928 resultados para radius of starlikeness


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Analyses of spatial structure of hydrophysical fields and its vertical evolution in the Northeast Atlantic in a layer from the surface down to 2-2.5 km are carried out based on results of measurements in a testing area (31°-36°N, 20°-26°W) southeast of the Azores in autumn 1993. A description of an anti-cyclonic lens (ACL) of Mediterranean water (MW), which was found in the eastern part of the testing area from data of sets of sequential surveys, is presented. Analysis of CTD and XBT measurements in an area west of the lens allows to conclude that despite some contraction of width of the Azores Current directed eastward (from 60-80 km to 50-60 km) its total eastward volume transport for a period of time from October to November does not vary much. It is shown that intermediate salinity maxima in the northern part of the testing area formed by advection of MW and meddy destruction weakens while intersecting the Azores frontal zone (AFZ) from north to south, displacing itself to larger depth, and increases in thickness. Analysis of data shows that the number of lenses observed within the selected area north of the AFZ is two times more than that observed south of it. North of the AFZ observed salinity maximum and local temperature maxima may be associated with accumulation of heat and salt because of the fact that the AFZ is not only a southern boundary of penetration of MW into the North Atlantic, but also is a "semitransparent" boundary for Mediterranean lenses.


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Studying diffusive transport in porous rocks is of fundamental importance in understanding a variety of geochemical processes including: element transfer, primary mineral dissolution kinetics and precipitation of secondary phases. Here we report new findings on the relationship between diffusive transport and textural characteristics of the pore systems on the example of mid-oceanic ridge basalts having different degree of alteration but very similar bulk pore volume. Diffusion processes in porous basalts were studied in situ using H2O -> D2O exchange experiments. The effective diffusion coefficients of water molecules increase systematically from 5.05*10**-11 to 1.19*10**-10 m**2/s for fresh and moderately altered basalts and from 2.40*10**-11 to 6.72*10**-11 m**2/s for completely altered basalt as temperature increases from 5 to 50 °C. The activation energy of the diffusion process increases from 12.29 ± 0.71 kJ/mol for fresh and moderately altered basalts to 14.3 ± 1.33 kJ/mol for completely altered basalt. The results indicate that neither the bulk porosity nor the degree of alteration can be used as proxies for the efficiency of element transport during MORB-water interaction. The formation of secondary phases that replace primary minerals and fill the pore space in the rock leads to the formation of tiny pores and phases with large specific surface area. These factors might have a dominant control on the transport properties of altered basaltic rocks.


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Sr isotope analyses have been conducted on anhydrite samples from the TAG (Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse) active hydrothermal mound (26°08?N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) that have previously been shown to exhibit two distinct patterns of REE behavior when normalized to TAG end-member hydrothermal fluid. Despite differences in REE patterns, the Sr isotope data indicate that all the anhydrites precipitated from fluids with a similar range of hydrothermal fluid and seawater components, and all but one were seawater-dominated (52%-75%). Speciation calculations using the EQ3/6 software package for geochemical modeling of aqueous systems suggest that the REE complexation behavior in different fluid mixing scenarios can explain the variations in the REE patterns. Anhydrites that exhibit relatively flat REE patterns [(La_bs)/(Yb_bs) = 0.8-2.0; subscript bs indicates normalization to end-member black smoker hydrothermal fluid] and a small or no Eu anomaly [(Eu_bs)/(Eu*_bs) = 0.8-2.0] are inferred to have precipitated from mixes of end-member hydrothermal fluid and cold seawater. REE complexes with hard ligands (e.g., fluoride and chloride) are less stable at low temperatures and trivalent Eu has an ionic radius similar to that of Ca2+ and the other REE, and so they behave coherently. In contrast, anhydrites that exhibit slight LREE-depletion [(La_bs)/(Yb_bs) = 0.4-1.4] and a distinct negative anomaly [(Eu_bs)/(Eu*_bs) = 0.2-0.8] are inferred to have precipitated from mixes of end-member hydrothermal fluid and conductively heated seawater. The LREE depletion results from the presence of very stable LREE chloro-complexes that effectively limit the availability of the LREE for partitioning into anhydrite. Above 250°C, Eu is present only in divalent form as chloride complexes, and discrimination against Eu2+ is likely due to both the mismatch in ionic radii between Eu2+ and Ca2+, and the strong chloro-complexation of divalent Eu which promotes stability in the fluid and inhibits partitioning of Eu2+ into precipitating anhydrite. These variations in REE behavior attest to rapid fluctuations in thermal regime, fluid flow and mixing in the subsurface of the TAG mound that give rise to heterogeneity in the formation conditions of individual anhydrite crystals.


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The monograph considers facial conditions of ore-formation in the Central Equatorial Pacific, as well as lithostratigraphy and local variability of bottom sediments. Mineral composition of nodules, forms of occurrence of chemical elements in sediments and nodules, composition of interstitial waters, age of nodules, regularities and processes of ore formation in the radiolarian belt of the Pacific Ocean zone are also under consideration.


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Investigating the processes that led to the end of the last interglacial period is relevant for understanding how our ongoing interglacial will end, which has been a matter of much debate. A recent ice core from Greenland demonstrates climate cooling from 122,000 years ago driven by orbitally controlled insolation, with glacial inception at 118,000 years ago. Here we present an annually resolved, layer-counted record of varve thickness, quartz grain size and pollen assemblages from a maar lake in the Eifel (Germany), which documents a late Eemian aridity pulse lasting 468 years with dust storms, aridity, bushfire and a decline of thermophilous trees at the time of glacial inception. We interpret the decrease in both precipitation and temperature as an indication of a close link of this extreme climate event to a sudden southward shift of the position of the North Atlantic drift, the ocean current that brings warm surface waters to the northern European region. The late Eemian aridity pulse occurred at a 65° N July insolation of 416 W/m**2, close to today's value of 428 W/m**2, and may therefore be relevant for the interpretation of present-day climate variability.


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Arctic sea ice is declining rapidly, making it vital to understand the importance of different types of sea ice for ice-dependent species such as polar bears Ursus maritimus. In this study we used GPS telemetry (25 polar bear tracks obtained in Svalbard, Norway, during spring) and high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sea-ice data to investigate fine-scale space use by female polar bears. Space use patterns differed according to reproductive state; females with cubs of the year (COYs) had smaller home ranges and used fast-ice areas more frequently than lone females. First-passage time (FPT) analysis revealed that females with COYs displayed significantly longer FPTs near (<10 km) glacier fronts than in other fast-ice areas; lone females also increased their FPTs in such areas, but they also frequently used drifting pack ice. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of fast-ice areas, in particular close to glacier fronts, especially for females with COYs. Access to abundant and predictable prey (ringed seal pups), energy conservation and reluctance to cross large open water areas are possible reasons for the observed patterns. However, glacier fronts are retracting in Svalbard, and declines in land-fast ice have been notable over the past decade. The eventual disappearance of these important habitats might become critical for the survival of polar bear cubs in Svalbard and other regions with similar habitat characteristics. Given the relatively small size of many fast-ice areas in Svalbard, the results observed in this study would not have been revealed using less accurate location data or lower-resolution sea-ice data.


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During the third part of the Atlantic Expedition 1969 from 10° S to 60° N along 30° W, measurements of the complete size distribution of atmospheric aeosols over the whole size range from about 10**-7 to 10**-2 cm radius were made. This was possibe by the simultaneous operation of different methods which are critically discussed. The results obtained are the first of its kind and are of general interest despite some methodical shortcomings. North of the equator the ship passed through air masses of west African origin and the influence of Sahara dust on the Marine aerosols could be documented in a unique way. The Sahara dust component was restricted to the size range of 10**-5 to 10**-3 radius. Throughout the voyage particles up to 10**-2 radius were always found to be present, similar to findings over continents. Of special interest is the observation that the size distribution extends to very small particles, suggesting continuous aerosol production over the ocean.


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Pollen productivity estimates (PPE) are used to quantitatively reconstruct variations in vegetation within a specific distance of the sampled pollen archive. Here, for the first time, PPEs from Siberia are presented. The study area (Khatanga region, Krasnoyarsk territory, Russia) is located in the Siberian Sub-arctic where Larixis the sole forest-line forming tree taxon. Pollen spectra from two different sedimentary environments, namely terrestrial mosses (n=16) and lakes (n=15, median radius ~100 m) and their surrounding vegetation were investigated to extract PPEs. Our results indicate some differences in pollen spectra between moss and lake pollen. Larix and Cyperaceae for example obtained higher representation in the lacustrine than in terrestrial moss samples. This highlights that in calibration studies modern and fossil dataset should be of similar sedimentary origin. The results of the Extended R-Value model were applied to assess the relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) and to calculate the PPEs for both datasets. As expected, the RSAP of the moss samples was very small (about 10 m) compared to the lacustrine samples (about 25 km). Calculation of PPEs for the six most common taxa yielded generally similar results for both datasets. Relative to Poaceae (reference taxon, PPE=1) Betula nana-type (PPEmoss: 1.8, PPElake: 1.8) and Alnusfruticosa-type (PPEmoss: 6.4, PPElake: 2.9) were overrepresented while Cyperaceae (PPEmoss: 0.5, PPElake: 0.1), Ericaceae (PPEmoss: 0.3, PPElake <0.01), Salix (PPEmoss: 0.03, PPElake <0.01) and Larix (PPEmoss <0.01, PPElake: 0.2) were under-represented in the pollen spectra compared to the vegetation in the RSAP. The estimation for the dominant tree in the region, Larixgmelinii, is the first published result for this species, but need to be considered very preliminary. The inferred sequence from over- to under-representation is mostly consistent with results from Europe; however, still the absolute values show some differences. Gathering vegetation data was limited by flowering season and low resolute satellite imagery and accessibility of the remote location of our study area. Therefore, our estimate may serve as first reference to strengthen future vegetation reconstructions in this climate-sensitive region.