992 resultados para rare-earth elements


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"Materials Central, Contract No. AF33(616)-5905, Project No. 7351."


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We present high spatial resolution ion-microprobe rare earth element (REE) data for discrete growth phases of complex polyphase zircons from early Archaean Amitsoq gneisses, outer Godthabsfjord, SW Greenland. In Matsuda diagrams, the two major growth phases, >3.8 Ga cores and ca. 3.65 Ga rims, have steep positive slopes from La to Lu, prominent positive Ce anomalies and negative Eu anomalies that are consistent with growth in a melt. Exceptions to this are non-cathodolurnmescent zircon developed between the cores and rims, sometimes truncating zoning in the cores, and late Archaean prismatic tip overgrowths, both of which exhibit flatter light REE (LREE) patterns and have small or no Eu anomaly, which we interpret as the result of metamorphism and/or small-degree, isolated partial melting. Our data support previous interpretations that the ca. 3.65 Ga zircon phase was generated in a melt, with the >3.8 Ga phase representing either original protolith zircons in a large degree partial melt or inherited zircons in an introduced magma. Regardless which of these two interpretations is correct for these, and similar, rocks in the outer GodthAbsfjord, the 3.65 Ga event will have profoundly affected isotopic systems and obscured beyond recognition any earlier igneous features such as cross-cutting relationships, which may only be assigned a minimum 3.65 Ga age. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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REE analyses were performed on authigenic illitic clay. minerals from Late Permian mudrocks, sandstones and bentonites from the Bowen Basin (Australia). The mixed-layer illite-smectite exhibit REE patterns with an obvious fractionation of the HREE from the LREE and MREE, which is an apparent function of degree of illitization reaction. The highly illitic (R greater than or equal to 3) illite-smectite from the northern Bowen Basin show a depletion of LREE relative to the less illitic (R=0 and 1) clays. In contrast, an enrichment of HREE for the illite-rich clays relative to less. illitic clays is evident for the southern Bowen Basin samples. The North American Shale Composite-normalized (La/Lu)(sn) ratios show negative correlations with the illite content in illite-smectite and positive correlations with the delta(18)O values of the clays for both the northern and southern Bowen Basin samples. These correlations indicate that the increasing depletion of LREE in hydrothermal fluids is a function of increasing water/rock ratios in the northern Bowen Basin. Good negative correlations between (La/Lu)(sn) ratios and illite content in illite-smectite from the southern Bowen Basin suggest the involvement of fluids with higher alkalinity and higher pH in low water/ rock ratio conditions. Increasing HREE enrichment with delta(18)O decrease indicates the effect of increasing temperature at low water/rock ratios in the southern Bowen Basin. Results of the present study confirm the conclusions of some earlier studies suggesting that REE in illitic clay minerals are mobile and fractionated during illitization and that this fact should be considered in studies of sedimentary processes and in identifying provenance. Moreover, our results show that REE systematic of illitic clay minerals can be applied as an useful technique to gain information about physico-chemical conditions during thermal and fluid flow events in certain sedimentary basins. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rare-earth co-doping in inorganic materials has a long-held tradition of facilitating highly desirable optoelectronic properties for their application to the laser industry. This study concentrates specifically on rare-earth phosphate glasses, (R2O3)x(R'2O3)y(P2O5)1-(x+y), where (R, R') denotes (Ce, Er) or (La, Nd) co-doping and the total rare-earth composition corresponds to a range between metaphosphate, RP3O9, and ultraphosphate, RP5O14. Thereupon, the effects of rare-earth co-doping on the local structure are assessed at the atomic level. Pair-distribution function analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data (Qmax = 28 Å-1) is employed to make this assessment. Results reveal a stark structural invariance to rare-earth co-doping which bears testament to the open-framework and rigid nature of these glasses. A range of desirable attributes of these glasses unfold from this finding; in particular, a structural simplicity that will enable facile molecular engineering of rare-earth phosphate glasses with 'dial-up' lasing properties. When considered together with other factors, this finding also demonstrates additional prospects for these co-doped rare-earth phosphate glasses in nuclear waste storage applications. This study also reveals, for the first time, the ability to distinguish between P-O and PO bonding in these rare-earth phosphate glasses from X-ray diffraction data in a fully quantitative manner. Complementary analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data on single rare-earth phosphate glasses of similar rare-earth composition to the co-doped materials is also presented in this context. In a technical sense, all high-energy X-ray diffraction data on these glasses are compared with analogous low-energy diffraction data; their salient differences reveal distinct advantages of high-energy X-ray diffraction data for the study of amorphous materials. © 2013 The Owner Societies.


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The role of the Sm3+ ions in the structure of vitreous Sm2O3•4P2O5 has been investigated using the neutron diffraction anomalous dispersion technique, which employs the wavelength dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the neutron scattering length close to an absorption resonance. The data described here represent the first successful complete neutron anomalous dispersion study on an amorphous material. This experimental methodology permits one to determine exclusively the closest Sm• •• Sm separation. Knowledge of the R•••R (R = rare-earth) pairwise correlation is key to understanding the optical and magnetic properties of rare-earth phosphate glasses. The anomalous difference correlation function, ΔT''(r), shows a dominant feature pertaining to a Sm•••Sm separation, centred at 4.8 Å. The substantial width and marked asymmetry of this peak indicates that the minimum approach of Sm3+ ions could be as close as 4 Å. Information on other pairwise correlations is also revealed via analysis of T (r) and ΔT (r) correlation functions: Sm3+ ions display an average co-ordination number, n Sm(O), of 7, with a mean Sm–O bond length of 2.375(5) Å whilst the PO4 tetrahedra have a mean P–O bond length of 1.538(2) Å. Second- and third-neighbour correlations are also identified. These results corroborate previous findings. Such consistency lends support to the application of the anomalous dispersion technique to determine separations.


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A magnetic difference neutron diffraction study of a rare-earth (Tb) phosphate glass has revealed exclusively the Tb...Tb distances. The difference between data taken with and without an applied magnetic field of 4 T shows Tb...Tb pairwise atomic correlations at 3.9 and 6.4 A, respectively, with relative coordination numbers of 1:14. The first distance arises when two Tb3+ ions share a common oxygen neighbor, and indicates a clustering of rare-earth ions. The second distance arises when two Tb3+ ions are coordinated to different oxygens in the same PO4 group, in a near-linear arrangement.


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Neutron diffraction was used to measure the structure of the phosphate glasses RAl0.30P3.05O9.62, where R denotes Dy or Ho, and RAl0.34P3.20O10.04, where R denotes La or Ce. For each glass, isomorphic structures were assumed and difference function methods were employed to separate, essentially, those correlations involving the rare-earth ion, R3+, from the remainder. The ratio of bridging oxygen, OB, to terminal oxygen, OT, atoms in the PO4 tetrahedra was quantified and in both materials R3+ and Al3+ are found to act as network modifying cations which bind to the OT. The R–OT coordination number is 6.7(1) and 7.5(2) for the Dy/Ho and La/Ce glasses respectively.


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The relative distribution of rare-earth ions R3+ (Dy3+ or Ho3+) in the phosphate glass RAl0.30P3.05O9.62 was measured by employing the method of isomorphic substitution in neutron diffraction. It is found that 7.9(7) R-R nearest neighbors reside at 5.62(6) Angstrom in a network made from interlinked PO4 tetrahedra. Provided that the role of Al is explicitly considered, a self-consistent account of the local matrix atom correlations can be developed in which there are 1.68(9) bridging and 2.32(9) terminal oxygen atoms per phosphorus.


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The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15'S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S–42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3–37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S–34°30'S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. ^ The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.^


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An area of about 22,000 km² on the northern Blake Plateau, off the coast of South Carolina, contains an estimated 2 billion metric tons of phosphorite concretions, and about 1.2 billion metric tons of mixed ferromanganese-phosphorite pavement. Other offshore phosphorites occur between the Blake Plateau and known continental deposits, buried under variable thicknesses of sediments. The phosphorite resembles other marine phosphorites in composition, consisting primarily of carbonate-fluorapatite, some calcite, minor quartz and other minerals. The apatite is optically pseudo-isotropic and contains about 6% [CO3]**2- replacing [PO4]**3- in its structure. JOIDES drillings and other evidence show that the phosphorite is a lag deposit derived from Miocene strata correlatable with phosphatic Middle Tertiary sediments on the continent. It has undergone variable cycles of erosion, reworking, partial dissolution and reprecipitation. Its present form varies from phosphatized carbonate debris, loose pellets, and pebbles, to continuous pavements, plates, and conglomeratic boulders weighing hundreds of kilograms. No primary phosphatization is currently taking place on the Blake Plateau. The primary phosphate-depositing environment involved reducing conditions and required at least temporary absence of the powerful Gulf Stream current that now sweeps the bottom of the Blake Plateau and has eroded away the bulk of the Hawthorne-equivalent sediments with which the phosphorites were once associated.