great anti-Hegelians, as the founder (arguably) of existentialism, and as a religious thinker. However valid this may be, there is similarly a generally admitted critique of Kierkegaard in the Western tradition, that Kierkegaard's philosophy of the development of the self leads the individual into an isolated encounter with God, to the abandonment of the social context. In other words, a Kierkegaardian theory of intersubjectivity is a contradiction in terms. This is voiced eloquently by Emmanuel Levinas, among others. However, Levinas' own intersubjective ethics bears a striking resemblance to Kierkegaard's, with respect to the description and formulation of the basic problem for ethics: the problem of aesthetic egoism. Further, both Kierkegaard and Levinas follow similar paths in responding to the problem, from Kierkegaard's reduplication in Works of Love, to Levinas' notion of substitution in Otherwise than Being. In this comparison, it becomes evident that Levinas' reading of Kierkegaard is mistaken, for Kierkegaard's intersubjective ethics postulates, in fact, the inseparability and necessity of the self s responsible relation to others in the self s relation to God, found in the command, "you shall love your neighbour as yourself."


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The purpose of this study was to determine the relative contributions of psychopathy and self-monitoring to the prediction of self-presentation tactics (behaviours that individuals use to manipulate their self-image). Psychopathy is composed of two main factors: Factor 1, which includes manipulativeness and shallow affect, and Factor 2, which includes irresponsibility and anti-social behaviours. Self-monitoring is a personality trait that distinguishes between those who adapt their behaviour to fit different social situations (high self-monitors) and those who behave as they feel regardless of social expectations (low selfmonitors). It was hypothesized that self-monitoring would moderate the relationship between psychopathy and self-presentation tactics. One hundred and forty-nine university students completed the Self-Monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1974), the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale - Version III (Paulhus et aI., in press), the Self-Presentation Tactics scale (Lee, S., et aI., 1999), the HEXACO-PI (a measure ofthe six major factors of personality; Lee, K., & Ashton, 2004), and six scenarios that were created as a supplementary measure of the selfpresentation tactics. Results of the hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that self-monitoring did moderate the relationship between psychopathy and three of the selfpresentation tactics: apologies, disclaimers, and exemplification. Further, significant interactions were observed between Factor 1 and self-monitoring on apologies and the defensive tactics subscale, between Factor 2 and self-monitoring on self-handicapping, and between Factor 1 and Factor 2 on exemplification. Contrary to expectations, the main effect of self-monitoring was significant for the prediction of nine tactics, while psychopathy was significant for the prediction of seven tactics. This indicates that the role of these two personality traits in the explanation of self-presentation tactics tends to be additive in nature rather than interactive. In addition. Factor 2 alone did not account for a significant amount of variance in any of the tactics, while Factor 1 significantly predicted nine tactics. Results are discussed with regard to implications and possible directions for future research.


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"We teach who we are" (Palmer, 1998, p. 2). This simple, yet profound, statement was the catalyst that began my thesis journey. Using a combination of self-study and participant narratives, Palmer's idea was explored as search for authenticity. The self-study component of this narrative was enhanced by the stories of two other teachers, both women. I chose to use narrative methodology to uncover and discover the relationship between the personal and professional lives of being a teacher. Do teachers express themselves daily in their classrooms? Do any lessons from the classroom translate into teachers' personal lives? The themes of reflection, authenticity, truth, and professional development thread themselves throughout this narrative study. In order to be true to myself as a teacher/researcher, arts-based interpretations accompany my own and each participant's profile. Our conversations about our pasts, our growth as teachers and journeys as individuals were captured in poetry and photographic mosaics. Through rich and detailed stories we explored who we are as teachers and how we became this way. The symbiotic relationship between our personal and professional lives was illustrated by tales of bravery, self-discovery, and reflection. The revelations uncovered illustrate the powerful role our past plays in shaping the present and potentially the friture. It may seem indulgent to spend time exploring who we are as teachers in a time that is increasingly focused on improving student test scores. Yet, the truth remains that, "Knowing myself is as crucial to good teaching as knowing my students and my subject" (Palmer, 1998, p. 2).


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This thesis explored 5 public elementary school teachers ' perceptions of spirituality and its implications for classroom practice. A generic qualitative study was conducted where each teacher shared her experiences and perceptions in one audiotaped semistructured interview. Transcripts were generated and coded for themes which emerged, resulting in the findings of the study. Following this process, the participants verified the accuracy of the transcripts and findings through a member-checking system. The research found that each teacher has her own definition of spirituality. Furthermore, one's personal connection with spirituality can involve a relationship with religion, the self, a higher being, others, and nature. These spiritual relationships were nurtured through a variety of methods outlined by the teachers. This resulted in the creation of a personal spiritual profile for each teacher which contained each teacher's spiritual connections or facets and the methods used to develop these facets. The teachers identified spiritual needs in their students warranting the need for and importance of spiritual education. Given this, a number of classroom practices were identified with the intention of meeting the spiritual needs of students. Among these practices, the teacher as role model was identified as a significant practice for students' spiritual development in the classroom. The teachers further outlined a number of professional development initiatives with the intention to promote greater awareness for spiritual education and to provide resources for educators.