972 resultados para quantum open system


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High-resolution X-ray diffractometry is used to probe the nature of a diffraction-peak broadening previously noticed in quantum dots (QDs) systems with freestanding InAs islands on top of GaAs (001) substrates [Freitas et al., Phys. Status Solidi (A) 204, 2548 (2007)]. The procedure is hence extended to further investigate the capping process of InAs/GaAs QDs. A direct correlation is established between QDs growth rates and misorientation of lattice-planes at the samples surfaces. This effect provides an alternative too] for studying average strain fields on QDs systems in standard triple axis diffractometers running on X-ray tube sources, which are much more common than synchrotron facilities. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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In this work, we present a detailed study on the optical properties of two GaAs/Al(0.35)Ga(0.65)As coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs) with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, by using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The two CDQWs were grown in a single sample, assuring very similar experimental conditions for measurements of both. The PL spectrum of each CDQW exhibits two recombination channels which can be accurately identified as the excitonic e(1)-hh(1) transitions originated from CDQWs of different effective dimensions. The PL spectra characteristics and the behavior of the emissions as a function of temperature and excitation power are interpreted in the scenario of the bimodal interface roughness model, taking into account the exciton migration between the two regions considered in this model and the difference in the potential fluctuation levels between those two regions. The details of the PL spectra behavior as a function of excitation power are explained in terms of the competition between the band gap renormalization (BGR) and the potential fluctuation effects. The results obtained for the two CDQWs, which have different degrees of potential fluctuation, are also compared and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider random generalizations of a quantum model of infinite range introduced by Emch and Radin. The generalizations allow a neat extension from the class l (1) of absolutely summable lattice potentials to the optimal class l (2) of square summable potentials first considered by Khanin and Sinai and generalised by van Enter and van Hemmen. The approach to equilibrium in the case of a Gaussian distribution is proved to be faster than for a Bernoulli distribution for both short-range and long-range lattice potentials. While exponential decay to equilibrium is excluded in the nonrandom l (1) case, it is proved to occur for both short and long range potentials for Gaussian distributions, and for potentials of class l (2) in the Bernoulli case. Open problems are discussed.


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In this article we prove new results concerning the existence and various properties of an evolution system U(A+B)(t, s)0 <= s <= t <= T generated by the sum -(A(t) + B(t)) of two linear, time-dependent, and generally unbounded operators defined on time-dependent domains in a complex and separable Banach space B. In particular, writing L(B) for the algebra of all linear bounded operators on B, we can express U(A+B)(t, s)0 <= s <= t <= T as the strong limit in C(8) of a product of the holomorphic contraction semigroups generated by -A (t) and - B(t), respectively, thereby proving a product formula of the Trotter-Kato type under very general conditions which allow the domain D(A(t) + B(t)) to evolve with time provided there exists a fixed set D subset of boolean AND(t is an element of)[0,T] D(A(t) + B(t)) everywhere dense in B. We obtain a special case of our formula when B(t) = 0, which, in effect, allows us to reconstruct U(A)(t, s)0 <=(s)<=(t)<=(T) very simply in terms of the semigroup generated by -A(t). We then illustrate our results by considering various examples of nonautonomous parabolic initial-boundary value problems, including one related to the theory of timedependent singular perturbations of self-adjoint operators. We finally mention what we think remains an open problem for the corresponding equations of Schrodinger type in quantum mechanics.


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The third law of thermodynamics is formulated precisely: all points of the state space of zero temperature I""(0) are physically adiabatically inaccessible from the state space of a simple system. In addition to implying the unattainability of absolute zero in finite time (or ""by a finite number of operations""), it admits as corollary, under a continuity assumption, that all points of I""(0) are adiabatically equivalent. We argue that the third law is universally valid for all macroscopic systems which obey the laws of quantum mechanics and/or quantum field theory. We also briefly discuss why a precise formulation of the third law for black holes remains an open problem.


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We revisit the problem of an otherwise classical particle immersed in the zero-point radiation field, with the purpose of tracing the origin of the nonlocality characteristic of Schrodinger`s equation. The Fokker-Planck-type equation in the particles phase-space leads to an infinite hierarchy of equations in configuration space. In the radiationless limit the first two equations decouple from the rest. The first is the continuity equation: the second one, for the particle flux, contains a nonlocal term due to the momentum fluctuations impressed by the field. These equations are shown to lead to Schrodinger`s equation. Nonlocality (obtained here for the one-particle system) appears thus as a property of the description, not of Nature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper we report on the experimental electron sheet density vs. magnetic field diagram for the magnetoresistance R(xx) of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) with two occupied subbands. For magnetic fields above 9T, we found fractional quantum Hall levels centered around the filing factor v = 3/2 in both the two occupied electric subbands. We focused specially on the fractional levels of the second subband, whose experimental values of the magnetic field B of their minima do not obey a periodicity law in 1/|B-B(c)|, where B(c) is the critical field at the filling factor v = 3/2, and we explain this fact entirely in the framework of the composite fermions theory. We use a simple theoretical model to give a possible explanation for the fact. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2011


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ZnO nanocrystals are studied using theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory. The two main effects related to the reduced size of the nanocrystals are investigated: quantum confinement and a large surface:volume ratio. The effects of quantum confinement are studied by saturating the surface dangling bonds of the nanocrystals with hypothetical H atoms. To understand the effects of the surfaces of the nanocrystals, all saturation is removed and the system is relaxed to its minimum energy position. Several different surface motifs are reported, which should be observed experimentally. Spin-polarized calculations are performed in the nonsaturated nanocrystals, leading to different magnetic moments. We propose that this magnetic moment can be responsible for the intrinsic magnetism observed in ZnO nanostructures.


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We have studied Shubnikov de Haas oscillations and the quantum Hall effect in GaAs-double well structures in tilted magnetic fields. We found strong magnetoresistance oscillations as a function of an in-plane magnetic field B(parallel to) at nu = 4N + 3 and nu = 4N + 1 filling factors. At low perpendicular magnetic field B(perpendicular to), the amplitude of the conventional Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations also exhibits B(parallel to)-periodic dependence at fixed values of B(perpendicular to). We interpret the observed oscillations as a manifestation of the interference between cyclotron orbits in different quantum wells.


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We have studied the quantum Hall effect in Al(x)Ga(1-x)As-double well structure with vanishing g-factor. We determined the density-magnetic field n(s) - B diagrams for the longitudinal resistance R(xx). In spite of the fact that the n(s) - B diagram for conventional GaAs double wells shows a striking similarity with the theory, we observed the strong difference between these diagrams for double wells with vanishing g-factor. We argue that the electron-electron interaction is responsible for unusual behavior of the Landau levels in such a system.


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We discuss the possibility of implementing a universal quantum XOR gate by using two coupled quantum dots subject to external magnetic fields that are parallel and slightly different. We consider this system in two different field configurations. In the first case, parallel external fields with the intensity difference at each spin being proportional to the time-dependent interaction between the spins. A general exact solution describing this system is presented and analyzed to adjust field parameters. Then we consider parallel fields with intensity difference at each spin being constant and the interaction between the spins switching on and off adiabatically. In both cases we adjust characteristics of the external fields (their intensities and duration) in order to have the parallel pulse adequate for constructing the XOR gate. In order to provide a complete theoretical description of all the cases, we derive relations between the spin interaction, the inter-dot distance, and the external field. (C) 2008 WILEYNCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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We study the thermopower, thermal conductance, electric conductance and the thermoelectric figure of merit for a gate-defined T-shaped single quantum dot (QD). The QD is solved in the limit of strong Coulombian repulsion U -> infinity, inside the dot, and the quantum wire is modeled on a tight-binding linear chain. We employ the X-boson approach for the Anderson impurity model to describe the localized level within the quantum dot. Our results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental reports and other theoretical researches for the case of a quantum dot embedded into a conduction channel, employing analogies between the two systems. The results for the thermopower sign as a function of the gate voltage (associated with the quantum dot energy) are in agreement with a recent experimental result obtained for a suspended quantum dot. The thermoelectric figure of merit times temperature results indicates that, at low temperatures and in the crossover between the intermediate valence and Kondo regimes, the system might have practical applicability in the development of thermoelectric devices. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of the interlayer coupling on formation of the quantized Hall phase at the filling factor v = 2 was studied in the multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures The disorder broaden Gaussian photoluminescence line due to the localized electrons was found in the quantized Hall phase of the isolated multi-quantum well structure On the other hand. the quantized Hall phase of the weakly-coupled multilayers emitted an asymmetrical line similar to that one observed in the metallic electron systems. We demonstrated that the observed asymmetry indicates a formation of the Fermi Surface in the quantized Hall phase of the multilayer electron system due to the interlayer peicolation. A sharp decrease of the single-particle scattering time associated with the extended states oil the Fermi surface was observed at the filling factor v = 2. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved


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In this paper we extend the results presented in (de Ponte, Mizrahi and Moussa 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 032101) to treat quantitatively the effects of reservoirs at finite temperature in a bosonic dissipative network: a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators whatever its topology, i.e., whichever the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings and their natural frequencies. Starting with the case where distinct reservoirs are considered, each one coupled to a corresponding oscillator, we also analyze the case where a common reservoir is assigned to the whole network. Master equations are derived for both situations and both regimes of weak and strong coupling strengths between the network oscillators. Solutions of these master equations are presented through the normal ordered characteristic function. These solutions are shown to be significantly involved when temperature effects are considered, making difficult the analysis of collective decoherence and dispersion in dissipative bosonic networks. To circumvent these difficulties, we turn to the Wigner distribution function which enables us to present a technique to estimate the decoherence time of network states. Our technique proceeds by computing separately the effects of dispersion and the attenuation of the interference terms of the Wigner function. A detailed analysis of the dispersion mechanism is also presented through the evolution of the Wigner function. The interesting collective dispersion effects are discussed and applied to the analysis of decoherence of a class of network states. Finally, the entropy and the entanglement of a pure bipartite system are discussed.


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In this work, we identify the set of time-dependent pure states building the statistical mixture to which a system, initially in a pure state, is driven by the reservoir. This set of time-dependent pure states, composing what we term a pure basis, are those that diagonalize the reduced density operator of the system. Next, we show that the evolution of the pure-basis states reveals an interesting phenomenon as the system, after decoherence, evolves toward the equilibrium: the spontaneous recoherence of quantum states. Around our defined recoherence time, the statistical mixture associated with a special kind of initial states termed even-symmetric, spontaneously undergoes a recoherence process, by which the initial state of the system emerges from the mixture except for its reduced excitation drained into the reservoir. This phenomenon reveals that the reservoir only shuffle the original information carried out by the initial state of the system instead of erasing it. Moreover, as the spontaneously recohered state occurs only for asymptotic time, we also present a protocol to extract it from the mixture through specific projective measurements. The password to retrieve the original information stems is the knowledge of both the initial state itself and the associated pure basis. A definition of the decoherence time of an N-state superposition is also presented.