903 resultados para social work educators


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This paper explores the complexities and contradictions of frontline practice that pose problems for personalised social care through enhanced choice. It draws on semi-structured interviews with community care workers, social workers, occupational therapists and care managers in a social service department. Practitioners interviewed were asked about their current assessment and documentation system, including the assessment documents currently used; how they approached information gathering and the topics they explored with service users; and their experience of documenting assessment and care management. The paper argues that the validity and sustainability of personalised social care in frontline practice relies on developing a thorough understanding of the complex and implicit assessment processes operating at the service user/practitioner interface and the inevitable tensions that arise for practitioners associated with the organisational context and broader service environment. The findings demonstrate the variability among practitioners in how they collect information and more importantly, the critical role practitioners occupy in determining the kinds of topics to be explored during the assessment process. In so doing, it shows how practitioners can exert control over the decision-making process. More importantly, it provides some insight into how such processes are shaped by the constraints of the organisational context and broader service environment. Complexities and contradictions may be an inherent part of frontline practice. The issues discussed in this paper, however, highlight potential areas that might be targeted in conjunction with implementing personalised social care through enhanced choice for people with disabilities.


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Outcomes of social policies have always been mediated by the discretionary agency of front-line staff, processes which nevertheless have received insufficient attention in policy evaluation and in the social policy literature more broadly. This article takes the case example or the policy reforms associated with the Australian government's welfare-to-work agenda. Drawing on two discreet research projects undertaken at different points in the policy trajectory, the practices of social workers in Centrelink - the Commonwealth government's primary service delivery agency involved in welfare-to-work - is examined. Centrelink social workers have been and remain one of the core groups of specialist staff since the Department's inception in the late 1940s, working to improve the well being Of people in receipt of income security. Their experiences of the recent past and their expectations of the future of their professional practice as welfare reform becomes more entrenched are canvassed. In summary, the discretionary capacity of the Centrelink social workers to moderate or shape the impact of policy on income security recipients is steadily eroding as this group of professionals is increasingly captured by the emerging practices of workfare.


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The Post-Fordist welfare state thesis locates contemporary social welfare change within a wider analysis of the transformation of capitalist accumulation regimes. Whilst this analysis is useful in directing attention to macro socio-economic change, it has for the most part contained three shortcomings. First, the Post-Fordist thesis has overemphasized the role of historical 'breaks' in the development of social welfare as it purportedly passes from Fordism to Post-Fordism. Second, the thesis has assumed a degree of convergence between welfare states as a result of global economic forces. In doing so, it has underemphasized the mediating impact of existing institutional arrangements within nations. Third, the thesis has assumed, rather than demonstrated, the specific changes which are alleged to be taking place in various fields of social welfare. As a consequence, aspects of continuity in social welfare have been neglected. These three lacunae are addressed through a comparative analysis of developments in the personal social services in Australia and Britain. Services to older people are employed as the specific context of comparison in relation to three dimensions of measuring transformation along a Post-Fordist trajectory: a shift from a unitary economy to a mixed economy of service provision; changes in the model of service delivery and consumption; and strengthening the governance function of the central state. This comparative analysis suggests the need for refinement of the Post-Fordist welfare state thesis concerning the restructuring of social welfare and its impact on the personal social services.


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A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a presença pública das igrejas de missão batistas, metodistas e presbiterianas através das obras de serviço social atuantes na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo é estudar como as igrejas, em seus esforços de trabalho e missão, estão cumprindo o seu papel pelo viés social, por meio de projetos realizados por instituições juridicamente constituídas e atuantes. Para isto, o estudo começa caracterizando histórica-sócio-economicamente a região, observando os antecedentes históricos das igrejas na cidade. Num segundo momento, mediante pesquisa de campo, espera-se apresentar como se deu a formação e desenvolvimento das igrejas de missão e suas obras sociais. Por último, a pesquisa se ocupa em analisar as obras de serviço social e a sua contribuição para uma práxis transformadora no cenário urbano. Uma das principais considerações obtidas ao fim da pesquisa é a de que as igrejas de missão têm sofrido um tipo de esvaziamento de sua ação social, motivado, sobretudo, pelas atuais transformações no campo religioso, pela ausência de um agir significativo no contexto urbano e pela falta de diálogo e apropriação do terceiro setor.


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A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a presença pública das igrejas de missão batistas, metodistas e presbiterianas através das obras de serviço social atuantes na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo é estudar como as igrejas, em seus esforços de trabalho e missão, estão cumprindo o seu papel pelo viés social, por meio de projetos realizados por instituições juridicamente constituídas e atuantes. Para isto, o estudo começa caracterizando histórica-sócio-economicamente a região, observando os antecedentes históricos das igrejas na cidade. Num segundo momento, mediante pesquisa de campo, espera-se apresentar como se deu a formação e desenvolvimento das igrejas de missão e suas obras sociais. Por último, a pesquisa se ocupa em analisar as obras de serviço social e a sua contribuição para uma práxis transformadora no cenário urbano. Uma das principais considerações obtidas ao fim da pesquisa é a de que as igrejas de missão têm sofrido um tipo de esvaziamento de sua ação social, motivado, sobretudo, pelas atuais transformações no campo religioso, pela ausência de um agir significativo no contexto urbano e pela falta de diálogo e apropriação do terceiro setor.


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O texto analisa o projeto social da Igreja Metodista no bairro do Brás junto aos imigrantes Bolivianos. Revisa-se a literatura sobre as primeiras movimentações com imigrantes no Brasil para focar logo, o bairro do Brás, a Igreja Metodista e o projeto com imigrantes Bolivianos. A origem do bairro do Brás, sua importância e a sua relação histórica com movimentação migratória fazem parte das reflexões. O surgimento da igreja e suas características missionárias são apresentados antes de um aprofundamento no estudo do projeto social com os Bolivianos. Revisa-se a relação entre a igreja e os imigrantes americanos e europeus que chegaram ao Brasil no final do século XIX. A partir de 1980 inicia-se o fenômeno do crescimento da presença do imigrante boliviano nos bairros centrais da metrópole paulista, e como consequência desta presença, há cerca de dez anos a Igreja Metodista desenvolve o projeto visando dar assistência social e religiosa aos filhos e filhas de imigrantes Bolivianos. Para o estudo dessa questão realizou-se a pesquisa de campo e aplicação de entrevistas de questionário aos responsáveis pelo projeto, um casal que acompanha o projeto desde seu início, três pastores, sendo um deles de origem boliviana e quatro jovens Bolivianos que participam do projeto. Na pesquisa detectam-se fatos e informações relevantes para a análise critica em relação a preconceitos, limitações na comunicação, na integração cultural, falta de um planejamento estratégico entre outros aspectos burocráticos característicos da organização interna da Igreja Metodista. O desenvolvimento do contexto urbano do bairro do Brás, a procura de assistência social por parte do imigrante Boliviano e os limites estruturais da igreja aparecem como novos desafios à tradição e pratica missionária da Igreja Metodista.


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O município de Rio Grande da Serra está situado em uma região Grande ABC paulista reconhecida nacionalmente por seu desenvolvimento econômico e industrial e pelas lutas políticas e sindicais. Paradoxalmente, se configura, social e territorialmente falando, por uma região de periferia urbana. Resultado da forma como a urbanização, na sociedade moderna, conforma o espaço em regiões centrais e periféricas. Localizado no caminho que ligava Santos à Mogi das Cruzes (século XIX) povoado de Geribatiba decorrente das transformações urbanas ocorridas em toda a região, conquistaria, nos anos 1960, sua autonomia político-administrativa. Nas décadas seguintes testemunhou intenso crescimento populacional, resultado do processo migratório, principalmente de mineiros e nordestinos que tinham as cidades, e indústrias, de São Paulo e Grande ABC como destino. Esse deslocamento de pessoas, e as redes formadas em seu em torno, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de seu campo religioso. Atualmente, com uma população, em torno, de 46 mil habitantes, possui aproximadamente 180 locais de cerimônias religiosas. Nesse contexto, a tese analisa a inserção regional socioeconômica e religiosa de Rio Grande da Serra, a partir de dados comparativos com os demais municípios, e discute como o regionalismo tem contribuído para seu desenvolvimento econômico. Realiza a caracterização das periferias urbanas, discutindo aspectos que lhes são inerentes, como segregação e vulnerabilidade social. Nesse sentido, a investigação possibilitou a identificação do perfil socioeconômico (renda e escolaridade) dos participantes dos grupos religiosos (católicos, evangélicos, kardecistas e umbandistas), permitindo, também, identificar desigualdades sociais no interior de seu território, constatando que determinados bairros são mais vulneráveis do que outros. Considerando que esse estudo examina a capacidade das redes sociais e religiosas, de aumentar o capital social de seus participantes, foi realizado o mapeamento e etnografia das diversas práticas associativas, mais ou menos formais e estruturadas, de forma a analisar os elementos materiais e simbólicos por elas produzidos. Constatou-se, apoiado na aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e observação participativa, que, a partir do habitus religioso de cada grupo, as redes possibilitam no âmbito econômico questões como emprego e renda ou auxílio em necessidades básicas de sobrevivência, através de campanhas e trabalhos sociais. No âmbito simbólico, as redes propiciam questões importantes à existência humana, como a crença na salvação ou evolução da alma, socialização, autoestima, prestígio ou ainda a expectativa de cura ou tratamento de dependência química. Pôde-se aferir que, a despeito das diferentes formas como cada grupo, e seus participantes, se apropriam do capital social, as redes sociais e religiosas, no município, funcionam como redes de proteção, especialmente à população em situação alta de vulnerabilidade social.


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This thesis considers four broad areas:(i) ANALYSIS OF THE STRESS FIELD.(a) research studies, relevant to the British Social Services considering the cultural setting, and the rigor with which they were conducted; (b) models of stress, specifically examining the theoretical soundness and practical application of the Medical, Engineering and Transactional models;(c) organisational models of stress relating specifically to human service organisations.(ii) QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES.(a) the appropriate application of each respective methodology and the particular usefulness of qualitative research designs; (b) the relevance of understanding the language and terminology associated with the subject area prior to the implementation of survey methods; (iii) FIELDWORK.(a) Phase 1. By use of focus groups, in-depth interviews and diary keeping amongst a small range of teams and managers, the Researcher develops a basic conceptual framework of stress within a Social Services context. In addition a small scale personality inventory was administered to participants.(b) Phase 2. This consisted of three key elements: 6 case studies in which the Researcher implements and appraises the impact of a range of intervention strategies designed to assist teams and their managers in dealing more effectively with stress; the administration of a large scale survey to all the field social work teams within the Social Services Department; an analysis of the user role within the stress process by way of two focus groups.(iv) THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT.


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The public’s perception of the social work profession is a rarely considered perspective, and yet a topic that is a concern to front Thepublic’sperceptionofthesocialworkprofessionisararelyconsideredperspective and yet a topic that is a concern to front line professionals. This paper explores how social workers experience and attempt to cope with public perception of their profession. It highlights the impact of these concerns on social workers’ personal experiences and professional practice. Using semi-structured interviews with sixteen UK social workers, from local authorities and private organisations,we explore the experiences of this group.Thematic analysis of the data identified four concerns: the experience of public perception, drivers of public perception, coping with public perception, and mechanisms to raise the professions profile. Examining public perception through the eyes of social workers provides valuable insights into the lived experiences of these professionals, and offers practical implications at both the micro and macro levels. It reveals two key ways in which the profession can begin to address the prevailing negative perception considered to be emanating from the public: through developing a more co-operative relationship with external sources of public perception (e.g. government and the media) and by engaging in more pro-active self-promotion of the service.


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This dissertation identifies, examines, and assesses the relative influence of identified empirically and conceptually relevant variables on incarcerated substance abusers' expectations of postrelease adjustment. A purposive sampling procedure was used to recruit 101 male and female substance-abusing offenders participating in prison- and jail-based drug treatment programs in south Florida. A 92-item survey questionnaire was used to collect basic demographic data; measure inmate preincarceration characteristics, social support, and rehabilitation program participation; and record archival data. Regression equations were developed utilizing ten different measures of the participants' expectations of their postrelease adjustment. Two equations yielded statistically significant F ratios; maintaining a stable living and maintaining abstinence. Twenty-two percent of the variance in respondents' expectations of maintaining a stable living was explained by preincarceration characteristics, social support, and rehabilitation program participation (F = 1.89; df = 13,87; p $<$.05). The only significant predictor variable was perception of social support (b = $-$.05; t = $-$3.6; p $<$.001). Twenty-three percent of the variance in respondents' expectations of maintaining abstinence from substances was explained by preincarceration characteristics, social support, and rehabilitation program participation (F = 2; df = 13,87; p $<$.05). Once again, the only significant predictor variable was perception of social support. The results of the analyses indicate that social support was the only important variable for understanding these respondents' efficacy expectations of postrelease abstinence and stable living. The results of this investigation demonstrate the complexity of the social support variable for prisoners, and identify social support as a potential rehabilitative resource for substance-abusing inmates. The results of this investigation underscore the importance of continued, detailed empirical study in order to understand and clarify how social support, efficacy expectations, and actual postrelease performance interrelate for this population of offenders.


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The current study was designed to build on and extend the existing knowledge base of factors that cause, maintain, and influence child molestation. Theorized links among the type of offender and the offender's levels of moral development and social competence in the perpetration of child molestation were investigated. The conceptual framework for the study is based on the cognitive developmental stages of moral development as proposed by Kohlberg, the unified theory, or Four-Preconditions Model, of child molestation as proposed by Finkelhor, and the Information-Processing Model of Social Skills as proposed by McFall. The study sample consisted of 127 adult male child molesters participating in outpatient group therapy. All subjects completed a Self-Report Questionnaire which included questions designed to obtain relevant demographic data, questions similar to those used by the researchers for the Massachusetts Treatment Center: Child Molester Typology 3's social competency dimension, the Defining Issues Test (DIT) short form, the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SADS), the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS), and the Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency (Empathy Scale). Data were analyzed utilizing confirmatory factor analysis, t-tests, and chi-square statistics. Partial support was found for the hypothesis that moral development is a separate but correlated construct from social competence. As predicted, although the actual mean score differences were small, a statistically significant difference was found in the current study between the mean DITP scores of the subject sample and that of the general male population, suggesting that child molesters, as a group, function at a lower level of moral development than does the general male population, and the situational offenders in the study sample demonstrated a statistically significantly higher level of moral development than the preferential offenders. The data did not support the hypothesis that situational offenders will demonstrate lower levels of social competence than preferential offenders. Relatively little significance is placed on this finding, however, because the measure for the social competency variable was likely subject to considerable measurement error in that the items used as indicators were not clearly defined. The last hypothesis, which involved the potential differences in social anxiety, assertion skills, and empathy between the situational and preferential offender types, was not supported by the data. ^