974 resultados para protein assembly


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Underlying the unique structures and diverse functions of proteins area vast range of amino-acid sequences and a highly limited number of folds taken up by the polypeptide backbone. By investigating the role of noncovalent connections at the backbone level and at the detailed side-chain level, we show that these unique structures emerge from interplay between random and selected features. Primarily, the protein structure network formed by these connections shows simple (bond) and higher order (clique) percolation behavior distinctly reminiscent of random network models. However, the clique percolation specific to the side-chain interaction network bears signatures unique to proteins characterized by a larger degree of connectivity than in random networks. These studies reflect some salient features of the manner in which amino acid sequences select the unique structure of proteins from the pool of a limited number of available folds.


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Post mortem biochemical staging of Alzheimer’s disease is currently based on immunochemical analysis of brain slices with the AT8 antibody. The epitope of AT8 is described around the pSer202/pThr205 region of the hyperphosphorylated form of the neuronal protein tau. In this study, NMR spectroscopy was used to precisely map the AT8 epitope on phosphorylated tau, and derive its defining structural features by a combination of NMR analyses and molecular dynamics. A particular turn conformation is stabilized by a hydrogen bond of the phosphorylated Thr205 residue to the amide proton of Gly207, and is further stabilized by the two Arg residues opposing the pSer202/pThr205.


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Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are complex highly charged linear polysaccharides that have a variety of roles in biological processes. We report the first use of molecular dynamics (MD) free energy calculations using the MM/PBSA method to investigate the binding of GAGs to protein molecules, namely the platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) and annexin A2. Calculations of the free energy of the binding of heparin fragments of different sizes reveal the existence of a region of low GAG-binding affinity in domains 5-6 of PECAM-1 and a region of high affinity in domains 2-3, consistent with experimental data and ligand-protein docking studies. A conformational hinge movement between domains 2 and 3 was observed, which allows the binding of heparin fragments of increasing size (pentasaccharides to octasaccharides) with an increasingly higher binding affinity. Similar simulations of the binding of a heparin fragment to annexin A2 reveal the optimization of electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions with the protein and protein-bound calcium ions. In general, these free energy calculations reveal that the binding of heparin to protein surfaces is dominated by strong electrostatic interactions for longer fragments, with equally important contributions from van der Waals interactions and vibrational entropy changes, against a large unfavorable desolvation penalty due to the high charge density of these molecules.


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The folding and stability of maltose binding protein (MBP) have been investigated as a function of pH and temperature by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, far- and near-UV circular dichroism, and high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetric measurements. MBP is a monomeric, two-domain protein containing 370 amino acids. The protein is stable in the pH range of 4-10.5 at 25 degrees C. The protein exhibits reversible, two-state, thermal and guanidine hydrochloride-mediated denaturation at neutral pH. The thermostability of MBP is maximal at pH 6, with a Tm of 64.9 degrees C and a deltaHm of 259.7 kcal mol(-1). The linear dependence of deltaHm on Tm was used to estimate a value of deltaCp of 7.9 kcal mol(-1) K(-1) or 21.3 cal (mol of residue)(-1) K(-1). These values are higher than the corresponding deltaCp's for most globular proteins studied to date. However, the extrapolated values of deltaH and deltaS (per mole of residue) at 110 degrees C are similar to those of other globular proteins. These data have been used to show that the temperature at which a protein undergoes cold denaturation depends primarily on the deltaCp (per mol of residue) and that this temperature increases with an increase in deltaCp. The predicted decrease in stability of MBP at low temperatures was experimentally confirmed by carrying out denaturant-mediated unfolding studies at neutral pH at 2 and 28 degrees C.


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The thermodynamics of tie binding of calcium and magnesium ions to a calcium binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in 20 mM MOPS buffer (pH 7.0) at 20 degrees C. Enthalpy titration curves of calcium show the presence of four Ca2+ binding sites, There exist two low-affinity sites for Ca2+, both of which are exothermic in nature and with positive cooperative interaction between them. Two other high affinity sites for Ca2+ exist of which one is endothermic and the other exothermic, again with positive cooperative interaction. The binding constants for Ca2+ at the four sites have been verified by a competitive binding assay, where CaBP competes with a chromophoric chelator 5, 5'-Br-2 BAPTA to bind Ca2+ and a Ca2+ titration employing intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence of the protein, The enthalpy of titration of magnesium in the absence of calcium is single site and endothermic in nature. In the case of the titrations performed using protein presaturated with magnesium, the amount of heat produced is altered. Further, the interaction between the high-affinity sites changes to negative cooperativity. No exchange of heat was observed throughout the addition of magnesium in the presence of 1 mM calcium, Titrations performed on a cleaved peptide comprising the N-terminus and the central linker show the existence of two Ca2+ specific sites, These results indicate that this CaBP has one high-affinity Ca-Mg site, one high-affinity Ca-specific site, and two low-affinity Ca-specific sites. The thermodynamic parameters of the binding of these metal ions were used to elucidate the energetics at the individual site(s) and the interactions involved therein at various concentrations of the denaturant, guanidine hydrochloride, ranging from 0.05 to 6.5 M. Unfolding of the protein was also monitored by titration calorimetry as a function of the concentration of the denaturant. These data show that at a GdnHCl concentration of 0.25 M the binding affinity for the Mg2+ ion is lost and there are only two sites which can bind to Ca2+, with substantial loss cooperativity. At concentrations beyond 2.5 M GdnHCl, at which the unfolding of the tertiary structure of this protein is observed by near UV CD spectroscopy, the binding of Ca2+ ions is lost. We thus show that the domain containing the two low-affinity sites is the first to unfold in the presence of GdnHCl. Control experiments with change in ionic strength by addition of KCI in the range 0.25-1 M show the existence of four sites with altered ion binding parameters.


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Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) plays a crucial role in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). It mediates the generation of pre-beta-HDL particles, enhances the cholesterol efflux from peripheral cells to pre-beta-HDL, and metabolically maintains the plasma HDL levels by facilitating the transfer of post-lipolytic surface remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to HDL. In addition to the antiatherogenic properties, recent findings indicate that PLTP has also proatherogenic characteristics, and that these opposite characteristics of PLTP are dependent on the site of PLTP expression and action. In human plasma, PLTP exists in a high-activity (HA-PLTP) and a low-activity form (LA-PLTP), which are associated with macromolecular complexes of different size and composition. The aims of this thesis were to isolate the two PLTP forms from human plasma, to characterize the molecular complexes in which the HA- and LA-PLTP reside, and to study the interactions of the PLTP forms with apolipoproteins (apo) and the ability of apolipoproteins to regulate PLTP activity. In addition, we aimed to study the distribution of the two PLTP forms in a Finnish population sample as well as to find possible regulatory factors for PLTP by investigating the influence of lipid and glucose metabolism on the balance between the HA- and LA-PLTP. For these purposes, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) capable of determining the serum total PLTP concentration and quantitating the two PLTP forms separately was developed. In this thesis, it was demonstrated that the HA-PLTP isolated from human plasma copurified with apoE, whereas the LA-PLTP formed a complex with apoA-I. The separation of these two PLTP forms was carried out by a dextran sulfate (DxSO4)-CaCl2 precipitation of plasma samples before the mass determination. A similar immunoreactivity of the two PLTP forms in the ELISA could be reached after a partial sample denaturation by SDS. Among normolipidemic Finnish individuals, the mean PLTP mass was 6.6 +/- 1.5 mg/l and the mean PLTP activity 6.6 +/- 1.7 umol/ml/h. Of the serum PLTP concentration, almost 50% represented HA-PLTP. The results indicate that plasma HDL levels could regulate PLTP concentration, while PLTP activity could be regulated by plasma triglyceride-rich very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentration. Furthermore, new evidence is presented that PLTP could also play a role in glucose metabolism. Finally, both PLTP forms were found to interact with apoA-I, apoA-IV, and apoE. In addition, both apoE and apoA-IV, but not apoA-I, were capable of activating the LA-PLTP. These findings suggest that the distribution of the HA- and LA-PLTP in human plasma is subject to dynamic regulation by apolipoproteins.


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In an attempt to unravel the role of conserved histidine residues in the structure-function of sheep liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), three site-specific mutants (H134N, H147N, and H150N) were constructed and expressed, H134N and H147N SHMTs had K-m values for L-serine, L-allo-threonine and beta-phenylserine similar to that of wild type enzyme, although the k(cat) values were markedly decreased, H134N SHMT was obtained in a dimeric form with only 6% of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) compared with the wild type enzyme, Increasing concentrations of PLP (up to 500 mu M) enhanced the enzyme activity without changing its oligomeric structure, indicating that His-134 may be involved in dimer-dimer interactions, H147N SHMT was obtained in a tetrameric form but with very little PLP (3%) bound to it, suggesting that this residue was probably involved in cofactor binding, Unlike the wild type enzyme, the cofactor could be easily removed by dialysis from H147N SHMT, and the apoenzyme thus formed was present predominantly in the dimeric form, indicating that PLP binding is at the dimer-dimer interface, H150N SHMT was obtained in a tetrameric form with bound PLP, However, the mutant had very little enzyme activity (<2%). The k(cat)/K-m values for L-serine, L-allo-threonine and beta-phenylserine were 80-, 56-, and SS-fold less compared with wild type enzyme, Unlike the wild type enzyme, it failed to form the characteristic quinonoid intermediate and was unable to carry out the exchange of 2-S proton from glycine in the presence of H-4-folate. However, it could form an external aldimine with serine and glycine, The wild type and the mutant enzyme had similar K-d values for serine and glycine, These results suggest that His-150 may be the base that abstracts the alpha-proton of the substrate, leading to formation of the quinonoid intermediate in the reaction catalyzed by SHMT.


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Transposons, mobile genetic elements that are ubiquitous in all living organisms have been used as tools in molecular biology for decades. They have the ability to move into discrete DNA locations with no apparent homology to the target site. The utility of transposons as molecular tools is based on their ability to integrate into various DNA sequences efficiently, producing extensive mutant clone libraries that can be used in various molecular biology applications. Bacteriophage Mu is one of the most useful transposons due to its well-characterized and simple in vitro transposition reaction. This study establishes the properties of the Mu in vitro transposition system as a versatile multipurpose tool in molecular biology. In addition, this study describes Mu-based applications for engineering proteins by random insertional transposon mutagenesis in order to study structure-function relationships in proteins. We initially characterized the properties of the minimal Mu in vitro transposition system. We showed that the Mu transposition system works efficiently and accurately and produces insertions into a wide spectrum of target sites in different DNA molecules. Then, we developed a pentapeptide insertion mutagenesis strategy for inserting random five amino acid cassettes into proteins. These protein variants can be used especially for screening important sites for protein-protein interactions. Also, the system may produce temperature-sensitive variants of the protein of interest. Furthermore, we developed an efficient screening system for high-resolution mapping of protein-protein interfaces with the pentapeptide insertion mutagenesis. This was accomplished by combining the mutagenesis with subsequent yeast two-hybrid screening and PCR-based genetic footprinting. This combination allows the analysis of the whole mutant library en masse, without the need for producing or isolating separate mutant clones, and the protein-protein interfaces can be determined at amino acid accuracy. The system was validated by analysing the interacting region of JFC1 with Rab8A, and we show that the interaction is mediated via the JFC1 Slp homology domain. In addition, we developed a procedure for the production of nested sets of N- and C-terminal deletion variants of proteins with the Mu system. These variants are useful in many functional studies of proteins, especially in mapping regions involved in protein-protein interactions. This methodology was validated by analysing the region in yeast Mso1 involved in an interaction with Sec1. The results of this study show that the Mu in vitro transposition system is versatile for various applicational purposes and can efficiently be adapted to random protein engineering applications for functional studies of proteins.


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The actin cytoskeleton is essential for many cellular processes, including motility, morphogenesis, endocytosis and signal transduction. Actin can exist in monomeric (G-actin) or filamentous (F-actin) form. Actin filaments are considered to be the functional form of actin, generating the protrusive forces characteristic for the actin cytoskeleton. The structure and dynamics of the actin filament and monomer pools are regulated by a large number of actin-binding proteins in eukaryotic cells. Twinfilin is an evolutionarily conserved small actin monomer binding protein. Twinfilin is composed of two ADF/cofilin-like domains, separated by a short linker and followed by a C-terminal tail. Twinfilin forms a stable, high affinity complex with ADP-G-actin, inhibits the nucleotide exchange on actin monomers, and prevents their assembly into filament ends. Twinfilin was originally identified from yeast and has since then been found from all organisms studied except plants. Not much was known about the role of twinfilin in the actin dynamics in mammalian cells before this study. We set out to unravel the mysteries still covering twinfilins functions using biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics. We identified and characterized two mouse isoforms for the previously identified mouse twinfilin-1. The new isoforms, twinfilin-2a and -2b, are generated from the same gene through alternative promoter usage. The three isoforms have distinctive expression patterns, but are similar biochemically. Twinfilin-1 is the major isoform during development and is expressed in high levels in almost all tissues examined. Twinfilin-2a is also expressed almost ubiquitously, but at lower levels. Twinfilin-2b turned out to be a muscle-specific isoform, with very high expression in heart and skeletal muscle. It seems all mouse tissues express at least two twinfilin isoforms, indicating that twinfilins are important regulators of actin dynamics in all cell and tissue types. A knockout mouse line was generated for twinfilin-2a. The mice homozygous for this knockout were viable and developed normally, indicating that twinfilin-2a is dispensable for mouse development. However, it is important to note that twinfilin-2a shows similar expression pattern to twinfilin-1, suggesting that these proteins play redundant roles in mice. All mouse isoforms were shown to be able to sequester actin filaments and have higher affinity for ADP-G-actin than ATP-G-actin. They are also able to directly interact with heterodimeric capping protein and PI(4,5)P2 similar to yeast twinfilin. In this study we also uncovered a novel function for mouse twinfilins; capping actin filament barbed ends. All mouse twinfilin isoforms were shown to possess this function, while yeast and Drosophila twinfilin were not able to cap filament barbed ends. Twinfilins localize to the cytoplasm but also to actin-rich regions in mammalian cells. The subcellular localizations of the isoforms are regulated differently, indicating that even though twinfilins biochemical functions in vitro are very similar, in vivo they can play different roles through different regulatory pathways. Together, this study show that twinfilins regulate actin filament assembly both by sequestering actin monomers and by capping filament barbed ends, and that mammals have three biochemically similar twinfilin isoforms with partially overlapping expression patterns.


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Genetic engineering of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry proteins has resulted in the synthesis of various novel toxin proteins with enhanced insecticidal activity and specificity towards different insect pests. In this study, a fusion protein consisting of the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and garlic lectin (ASAL) has been designed in silico by replacing the DIII domain of Cry1Ac with ASAL. The binding interface between the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and lectin has been identified using proteinprotein docking studies. Free energy of binding calculations and interaction profiles between the Cry1Ac and lectin domains confirmed the stability of fusion protein. A total of 18 hydrogen bonds was observed in the DI–DII–lectin fusion protein compared to 11 hydrogen bonds in the Cry1Ac (DI–DII–DIII) protein. Molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann (generalized-Born) surface area [MM/PB (GB) SA] methods were used for predicting free energy of interactions of the fusion proteins. Proteinprotein docking studies based on the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, aromatic–aromatic, aromatic–sulphur, cation–pi interactions and binding energy of Cry1Ac/fusion proteins with the aminopeptidase N (APN) of Manduca sexta rationalised the higher binding affinity of the fusion protein with the APN receptor compared to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex, as predicted by ZDOCK, Rosetta and ClusPro analysis. The molecular binding interface between the fusion protein and the APN receptor is well packed, analogously to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex. These findings offer scope for the design and development of customized fusion molecules for improved pest management in crop plants.


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The c-Fos–c-Jun complex forms the activator protein 1 transcription factor, a therapeutic target in the treatment of cancer. Various synthetic peptides have been designed to try to selectively disrupt the interaction between c-Fos and c-Jun at its leucine zipper domain. To evaluate the binding affinity between these synthetic peptides and c-Fos, polarizable and nonpolarizable molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted, and the resulting conformations were analyzed using the molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM/GBSA) method to compute free energies of binding. In contrast to empirical and semiempirical approaches, the estimation of free energies of binding using a combination of MD simulations and the MM/GBSA approach takes into account dynamical properties such as conformational changes, as well as solvation effects and hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions. The predicted binding affinities of the series of c-Jun-based peptides targeting the c-Fos peptide show good correlation with experimental melting temperatures. This provides the basis for the rational design of peptides based on internal, van der Waals, and electrostatic interactions.


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his study elucidates some structural and biological features of galactose-binding variants of the cytotoxic proteins ricin and abrin. An isolation procedure is reported for ricin variants from Ricinus communis seeds by using lactamyl-Sepharose affinity matrix, similar to that reported previously for variants of abrin from Abrus precatorius seeds [Hegde, R., Maiti, T. K. & Podder, S. K. (1991) Anal. Biochem. 194, 101–109]. Ricin variants, subfractionated on carboxymethyl-Sepharose CL-6B ion-exchange chromatography, were characterized further by SDS/PAGE, IEF and a binding assay. Based on the immunological cross-reactivity of antibody raised against a single variant of each of ricin and abrin, it was established that all the variants of the corresponding type are immunologically indistinguishable. Analysis of protein titration curves on an immobilized pH gradient indicated that variants of abrin I differ from other abrin variants, mainly in their acidic groups and that variance in ricin is a cause of charge substitution. Detection of subunit variants of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that there are twice as many subunit variants as there are variants of holoproteins, suggesting that each variant has a set of subunit variants, which, although homologous, are not identical to the subunits of any other variant with respect to pI. Seeds obtained from polymorphic species of R. communis showed no difference in the profile of toxin variants, as analyzed by isoelectric focussing. Toxin variants obtained from red and white varieties of A. precatorius, however, showed some difference in the number of variants as well as in their relative intensities. Furthermore, variants analyzed from several single seeds of A. precatorius red type revealed a controlled distribution of lectin variants in three specific groups, indicating an involvement of at least three genes in the production of Abrus lectins. The complete absence or presence of variants in each group suggested a post-translational differential proteolytic processing, a secondary event in the production of abrin variants.


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In an attempt to identify the arginine residue involved in binding of the carboxylate group of serine to mammalian serine hydroxymethyltransferase, a highly conserved Arg-401 was mutated to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme had a characteristic visible absorbance at 425 nm indicative of the presence of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as an internal aldimine with a lysine residue. However, it had only 0.003% of the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. It was also unable to perform reactions with glycine, beta-phenylserine or d-alanine, suggesting that the binding of these substrates to the mutant enzyme was affected. This was also evident from the interaction of amino-oxyacetic acid, which was very slow (8.4x10(-4) s-1 at 50 microM) for the R401A mutant enzyme compared with the wild-type enzyme (44.6 s-1 at 50 microM). In contrast, methoxyamine (which lacks the carboxy group) reacted with the mutant enzyme (1.72 s-1 at 250 microM) more rapidly than the wild-type enzyme (0.2 s-1 at 250 microM). Further, both wild-type and the mutant enzymes were capable of forming unique quinonoid intermediates absorbing at 440 and 464 nm on interaction with thiosemicarbazide, which also does not have a carboxy group. These results implicate Arg-401 in the binding of the substrate carboxy group. In addition, gel-filtration profiles of the apoenzyme and the reconstituted holoenzyme of R401A and the wild-type enzyme showed that the mutant enzyme remained in a tetrameric form even when the cofactor had been removed. However, the wild-type enzyme underwent partial dissociation to a dimer, suggesting that the oligomeric structure was rendered more stable by the mutation of Arg-401. The increased stability of the mutant enzyme was also reflected in the higher apparent melting temperature (Tm) (61 degrees C) than that of the wild-type enzyme (56 degrees C). The addition of serine or serinamide did not change the apparent Tm of R401A mutant enzyme. These results suggest that the mutant enzyme might be in a permanently 'open' form and the increased apparent Tm could be due to enhanced subunit interactions.