859 resultados para soft power, national identity, creative models, cultural resources, creative entrepreneur
ResumenEstudia el proceso que condujo a la consagración de Atlacatl el cacique indígena que lideró la resistencia de los habitantes de Cuscatlán frente a los invasores españoles, como héroe nacional, hacia fines de la década de 1920AbstractThe author studies the process which led to the elevations of Atlacatl, the indigenous chieftain who lead the resistance of the inhabitants of Cuscatlán against the spanish invaders, to the status of national hero towards the en of the 1920s
ResumenEl artículo estudia los orígenes, trayectoria histórica y características de una de las fiestas más populares en Costa Rica, los llamados “turnos”, en el período 1890-1930. La investigación es novedosa, pues analiza elementos asociados a la religiosidad popular, la sociabilidad y la identidad nacional, sin perder de vista ciertos rasgos locales, pues el origen de esta festividad se remonta a las Cofradías coloniales.AbstractThe article asserts the origins, historical trajectory, and characteristics of one of the most popular festivities in Costa Rica, the so-called turnos, in the period between 1890 and 1930. This novel investigation analyzes elements associated with popular religious practices, sociability, and national identity, without excluding certain local features, since the origin of these popular festivities dates back to the colonial Cofradías.
Resumen En este artículo el autor ratrea el proceso de formación de los principales atributos de la nación costarricense y procura determinar cuales eran los sentidos de pertenencia en Costa Rica en el perido de 1810-1870 Abstract In this article the author traces the process of formation of the principal attributes of the Costa Rica nation, and determines which were the meanings of belonging in Costa Rica in the period 1810-1870
Resumen En este artículo el autor ratrea el proceso de formación de los principales atributos de la nación costarricense y procura determinar cuales eran los sentidos de pertenencia en Costa Rica en el perido de 1810-1870 Abstract In this article the author traces the process of formation of the principal attributes of the Costa Rica nation, and determines which were the meanings of belonging in Costa Rica in the period 1810-1870.
Resumen La autora destaca la complejidad de las relaciones entre los actores locales y los agentes de las potencias externas, sus modos de cooperación, sometimiento y resistencia bajo diversos contextos sociales, asi como los resultados imprevistos o paradójicos de las intervenciones foráneas en la construcción de la idea nacional de Nicaragua Abstract The autor highlights the complexity of relations between local actor and the agents of foreing powers ; their modes of cooperation, submission, and resistance under diverse social contexts; and resistance under diverse social contexts; and the unexpected or paradoxical results of foreign interventions in the construction of the national idea of Nicaragua
Resumen Desde principios del siglo XX, desde el estado hondureño se ralizan esfuerzos por mayanizar Honduras. El autor vincula este ´proceso con la hegemonía bananera en ese país centroamericano y con la integración de varios discursos en una identidad nacional post-colonial Abstract Since the start of the twentieth century, the Honduran state fomented efforts to “mayanize” Honduras. The author links this process with the hegemony of banana interests in that Central America country and the integration of various discourses into a post-colonial national identity
Resumen Se propone explorar la formación de la nacionalidad en Costa Rica y la presentación de los nicaragüenses como “otros” , procesos de larga duración que se han afectado mutuamente. Abstract The author proposes to study the formation of national identity in Costa Rica And the presentation of Nicaragua as “others”: Two Long-Term Processes with have influenced each other
La Iglesia católica desde que llegó al continente americano de la mano de los conquistadores y colonizadores europeos, desempeñó tareas vinculadas con el control y vigilancia de la población que aquí habitaba. Esta labor la siguió desempeñando luego de la independencia de las colonias españolas. El presente artículo pretende dilucidar cómo se estableció la colaboración brindada al estado por parte de la jerarquía del catolicismo costarricense luego de erigida la Diócesis de San José hasta el fin del obispado josefino en 1920 en las tareas de controlar, vigilar y apropiarse tanto -del espacio geográfico considerado como costarricense, como de los habitantes que residían en dichos territorios. Por ello se analizará cuáles fueron y como utilizó la jerarquía de la Iglesia católica costarricense los mecanismos de control que tenía a su disposición para alcanzar tales objetivos.Abstract This essay analyzes the collaboration of the Catholic Church with the Costa Rican State between the foundations of the Diocese of San José until 1920. lt shows how the Church helped to control, watch and take over the geographical space of Costa Rica and individual living in that land. It also studies mechanisms of control the Catholic Church carried out in this process.
La identidad nacional es una categoría jurídica central del Derecho de la Unión que puede ser particularmente apta a los fines de articular un mejor encaje entre los ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales y el sistema jurídico europeo. Se enmarca en un debate clásico de la construcción europea relativo a cómo conciliar una integración cada vez más acentuada con el debido respeto a la diversidad estatal. Se caracteriza por tratarse de una figura jurídica sumamente controvertida, existiendo una rica y abierta discusión en relación a su sentido y a su alcance. Con la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa en el año 2009, la nueva redacción de la cláusula de identidad nacional ha suscitado un interés renovado tanto por parte de la doctrina como de la jurisprudencia nacional y europea gracias a su mayor elaboración y a la ampliación de las potestades de la jurisdicción supranacional. La presente tesis doctoral ofrece un análisis integral de esta norma desde una aproximación dialéctica, que comprende tanto la visión acuñada por el Tribunal de Justicia como la percepción que de la misma mantienen los Tribunales Constitucionales nacionales, en tanto que guardianes supremos del ordenamiento constitucionales interno. Cada uno de los cuales sostiene una visión no exactamente coincidente sobre la norma suprema y la autoridad judicial última en el complejo sistema constitucional común europeo. Se lleva a cabo un estudio desde una perspectiva histórica y actual, sustantiva y procesal, descriptiva y valorativa, así como una parte propositiva por medio de la cual se propone un modelo para la resolución de este tipo de conflictos en sede judicial.
This study discusses the interactions of different decision-making mechanisms in the process of change of a successful entrepreneurial dairy firm in Vietnam. The purpose of the study is to construct a theoretical framework, which explains the interactions between effectual and causal decision-making processes in different phases of business, and to provide a real life example with practical recommendations for entrepreneurs and managers. In order to achieve this purpose, a preliminary theoretical framework was built, using process theories applied to different decision making modes, referred to as causation and effectuation. The case was studied through ethnographic research method, with three semi-structured interviews, one unstructured interview, secondary data and observations within four months in 2013-2014. After the data was analyzed, a modified framework was drawn from the result. The finding of this study shows that there was an interaction between effectual and causal decision-making processes in different stages of the company’s development. The entrepreneur applied effectual decision-making process to develop a unique business model and a new dairy market segment. However, when a new market demand arose, the company’s resources became insufficient, they thus had to shift to causation process to adapt to market change. Simultaneously, with better-accumulated resources, the entrepreneur continued the effectuation process to create another brand new dairy market segment. This study, thus, contributes to effectuation theory, emphasizing the necessity of combining effectual and causal decision-making processes in different phases of business. It is suggested that business would develop with an effectual process until a business model is viable for growth. It continues to use this process up to a certain degree. When the market changes, the company needs to collect more means to adapt to the changes. They need to set new goals and this is a shift to the use of causal process, which builds on prediction. It uses goals and teleology as driving mechanisms and tries to exploit and fill potential resource gaps to achieve these goals. At the same time, there are new iterations that look to establish new lines or types of business with the given means, which are now well established. This again employs effectual mechanisms, which are based on evolutionary process, until they reach the stage of viable tested business model. Moreover, this study hopes to provide know-how to entrepreneurs and managers of small companies in similar situations, suggesting how to combine effectual and causal decision-making processes to deal with various circumstances in different times.
Franciszek Maczynski was one of the best Polish architects of the early 20th century and Solewski used a wide range of materials to complete a bibliography of Maczynski's architectural, artistic and theoretical works, and a biography of the architect. From his analysis of the material collected, he concluded that Maczynski was a romantic architect, influenced by a vision to seek the essential Truth in historical patterns or artistic creativity. This determined his search for the ideal form and style in architecture, connecting 'national' and historical inspiration, the vernacular 'Zakopane Style', Gesamtkunstwek and modernistic severity. However, Maczynski worked closely with Tadeusz Stryjenski, his most important patron, who also used the 'beginner's' artistic talents, while he, as the 'boss', decided on commissions and profits. This experience led to Maczynski's involvement in the Spojnia partnership, creating simple engineering architecture and successfully locating wealthy investors. It was the liberal idea of establishing a building firm to make profits that turned Maczynski into a regular builder and entrepreneur, abandoning the romantic idea of 'artistic' or 'national' architecture. The transformation from artist to entrepreneur indeed reflected the opposition of romantic-liberal.
The premise of this paper is that a model for communicating the national value system must start from a strategy aimed at the identification, the cultivation and communication of values that give consistency to the value system. The analysis concentrates on the elements of such strategies and on the implications of applying a value communication program on the identity architecture of the community. The paper will also discuss the role of the national value system in the context of the emerging global culture, where the individual has the power to create his/her own hybrid cultural model.
Essay on the origin, use and development of the arcuated lintel in ancient Rome and the configuration of the so– called ‘Serlian motif’. These architectural elements will be related to the architecture of prestige on its technical, functional, visual and symbolic sphere. Its depictions, in addition to buildings, can offer a rich repertory of images that speak about the relations between visual culture, religion and power. Furthermore, the analyzed motifs will become important elements of the Western cultural legacy for centuries. The analysis of these events will contribute to the comprehension of the role played by some resources of ancient Rome architecture of prestige and its success
The overriding aim of this drama educational case study is to deepen the understanding of meaning making in a creative intercultural youth theatre process and to examine it in the context of the 10th European Children's TheatreEncounter. The research task is to give a theoretical description of some key features of a creative drama process as the basis for theory about meaning makingin physical theatre. The first task is to illuminate the culture-historical connections of the multilayered practice of the EDERED-association. The second taskis to analyse and interpret theatrical meaning making. The ethnographical research site is regarded as a theatrical event. The analysis of the theatrical eventis divided into four segments: cultural contexts, contextual theatricality, theatrical playing and playing culture. These segments are connected with four research questions: What are the cultural contexts of a creative drama process? How can the organisation of the Encounter, genres, aesthetic codes and perception ofcodes be seen to influence the lived experiences of the participants? What are some of the key phases and characteristics in a creative practice? What kind of cultural learning can be interpreted from the performance texts? The interpretative question concerns identity and community (re)construction. How are the categories, `community´ and `child´ constructed in the Encounter culture? In this drama educational case study the research material (transcribed interviews, coded questionnaire answers, participant drawings, videotaped process text and performance texts) are examined in a multi-method analysis in the meta-theoretical framework of Dewey's naturalistic pragmatism. A three-dimensional research interest through a combination of lived experiences, social contexts and cultural-aesthetical practices compared with drama-educational practices required the methodological project of cultural studies. Furthermore, the critical interpretation of cultural texts is divided into three levels of analyses which are called description, structural analysis and theoretical interpretation. Dialogic validity (truthfulness, self-reflexivity and polyvocality) is combined with contextual validity (sensitivity to social context and awareness of historicity) and with deconstructive validity (awareness of the social discourses). My research suggests that itis possible, by means of physical theatre, to construct symbolic worlds where questions about intercultural identity and multilingual community are examined and where provisional answers are constructed in social interaction.
The interconnected domains are attracting interest from industries and academia, although this phenomenon, called ‘convergence’ is not new. Organizational research has indeed focused on uncovering co-creation for manufacturing and the industrial organization, with limited implications to entrepreneurship. Although convergence has been characterized as a process connecting seemingly disparate disciplines, it is argued that these studies tend to leave the creative industries unnoticed. With the art market boom and new forms of collaboration riding past the institution-focused arts marketing literature, this thesis takes a leap to uncover the processes of entrepreneurship in the emergence of a cultural product. As a symbolic work of synergism itself, the thesis combines organizational theory with literature in natural sciences and arts. Assuming nonlinearity, a framework is created for analysing aesthetic experience in an empirical event where network actors are connected to multiple contexts. As the focal case in study, the empirical analysis performed for a music festival organized in a skiing resort in the French Alps in March. The researcher attends the festival and models its cocreation process by enquiring from an artist, festival organisers, and a festival visitor. The findings contribute to fields of entrepreneurship, aesthetics and marketing mainly. It is found that the network actors engage in intimate and creative interaction where activity patterns are interrupted and cultural elements combined. This process is considered to both create and destruct value, through identity building, legitimisation, learning, and access to larger audiences, and it is considered particularly useful for domains where resources are too restrained for conventional marketing practices. This thesis uncovered the role of artists and informants and posits that particularly through experience design, this type of skilled individual be regarded more often as a research informant. Future research is encouraged to engage in convergence by experimenting with different fields and research designs, and it is suggested that future studies could arrive at different descriptive results.