909 resultados para spiritual well-being


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A longitudinal study of grieving in family caregivers of people with dementia Recent research into dementia has identified the long term impact that the role of care giving for a relative with dementia has on family members This is largely due to the cognitive decline that characterises dementia and the losses that can be directly attributed to this. These losses include loss of memories, relationships and intimacy, and are often ambiguous so that the grief that accompanies them is commonly not recognised or acknowledged. The role and impact of pre-death or anticipatory grief has not previously been widely considered as a factor influencing health and well-being of family caregivers. Studies of grief in caregivers of a relative with dementia have concluded that grief is one of the greatest barriers to care giving and is a primary determinant of caregiver well-being. The accumulation of losses, in conjunction with experiences unique to dementia care giving, place family caregivers at risk of complicated grief. This occurs when integration of the death does not take place following bereavement and has been associated with a range of negative health outcomes. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of grief, in addition to other factors representing both positive and negative aspects of the role, on the health related quality of life of family caregivers of people with dementia, prior to and following the death of their relative with dementia. An exploratory research project underpinned by a conceptual framework of caregivers’ adaptation in the context of subjective appraisal of the strains and gains in their role was undertaken. The research comprised three studies. Study 1 was a scoping study that involved a series of semi-structured interviews with thirteen participants who were family caregivers of people with severe dementia or whose relative with dementia had died in the previous twelve months. The results of this study in conjunction with factors identified in the literature informed data collection for the further studies. Study 2 was a cross sectional survey of fifty caregivers recruited when their relative was in the moderate to severe stage of dementia. This study provided the baseline data for Study 3, a prospective cohort follow up study. Study 3 consisted of seventeen participants followed up at two time points after the death of their relative with dementia: six weeks and then six months following the death of the relative with dementia. The scoping study indicated that differences in appraisal of the care giving role and encounters with health professionals were related to levels of grief of caregivers prior to and following the death of the relative with dementia. This was supported in the baseline and follow up studies. In the baseline study, after adjusting for all variables in multivariate regression models, subjective appraisal of burden was found to make a significant contribution (p<.05) to mental health related quality of life. The two dependent variables, anticipatory grief and mental health related quality of life, were significantly (p<.01) correlated at a bivariate level. In the follow up study, linear mixed modelling and multiple regression analysis of data found that subjective appraisal of burden and resilience were significantly associated (p<.05 and p<.01, respectively) with mental health related quality of life over time. In addition, bereavement and complicated grief were significantly associated (p<.05) with mental health following the death of the relative. In this study social support and satisfaction with end of life care were found to be statistically associated (p<.05) with physical health related quality of life over time. The strong relationship between grief of caregivers and their health related quality of life over the entire care giving trajectory and period following the death of their relative highlights the urgent need for further research and interventions in this area. Overall results indicate that addressing the risk and protective factors including subjective appraisal of their care giving role, resilience, social support and satisfaction with end of life care of their relative, has the potential to both ameliorate negative health outcomes and to promote improved health for these caregivers. This research provides important information for development of targeted and appropriate interventions that aim to promote resilience and reduce the personal burden on caregivers of people with dementia.


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There has been a rapid escalation in the development and evaluation of social and emotional well-being (SEW) programs in primary schools over the last few decades. Despite the plethora of programs available, primary teachers’ use of SEW programs is not well documented in Australian schools, with even less consideration of the factors influencing program use. A cross-sectional survey was undertaken with primary classroom teachers across twelve schools in the Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Education Districts in Queensland, Australia, during 2005. A checklist of SEW programs and an audit of SEW practices in schools were employed to investigate the number, range and types of SEW programs used by primary classroom teachers and the contextual factors influencing program use. Whilst the majority of implementation studies have been conducted under intervention conditions, this study was designed to capture primary classroom teachers’ day-to-day use of SEW programs and the factors influencing program use under real-world conditions. The findings of this research indicate that almost three quarters of the primary classroom teachers involved in the study reported using at least one SEW program during 2005. Wide variation in the number and range of programs used was evident, suggesting that teachers are autonomous in their use of SEW programs. Evidence-based SEW programs were used by a similar proportion of teachers to non-evidence-based programs. However, irrespective of the type of program used, primary teachers overwhelmingly reported using part of a SEW program rather than the whole program. This raises some issues about the quality of teachers’ program implementation in real-world practice, especially with respect to programs that are evidence-based. A content analysis revealed that a wide range of factors have been examined as potential influences on teachers’ implementation of health promotion programs in schools, including SEW programs, despite the limited number of studies undertaken to date. However, variation in the factors examined and study designs employed both within and across health promotion fields limited the extent to which studies could be compared. A methodological and statistical review also revealed substantial variation in the quality of reporting of studies. A variety of factors were examined as potential influences on primary classroom teachers’ use of SEW programs across multiple social-ecological levels of influence (ranging from community to school and individual levels). In this study, parent or caregiver involvement in class activities and the availability of wellbeing-related policies in primary schools were found to be influential in primary classroom teachers’ use of SEW programs. Teachers who often or always involve parents or caregivers in class activities were at a higher odds of program use relative to teachers who never or rarely involved parents or caregivers in class activities. However, teachers employed in schools with the highest number of wellbeing-related policies available were at a lower odds of program use relative to teachers employed in schools with fewer wellbeing-related policies available. Future research should investigate primary classroom teachers’ autonomy and motivations for using SEW programs and the reasons behind the selection and use of particular types of programs. A larger emphasis should also be placed upon teachers not using SEW programs to identify valid reasons for non-use. This would provide another step towards bridging the gap between the expectations of program developers and the needs of teachers who implement programs in practice. Additionally, the availability of wellbeing-related school policies and the types of activities that parents and caregivers are involved with in the classroom warrant more in-depth investigation. This will help to ascertain how and why these factors influence primary classroom teachers’ use of SEW programs on a day-to-day basis in schools.


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The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 2003 gave in-principle approval to a best-practice report recommending a holistic approach to managing natural disasters in Australia incorporating a move from a traditional response-centric approach to a greater focus on mitigation, recovery and resilience with community well-being at the core. Since that time, there have been a range of complementary developments that have supported the COAG recommended approach. Developments have been administrative, legislative and technological, both, in reaction to the COAG initiative and resulting from regular natural disasters. This paper reviews the characteristics of the spatial data that is becoming increasingly available at Federal, state and regional jurisdictions with respect to their being fit for the purpose for disaster planning and mitigation and strengthening community resilience. In particular, Queensland foundation spatial data, which is increasingly accessible by the public under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009, Information Privacy Act 2009, and recent open data reform initiatives are evaluated. The Fitzroy River catchment and floodplain is used as a case study for the review undertaken. The catchment covers an area of 142,545 km2, the largest river catchment flowing to the eastern coast of Australia. The Fitzroy River basin experienced extensive flooding during the 2010–2011 Queensland floods. The basin is an area of important economic, environmental and heritage values and contains significant infrastructure critical for the mining and agricultural sectors, the two most important economic sectors for Queensland State. Consequently, the spatial datasets for this area play a critical role in disaster management and for protecting critical infrastructure essential for economic and community well-being. The foundation spatial datasets are assessed for disaster planning and mitigation purposes using data quality indicators such as resolution, accuracy, integrity, validity and audit trail.


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The Life Drama program is a theatre-based experiential learning program developed in Papua New Guinea over the past seven years. The Life Drama team recognises that a significant proportion of “education” for learners of all ages takes place outside formal education systems, particularly in developing nations such as Papua New Guinea. If arts education principles and practices are to contribute meaningfully and powerfully to resolving social and cultural challenges, it is important to recognise that many learners and educators will encounter and use these principles and practices outside of school or university settings. This paper briefly describes the Life Drama program and its context, highlights its two streams of operation (community educators and teacher educators) and indicates some ways in which an arts-based education initiative like Life Drama contributes to Goal 3 of the Seoul Agenda:“Apply arts education principles and practices to contribute to resolving the social and cultural challenges facing today‟s world.” In particular, the project addresses sub-goal 3b:“Recognize and develop the social and cultural well-being dimensions of arts education”.


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This paper reports on an adaptation of Callon and Law’s (1995) hybrid collectif derived from research conducted on the usage of mobile phones and internet technologies among the iTadian indigenous people of the Cordillera region, northern Philippines. Results brings to light an indigenous digital collectif—an emergent effect from the translation of both human and non-human heterogeneous actors as well as pre-existent networks, such as: traditional knowledge and practices, kinship relations, the traditional exchange of goods, modern academic requisites, and advocacies for indigenous rights. This is evinced by the iTadian’s enrolment of internet and mobile phone technologies. Examples include: treating these technologies as an efficient communicative tool, an indicator of well-being, and a portable extension of affective human relationships. Alternatively, counter-enrolment strategies are also at play, which include: establishing rules of acceptable use on SMS texting and internet access based on traditional notions of discretion, privacy, and the customary treatment of the dead. Within the boundaries of this digital collectif reveal imbrications of pre-existing networks like traditional customs, the kinship system across geophysical boundaries, the traditional exchange of mail and other goods, and the advocacy of indigenous rights. These imbrications show that the iTadian digital collectif fluently configures itself to a variety of networked ontologies without losing its character.


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Intensive Care Paramedics (ICPs) attend to only the most clinically challenging of emergency medical cases, often working in a chaotic and frenetic atmosphere. They are regularly exposed to human tragedy and with that, the potential to experience traumatic events is not uncommon. There is very little known about the well-being of ICPs; how they cope with the demands of their role, or about their mental health in general. Nineteen experienced ICPs (4 female, 15 male) participated in a semi-structured interview. Themes were extracted from the data using an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis approach. All participants discussed a work-related event they attended that traumatized them, usually experienced in the earlier parts of their career. Some spoke of an immediate overwhelming of their capacity to cope and others of a gradual onset of traumatic stress when reflecting on the event at a later time. More than half of the participants described events that involved children as the most difficult. Data revealed four superordinate themes: Social Support, Cognitive Coping, Proactive Coping, and Long Term Effects. Each superordinate theme comprised a number of constituent themes which are presented in this paper and exemplified with participant quotes. Although ongoing distress was described by some participants, all of the ICPs interviewed discussed positive aspects of their job; things that made the role worthwhile and fulfilling. This research highlights the important factors involved in coping with, and growing from, the extraordinary events that ICPs face. Results have implications for employing organizations and staff support services as well as for paramedics more broadly as they learn to cope with events inherent in their career. Findings indicate that positive adaptation and personal growth as a result of exposure to extremely high levels of potentially traumatic experiences is not only possible, but highly probable.


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With persisting health inequalities across and between diverse populations, health promotion must consider its engagement with the culture concept in achieving better health for all. By way of a conversation between an Indigenous and non-Indigenous health promotion practitioner, this unique presentation will critically examine the cultural practice of health promotion for Indigenous Australians. Culture becomes the central tenant of this conversation – but not culture in the sense of something to “fix” to improve Indigenous health, or import to make mainstream practices “culturally appropriate”. Rather, the somewhat invisible culture of Australian health promotion practice itself is highlighted. The enthusiasm of mainstream health promotion practice for risk and reductionism supplants biological determinism with a cultural determinism that constructs culture as illness-producing. This is in contrast to Indigenous perspectives of culture in which it is described as integral to individual and community health and well-being. Whilst empowerment features strongly within global health promotion discourses, the preoccupation of health promotion with the inherent deficit/behavioural change approach is an all too convenient distraction from the broader structural factors impacting on the health of Indigenous Australians. That Indigenous Australians have not benefitted from successful public health policy interventions in the same way as the general population is in itself revealing of the culture of health promotion practice in Australia and it is somewhat ironic that the health promotion fraternity seems not to have questioned its own practice. This conversation aims to encourage health promotion practitioners, researchers and policy makers to interrogate the cultural assumptions of their own practice and of the public health system they are part of and consider how to embed and empower the voices and experiences of those who are ‘culturally othered’ within health promotion practice.


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Currently pathological and illness-centric policy surrounds the evaluation of the health status of a person experiencing disability. In this research partnerships were built between disability service providers, community development organizations and disability arts organizations to build a translational evaluative methodology prior to implementation of an arts-based workshop that was embedded in a strengths-based approach to health and well-being. The model consisted of three foci: participation in a pre-designed drama-based workshop program; individualized assessment and evaluation of changing health status; and longitudinal analysis of participants changing health status in their public lives following the culmination of the workshop series. Participants (n = 15) were recruited through disability service providers and disability arts organizations to complete a 13-week workshop series and public performance. The study developed accumulative qualitative analysis tools and member-checking methods specific to the communication systems used by individual participants. Principle findings included increased confidence for verbal and non-verbal communicators; increased personal drive, ambition and goal-setting; increased arts-based skills including professional engagements as artists; demonstrated skills in communicating perceptions of health status to private and public spheres. Tangential positive observations were evident in the changing recreational, vocational and educational activities participants engaged with pre- and post- the workshop series; participants advocating for autonomous accommodation and health provision and changes in the disability service staff's culture. The research is an example of translational health methodologies in disability studies.


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Background Psychosocial factors and physical health are associated with increased psychological distress post-heart transplant. Integrating findings from qualitative studies could highlight mechanisms for how these factors contribute to psychological well-being, thus aiding the development of interventions. Objective To integrate qualitative findings regarding adult heart transplant recipients experiences, such as their emotions, perceptions and attitudes. Methods A systematic review and meta-summary were conducted. Data from seven studies were categorized into 16 abstracted findings. Results The most prominent finding across the studies related to recipients’ perceptions of the importance of social support. Other prominent findings related to factors that promoted psychological well-being, such as faith, optimism and sense of control. Conclusions Psychological well-being may be improved by enhancing perceived control over health and daily life, promoting an optimistic outlook by facilitating access to social support from other heart transplant recipients and ensuring post-transplant recipient-caregiver partnerships adequately support the transition back to independence.


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The HS program consists of a voluntary health screening and personalised feedback (via a website) which incorporates physical measurements, psychological stress assessment and blood tests. The following report describes the results of a research project that evaluated the effectiveness of the QPS-HS program and examines the health benefits it offers its participants. This report has three main areas that correspond to the research questions and includes three primary aims: 1.Review the literature pertaining to the health, social and economic value of wellness programs in workplaces. In particular, we reviewed policing worksites and other safety sensitive workplaces, to understand best-practice wellness programming and return on investment, in terms of value to employees, social value to the community, and economic value to employers; 2.Evaluate health outcomes of participants in the HS program, including physical measurements, such as blood tests and psychological well-being. These measures were to form an outcome evaluation and assess the effectiveness of the HS program in positively impacting physical and psychological health of HS participants; and 3.Assess employee awareness and perceptions of the HS program for a process evaluation.


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It has been reported that poor nutritional status, in the form of weight loss and resulting body mass index (BMI) changes, is an issue in people with Parkinson's disease (PWP). The symptoms resulting from Parkinson's disease (PD) and the side effects of PD medication have been implicated in the aetiology of nutritional decline. However, the evidence on which these claims are based is, on one hand, contradictory, and on the other, restricted primarily to otherwise healthy PWP. Despite the claims that PWP suffer from poor nutritional status, evidence is lacking to inform nutrition-related care for the management of malnutrition in PWP. The aims of this thesis were to better quantify the extent of poor nutritional status in PWP, determine the important factors differentiating the well-nourished from the malnourished and evaluate the effectiveness of an individualised nutrition intervention on nutritional status. Phase DBS: Nutritional status in people with Parkinson's disease scheduled for deep-brain stimulation surgery The pre-operative rate of malnutrition in a convenience sample of people with Parkinson's disease (PWP) scheduled for deep-brain stimulation (DBS) surgery was determined. Poorly controlled PD symptoms may result in a higher risk of malnutrition in this sub-group of PWP. Fifteen patients (11 male, median age 68.0 (42.0 – 78.0) years, median PD duration 6.75 (0.5 – 24.0) years) participated and data were collected during hospital admission for the DBS surgery. The scored PG-SGA was used to assess nutritional status, anthropometric measures (weight, height, mid-arm circumference, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI)) were taken, and body composition was measured using bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS). Six (40%) of the participants were malnourished (SGA-B) while 53% reported significant weight loss following diagnosis. BMI was significantly different between SGA-A and SGA-B (25.6 vs 23.0kg/m 2, p<.05). There were no differences in any other variables, including PG-SGA score and the presence of non-motor symptoms. The conclusion was that malnutrition in this group is higher than that in other studies reporting malnutrition in PWP, and it is under-recognised. As poorer surgical outcomes are associated with poorer pre-operative nutritional status in other surgeries, it might be beneficial to identify patients at nutritional risk prior to surgery so that appropriate nutrition interventions can be implemented. Phase I: Nutritional status in community-dwelling adults with Parkinson's disease The rate of malnutrition in community-dwelling adults (>18 years) with Parkinson's disease was determined. One hundred twenty-five PWP (74 male, median age 70.0 (35.0 – 92.0) years, median PD duration 6.0 (0.0 – 31.0) years) participated. The scored PG-SGA was used to assess nutritional status, anthropometric measures (weight, height, mid-arm circumference (MAC), calf circumference, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI)) were taken. Nineteen (15%) of the participants were malnourished (SGA-B). All anthropometric indices were significantly different between SGA-A and SGA-B (BMI 25.9 vs 20.0kg/m2; MAC 29.1 – 25.5cm; waist circumference 95.5 vs 82.5cm; calf circumference 36.5 vs 32.5cm; all p<.05). The PG-SGA score was also significantly lower in the malnourished (2 vs 8, p<.05). The nutrition impact symptoms which differentiated between well-nourished and malnourished were no appetite, constipation, diarrhoea, problems swallowing and feel full quickly. This study concluded that malnutrition in community-dwelling PWP is higher than that documented in community-dwelling elderly (2 – 11%), yet is likely to be under-recognised. Nutrition impact symptoms play a role in reduced intake. Appropriate screening and referral processes should be established for early detection of those at risk. Phase I: Nutrition assessment tools in people with Parkinson's disease There are a number of validated and reliable nutrition screening and assessment tools available for use. None of these tools have been evaluated in PWP. In the sample described above, the use of the World Health Organisation (WHO) cut-off (≤18.5kg/m2), age-specific BMI cut-offs (≤18.5kg/m2 for under 65 years, ≤23.5kg/m2 for 65 years and older) and the revised Mini-Nutritional Assessment short form (MNA-SF) were evaluated as nutrition screening tools. The PG-SGA (including the SGA classification) and the MNA full form were evaluated as nutrition assessment tools using the SGA classification as the gold standard. For screening, the MNA-SF performed the best with sensitivity (Sn) of 94.7% and specificity (Sp) of 78.3%. For assessment, the PG-SGA with a cut-off score of 4 (Sn 100%, Sp 69.8%) performed better than the MNA (Sn 84.2%, Sp 87.7%). As the MNA has been recommended more for use as a nutrition screening tool, the MNA-SF might be more appropriate and take less time to complete. The PG-SGA might be useful to inform and monitor nutrition interventions. Phase I: Predictors of poor nutritional status in people with Parkinson's disease A number of assessments were conducted as part of the Phase I research, including those for the severity of PD motor symptoms, cognitive function, depression, anxiety, non-motor symptoms, constipation, freezing of gait and the ability to carry out activities of daily living. A higher score in all of these assessments indicates greater impairment. In addition, information about medical conditions, medications, age, age at PD diagnosis and living situation was collected. These were compared between those classified as SGA-A and as SGA-B. Regression analysis was used to identify which factors were predictive of malnutrition (SGA-B). Differences between the groups included disease severity (4% more severe SGA-A vs 21% SGA-B, p<.05), activities of daily living score (13 SGA-A vs 18 SGA-B, p<.05), depressive symptom score (8 SGA-A vs 14 SGA-B, p<.05) and gastrointestinal symptoms (4 SGA-A vs 6 SGA-B, p<.05). Significant predictors of malnutrition according to SGA were age at diagnosis (OR 1.09, 95% CI 1.01 – 1.18), amount of dopaminergic medication per kg body weight (mg/kg) (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.04 – 1.31), more severe motor symptoms (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.02 – 1.19), less anxiety (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.82 – 0.98) and more depressive symptoms (OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.07 – 1.41). Significant predictors of a higher PG-SGA score included living alone (β=0.14, 95% CI 0.01 – 0.26), more depressive symptoms (β=0.02, 95% CI 0.01 – 0.02) and more severe motor symptoms (OR 0.01, 95% CI 0.01 – 0.02). More severe disease is associated with malnutrition, and this may be compounded by lack of social support. Phase II: Nutrition intervention Nineteen of the people identified in Phase I as requiring nutrition support were included in Phase II, in which a nutrition intervention was conducted. Nine participants were in the standard care group (SC), which received an information sheet only, and the other 10 participants were in the intervention group (INT), which received individualised nutrition information and weekly follow-up. INT gained 2.2% of starting body weight over the 12 week intervention period resulting in significant increases in weight, BMI, mid-arm circumference and waist circumference. The SC group gained 1% of starting weight over the 12 weeks which did not result in any significant changes in anthropometric indices. Energy and protein intake (18.3kJ/kg vs 3.8kJ/kg and 0.3g/kg vs 0.15g/kg) increased in both groups. The increase in protein intake was only significant in the SC group. The changes in intake, when compared between the groups, were no different. There were no significant changes in any motor or non-motor symptoms or in "off" times or dyskinesias in either group. Aspects of quality of life improved over the 12 weeks as well, especially emotional well-being. This thesis makes a significant contribution to the evidence base for the presence of malnutrition in Parkinson's disease as well as for the identification of those who would potentially benefit from nutrition screening and assessment. The nutrition intervention demonstrated that a traditional high protein, high energy approach to the management of malnutrition resulted in improved nutritional status and anthropometric indices with no effect on the presence of Parkinson's disease symptoms and a positive effect on quality of life.


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Aims and objectives This study sought to determine the relationship between health related quality of life (HRQoL), fatigue and activity levels of people with anaemia secondary to chronic kidney disease (CKD) over a 12 month period following the introduction of an erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA). Background CKD occurs in five stages and it is a complex chronic illness which severely impacts on an individual’s HRQoL, and ability to perform everyday activities. Fatigue is also a common symptom experienced by people with CKD. Design and methods Using a longitudinal repeated measures design, 28 people with CKD completed the SF-36, human activity profile and fatigue severity scale at the commencement of an ESA and then at 3, 6 and 12 months. Results Over a 12 month period, people reported a significant change in HRQoL in relation to role physical, vitality, mental health/emotional well-being and overall mental health. However activity levels did not significantly improve during that time. Both the amount of breathlessness and level of fatigue were highest at baseline and declined over time. Both fatigue and breathlessness were correlated with less reported general health over time. Conclusion Renal nurses, in dialysis units and CKD outpatient clinics, have repeated and frequent contact with people with CKD over long periods of time, and are in an ideal position to routinely assess fatigue and activity levels and to institute timely interventions. Early detection would enable timely nursing interventions to optimise HRQoL and independent activity. Relevance to Clinical Practice Drawing on rehabilitation nursing interventions could assist renal nurses to minimize the burden of fatigue and its impact on simple everyday activities and a person’s quality of life. These interventions are important for people who are living at home and could assist in lowering the burden on home support services.


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Videogames are an increasingly popular entertainment choice, yet we have a limited understanding of their potential wellbeing benefits. The current research used an online survey (N = 429) to investigate how gameplay choices and the psychological experience of gameplay impact on player wellbeing. Specifically, a hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to determine if, controlling for age and gender, current gameplay choices (amount of play, game genre, mode of play) and play experience (flow, psychological need satisfaction) predicted current wellbeing. Results indicated that age, social play, relatedness during gameplay and flow were positively associated with player wellbeing. Implications for our understanding of player wellbeing, as well as directions for future research are discussed.


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The Safe System approach to road safety utilises a holistic view of the interactions among vehicles, roads and road users. Yet, the contribution of each of these factors to crashes is vastly different. The role of road users is widely acknowledged as an overwhelming contributor to road crashes. Substantial gains have been made with improvements to vehicle and roads over a number of years. However, improvements of the road user’s behaviour has been (in some cases) less substantial. A road user behaviour that is relatively unregulated is driver sleepiness, which is part of the ‘fatal five’ of risky road user behaviours. The effect of sleepiness is ubiquitous – sleepiness is a state that most, if not all drivers on our roads has experienced, and is habitually exposed to. The quality and quantity of daily sleep is integral to our level of neurobehavioural performance during wakefulness and as such can have a compounding effect on a number of other risky driving behaviours. This paper will discuss the potential influence of sleepiness as an interceding factor for a number of risky driving behaviours. Little effort has been given to increasing awareness of the deleterious and wide ranging effects that sleepiness has on road safety. Given the wide ranging influence of sleepiness, improvements of ‘sleep health’ as a protective factor at the community or individual level could lead to significant reductions in road trauma and increases of general well being. A discussion of potential actions to reduce sleepiness is required if reductions of road trauma are to continue.


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Most urban agriculture literature focus on addressing access to healthy and affordable food and environmental issues via managing the urban farming chain which consists of production, processing, marketing, distribution and consumption. This paper focuses on a less acknowledged and documented aspect of individual urban farming: growing and sharing garden produce for recreation, well-being and friend making. This paper summarizes the experience of individual backyard farming and sharing as a way to interact with nature and people and explores ways to improve this experience, especially with the assistance of Information Communication Technology.