954 resultados para sand dunes


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One of the human being`s basic needs is housing. In Brazil, the basic element for this is concrete, artificial stone, which demands a great amount of aggregates, such as sand and gravel. The sand and rocks are abundant in nature and gravel can be produced at low cost. However, transportation to the area of product utilization can be an incremental factor in the final cost logistics. Both sand and gravel have expressive price variations, which are not necessarily related to mining activities, but to logistic activities, mainly their distribution. Restrictive measures adopted in large urban centers, such as prohibition of hauling trucks in certain areas or during certain hours, alternate license plate end number system (even number plate ending can circulate on even-numbered days and visa versa), and axle-control, generate a need for a larger and more diversified fleet, not to mention more employees.


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Based on physical laws of similarity, an analytic solution of the soil water potential form of the Richards equation was derived for water infiltration into a homogeneous sand. The derivation assumes a similarity between the soil water retention function and that of the soil water content profiles taken at fixed times. The new solution successfully described soil water content profiles experimentally measured for water infiltrating downward, upward, and horizontally into a homogeneous sand and agrees with that presented by Philip in 1957. The utility of this analysis is still to be verified, but it is expected to hold for soils that have a narrow pore-size distribution before wetting and that manifest a sharp increase of water content at the wetting front during infiltration. The effect of van Genuchten`s parameters alpha and n on the application of the solution to other porous media was investigated. The solution also improves and provides a more realistic description of the infiltration process than that pioneered by Green and Ampt in 1911.


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In order to verify the behavior of 30 genotypes of wheat in relation to the emergence and incidence of giberela in wheat seedlings from seeds contaminated with F graminearum, experiments were carried out under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In the laboratory, seeds were analyzed for health using freezer blotter test. In the greenhouse, seeds were sowed in plastic boxes filled with sand treated with methyl bromide. Statistical design was randomized blocks with 30 treatments, four replications of 50 seeds (200 seeds/treatment). Emergence of seedlings and giberela incidence were evaluated at seven, 14 and 21 days after sowing. Symptomatic seedlings were removed and submitted to humid chambers for 24 hours under laboratory conditions. There was no significant difference in the incidence of the pathogen in the emergence of seedlings. There was no correlation between the incidence of F graminearum in the genotypes and incidence of giberela in seedlings, nor between the incidence of giberela in seedlings and the incidence of the pathogen in the seeds.


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Xylopia aromatica is a species of the Annonaceae family, native to the Brazilian ""Cerrado"". Seeds of this species usually possess morphophysiological dormancy which makes propagation more difficult. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of removing the aril and sarcotesta and applying plant growth regulators to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica seeds. Seeds were separated into two groups: one consisting of seeds with aril and sarcotesta and another without these two seed coat appendices. Seeds with and without these appendices were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water or Promalin (R) (gibberellin 4 [GA(4)] + gibberellin 7 [GA(7)] and cytokinin [6-Benziladenine]) solutions of 250, 500 and 1,000 mg.L(-1), and sown in ""Cerrado"" soil. Later, seeds without the aril and sarcotesta were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water. Promalin (R) or GA(4) + GA(7) solutions at same concentrations and sown in sand or ""Cerrado"" soil. The removal of the aril and sarcotesta had a positive effect on the seed germination. Application of plant growth regulators helped to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica, with the greatest percentage of seedling emergence being observed in seeds treated with Promalin at 250 and 500 mg.L(-1) then sown in sand.


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Humic substances (HS) from salt marsh soils were characterized and the relationships among HS composition and some geochemical factors were analysed. For this, three salt marshes with the same vegetation cover (Juncus maritimus), but with different geochemical characteristics, were selected. The qualitative characterization of the soil humic acids and fulvic acids was carried out by elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and VACP/MAS (13)C NMR spectroscopy. HS from salt marsh soils under sea rush (Juncus maritimus) displayed some shared characteristics such as low degree of humification, low aromatic content and high proportion of labile compounds, mainly polysaccharides and proteins. However, although the three salt marsh soils under study were covered by the same type of vegetation, the HS showed some important differences. HS composition was found to be determined not only by the nature of the original organic material, but also by environmental factors such as soil texture, redox conditions and tidal influence. In general. an increase in the humification process appeared to be related to aerobic conditions and predominance of sand in the mineral fraction of the soil, while the preservation of labile organic compounds may be associated with low redox potential values and fine soil texture. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Four substrata were offered to groups of adult Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (one male and two females) simultaneously: pure sand, a mixture of sand and shells, stones and no substratum. The results showed that males chose to dig nests in a lighter and more homogeneous substratum.


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Purpose Among environmental factors governing innumerous processes that are active in estuarine environments, those of edaphic character have received special attention in recent studies. With the objectives of determining the spatial patterns of soil attributes and components across different mangrove forest landscapes and obtaining additional information on the cause-effect relationships between these variables and position within the estuary, we analyzed several soil attributes in 31 mangrove soil profiles from the state of So Paulo (Guaruja, Brazil). Materials and methods Soil samples were collected at low tide along two transects within the CrumahA(0) mangrove forest. Samples were analyzed to determine pH, Eh, salinity, and the percentages of sand, silt, clay, total organic carbon (TOC), and total S. Mineralogy of the clay fraction (< 2 mm) was also studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, and partitioning of solid-phase Fe was performed by sequential extraction. Results and discussion The results obtained indicate important differences in soil composition at different depths and landscape positions, causing variations in physicochemical parameters, clay mineralogy, TOC contents, and iron geochemistry. The results also indicate that physicochemical conditions may vary in terms of different local microtopographies. Soil salinity was determined by relative position in relation to flood tide and transition areas with highlands. The proportions of TOC and total S are conditioned by the sedimentation of organic matter derived from vegetation and by the prevailing redox conditions, which clearly favored intense sulfate reduction in the soils (similar to 80% of the total Fe is Fe-pyrite). Particle-size distribution is conditioned by erosive/deposition processes (present and past) and probably by the positioning of ancient and reworked sandy ridges. The existing physicochemical conditions appear to contribute to the synthesis (smectite) and transformation (kaolinite) of clay minerals. Conclusions The results demonstrate that the position of soils in the estuary greatly affects soil attributes. Differences occur even at small scales (meters), indicating that both edaphic (soil classification, soil mineralogy, and soil genesis) and environmental (contamination and carbon stock) studies should take such variability into account.


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The present research investigated the influence of temperature and time of larvae culture on the infectivity of Strongyloides venezuelensis. Mice were infected s.c. with 1500 larvae of S. venezuelensis maintained at 28 degrees C for three days of culture (dc), 28 degrees C for seven dc or 18 degrees C for seven dc. On days 1,3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 post-infection the animals were sacrificed and cell numbers in the blood, peritoneal cavity fluid (PCF), broncoalveolar fluid (BALF), cytokines, immunoglobulins, number of parasites and eggs/g of feces were quantified. Results demonstrated an increase in eosinophils and mononuclear cells in the blood, PCF and HALF of infected mice. Larvae at 28 degrees C/3dc induced earlier eosinophils in the PCF and HALF as opposed to larvae at 28 degrees C/7dc and 18 degrees C/7dc. Larvae at 28 degrees C/7dc induced higher synthesis of IL-4. IL-5 and IL-10 on days Sand 7 post-infection. Larvae at 28 degrees C/3dc in culture induced higher synthesis of IL-12 than larvae of seven dc, but time in culture induced better synthesis of IFN-gamma, after larval migration had ceased and only adult worms were present. Larvae at 28 degrees C/3dc in culture induced higher synthesis of IgG and IgG1 and expelled less female parasites than larvae cultivated for seven days. In conclusion, it was observed that the infectivity of S. venezuelensis is influenced by variations in temperature and time of culture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coastal photograph of Sillon du Talbert, L'Armor, Pleubian on 16 April 2004 low tide. End of the Sillon, looking N-N-E at the Archipel d'Ollone. The Sillon du Talbert is a natural thin 3-km long tongue made of "galets" (pebbles about 5 to 20 cm) and sand. It is located at the tip of a peninsula between the estuaries of the rivers Jaudy (Le Jaudy) and Trieux (Le Trieux) next to Ile de Bre´hat. At the end of the Sillon, there is an archipel of small islands and rocks called "Archipel d'Ollone" (Ollone archipel), also called the Talbert islands (Iles de Talbert) by the locals. The Sillon du Talbert (or Sillon de Talbert) is an important reserve of flora and fauna. The Sillon was damaged by locals using stones for construction until 1928, and by the Germans, who used stones for the Ile Blanche bunker system construction in 1943 as part of the WWII Atlantic wall. (Coastal Photograph by Hubert Chanson, Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia.)


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The solubilities and dissolution rates of three gypsum sources (analytical grade (AG), phosphogypsum (PG) and mined gypsum (MG)) with six MG size fractions ((mm) > 2.0, 1.0-2.0, 0.5-1.0, 0.25-0.5, 0.125-0.25, and < 0.125) were investigated in triple deionised water (TDI) and seawater to examine their suitability for bauxite residue amelioration. Gypsum solubility was greater in seawater (3.8 g L 1) than TDI (2.9 g L 1) due to the ionic strength effect, with dissolution in both TDI and seawater following first order kinetics. Dissolution rate constants varied with gypsum source (AR > PG > MG) due to reactivity and surface area differences, with 1:20 gypsum:solution suspensions reaching saturation within 15 s (AR) to 30 min (MG > 2.0). The ability of bauxite residue to adsorb Ca from solution was also examined. The quantity of the total solution Ca adsorbed was found to be small (5 %). These low rates of solution Ca adsorption combined with the comparatively rapid dissolution rates preclude the application of gypsum to the residue sand/seawater slurry as a method for residue amelioration. Instead, direct field application to the residue would ensure more efficient gypsum use. In addition, the formation of a sparingly soluble CaCO3 coating around the gypsum particles after mixing in a highly alkaline seawater/supernatant liquor (SNL) solution greatly reduced the rate of gypsum dissolution.


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Although the effect of salinity on plant growth has been the focus of a substantive research effort, much of this research has failed to adequately separate the various growth limiting aspects of salinity; thus the results are confounded by multiple factors. Eight perennial grass species were grown in a sand culture system dominated by NaCl (electrical conductivities (ECs) between 1.4 and 38 dS m 1), with sufficient Ca added to each treatment to ensure that Na-induced Ca deficiency did not reduce growth. Of the eight perennial grass species examined, Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer (Rhodes grass) was the most salt tolerant species, whilst in comparison, Chrysopogon zizanioides cv. Monto (vetiver) was of only moderate tolerance. However, observed salinity tolerances tended to be lower than those expected from published values based on the threshold salinity model (bent stick model). This discrepancy may be due in part to differences in the evapotranspirational demand between studies; an increase in demand accelerating the accumulation of Na in the shoots and hence decreasing apparent salinity tolerance. It was also observed that the use of a non-saline growth period to allow seed germination and establishment results in the overestimation of vegetative salinity tolerance if not taken into consideration. This is particularly true for species of low salt tolerance due to their comparatively rapid growth in the non-saline medium compared to that at full salinity.


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The effect of increasing population density on the formation of pits, their size and spatial distribution, and on levels of mortality was examined in the antlion Myrmeleon acer Walker. Antlions were kept at densities ranging from 0.4 to 12.8 individuals per 100 cm(2). The distribution of pits was regular or uniform across all densities, but antlions constructed proportionally fewer and smaller pits as density increased. Mortality through cannibalism was very low and only occurred at densities greater than five individuals per 100 cm(2). Antlions in artificially crowded situations frequently relocated their pits and when more space became available, individuals became more dispersed with time. Redistribution of this species results from active avoidance of other antlions and sand throwing associated with pit construction and maintenance, rather than any attempt to optimise prey capture per se.


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A marine actinomycete (MST-MA190) isolated from a sample of beach sand collected near Lorne on the southwest coast of Victoria, Australia, has yielded two new aromatic amides, lorneamide A (1) and lorneamide B (2). The lorneamides belong to a novel class of tri-alkyl-substituted benzenes, and their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations among glomalean fungi and plant roots that often lead to enhanced water and nutrient uptake and plant growth. We describe experiments to test whether inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities varies spatially within a broadleaf temperate forest, and also whether there is variability in the effectiveness of AM fungal communities in enhancing seedling growth. Inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate broad-leaved forest did not vary significantly among sites. Inoculum potential, measured as the extent to which the roots of red maple seedlings that had been germinated on sterile sand and then transplanted into the forest, were colonized by AM fungi, was similar in floodplain and higher elevation sites. It was as similar under ectomycorrhizal oaks as it was under red maples and other AM tree species. It was also similar among sites with deciduous understory shrubs with arbuscular mycorrhizae (spicebush, Lindera benzoin) and those with evergreen vegetation with ericoid mycorrhizae (mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia). Where spicebush was the dominant understory shrub, inoculum potential was greater under gaps in the canopy than within the understory. Survivorship of transplanted red maple seedlings varied significantly over sites but was not strongly correlated with measures of inoculum potential. In a greenhouse growth experiment, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities obtained from tree roots from the forest had different effects on plant growth. Seedlings inoculated with roots of red maple had twice the leaf area after 10 wk of growth compared to the AM community obtained from roots of southern red oaks. Thus, although there appears to be little heterogeneity in inoculum potential in the forest, there are differences in the effectiveness of different inocula. These effects have the potential to affect tree species diversity in forests by modifying patterns of seedling recruitment.


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Drosophila antonietae is a cactophilic species that is found in the mesophilic forest of the Parana`-Paraguay river basin and in the dunes of the South Atlantic coast of Brazil. Although the genetic structure of the Parana`-Paraguay river basin populations has already been established, the relationship between these populations and those on the Atlantic coast is controversial. In this study, we compared 33 repetitive units of pBuM-2 satellite DNA isolated from individuals from 8 populations of D. antonietae in these geographic regions, including some populations found within a contact zone with the closely related D. serido. The pBuM-2 sequences showed low interpopulational variability. This result was interpreted as a consequence of both gene flow among the populations and unequal crossing over promoting homogenization of the tandem arrays. The results presented here, together with those of previous studies, highlight the use of pBuM-2 for solving taxonomic conflicts within the D. buzzatii species cluster.