982 resultados para sedimentary sulfides
The Johnny Lyon Hills area is located in Cochise County in southeastern Arizona. The rocks of the area include a central core of Lower pre-Cambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks surrounded by a complexly faulted and tilted section of Upper pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic strata. Limited exposures of Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks are present at the north end of the map area. Late Tertiary and Quaternary alluvium almost completely surrounds and overlaps upon the older rocks.
The older pre-Cambrian rocks include a section of more than 9000 feet of generally moderately metamorphosed graywackes, slates and conglomerates of the Pinal schist injected in zones by somewhat younger rnyolite sheets. The original sediments were deposited in a geosyncline whose extent probably included large parts of Arizona, New Mexico and west Texas. During the Mazatzal Revolution the Pinal schist was deformed into northeast-trending, steeply dipping and plunging structures and the entire local section was overturned steeply toward the northwest. The pre-Cambrian Johnny Lyon granodiorite was emplaced as a large epi-tectonic pluton which modified the metamorphic character of part of the Pinal schist. Larsen method determinations indicate an age of about 715 million years for this rock, which is about the minimum age compatible with the geologic relations.
The Laramide orogeny produced numerous major thrust faults in the area involving all rocks older than and including the Lower Cretaceous Bisbee group. Major compression from the southwest and subsequent superimposed thrusting from the southeast and east are indicated. Minimum thrust displacements of more than a mile are clear and the probable displacements are of much greater magnitude. The crystalline core behaved as a single structural unit and probably caused important local divergences from the regional pattern of northeast-trending compressive forces. The massif was rotated as a unit 40 degrees or more about a northwest-trending axis overturning the pre-Cambrian fold axes in the Pinal schist.
Swarms of Late Cretaceous(?) or Early Tertiary(?) lamprophyric dikes cross the Laramide structures and are probably related to the large Texas Canyon stock several miles southeast of the map area. Intermittent high angle faulting, both older and younger than the dikes, has continued since the Laramide orogeny and has been superimposed on the older structures. This steep faulting combined with the fundamental northwesterly Laramide structural grain to produce the northwesterly trends characteristic of the mountain ridges and valleys of the area.
This thesis describes the use of multiply-substituted stable isotopologues of carbonate minerals and methane gas to better understand how these environmentally significant minerals and gases form and are modified throughout their geological histories. Stable isotopes have a long tradition in earth science as a tool for providing quantitative constraints on how molecules, in or on the earth, formed in both the present and past. Nearly all studies, until recently, have only measured the bulk concentrations of stable isotopes in a phase or species. However, the abundance of various isotopologues within a phase, for example the concentration of isotopologues with multiple rare isotopes (multiply substituted or 'clumped' isotopologues) also carries potentially useful information. Specifically, the abundances of clumped isotopologues in an equilibrated system are a function of temperature and thus knowledge of their abundances can be used to calculate a sample’s formation temperature. In this thesis, measurements of clumped isotopologues are made on both carbonate-bearing minerals and methane gas in order to better constrain the environmental and geological histories of various samples.
Clumped-isotope-based measurements of ancient carbonate-bearing minerals, including apatites, have opened up paleotemperature reconstructions to a variety of systems and time periods. However, a critical issue when using clumped-isotope based measurements to reconstruct ancient mineral formation temperatures is whether the samples being measured have faithfully recorded their original internal isotopic distributions. These original distributions can be altered, for example, by diffusion of atoms in the mineral lattice or through diagenetic reactions. Understanding these processes quantitatively is critical for the use of clumped isotopes to reconstruct past temperatures, quantify diagenesis, and calculate time-temperature burial histories of carbonate minerals. In order to help orient this part of the thesis, Chapter 2 provides a broad overview and history of clumped-isotope based measurements in carbonate minerals.
In Chapter 3, the effects of elevated temperatures on a sample’s clumped-isotope composition are probed in both natural and experimental apatites (which contain structural carbonate groups) and calcites. A quantitative model is created that is calibrated by the experiments and consistent with the natural samples. The model allows for calculations of the change in a sample’s clumped isotope abundances as a function of any time-temperature history.
In Chapter 4, the effects of diagenesis on the stable isotopic compositions of apatites are explored on samples from a variety of sedimentary phosphorite deposits. Clumped isotope temperatures and bulk isotopic measurements from carbonate and phosphate groups are compared for all samples. These results demonstrate that samples have experienced isotopic exchange of oxygen atoms in both the carbonate and phosphate groups. A kinetic model is developed that allows for the calculation of the amount of diagenesis each sample has experienced and yields insight into the physical and chemical processes of diagenesis.
The thesis then switches gear and turns its attention to clumped isotope measurements of methane. Methane is critical greenhouse gas, energy resource, and microbial metabolic product and substrate. Despite its importance both environmentally and economically, much about methane’s formational mechanisms and the relative sources of methane to various environments remains poorly constrained. In order to add new constraints to our understanding of the formation of methane in nature, I describe the development and application of methane clumped isotope measurements to environmental deposits of methane. To help orient the reader, a brief overview of the formation of methane in both high and low temperature settings is given in Chapter 5.
In Chapter 6, a method for the measurement of methane clumped isotopologues via mass spectrometry is described. This chapter demonstrates that the measurement is precise and accurate. Additionally, the measurement is calibrated experimentally such that measurements of methane clumped isotope abundances can be converted into equivalent formational temperatures. This study represents the first time that methane clumped isotope abundances have been measured at useful precisions.
In Chapter 7, the methane clumped isotope method is applied to natural samples from a variety of settings. These settings include thermogenic gases formed and reservoired in shales, migrated thermogenic gases, biogenic gases, mixed biogenic and thermogenic gas deposits, and experimentally generated gases. In all cases, calculated clumped isotope temperatures make geological sense as formation temperatures or mixtures of high and low temperature gases. Based on these observations, we propose that the clumped isotope temperature of an unmixed gas represents its formation temperature — this was neither an obvious nor expected result and has important implications for how methane forms in nature. Additionally, these results demonstrate that methane-clumped isotope compositions provided valuable additional constraints to studying natural methane deposits.
This new project is multidisciplinary, with physical and chemical palaeolimnological aspects mainly the responsibility of Swiss and Russian scientists, and the biological limnology and palaeolimnology components mainly undertaken by the British and Russian groups. The overall project aim is to improve palaeoclimate reconstructions using sedimentary diatoms by promoting better understanding of diatom ecology and sediment-forming processes. The initial work plan is divided into four main parts: To understand diatom phytoplankton ecology more fully, to assess taphonomic changes associated with the transformation of phytoplankton diatom communities into sediment assemblages, to demonstrate sediment core integrity and representativity and to calibrate modern diatom assemblages against contemporary climate records. The preliminary results from the interrelated studies of phytoplankton, sediment traps and sediment cores used in GEOPASS-NERC, demonstrate the complexity of links between the living and fossil systems. Furthermore, the nature of recent sedimentation in Lake Baikal is spatially variable and incompletely known. This poses a major challenge to palaeolimnological interpretation. Turbidite deposits and differential preservation of microfossils, combined with inadequate knowledge of the modern ecology of endemic diatoms, all conspire to obfuscate the sedimentary record of environmental change.
Experimental studies were conducted with the goals of 1) determining the origin of Pt- group element (PGE) alloys and associated mineral assemblages in refractory inclusions from meteorites and 2) developing a new ultrasensitive method for the in situ chemical and isotopic analysis of PGE. A general review of the geochemistry and cosmochemistry of the PGE is given, and specific research contributions are presented within the context of this broad framework.
An important step toward understanding the cosmochemistry of the PGE is the determination of the origin of POE-rich metallic phases (most commonly εRu-Fe) that are found in Ca, AJ-rich refractory inclusions (CAI) in C3V meteorites. These metals occur along with γNi-Fe metals, Ni-Fe sulfides and Fe oxides in multiphase opaque assemblages. Laboratory experiments were used to show that the mineral assemblages and textures observed in opaque assemblages could be produced by sulfidation and oxidation of once homogeneous Ni-Fe-PGE metals. Phase equilibria, partitioning and diffusion kinetics were studied in the Ni-Fe-Ru system in order to quantify the conditions of opaque assemblage formation. Phase boundaries and tie lines in the Ni-Fe-Ru system were determined at 1273, 1073 and 873K using an experimental technique that allowed the investigation of a large portion of the Ni-Fe-Ru system with a single experiment at each temperature by establishing a concentration gradient within which local equilibrium between coexisting phases was maintained. A wide miscibility gap was found to be present at each temperature, separating a hexagonal close-packed εRu-Fe phase from a face-centered cubic γNi-Fe phase. Phase equilibria determined here for the Ni-Fe-Ru system, and phase equilibria from the literature for the Ni-Fe-S and Ni-Fe-O systems, were compared with analyses of minerals from opaque assemblages to estimate the temperature and chemical conditions of opaque assemblage formation. It was determined that opaque assemblages equilibrated at a temperature of ~770K, a sulfur fugacity 10 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas, and an oxygen fugacity 106 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas.
Diffusion rates between -γNi-Fe and εRu-Fe metal play a critical role in determining the time (with respect to CAI petrogenesis) and duration of the opaque assemblage equilibration process. The diffusion coefficient for Ru in Ni (DRuNi) was determined as an analog for the Ni-Fe-Ru system by the thin-film diffusion method in the temperature range of 1073 to 1673K and is given by the expression:
DRuNi (cm2 sec-1) = 5.0(±0.7) x 10-3 exp(-2.3(±0.1) x 1012 erg mole-1/RT) where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in K. Based on the rates of dissolution and exsolution of metallic phases in the Ni-Fe-Ru system it is suggested that opaque assemblages equilibrated after the melting and crystallization of host CAI during a metamorphic event of ≥ 103 years duration. It is inferred that opaque assemblages originated as immiscible metallic liquid droplets in the CAI silicate liquid. The bulk compositions of PGE in these precursor alloys reflects an early stage of condensation from the solar nebula and the partitioning of V between the precursor alloys and CAI silicate liquid reflects the reducing nebular conditions under which CAI were melted. The individual mineral phases now observed in opaque assemblages do not preserve an independent history prior to CAI melting and crystallization, but instead provide important information on the post-accretionary history of C3V meteorites and allow the quantification of the temperature, sulfur fugacity and oxygen fugacity of cooling planetary environments. This contrasts with previous models that called upon the formation of opaque assemblages by aggregation of phases that formed independently under highly variable conditions in the solar nebula prior to the crystallization of CAI.
Analytical studies were carried out on PGE-rich phases from meteorites and the products of synthetic experiments using traditional electron microprobe x-ray analytical techniques. The concentrations of PGE in common minerals from meteorites and terrestrial rocks are far below the ~100 ppm detection limit of the electron microprobe. This has limited the scope of analytical studies to the very few cases where PGE are unusually enriched. To study the distribution of PGE in common minerals will require an in situ analytical technique with much lower detection limits than any methods currently in use. To overcome this limitation, resonance ionization of sputtered atoms was investigated for use as an ultrasensitive in situ analytical technique for the analysis of PGE. The mass spectrometric analysis of Os and Re was investigated using a pulsed primary Ar+ ion beam to provide sputtered atoms for resonance ionization mass spectrometry. An ionization scheme for Os that utilizes three resonant energy levels (including an autoionizing energy level) was investigated and found to have superior sensitivity and selectivity compared to nonresonant and one and two energy level resonant ionization schemes. An elemental selectivity for Os over Re of ≥ 103 was demonstrated. It was found that detuning the ionizing laser from the autoionizing energy level to an arbitrary region in the ionization continuum resulted in a five-fold decrease in signal intensity and a ten-fold decrease in elemental selectivity. Osmium concentrations in synthetic metals and iron meteorites were measured to demonstrate the analytical capabilities of the technique. A linear correlation between Os+ signal intensity and the known Os concentration was observed over a range of nearly 104 in Os concentration with an accuracy of ~ ±10%, a millimum detection limit of 7 parts per billion atomic, and a useful yield of 1%. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms samples the dominant neutral-fraction of sputtered atoms and utilizes multiphoton resonance ionization to achieve high sensitivity and to eliminate atomic and molecular interferences. Matrix effects should be small compared to secondary ion mass spectrometry because ionization occurs in the gas phase and is largely independent of the physical properties of the matrix material. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms can be applied to in situ chemical analysis of most high ionization potential elements (including all of the PGE) in a wide range of natural and synthetic materials. The high useful yield and elemental selectivity of this method should eventually allow the in situ measurement of Os isotope ratios in some natural samples and in sample extracts enriched in PGE by fire assay fusion.
Phase equilibria and diffusion experiments have provided the basis for a reinterpretation of the origin of opaque assemblages in CAI and have yielded quantitative information on conditions in the primitive solar nebula and cooling planetary environments. Development of the method of resonance ionization of sputtered atoms for the analysis of Os has shown that this technique has wide applications in geochemistry and will for the first time allow in situ studies of the distribution of PGE at the low concentration levels at which they occur in common minerals.
Fluvial systems form landscapes and sedimentary deposits with a rich hierarchy of structures that extend from grain- to valley scale. Large-scale pattern formation in fluvial systems is commonly attributed to forcing by external factors, including climate change, tectonic uplift, and sea-level change. Yet over geologic timescales, rivers may also develop large-scale erosional and depositional patterns that do not bear on environmental history. This dissertation uses a combination of numerical modeling and topographic analysis to identify and quantify patterns in river valleys that form as a consequence of river meandering alone, under constant external forcing. Chapter 2 identifies a numerical artifact in existing, grid-based models that represent the co-evolution of river channel migration and bank strength over geologic timescales. A new, vector-based technique for bank-material tracking is shown to improve predictions for the evolution of meander belts, floodplains, sedimentary deposits formed by aggrading channels, and bedrock river valleys, particularly when spatial contrasts in bank strength are strong. Chapters 3 and 4 apply this numerical technique to establishing valley topography formed by a vertically incising, meandering river subject to constant external forcing—which should serve as the null hypothesis for valley evolution. In Chapter 3, this scenario is shown to explain a variety of common bedrock river valley types and smaller-scale features within them—including entrenched channels, long-wavelength, arcuate scars in valley walls, and bedrock-cored river terraces. Chapter 4 describes the age and geometric statistics of river terraces formed by meandering with constant external forcing, and compares them to terraces in natural river valleys. The frequency of intrinsic terrace formation by meandering is shown to reflect a characteristic relief-generation timescale, and terrace length is identified as a key criterion for distinguishing these terraces from terraces formed by externally forced pulses of vertical incision. In a separate study, Chapter 5 utilizes image and topographic data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to quantitatively identify spatial structures in the polar layered deposits of Mars, and identifies sequences of beds, consistently 1-2 meters thick, that have accumulated hundreds of kilometers apart in the north polar layered deposits.
Oxygenic photosynthesis fundamentally transformed our planet by releasing molecular oxygen and altering major biogeochemical cycles, and this exceptional metabolism relies on a redox-active cubane cluster of four manganese atoms. Not only is manganese essential for producing oxygen, but manganese is also only oxidized by oxygen and oxygen-derived species. Thus the history of manganese oxidation provides a valuable perspective on our planet’s environmental past, the ancient availability of oxygen, and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Broadly, the general trends of the geologic record of manganese deposition is a chronicle of ancient manganese oxidation: manganese is introduced into the fluid Earth as Mn(II) and it will remain only a trace component in sedimentary rocks until it is oxidized, forming Mn(III,IV) insoluble precipitates that are concentrated in the rock record. Because these manganese oxides are highly favorable electron acceptors, they often undergo reduction in sediments through anaerobic respiration and abiotic reaction pathways.
The following dissertation presents five chapters investigating manganese cycling both by examining ancient examples of manganese enrichments in the geologic record and exploring the mineralogical products of various pathways of manganese oxide reduction that may occur in sediments. The first chapter explores the mineralogical record of manganese and reports abundant manganese reduction recorded in six representative manganese-enriched sedimentary sequences. This is followed by a second chapter that further analyzes the earliest significant manganese deposit 2.4 billon years ago, and determines that it predated the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis and thus is supporting evidence for manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis as an evolutionary precursor prior to oxygenic photosynthesis. The lack of oxygen during this early manganese deposition was partially established using oxygen-sensitive detrital grains, and so a third chapter delves into what these grains mean for oxygen constraints using a mathematical model. The fourth chapter returns to processes affecting manganese post-deposition, and explores the relationships between manganese mineral products and (bio)geochemical reduction processes to understand how various manganese minerals can reveal ancient environmental conditions and biological metabolisms. Finally, a fifth chapter considers whether manganese can be mobilized and enriched in sedimentary rocks and determines that manganese was concentrated secondarily in a 2.5 billion-year-old example from South Africa. Overall, this thesis demonstrates how microbial processes, namely photosynthesis and metal oxide-reducing metabolisms, are linked to and recorded in the rich complexity of the manganese mineralogical record.
The Pacoima Hills lie between Foothill Boulevard and the San Fernando Road, three miles southeast of San Fernando, California. In this area are exposed Jurassic(?) granodiorite intruded in older gneiss, and a mid Miocene Topango (?) sedimentary section lying in both fault and sedimentary contact with the intrusive complex. Two distinct lava flows and a small laccolith of andesite occur within the Topango (?) formation. The principal structural feature is an anticline plunging steeply northward. An upward acting force is postulated to have produced this anticline; upon cessation of the force, normal faulting occurred with consequent down-dropping of north-south blocks.
The Humphreys Quadrangle is a portion of the easternmost Ventura Basin underlain by a thick series of Tertiary sedimentary rocks. On these rocks a great variety of geomorphic forms have been molded by the processes of running water typical of a semi-arid climate and by several types of mass movement. Among the different categories of mass movement present, a new type, the siltflow, was observed.
The geomorphic forms of special interest present in the quadrangle are rock cones, open canyonheads, asymmetric canyons, and stream terraces and straths. The author urges the adoption of the definition of strath as that part of an old dissected valley floor, including the floors of tributary valleys, which was not part of the floodplain of the main valley stream.
An old erosion surface, the Puckett Mesa Surface, is present in the Humphreys Quadrangle which is correlative with certain of the older stream terraces. By correlating the variation of gradient and of fill of the stream terraces with post –Wisconsin climatic fluctuations the age of the Puckett Mesa Surface is set at approximately 6000 B.C. This correlation sets the probable age of the older Rancho La Brea deposits at 6000 to 8000 B. C. and the probable age of the Carpenteria brea deposits at 1000 to 1 B. C.
Lipídios como marcadores moleculares (ácidos graxos, esterois e n- alcoois) e COT foram analisados em 48 amostras de sedimento superficial (0-2 cm) em dois períodos (inverno de 2008/2009 e verão de 2009) ao longo de 12 isóbatas em 2 transectos (25 a 3000 m) na principal região de ressurgência da costa sudeste do Brasil, onde a influência do aporte fluvial é mínima. O objetivo foi (i) avaliar as fontes, transporte e regiões de acúmulo da matéria orgânica (MO) (ii) identificar a fração da MO potencialmente disponível para os orgânismos bentônicos. Este estudo faz parte do Projeto Habitats Heterogeneidade Ambiental da Bacia de Campos coordenado pelo CENPES/PETROBRAS. Lipídios derivados da produção primária (0.058 - 3.1 mg gCOT-1) e secundária (0.015 - 2.2 mg gCOT-1) representaram a maior fração da MO sedimentar, enquanto lipídios derivados de fontes alóctonas (0.043 - 0.40 mg gCOT-1) e bactérias (<0.01 - 0.43 mg gCOT-1) foram menos representativos. O padrão de transporte e acúmulo da MO no sedimento depende da associação entre fatores físicos (hidrodinâmicos) e biológicos (resposta a ressurgência), e não é influenciado sazonalmente como observado em dados prévios na mesma região. Verificou-se que regiões restritas da plataforma continental apresentam acúmulo de MO lábil e esse material é exportado para regiões do talude (400 a 1000 m de profundidade), o que representa uma fonte importante de MO biodisponível para a comunidade bentônica desta região.
O Distrito Grafitífero Aracoiába-Baturité apresenta depósitos do tipo gnaisse grafitoso (minério disseminado) e veio (minério maciço) com diferentes origens genéticas e com características físicas e ambientes geológicos de formação próprios. O minério tipo gnaisse grafitoso é de origem sedimentar, singenético, com teores de 1,5 a 8% de C, que se distribuem ao longo de duas extensas faixas paralelas, hospedadas na Subunidade Baturité, que constitui um importante metalotecto regional. A associação de grafita metamórfica disseminada em metassedimentos da Sequência Acarápe constitui um geoindicador de antiga bacia sedimentar neoproterozóica e, também, pode ser considerado como zona de geosutura resultante do subsequente fechamento de um oceano primitivo. As rochas desta subunidade correspondem na paleogeografia da Sequência Acarápe aos fácies de sopé de talude e de planície abissal. O minério tipo veio (fluido depositado) é epigenético e, com teores entre 20% e 70% de C, forma corpos tabulares e bolsões, controlados em escala local por estruturas de alívio (falhas, fraturas, zonas de contato, eixos de dobras etc.) que permitiram a percolação de soluções penumatolíticas relacionadas ao corpo plutônico de Pedra Aguda. As variações dos valores das relações entre isótopos estáveis de carbono (δ13C) na grafita do minério disseminado são de -26,72 a -23,52 e do minério maciço de -27,03 a -20,83, revelando sinal de atividades biológicas (bioassinaturas) e permitem afirmar que a grafita das amostras acima são derivadas de matéria orgânica. Foram apresentados os principais guias de prospecção para grafita e testados os seguintes métodos geofísicos: Eletro-Resistividade; GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar; Magnetometria; VLF (Very Low Frequency); e Polarização Induzida Espectral (IPS) / Resistividade (ER). A conjugação dos métodos de Polarização Induzida Espectral (IPS) e Eletro Resistividade (ER) foi o que demonstrou a melhor eficiência. Com relação à determinação do teor de carbono por termogravimetria (ATG), que é o método mais utilizado para este elemento. Verificou-se, que as faixas de queima atribuídas ao carbono no minério do Distrito de Aracoiába-Baturité (340 a 570C e de 570 a 1050C) eram diferentes das faixas do minério de Minas Gerais (350C a 650C e 650C a 1.050C). Esta constatação indica a necessidade de se determinar previamente as faixas de temperatura para cada região pesquisada.
Aspartic acid, threonine, serine and other thermally unstable amino acids have been found in fine-grained elastic sediments of advanced geologic age. The presence of these compounds in ancient sediments conflicts with experimental data determined for their simple thermal decomposition.
Recent and Late Miocene sediments and their humic acid extracts, known to contain essentially complete suites of amino acids, were heated with H2O in a bomb at temperatures up to 500°C in order to compare the thermal decomposition characteristics of the sedimentary amino compounds.
Most of the amino acids found in protein hydrolyzates are obtained from the Miocene rock in amounts 10 to 100 times less than from the Recent sediment. The two unheated humic acids are rather similar despite their great age difference. The Miocene rock appears uncontaminated by Recent carbon.
Yields of amino acids generally decline in the heated Recent sediment. Some amino compounds apparently increase with heating time in the Miocene rock.
Relative thermal stabilities of the amino acids in sediments are generally similar to those determined using pure aqueous solutions. The relative thermal stabilities of glutamic acid, glycine, and phenylalanine vary in the Recent sediment but are uniform in the Miocene rock.
Amino acids may occur in both proteins and humic complexes in the Recent sediment, while they are probably only present in stabilized organic substances in the Miocene rock. Thermal decomposition of protein amino acids may be affected by surface catalysis in the Recent sediment. The apparent activation energy for the decomposition of alanine in this sediment is 8400 calories per mole. Yields of amino compounds from the heated sediments are not affected by thermal decomposition only.
Amino acids in sediments may only be useful for geothermometry in a very general way.
A better picture of the amino acid content of older sedimentary rocks may be obtained if these sediments are heated in a bomb with H2O at temperatures around 150°C prior to HCl hydrolysis.
Leucine-isoleucine ratios may prove to be useful as indicators of amino acid sources or for evaluating the fractionation of these substances during diagenesis. Leucine-isoleucine ratios of the Recent and Miocene sediments and humic acids are identical. The humic acids may have a continental source.
The carbon-nitrogen and carbon-hydrogen ratios of sediments and humic acids increase with heating time and temperature. Ratios comparable to those in some kerogens are found in the severely heated Miocene sediment and humic acid.
This is the final report on the research project to develop predictive models to quantify algal blooms in relation to environmental variables. The project's objectives were to develop models simulating the impact of vertical structure and mass transfer upon the dynamics of planktonic algae, including cyanobacteria, in lakes and reservoirs, to assess the potential of sedimentary phosphorus to sustain algal growth following reduction in external loading and to expand and enhance formulations to predict behaviour of blue-green algal populations and to incorporate these into a model software package. As part of the project a strategy for the production of a user-friendly packaging for the modelling software PROTEC-2 adaptable to particular sites was developed.
Este trabalho consistiu em aprimorar o entendimento da rota de migração do óleo no reservatório e verificar a possibilidade de variação da intensidade da biodegradação com as heterogeneidades existentes. Foram utilizadas como base para a dissertação sete amostras coletadas na bacia sedimentar do Paraná, no arenito asfáltico do Anhembi, afloramento da Fazenda Betumita. A Fazenda Betumita é considerada a ocorrência mais expressiva de óleo na região do alto estrutural do Anhembi, apresentando a maior acumulação de arenito asfáltico na borda leste da Bacia do Paraná. A ocorrência dos arenitos asfálticos na área de estudo é predominantemente por arenitos da Formação Pirambóia. Estes arenitos foram preenchidos por hidrocarbonetos relacionados ao sistema Irati-Pirambóia e são caracterizados como imaturo, devido ausência de n-alcanos e abundância de esteranos e terpanos. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas através da cromatografia líquida e gasosa e correlacionadas com a descrição das fácies do afloramento. A biodegradação do óleo apresentou a tendência de aumentar do topo para a base do afloramento, local caracterizado por fácies subaquosas, onde se encontra o contato óleo/água, propício para o crescimento dos microorganismos degradadoras de óleo. Na fácie de interduna, a biodegradação foi menor, pois este ambiente é caracterizado por partículas argilo-minerais e menores permo-porosidade, não propício para o crescimento de microorganismos capazes de degradar o óleo. Foi observada a presença de diasteranos e 25-norhopanos nas amostras coletadas, indicando que o óleo do afloramento está severamente biodegradado. Os esteranos apresentaram maior biodegradação na base do afloramento onde está o contato óleo/água e maior reposição de oxigênio pela infiltração de água meteórica, tornando-se ambiente propício para crescimento das bactérias aeróbicas tendendo a degradar preferencialmente os esteranos. Entretanto os hopanos apresentaram maior biodegradação no topo do afloramento, local com condições propícias para o crescimento das bactérias anaeróbicas, que tenderam a degradar preferencialmente os hopanos. As informações adquiridas nesta pesquisa são de grande relevância para o conhecimento na exploração do petróleo, pois geralmente esses conhecimentos não estão disponíveis nos dados de subsuperfície. Este trabalho servirá de parâmetro para o planejamento da produção e recuperação secundária e terciária de reservatórios com fácies sedimentares semelhantes da área estudada.
Extensive Rubidium-Strontium age determinations on both mineral and total rock samples of the crystalline rocks of New Zealand, which almost solely crop out in the South Island, indicate widespread plutonic and metamorphic activity occurred during two periods, one about 100-118 million years ago and the other about 340-370 million years ago. The former results date the Rangitata Orogeny as Cretaceous. They associate extensive plutonic activity with this orogeny which uplifted and metamorphosed the rocks of the New Zealand Geosyncline, although no field association between the metamorphosed geosynclinal rocks and plutonic rocks has been found. The Cretaceous plutonic rocks occur to the west in the Foreland Province in Fiordland, Nelson, and Westland, geographically separated from the Geosynclinal Province. Because of this synchronous timing of plutonic and high pressure metamorphic activity in spatially separated belts, the Rangitata Orogeny in New Zealand is very similar to late Mesozoic orogenic activity in many other areas of the circum-Pacific margin (Miyashiro, 1961).
The 340-370 million year rocks, both plutonic and metamorphic, have been found only in that part of the Foreland Province north of the Alpine Fault. There, they are concentrated along the west coast over a distance of 500 km, and appear scattered inland from the coast. Probably this activity marks the outstanding Phanerozoic stratigraphic gap in New Zealand which occurred after the Lower Devonian.
A few crystalline rocks in the Foreland Province north of the Alpine Fault with measured ages intermediate between 340 and 120 million years have been found. Of these, those with more than one mineral examined give discordant results. All of these rocks are tentatively regarded as 340-370 million year old rocks that have been variously disturbed during the Rangitata Orogeny, 100-120 million years ago.
In addition to these two periods, plutonic activity, dominantly basic and ultrabasic, but including the development of some rocks of intermediate and acidic composition, occurred along the margin of the Geosynclinal Province at its border with the Foreland Province during Permian times about 245 million years ago, and this activity possibly extended into the Mesozoic.
Evidence from rubidium-strontium analyses of minerals and a total rock, and from uranium, thorium, and lead analyses of uniform euhedral zircons from a meta-igneous portion of the Charleston Gneiss, previously mapped as Precambrian, indicate that this rock is a 350-370 million year old plutonic rock metamorphosed 100 million yea rs ago during the Rangitata Orogeny. No crystalline rocks with primary Precambrian ages have been found in New Zealand. However, Pb207/Pb206 ages of 1360 million years and 1370 million years have been determined for rounded detrital zircons separated from each of two hornfels samples of one of New Zealand's olde st sedimentary units, the Greenland Series. These two samples were metamorphosed 345- 370 million years ago. They occur along the west coast, north of the Alpine Fault, at Waitaha River and Moeraki River, separated by 135 km. The Precambrian measured ages are most likely minimum ages for the oldest source area which provided the detrital zircons because the uranium, thorium and lead data are highly discordant. These results are of fundamental importance for the tectonic picture of the Southwest Pacific margin and demonstrate the existence of relatively old continental crust of some lateral extent in the neighborhood of New Zealand.
Este estudo constitui parte do Projeto Habitats Heterogeneidade Ambiental da Bacia de Campos coordenado pelo CENPES/Petrobras, um projeto multidisciplinar de caracterização ambiental que considera as diferentes feições e habitats da margem continental do sudeste brasileiro. O objetivo desta tese foi investigar os processos relacionados com a origem, o transporte e o acúmulo de matéria orgânica (MO) em sedimentos da margem continental da Bacia de Campos (RJ). Para isso, foram determinados a composição elementar da matéria orgânica (carbono e nitrogênio) por combustão a seco e os lipídios (esteróis, álcoois e ácidos graxos) por CG-MS e CG-DIC. Foram analisadas 215 amostras de sedimento superficial (0-2 cm de profundidade), coletadas em duas amostragens (períodos seco e chuvoso de 2008/2009), distribuídas sobre 12 isóbatas (de 25 a 3000 m) ao longo de 9 transectos de norte a sul da bacia. Além disto, foram ainda consideradas as isóbatas de 400 a 1900 m em dois cânions submarinos no norte da bacia (Almirante Câmara e Grussaí). Com base nos resultados obtidos, a MO sedimentar na plataforma e talude da bacia revelou-se essencialmente autóctone, derivada de produtores primários e secundários. Com isto, a MO contém uma fração reativa significativa e, portanto, é potencialmente biodisponível para os organismos bentônicos. No entanto, foram observados gradientes espaciais significativos na qualidade e na quantidade da MO sedimentar. Na plataforma continental (25 m a 150 m de profundidade) as concentrações de lipídios foram intermediárias e houve predomínio de MO sedimentar lábil. Exceções foram as áreas influenciadas por ressurgência costeira e/ou intrusão sub-superficial (próximo à Cabo Frio, Cabo de São Tomé e no limite norte da bacia), onde as concentrações foram altas. No talude superior e médio (400 a 1300 m) as concentrações de MO foram notadamente mais elevadas, mas com maior influência de processos bacterianos de alteração de sua composição original. E no talude inferior (1900 a 3000 m) as concentrações de MO estiveram muito baixas e apenas os lipídios mais resistentes à degradação bacteriana foram encontrados em concentrações mensuráveis. Isto sugeriu a exportação de materiais da plataforma ao longo do gradiente batimétrico, possivelmente decorrente da ação de meandros e vórtices da Corrente do Brasil e das correntes de fundo atuantes na região. Além disto, por ser lábil e biodisponível, a MO no sedimento apresenta uma fração biodisponível que pode ter uma influência na ecologia das comunidades bentônicas, particularmente aquelas localizadas no talude superior. Os cânions Grussaí e Almirante Câmara se revelaram regiões de acúmulo de MO e importantes no transporte da MO com valor nutritivo para comunidades bentônicas do talude médio e inferior.