1000 resultados para subtropical front


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Tendo em vista que o conhecimento do comportamento de uma cultura, em determinada região, determina o sucesso da produção, a qualidade do produto final e a garantia de aceitação pelo mercado consumidor, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção e as características físicas e físico-químicas de frutos de cultivares de pessegueiro e nectarineira, cultivados ou não tradicionalmente em São Paulo, mas que possam vir a apresentar uma opção de diversificação aos fruticultores do município de Botucatu-SP, e regiões climáticas semelhantes. O experimento foi realizado durante três ciclos agrícolas: 2006/2007, 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP, Botucatu-SP. O clima da região é do tipo mesotérmico, Cwa, ou seja, subtropical úmido com chuvas no verão e seca no inverno. As cultivares de pessegueiro avaliadas foram: Turmalina, Cascata 968, Cascata 848, Cascata 587, Conserva 693, Precocinho, Diamante Mejorado, Oro Azteca, CP-9553CYN e Tropic Beauty. A cultivar de nectarineira avaliada foi 'Sun Blaze'. Foram avaliadas características de produção e qualidade dos frutos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a cultivar Turmalina foi a mais produtiva. As cultivares Cascata 968 e Diamante Mejorado apresentaram o maior teor de sólidos solúveis, e as cultivares Cascata 587 e CP 9553 CYN, a maior relação sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The progression of the oral squamous cells carcinomas (OSCCs) seems to suffer influence from related factors to the host, as local and systemic immunologic response, which are essential to the antineoplasic defenses. The purpose of this study was evaluate the local immunity in 30 tongue and 20 lower lip SCC by immunohistochemistry method, utilizing antibodies anti-CD3, CD4, -CD8, -CD25 e -ζ(zeta), which immunoexpressions were compared considering the anatomical localization, the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate into the front of invasion and metastases. The CD4/CD8+ ratio was calculated for each case and associate with the mentioned variable, being the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrated also compared with the anatomical localization and metastase and for this the cases had been grouped in two categories: (n = 10) absent/scarce inflammatory infiltrate; and (n = 40) moderate/intense infiltrate. Fisher´s exact test was performed (α= 0.05) and it was not observed any significant correlation between these groups with anatomical sites and metastases. With regard to the immunoexpression, the CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and CD25+ cells count was higher in the lower lip SCCs while the anti-ζimmunomarcation was more evident in the non metastatic cases. Through the statistical analyses, it was verified that the CD3 exhibited positive-significant correlation with the inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.023). Furthermore, antibodies against CD8 and CD25 cells were also significantly correlated with the inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.002 and 0.030, respectively) and with the anatomical site (p = 0.004 and p = 0.004) mainly in the lower lip SCCs. CD4/CD8 ratio did not show significant association with metastase nor with anatomical localization. We conclude that the inflammatory infiltrated of the Bryne s (1998) system did not constitute an indicator of aggressiveness in the tongue and lower lip SCCs analyzed and that clinical behavior of the SCCs studied was related in part to the immunohistochemical profile of infiltrated the inflammatory present in tumoral invasion front


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Hospital admissions (n = 15,450) to a state psychiatric hospital in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, over a 10-year period (1982-1991) were reviewed. 157 (1%) patients received a probable diagnosis of affective disorder according to DSM-III-R criteria. Among them, 46% had been diagnosed by the staff psychiatrists, and their diagnoses were sustained by the researchers, whereas 54% were diagnosed only by one of the researchers (F.K.C.). These last patients had previously received a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia or unspecified psychosis (ICD-9). Most of the patients with affective disorders were bipolar: 72 and 8%, respectively, presented manic and depressive episodes. Thus, only 20% received a diagnosis of major depression. A seasonal pattern in hospital admission was observed only for mania in women, their episodes occurring more often (p < 0.02) in spring and summer. No significant seasonal pattern in hospital admission for depression was found.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study provides information concerning the feeding behaviour of Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803), through analysis of stomach contents according to demographic categories. Collections were carried out monthly from May 2005 through April 2006 in a subtropical estuary on the southeastern Brazilian coast (23 degrees 29'24 '' S 45 degrees 10'12 '' W). The crabs were collected by hand, with a 2-hour sampling effort by three people. In the laboratory, the crabs were sexed and measured for greatest carapace width, and grouped into demographic categories: adult males, juvenile males, adult females, juvenile females, and ovigerous females. For the fullness analysis, the stomachs were grouped into two categories: (1) E = Empty, with no food; and (2) F = Full, whether partially filled or totally. The frequency-of-occurrence method was used to characterize feeding behaviour, and the demographic categories recognired were compared. We obtained stomachs from 171 adult males, 69 juvenile males, 136 adult females, 72 juvenile females, and 41 ovigerous females, of which 85.6% were full. of the eight food items recorded, sediment was the most frequent, and unidentified material was the least. Goniopsis cruentata can be characterized as a generalist feeder, exploiting most of the food items available in the mangrove swamps. In spite of this generalist behaviour, the dominant presence of sediment suggests that G. cruentata is primarily a detritivore that exploits particulate organic matter from microbial biodegradation, one of the most important mangrove functions. The trophic role of this crab in the ecosystem showed no significant differences among the demographic categories, and seems to be wider than those observed for sesarmid and ocypodid mangrove crabs. These ecosystem engineers may occupy different positions in the trophic chains of estuarine environments.


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Population and reproductive biology were studied in three populations of the crab Uca burgersi Holthuis, 1967, in the Indaia, Cavalo and Ubatumirim mangrove forests (Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil). Crabs were collected during low tide (August 2001 through July 2002), by digging the sediment, with a standard capture effort (two persons for 30 min.). Carapace width was measured, and gonad developmental stage was recorded from all specimens. U. burgersi was most abundant in the Cavalo mangrove, where the largest mate was found. Juvenile crabs were found year-round at all three sites. However, the ratio of ovigerous females was very low, even null in the Cavalo mangrove. The gonad development rate indicated that U. burgersi was reproducing continuously, but more intensively during spring and summer, with recruitment occurring in winter. The synchrony between the populational and reproductive biology in the three areas showed that local features were not the limiting factors. It is suggested that this species is a habitat generalist.


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The population biology of Uca thayeri was studied in a subtropical mangrove in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two sampling techniques were used: transect sampling and catch-per-unit-effort. Size frequency distribution, sex-ratio, and reproductive period were analysed. For juvenile crabs (CW < 4.6 mm), the transect procedure was most efficient, while ovigerous females were most collected during the capture effort. Males were most numerous in the transect technique, while in the catch-per-unit-effort there was no difference between sexes. The species showed a different size frequency distribution for each sampling procedure. The reproduction of U. thayeri is seasonal, being more pronounced in the warmer months of the year. However, juveniles occurred all over the year, although more numerous in the colder months. The success of the species in reproductive activity and the constant colonization of the area can be attributed to the availability of food resources and differential occupation of the habitat by ovigerous females.


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Crab fecundity is widely known to vary proportionally to female size, but the female's nutritional state also has an important effect on egg production. This study evaluates intraspecific variability of reproductive output by monthly sampling Uca vocator populations from the Itapanhau, Indaia, and Itamambuca mangroves on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The presence of ovigerous crabs, their carapace width (CW) and their number of eggs were recorded. Additionally, the productivity of the mangroves and the content of organic matter of the sediments were analysed in order to estimate food availability in each locality. Size-specific fecundity relationships were obtained for each population and compared among the three populations. Ovigerous females from Itamambuca are the largest and their fecundities are also the highest among the populations studied. These results probably are associated with the favourable environmental conditions in Itamambuca, as this is a young mangrove with a high productivity level.


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The allometric growth of Uca leptodacyla from two distinct subtropical estuaries on the Brazilian coast was evaluated concerning its growth pattern and size at onset of sexual maturity. Females attained maturity at similar sizes in both sites (4.1 mm of carapace length in Indaia and 4.2 mm in Ubatumirim), while males differed slightly. They reached the size at sexual maturity of 5.3 mm of carapace length in Indaia and 4.6 mm in Ubatumirim. Growth pattern is Usually similar among crabs from distinct Sites while size at sexual maturity is frequently different. However, in the case of U. leptodacyla it did not occur, probably due to the strong habitat similarity and intrinsic features of this species.


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Diel variations in decapod crustaceans catch rate, as well as variations in size of sampled individuals, were investigated in a sublittoral portion of Ubatuba Bay (23 degrees 20', 23 degrees 35'S and 44 degrees 50', 45 degrees 14'W) in order to detect differential patterns of occurrence. Three replicate trawls, each enclosing a 2,500 m(2) area, were performed at a median depth of 3.5 m during the waning moon period, in 3 consecutive summer and winter months. Trawls were conducted at dawn, noon, dusk and midnight. Hydrological and substratum features were monitored. Penaeoideans did not show a significant diel catch rate variation during the sampling periods, but the catch rate of brachyurans was highest at dusk and midnight during winter (p < 0.01). Fixing diel variation, catch rates of both brachyurans and penaeoideans are subjected to significant seasonal differences (p < 0.05). The largest specimens of Callinectes ornatus, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, Rimapenaeus constrictus and Farfantepenaeus spp were found at twilight during summer. Differences on size of captured individuals mainly in samples of portunids and penaeids taken during the course of the day evidences that significant daily movements take place. This confirms that activity alterations depend on characteristics of daily schedules and on environmental demands of studied species.


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Size variation in the adult population of the grapsid crab Aratus pisonii (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837) was studied by comparing median values obtained from six different populations from nearby mangrove areas. The mangrove structure at those sites was also examined and related to size differences among populations. Disregarding sex, crab size is apparently related to the mangrove structure. Smallest and largest crab sizes were recorded at the sites where tree density and tree diameter were minimum and maximum, respectively. Estimates of size at the onset of maturity, considering the size of the smallest ovigerous female, followed the same trend. These results support the hypothesis that average crab size and size at the onset of maturity can be associated to mangrove productivity.