925 resultados para supplementary elements
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
It is well known that the interstitial elements present in solid solution in metals interact with the matrix by a relaxation process known as stress induced ordering. Traditionally this relaxation process is observed in the internal friction measurements. It is a common practice that researchers present the results of the frequency together with internal friction without giving any analysis. In this work we apply an expression which relates the variation of frequency with temperature and analyse the experimental results cited in the literature of the relaxation process due to the stress induced ordering of oxygen and nitrogen present in niobium and tantalum.
A standard X chart for controlling a process takes regular individual observations, for instance every half hour. This article proposes a modification of the X chart that allows one to take supplementary samples. The supplementary sample is taken (and the (X) over bar and R values computed) when the current value of X falls outside the control limits. With the supplementary sample, the signal of out-of-control is given by an (X) over bar value outside the (X) over bar chart's control limits or an R value outside the R chart's control limit. The proposed chart is designed to hold the supplementary sample frequency, during the in-control period, as low as 5% or less. In this context, the practitioner might prefer to verify an out-of-control condition by simply comparing the (X) over bar and R values with the control limits. In other words, without plotting the (X) over bar and R points. The X chart with supplementary samples has two major advantages when compared with the standard (X) over bar and A charts: (a) the user will be plotting X values instead of (X) over bar and R values; (b) the shifts in the process mean and/or changes in the process variance are detected faster.
Glycogen synthase, an enzyme involved in glycogen biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation and by the allosteric ligand glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). In addition, enzyme levels can be regulated by changes in gene expression. We recently cloned a cDNA for glycogen synthase (gsn) from Neurospora crassa, and showed that gsn transcription decreased when cells were exposed to heat shock (shifted from 30degreesC to 45degreesC). In order to understand the mechanisms that control gsn expression, we isolated the gene, including its 5' and 3' flanking regions, from the genome of N. crassa. An ORF of approximately 2.4 kb was identified, which is interrupted by four small introns (II-V). Intron I (482 bp) is located in the 5'UTR region. Three putative Transcription Initiation Sites (TISs) were mapped, one of which lies downstream of a canonical TATA-box sequence (5'-TGTATAAA-3'). Analysis of the 5'-flanking region revealed the presence of putative transcription factor-binding sites, including Heat Shock Elements (HSEs) and STress Responsive Elements (STREs). The possible involvement of these motifs in the negative regulation of gsn transcription was investigated using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) with nuclear extracts of N. crassa mycelium obtained before and after heat shock, and DNA fragments encompassing HSE and STRE elements from the 5'-flanking region. While elements within the promoter region are involved in transcription under heat shock, elements in the 5'UTR intron may participate in transcription during vegetative growth. The results thus suggest that N. crassa possesses trans-acting elements that interact with the 5'-flanking region to regulate gsn transcription during heat shock and vegetative growth.
In an effort to identify the contribution of TEs to bovine genome evolution, the abundance, distribution and insertional orientation of TEs were examined in all bovine nuclear genes identified in sequence build 2.1 (released October 11, 2005). Exons, introns and promoter segments (3 kb upstream the transcription initiation sites) were screened with the RepeatMasker program. Most of the genes analyzed contained TE insertions, with an average of 18 insertions/gene. The majority of TE insertions identified were classified as retrotransposons and the remainder classified as DNA transposons. TEs were inserted into exons and promoter segments infrequently, while insertion into intron sequences was strikingly more abundant. The contribution of TEs to exon sequence is of great interest because TE insertions can directly influence the phenotype by altering protein sequences. We report six cases where the entire exon sequences of bovine genes are apparently derived from TEs and one of them, the insertion of Charlie into a bovine transcript similar to the zinc finger 452 gene is analyzed in detail. The great similarity of the TE-cassette sequence to the ZNF452 protein and phylogenetic relationship strongly suggests the occurrence of Charlie 10 DNA exaptation in the mammalian zinc finger 452 gene. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The aggressive display in Betta splendens is particularly prominent, and vital to its adaptation to the environment. Methylmercury is an organic variation of Hg that presents particularly pronounced neuro-behavioral effects. The present experiments aim to test the effect of acute and chronic poisoning with methylmercury on the display in Bettas. The animals were poisoned by trophic means in both experiments (16 ug/kg in acute poisoning; 16 ug/kg/day for chronic poisoning), and tested in agonistic pairs. The total frequency of the display was recorded, analyzing the topography of the agonistic response. The methylmercury seems to present a dose- and detoxification-dependent effect on these responses, with a more pronounced effect on motivity in acute poisoning and on emotionality in the chronic poisoning. It is possible that this effect could be mediated by alteration in the mono-amino-oxidase systems.
This paper presents some definitions and concepts of the Instantaneous Complex Power Theory [1] which is a new approach for the Akagi's Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory [2].The powers received by an ideal inductor are interpreted and the knowledge of the actual nature of these powers may lead to changes of the conventional electrical power concepts.
Internal friction and frequency measurements as a function of temperature have been carried out in Nb and Nb-Zr policrystalline samples, using a torsion pendulum in the temperature range between 300K and 700K the heating rate was 1K/min and the pressure was kept better than 5x10(-3) mbar. Metals with bce lattice containing solute atoms dissolved interstitially often show anelastic behaviour due to a process know as stress-induced ordering responsible for the appearance of Snoek peaks. In the Nb sample it has been identified two constituent peaks corresponding to the interstitial-matrix interactions (Nb-O and Nb-N), but for the Nb-Zr samples with interstitial solute concentrations very close to those measured for the unalloyed Nb, it was not observed any mechanical relaxation peaks due to the presence of oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution.
The use of transposable elements (TEs) as genetic drive mechanisms was explored using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system. Alternative strategies, employing autonomous and nonautonomous P element constructs were compared for their efficiency in driving the ry(+) allele into populations homozygous for a ry(-) allele at the genomic rosy locus. Transformed flies were introduced at 1%, 5%, and 10% starting frequencies to establish a series of populations that were monitored over the course of 40 generations, using both phenotypic and molecular assays. The transposon-borne ry(+) marker allele spread rapidly in almost all populations when introduced at 5% and 10% seed frequencies, but 1% introductions frequently failed to become established. A similar initial rapid increase in frequency of the ry(+) transposon occurred in several control populations lacking a source of transposase. Constructs carrying ry(+) markers also increased to moderate frequencies in the absence of selection on the marker. The results of Southern and in situ hybridization studies indicated a strong inverse relationship between the degree of conservation of construct integrity and transposition frequency. These finding have relevance to possible future applications of transposons as genetic drive mechanisms.
Few are studies on P elements that have addressed the saltans group. These studies had shown that species from the cordata and elliptica subgroups were devoid of any discernible P homologous sequences, while species from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups all contain P element sequences. Our analyses showed the presence of one to 15 P element insertion sites in species of the saltans group, including Drosophila neocordata and Drosophila emarginata (cordata and elliptica subgroups, respectively). From these species, only those from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups harbor canonical P elements and, only those of the last two subgroups seem to harbor putative full-sized elements. Due to the low similarity of the sequences found in D. neocordata and D. emarginata to those earlier described, we suggest that these sequences might be rudimental P element derivatives that were present in the ancestral of the subgenus Sophophora. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to study laboratorial aspects of beef cow mortality, a syndrome popularly known as ''doenca da vaca caida'', examens were made of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, serum, bone and liver samples from 32 naturally affected 4 to 9 year old cows, 27 belonging to the Nellore breed and 5 were crossbred Nellore, all originating from farms located in municipalities near Botucatu, State of São Paulo. Laboratory determinations were analysed by descriptive statistics and included hematological values, total plasma protein, plasma fibrinogen, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and concentration measurements of serum calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, total protein, albumin, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, gama-glutamyltransferase and creatine kinase activities, included bone ash percentage and concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, and also hepatic levels of copper, zinc, iron, manganese and cobalt. In addition, mouse bioassays and complement micro-fixation tests were performed to detect botulinum toxins in liver samples. The results indicated leukocytosis (13,3+/-3,9 x10(3)/mm(3)) with neutrophilia (8,9+/-3,2 x10(3)/mm(3)), hypocalcemia (7,8+/-1,7mg/dl), hypophosphatemia (3,6+/-1,6mg/dl), hypoalbuminemia (2,9+/-0,9g/dl), increased creatine kinase activity (691,0+/-829,7 UI/1), and reduced ash percentage (60,3+/-1,9%) and low phosphorus (17,2+/-0,4%) in bone. The other values were ail within normal limits. The diagnosis of botulism, involving type C and D toxins, was confirmed as the cause of the mortality in the region of study, what is strongly consistent with the other laboratorial findings.
The molecular mechanisms that control P element transposition and determine its tissue specificity remain incompletely understood, although much information has been compiled about this element in the last decade. This review summarizes the currently available information about P element transposition, P-M hybrid dysgenesis and P cytotype features, P element-encoded repressors, and regulation of transposition.
The consequences of the use of embedded crack finite elements with uniform discontinuity modes (opening and sliding) to simulate crack propagation in concrete are investigated. It is shown the circumstances in which the consideration of uniform discontinuity modes is not suitable to accurately model the kinematics induced by the crack and must be avoided. It is also proposed a technique to embed cracks with non-uniform discontinuity modes into standard displacement-based finite elements to overcome the shortcomings of the uniform discontinuity modes approach.
An on-line dialysis flow system coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine trace elements in serum samples by isotope dilution is presented. Isotope dilution was performed on samples incubated with enriched Cu-65, Zn-66, Se-77 and Pb-206 for 24 h at 36degreesC prior to dialysis to quantified total element concentrations. The sample and acceptor solutions flowed through the dialysis unit with cellophane membrane placed in between the compartments. The serum sample (1 mL) was left to recycle in a closed path while the acceptor solution was continuously pumped along the dialyzer channel and through a cationic AG50W X-8 resin column. After 10 min, around 70% of Na, K and Cl migrate from the sample. Three replicate injections of 0.1 mL were performed for the clean sample after each separation step. The on-line coupling of the dialyzer to ICP-MS allowed isotope dilution for total element determination either in the cleaned sample or by eluting the cations retained in the resin to be carried out. Results demonstrated no matrix effects from alkaline elements or spectral interference from ArNa+ on Cu-63, ArCl+ on Se-77 and (SO2+)-S-34 on Zn-66. The precision of isotope ratio measurements for Cu and Zn was around 1% and for Se and Pb was around 2.5%. The values found for the reference serum sample IMEP-17 were in good agreement with the certified values for Cu, Zn and Se.
Transposable elements are major components of plant genomes and they influence their evolution, acting as recombination hot spots, acquiring specific cell functions or becoming part of protein-coding regions. The latter is the subject of the present analysis. This study is a report on the annotation of transposable elements (TEs) in expressed sequences of Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora and Coffea racemosa, showing the occurrence of 383 ESTs and 142 unigenes with TE fragments in these three Coffea species. Based on selected unigenes, it was possible to suggest 26 putative proteins with TE-cassette insertions, demonstrating a likely contribution to protein variability. The genes for two of those proteins, the fertility restorer (FR) and the pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PPi-PFKs) genes, were selected for evaluating the impact of TE-cassettes on host gene evolution of other plant genomes (Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa and populus trichocarpa). This survey allowed identifying a FR gene in O. sativa harboring multiple insertions of LTR retrotransposons that originated new exons, which however does not necessarily mean a case of molecular domestication. A possible transduction event of a fragment of the PPi-PFK beta-subunit gene mediated by Helitron ATREPX1 in Arabidopsis thaliana was also highlighted.