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Recent experiments suggest that humans can form and later retrieve new semantic relations unconsciously by way of hippocampus - the key structure thought to support conscious relational (episodic) memory. Given that the hippocampus subserves both conscious and unconscious relational encoding/retrieval, we expected the hippocampus to be place of unconscious-conscious interactions. This hypothesis was tested in an fMRI experiment on the interaction between the unconscious retrieval of face-associated occupations and the subsequent conscious retrieval of celebrities’ occupations. For subliminal encoding, masked combinations of an unfamiliar face and a written occupation (“actor” or “politician”) were subliminally presented. At test, we presented the former subliminal faces again, without occupations and masks, as conscious retrieval cues. We hypothesized that faces would trigger the unconscious reactivation of the associated occupation - actor or politician -, which in turn would facilitate or inhibit the subsequent conscious recollection of a celebrity’s occupation. Following the presentation of a former subliminal face, we presented the portrait of a celebrity that participants were required to sort according to “actor” or “politician”. Depending on whether the triggered unconscious occupation was congruent or incongruent with the celebrity’s occupation, we expected an expedited or retarded conscious retrieval process as reflected in reaction times. Conscious retrieval was expedited in the congruent condition, but there was no effect in the incongruent condition. fMRI data collected during subliminal relational encoding confirmed that the hippocampus was interacting with neocortical semantic storage sites. fMRI data collected at test indicated that the facilitated conscious retrieval of celebrity-associated occupations was related to deactivations in this same network spanning hippocampus and neocortical semantic storage sites. Hence, unconscious retrieval likely preactivated this network, which allowed for a sparing recruitment of additional neural resources to assist conscious retrieval. This finding supports the notion that consciously and unconsciously acquired relational memories are stored in a single, cohesive hippocampal-neocortical memory space.


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This article focuses on the studies and discourses of mostly British scholars of the early colonial period belonging to two schools of thought. It shows how the studies of both schools – European orientalism and utilitarianism – were intricately connected to the political development of the emerging British paramountcy over the South Asian sub-continent, as both were looking for means of establishing and/or strengthening colonial rule. Nevertheless, the debate was not just a continuation of discussions in Europe. Whereas the ideas of the European Enlightenment had some influence, the transformation of the Mughal Empire and especially the idea of a decline of Muslim rule offered ample opportunities for understanding the early history of India either as some sort of “Golden Age,” as the orientalists and their indigenous supporters did, or as something static and degenerate, as the utilitarians did, and from which the population of sub-continent had to be saved by colonial rule and colonial values. Fearing the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution, the first group of British scholars sought to persuade the native elites of South Asia to take the lessons of their past for the future development of their homeland. Just as the classicists back in Europe, these scholars were convinced that large-scale explanations of the past could also teach political and moral lessons for the present although it was important to deal with the distant past in an empirical manner. The utilitarians on the other hand believed that India had to be saved from its own depravity through the English language and Western values, which amounted to nothing less than the modern transformation of the true Classical Age.


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Native languages of the Americas whose predicate and clause structure reflect nominal hierarchies show an interesting range of structural diversity not only with respect to morphological makeup of their predicates and arguments but also with respect to the factors governing obviation status. The present article maps part of such diversity. The sample surveyed here includes languages with some sort of nonlocal (third person acting on third person) direction-marking system.


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Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are critical for maintaining epithelial barrier integrity at mucosal surfaces; however, the tissue-specific factors that regulate ILC responses remain poorly characterized. Using mice with intestinal epithelial cell (IEC)-specific deletions in either inhibitor of κB kinase (IKK)α or IKKβ, two critical regulators of NFκB activation, we demonstrate that IEC-intrinsic IKKα expression selectively regulates group 3 ILC (ILC3)-dependent antibacterial immunity in the intestine. Although IKKβ(ΔIEC) mice efficiently controlled Citrobacter rodentium infection, IKKα(ΔIEC) mice exhibited severe intestinal inflammation, increased bacterial dissemination to peripheral organs, and increased host mortality. Consistent with weakened innate immunity to C. rodentium, IKKα(ΔIEC) mice displayed impaired IL-22 production by RORγt(+) ILC3s, and therapeutic delivery of rIL-22 or transfer of sort-purified IL-22-competent ILCs from control mice could protect IKKα(ΔIEC) mice from C. rodentium-induced morbidity. Defective ILC3 responses in IKKα(ΔIEC) mice were associated with overproduction of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) by IECs, which negatively regulated IL-22 production by ILC3s and impaired innate immunity to C. rodentium. IEC-intrinsic IKKα expression was similarly critical for regulation of intestinal inflammation after chemically induced intestinal damage and colitis. Collectively, these data identify a previously unrecognized role for epithelial cell-intrinsic IKKα expression and TSLP in regulating ILC3 responses required to maintain intestinal barrier immunity.


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N. T. Wright’s research project “Christian Origins and the Question of God” is characterized by its use of the method of critical realism. Now, “critical realism” is a term that has been used in connection with different epistemo-logical positions because the term has been “constantly reinvented.” It is very easy to make up a term when one wants to distinguish oneself from an assumed naïve approach to reality. As has been observed earlier, the use of a distinct term does not necessarily mean the same if used by another author; the context is important. One has to track literal dependencies to evaluate whether continuity with former uses of a term is intended. That is to say, the term “critical realism” has proven to be equivocal, although this has rarely been noticed . This does not mean that taking such a critical realist stance cannot present a decisive advantage over rather unreflective approaches to whatever sort of reality. Nevertheless, philosophically it can probably only be a start. The purpose of this contribution to this compendium will be to analyze the content claims and the status of N. T. Wright’s critical realism in these regards, with a special emphasis on Paul and the Faithfulness of God, of course.


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Disulfoton (O,O, diethyl S-2-(ethylthio)ethyl phosphorodithioate) and other organophosphorus ester compounds are insecticides which inhibit acetylcholinesterase. Chemicals of this class cause signs of toxicity in mammals which are referable to acculmulation of acetylcholine at neuroeffector sites. A tolerance to this toxic action can be induced in experimental animals by giving multiple, sublethal doses of the compounds. There is strong evidence that disulfoton tolerance occurs because of a reduction in the sensitivity of tissues in the affected animals to acetylcholine.^ Experiments were designed to test the possibility that a decrease in the number of muscarinic cholinergic receptors could be downmodulating the sensitivity of tissues to acetylcholine. It was found that, concomitant with the onset of disulfoton tolerance, there was a decrease relative to control values in the specific binding of {('3)H} quinuclidinyl benzilate ({('3)H}QNB, a compound which selectively labels muscarinic cholinergic receptors) to homogenates of rat brain and ileal muscle. The decrease in {('3)H}QNB binding was due to a reduction in the density of muscarinic receptors. There was, however, no alteration in the binding of {('3)H} QNB, or the muscarinic agonists {('3)H} oxotremorine-M and oxotremorine to atria from disulfoton-tolerant rats. The possibility that cardiac tissue was not subsensitive to cholinergic agonists was ruled out in experiments testing the effect of the muscarinic agonist carbachol on heart rate in vivo, and the negative chronotropic effect of oxotremorine on atria from disulfoton-tolerant rats: a clear reduction in the sensitivity to cholinergic agonists was seen in each case. It was, therefore concluded that the specificity and temporal correlation of {('3)H}QNB binding decreases suggested that the loss of muscarinic receptors might play a role in modulating the sensitivity of several tissues to acetylcholine, but that other mechanisms also contribute to the tolerance phenomenon.^ Other experiments revealed that disulfoton tolerance, as measured by resistance to the lethal effects of carbachol, could be induced by feeding rats low levels of the organophosphorus ester in the diet. The concentration of disulfoton used inhibited acetylcholinesterase, but not to the extent that overt signs of toxicity were observed. These results suggested that tolerance to organophosphorus ester insecticides could be induced in rodents with a dosing scheme which more closely modeled the sort of low level exposures which would be expected in humans environmentally or occupationally in contact with these compounds. ^


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A circular metropolitan area consists of an inner city and a suburb. Households sort over the two jurisdictions based on public service levels and their costs of commuting to the metropolitan center. Using numerical simulations, we show (1) there typically exist two equilibria: one in which the poor form the majority in the inner city and the other in which the rich form the majority in the inner city; (2) there is an efficiency vs. equity trade-off as to which equilibrium is preferred; and (3) if the inner city contains only poor households, equity favors expanding the inner city to include rich households.


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A shortage of bilingual/bicultural speech language pathologists may reflect a problem with recruitment and retention of bilingual/bicultural students. The purpose of the present study was to survey graduate training programs in speech language pathology to determine typical policies and practices concerning students who apply and are admitted as ELLs. With a growing number of ELL children needing services from a bilingual SLP, it seems that little is being done to address the issue. The problem may be with the reluctance of programs to not only accept ELL students, but there also seems to be a disinclination for any sort of training program to be established for these ELL students. Clinic directors were asked to complete a survey about ELLs seeking clinical training in speech language pathology. In particular, we were interested in obtaining information about whether clinical training programs a) provided opportunities for ELL to participate in clinic, b) assessed the English skills of these students, and c) provided remediation if these students English skills were judged to be less than proficient.


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Tax motivated takings are takings by a local government aimed purely at increasing its tax base. Such an action was justified by the Supreme Court's ruling in Kelo v. New London, which allowed the use of eminent domain for a private redevelopment project on the grounds that the project promised spillover public benefits in the form of jobs and taxes. This paper argues that tax motivated takings can lead to inefficient transfers of land for the simple reason that assessed values understate owners' true values. We therefore propose a reassessment scheme that greatly reduces the risk of this sort of inefficiency.


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This study addresses the responses to a postcard campaign with health messages targeting the parents of children in a sample of low-income elementary schools and assesses the feasibility and areas of possible improvements in such a project. The campaign was implemented in Spring 2009 with 4 th grade students (n=1070) in fifteen economically disadvantaged elementary schools in Travis County, Texas. Postcards were sent home with children, and parents filled out a feedback card that the children returned to school. Response data, in the form of self-administered feedback cards (n=2665) and one-on-one teacher interviews (n=8), were qualitatively analyzed using NVivo 8 software. Postcard reception and points of improvement were then identified from the significant themes that emerged including health, cessation or reduction of unhealthy behaviors, motivation, family, and the comprehension of abstract health concepts. ^ Responses to the postcard campaign were almost completely positive, with less than 1% of responses reporting some sort of dislike, and many parents reported a modification of their behavior. However, possible improvements that could be made to the campaign are: increased focus of the postcards on the parents as the target population, increased information about serving size, greater emphasis on the link between obesity and health, alteration of certain skin tones used in the graphical depiction of people on the cards, and smaller but more frequent incentives to return the feedback cards for the students. The program appears to be an effective method of communicating health messages to the parents of 4th grade children.^


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The death of a mother in childbirth leaving a newborn deserted is a sort of a desecration. This was a frequent event for early physicians. It was felt to be caused by miasmas or punishment from the gods. DaVinci felt the cause was milk stasis, Hippocrates - lochia, Virchow - weather. Then came Semmelweis, Pasteur and Lister. They started a battle with ignorance, hospital administration, budget and academic politics. Ending with the murder of Semmelweis!


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Purpose: Self-neglect (SN) is the inability to maintain self-care needs. It is thought that older adults who have impaired executive function (EF) develop the inability to do self-care and to protect themselves. The specific aims were to (1) determine the feasibility of using multiple EF measures with community-dwelling elders with SN, (2) identify changes in EF between baseline and 5-months in community-dwelling elders with SN who receive 50,000 IU or 400 IU of oral vitamin D monthly and (2) explore changes in specific dimensions of EF between the groups. ^ Methods: Fifty adults, 65 years of age and older, were recruited from Adult Protective Services with confirmed SN. A research nurse administered the following tests at baseline and five-months: Delis-Kaplan Card Sort Test (D-KEFS), Executive Interview (EXIT 25), CLOX Drawing Test (CLOX I, II), Trails Making Test A and B (TMT A & B) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Demographic data was collected at baseline and serum 25-OHD levels were collected at baseline and five-months. ^ Results: Older adults with SN were more likely to fail the CLOX1 and D-KEFS, while passing the MMSE, CLOX II, TMT A & B and the EXIT 25. At five-months, the only statistically significant difference between groups was in the TMT A & B test scores; the control group did better than the treatment group. There was a non-significant increase in serum vitamin D levels for both groups and no difference between groups. ^ Conclusions: Results from this study provide support that individuals who SN will complete a battery of EF tests and that they exhibit the following impairments consistent with executive dysfunction: 'concept generation', 'planning', 'inhibition', and 'spatial working memory'. Utilizing only one EF measure in individuals with intact cognition may result in unidentification of individuals with executive dysfunction, thus delaying necessary treatment. Future studies should attempt to determine different etiologies of executive dysfunction and determine if early treatment can prevent or reverse SN. ^ Key Words: Self-neglect, Executive Dysfunction, Executive Function, Adult Protective Services, Community-dwelling, Vitamin D ^


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Tuberculosis is a major cause of death due to an infection in mankind. BCG vaccine protects against childhood tuberculosis although, it fails to protect against adult tuberculosis. BCG vaccine localizes to immature phagosomes of macrophages, and avoids lysosomal fusion, which decreases peptide antigen production. Peptides are essential for macrophage-mediated priming of CD4 and CD8 T cells respectively through MHC-II and MHC-I pathways. Furthermore, BCG reduces the expression of MHC-II in macrophages of mice after infection, through Toll-like receptor-1/2 (TLR-1/2) mediated signaling. In my first aim, I hypothesized that BCG-induced reduction of MHC-II levels in macrophages can decrease CD4 T cell function, while activation of other surface Toll-like receptors (TLR) can enhance CD4 T cell function. An in vitro antigen presentation model was used where, TLR activated macrophages presented an epitope of Ag85B, a major immunogen of BCG to CD4 T cells, and T cell derived IL-2 was quantitated as a measure of antigen presentation. Macrophages with BCG were poor presenters of Ag85B while, TLR-7/9/5/4 and 1/2 activation led to an enhanced antigen presentation. Furthermore, TLR-7/9 activation was found to down-regulate the degradation of MHC-II through ubiquitin ligase MARCH1, and also stimulate MHC-II expression through activation of AP-1 and CREB transcription elements via p38 and ERK1/2 MAP kinases. I conclude from Aim-I studies that TLR-7/9 ligands can be used as more effective ‘adjuvants’ for BCG vaccine. In Aim-II, I evaluated the poor CD8 T cell function in BCG vaccinated mice thought to be due to a decreased leak of antigens into cytosol from immature phagosomes, which reduces the MHC-I mediated activation of CD8 T cells. I hypothesized that rapamycin co-treatment could boost CD8 T cell function since it was known to sort BCG vaccine into lysosomes increasing peptide generation, and it also enhanced the longevity of CD8 T cells. Since CD8 T cell function is a dynamic event better measurable in vivo, mice were given BCG vaccine with or without rapamycin injections and challenged with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Organs were analysed for tetramer or surface marker stained CD8 T cells using flow cytometry, and bacterial counts of organisms for evaluation of BCG-induced protection. Co-administration of rapamycin with BCG significantly increased the numbers of CD8 T cells in mice which developed into both short living effector- SLEC type of CD8 T cells, and memory precursor effector-MPEC type of longer-living CD8 T cells. Increased levels of tetramer specific-CD8 T cells correlated with a better protection against tuberculosis in rapamycin-BCG group compared to BCG vaccinated mice. When rapamycin-BCG mice were rested and re-challenged with M.tuberculosis, MPECs underwent stronger recall expansion and protected better against re-infection than mice vaccinated with BCG alone. Since BCG induced immunity wanes with time in humans, we made two novel observations in this study that adjuvant activation of BCG vaccine and rapamycin co-treatment both lead to a stronger and longer vaccine-mediated immunity to tuberculosis.


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High tunnels have been successfully used in Iowa to modify the climate and extend the growing season for tomatoes and other crops. Without the use of supplemental heat these ventilated, single layered plastic structures have typically increased average inside air temperatures by 10°F or more over outside temperatures for the growing season. The same tunnel, however, will only increase the daily low temperature by about 1 or 2°F, thus making early season high tunnel plantings without additional heat or plant coverings risky in Iowa. Fabric row covers are commonly used in high tunnels to provide for an additional 2-4°F frost protection during cold evenings. The recommended planting date for high tunnel tomatoes in Iowa has been about April 16 (4 to 5 weeks ahead of the recommended outside planting date). Producers are also advised to have some sort of plant covering material available to protect plants during a late spring frost.