893 resultados para smart metering


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Demand-side management in smart grids has emerged as a hot topic for optimizing energy consumption. In conventional research works, energy consumption is optimized from the perspective of either the users or the power company. In this paper, we investigate how energy consumption may be optimized by taking into consideration the interaction between both parties. We propose a new energy price model as a function of total energy consumption. Also, we propose a new objective function, which optimizes the difference between the value and cost of energy. The power supplier pulls consumers in a round-robin fashion and provides them with energy price parameter and current consumption summary vector. Each user then optimizes his own schedule and reports it to the supplier, which, in turn, updates its energy price parameter before pulling the next consumers. This interaction between the power company and its consumers is modeled through a two-step centralized game, based on which we propose our game-theoretic energy schedule (GTES) method. The objective of our GTES method is to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio by optimizing the users' energy schedules. The performance of the GTES approach is evaluated through computer-based simulations. © 2014 IEEE.


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Smart grid constrained optimal control is a complex issue due to the constant growth of grid complexity and the large volume of data available as input to smart device control. In this context, traditional centralized control paradigms may suffer in terms of the timeliness of optimization results due to the volume of data to be processed and the delayed asynchronous nature of the data transmission. To address these limits of centralized control, this paper presents a coordinated, distributed algorithm based on distributed, local controllers and a central coordinator for exchanging summarized global state information. The proposed model for exchanging global state information is resistant to fluctuations caused by the inherent interdependence between local controllers, and is robust to delays in information exchange. In addition, the algorithm features iterative refinement of local state estimations that is able to improve local controller ability to operate within network constraints. Application of the proposed coordinated, distributed algorithm through simulation shows its effectiveness in optimizing a global goal within a complex distribution system operating under constraints, while ensuring network operation stability under varying levels of information exchange delay, and with a range of network sizes.


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Utility companies provide electricity to a large number of consumers. These companies need to have an accurate forecast of the next day electricity demand. Any forecast errors will result in either reliability issues or increased costs for the company. Because of the widespread roll-out of smart meters, a large amount of high resolution consumption data is now accessible which was not available in the past. This new data can be used to improve the load forecast and as a result increase the reliability and decrease the expenses of electricity providers. In this paper, a number of methods for improving load forecast using smart meter data are discussed. In these methods, consumers are first divided into a number of clusters. Then a neural network is trained for each cluster and forecasts of these networks are added together in order to form the prediction for the aggregated load. In this paper, it is demonstrated that clustering increases the forecast accuracy significantly. Criteria used for grouping consumers play an important role in this process. In this work, three different feature selection methods for clustering consumers are explained and the effect of feature extraction methods on forecast error is investigated.


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Combining the Semantic Web and the Ubiquitous Web, Web 3.0 is for things. The Semantic Web enables human knowledge to be machine-readable and the Ubiquitous Web allows Web services to serve any thing, forming a bridge between the virtual world and the real world. By using context, Web services can become smarter-that is, aware of the target things' or applications' physical environments, or situations and respond proactively and intelligently. Existing methods for implementing context-aware Web services on Web 2.0 mainly enumerate different implementations corresponding to different attribute values of the context, in order to improve the Quality of Services (QoS). However, things in the physical world are extremely diverse, which poses new problems for Web services: it is difficult to unify the context of things and to implement a flexible smart Web service for things. This article proposes a novel smart Web service based on the context of things, which is implemented using a REpresentational State Transfer for Things (Thing-REST) style, to tackle the two problems. In a smart Web service, the user's description (semantic context) and sensor reports (sensing context) are two channels for acquiring the context of things which are then employed by ontology services to make the context of things machine-readable. With guidance of domain knowledge services, event detection services can analyze things' needs particularly, well through the context of things. We then propose a Thing-REST style to manage the context of things and user context, and to mashup Web services through three structures (i.e., chain, select, and merge) to implement smart Web services. A smart plant watering-service application demonstrates the effectiveness of our method. © 2012 ACM.


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This paper presents a distributed multi-agent scheme for enhancing the cyber security of smart grids which integrates computational resources, physical processes, and communication capabilities. Smart grid infrastructures are vulnerable to various cyber attacks and noises whose influences are significant for reliable and secure operations. A distributed agent-based framework is developed to investigate the interactions between physical processes and cyber activities where the attacks are considered as additive sensor fault signals and noises as randomly generated disturbance signals. A model of innovative physical process-oriented counter-measure and abnormal angle-state observer is designed for detection and mitigation against integrity attacks. Furthermore, this model helps to identify if the observation errors are caused either by attacks or noises.


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The chapter presents a dynamical model and power conversion technology of electric vehicles (EVs) used in smart grids. The efficient power conversion of EVs in smart grids depends on the operation of bi-directional converters as these EVs need to be either charged or discharged. In this chapter, the mathematical model of a bi-directional converter used in EVs is developed and a nonlinear controller is designed to facilitate the power conversion in the smart grid environments. Since the power conversion of EVs in smart grids requires the communication, a nonlinear partial feedback linearising distributed controller based on the communication with different EVs is proposed to ensure high power quality and system stability.


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This paper presents a distributed multi-agent scheme for enhancing the cyber security of smart grids which integrates computational resources, physical processes, and communication capabilities. Smart grid infrastructures are vulnerable to various cyber attacks and noises whose influences are significant for reliable and secure operations. A distributed agent-based framework is developed to investigate the interactions between physical processes and cyber activities where the attacks are considered as additive sensor fault signals and noises as randomly generated disturbance signals. A model of innovative physical process-oriented counter-measure and abnormal angle-state observer is designed for detection and mitigation against integrity attacks. Furthermore, this model helps to identify if the observation errors are caused either by attacks or noises.


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Nanotechnology-based textile coating is a combined approach to textile engineering which mainly relies on using nanoscale materials and novel methods to produce smart finishing. Several methods have been introduced to generate smart coatings on textiles including the sol–gel technique, layer-by-layer technique, cross-linking by polymers, and thin film deposition. Nanofibre coating of different metallic and nonmetallic substrates has been intensively considered for sensory and infrastructure purposes. This chapter provides an overview of nanotechnology-based coating approaches with a detailed discussion of applications in practical and potential fields. Future trends of new types of smart coatings on textiles are also presented.


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For the operator of a power system, having an accurate forecast of the day-ahead load is imperative in order to guaranty the reliability of supply and also to minimize generation costs and pollution. Furthermore, in a restructured power system, other parties, like utility companies, large consumers and in some cases even ordinary consumers, can benefit from a higher quality demand forecast. In this paper, the application of smart meter data for producing more accurate load forecasts has been discussed. First an ordinary neural network model is used to generate a forecast for the total load of a number of consumers. The results of this step are used as a benchmark for comparison with the forecast results of a more sophisticated method. In this new method, using wavelet decomposition and a clustering technique called interactive k-means, the consumers are divided into a number of clusters. Then for each cluster an individual neural network is trained. Consequently, by adding the outputs of all of the neural networks, a forecast for the total load is generated. A comparison between the forecast using a single model and the forecast generated by the proposed method, proves that smart meter data can be used to significantly improve the quality of load forecast.


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To tackle the challenges at circuit level and system level VLSI and embedded system design, this dissertation proposes various novel algorithms to explore the efficient solutions. At the circuit level, a new reliability-driven minimum cost Steiner routing and layer assignment scheme is proposed, and the first transceiver insertion algorithmic framework for the optical interconnect is proposed. At the system level, a reliability-driven task scheduling scheme for multiprocessor real-time embedded systems, which optimizes system energy consumption under stochastic fault occurrences, is proposed. The embedded system design is also widely used in the smart home area for improving health, wellbeing and quality of life. The proposed scheduling scheme for multiprocessor embedded systems is hence extended to handle the energy consumption scheduling issues for smart homes. The extended scheme can arrange the household appliances for operation to minimize monetary expense of a customer based on the time-varying pricing model.


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Implementation of stable aeroelastic models with the ability to capture the complex features of Multi concept smartblades is a prime step in reducing the uncertainties that come along with blade dynamics. The numerical simulations of fluid structure interaction can thus be used to test a realistic scenarios comprising of full-scale blades at a reasonably low computational cost. A code which was a combination of two advanced numerical models was designed and was run with the help of paralell HPC supercomputer platform. The first model was based on a variation of dimensional reduction technique proposed by Hodges and Yu. This model was the one to record the structural response of heterogenous composite blades. This technique reduces the geometrical complexities of the heterogenous blade section into a stiffness matrix for an equivalent beam. This derived equivalent 1-D strain energy matrix is similar to the actual 3-D strain energy matrix in an asymptotic sense. As this 1-D matrix helps in accurately modeling the blade structure as a 1-D finite element problem, this substantially redues the computational effort and subsequently the computational cost that are required to model the structural dynamics at each step. Second model comprises of implementation of the Blade Element Momentum Theory. In this approach we map all the velocities and the forces with the help of orthogonal matrices that help in capturing the large deformations and the effects of rotations in calculating the aerodynamic forces. This ultimately helps us to take into account the complex flexo torsional deformations. In this thesis we have succesfully tested these computayinal tools developed by MTU’s research team lead by for the aero elastic analysis of wind-turbine blades. The validation in this thesis is majorly based on several experiments done on NREL-5MW blade, as this is widely accepted as a benchmark blade in the wind industry. Along with the use of this innovative model the internal blade structure was also changed to add up to the existing benefits of the already advanced numerical models.


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This dissertation is related to the studies of functionalized nanoparticles for self-assembly and as controlled drug delivery system. The whole topic is composed of two parts. In the first part, the research was conducted to design and synthesize a new type of ionic peptide-functionalized copolymer conjugates for self-assembly into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with the ability of multi-drug loading and governing the release rate of each drug for tissue engineering. The self-assembly study confirmed that such peptide-functionalized amphiphilic copolymers underwent different self-assembly behavior. The bigger nanoparticles were more easily assembled into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with larger pore size, while the smaller nanoparticle underwent faster self-assembly to form more compact 3D scaffolds with smaller porosity but more stable structure. Controlled release studies confirmed the ability of governing simultaneous release of different model drugs with independent release rate from a same scaffold. Cytotoxicity tests showed that all synthesized peptides, copolymers and peptide-copolymer conjugates were biocompatible with SW-620 cell lines and NIH3T3 cell lines. This new type of self-assembled scaffolds combined the advantages of peptide nanofibers and versatile controlled release of polymeric nanoparticles to achieve simultaneous multi-drug loading and controlled release of each drug, uniform distribution and flexibility of hydrogel scaffolds. The investigations in second part were first to design and synthesize organic biocide-loaded nanoparticles for low-leaching wood preservation using a cost-effective one-pot method to synthesize amphiphilic chitosan-g-PMMA nanoparticles loading with ~25-28 wt.% of the fungicide tebuconazole with particle size of ~100 nm diameter by FESEM. FESEM analysis confirmed efficient penetration of nanoparticles throughout the treated wooden stake with dimension of 19 × 19 × 455 mm^3. Leaching studies showed that biocide introduced into sapwood via nanoparticles leached only ~9% compared with the amount leached from tebuconazole solution-treated control, while soil jar tests showed that the nanoparticle-treated wood blocks were effectively protected from biological decay tested against G. trabeum, a brown rot fungus. Copper oxide nanoparticles with and without polymer stabilizers were also investigated to use as inorganic wood preservatives to clarify the factor affecting copper leaching from treated wood. Copper oxide nanoparticles with uniform diameters of ~10 nm and ~50 nm were prepared, and the leachates from southern pine sapwood treated with these nanoparticles were analyzed. It was found by TEM and EDS analysis that significant numbers of nanoparticles leached from the treated wood. The 50 nm nanoparticles leached slightly less than a soluble copper salt control, but 10 nm nanoparticles leached substantially more than the control. The effect of polymer stabilizers on nanoparticle leaching was also investigated. Results showed that polymer stabilizers increased leaching. The trends showed that nanoparticle size was a major factor in copper leaching.


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Nowadays words like Smart City, Internet of Things, Environmental Awareness surround us with the growing interest of Computer Science and Engineering communities. Services supporting these paradigms are definitely based on large amounts of sensed data, which, once obtained and gathered, need to be analyzed in order to build maps, infer patterns, extract useful information. Everything is done in order to achieve a better quality of life. Traditional sensing techniques, like Wired or Wireless Sensor Network, need an intensive usage of distributed sensors to acquire real-world conditions. We propose SenSquare, a Crowdsensing approach based on smartphones and a central coordination server for time-and-space homogeneous data collecting. SenSquare relies on technologies such as CoAP lightweight protocol, Geofencing and the Military Grid Reference System.


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Questa tesi si pone come obiettivo di arricchire l’applicazione per dispositivi Android creata da OpenTripPlanner, aggiungendo funzionalità di navigazione aumentata, rendendola utilizzabile da Smart Glasses. L’utente sarà guidato a passo a passo nel percorso grazie a informazioni visive e uditive sulle direzioni da prendere. L’applicazione può essere personalizzata per l’utente che la sta utilizzando grazie alla possibilità di inserire le proprie generalità e informazioni, utili per calcolare le calorie bruciate dall’utente durante il tragitto. All’applicazione l’utente può anche connettere, tramite Bluetooth, un mi band. In questo modo, una volta raggiunta la destinazione prescelta l’utente può avere informazioni sul numero di passi effettuati durante il tragitto e le calorie bruciate.


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Modern power networks incorporate communications and information technology infrastructure into the electrical power system to create a smart grid in terms of control and operation. The smart grid enables real-time communication and control between consumers and utility companies allowing suppliers to optimize energy usage based on price preference and system technical issues. The smart grid design aims to provide overall power system monitoring, create protection and control strategies to maintain system performance, stability and security. This dissertation contributed to the development of a unique and novel smart grid test-bed laboratory with integrated monitoring, protection and control systems. This test-bed was used as a platform to test the smart grid operational ideas developed here. The implementation of this system in the real-time software creates an environment for studying, implementing and verifying novel control and protection schemes developed in this dissertation. Phasor measurement techniques were developed using the available Data Acquisition (DAQ) devices in order to monitor all points in the power system in real time. This provides a practical view of system parameter changes, system abnormal conditions and its stability and security information system. These developments provide valuable measurements for technical power system operators in the energy control centers. Phasor Measurement technology is an excellent solution for improving system planning, operation and energy trading in addition to enabling advanced applications in Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC). Moreover, a virtual protection system was developed and implemented in the smart grid laboratory with integrated functionality for wide area applications. Experiments and procedures were developed in the system in order to detect the system abnormal conditions and apply proper remedies to heal the system. A design for DC microgrid was developed to integrate it to the AC system with appropriate control capability. This system represents realistic hybrid AC/DC microgrids connectivity to the AC side to study the use of such architecture in system operation to help remedy system abnormal conditions. In addition, this dissertation explored the challenges and feasibility of the implementation of real-time system analysis features in order to monitor the system security and stability measures. These indices are measured experimentally during the operation of the developed hybrid AC/DC microgrids. Furthermore, a real-time optimal power flow system was implemented to optimally manage the power sharing between AC generators and DC side resources. A study relating to real-time energy management algorithm in hybrid microgrids was performed to evaluate the effects of using energy storage resources and their use in mitigating heavy load impacts on system stability and operational security.