976 resultados para prenatal diagnosis


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The worldwide prevalence of leishmaniasis is increasing because of ecologic changes and increased medical profession awareness. Furthermore, solitary cases have been recently reported in Western countries. The authors describe the epidemiology, mode of transmission, and diagnosis of leishmaniasis and present 4 oral cases treated with systemic, localized, or combined therapy. The authors suggest that clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion for atypical, resistant, oral and perioral lesions in individuals with a history of traveling in certain geographic regions. After diagnosis, treatment should be determined jointly by experts from the fields of oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral medicine, and dermatology based on leishmaniasis species and clinical presentation.


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AIM: To describe the protocol used to examine the processes of communication between health professionals, patients and informal carers during the management of oral chemotherapeutic medicines to identify factors that promote or inhibit medicine concordance. BACKGROUND: Ideally communication practices about oral medicines should incorporate shared decision-making, two-way dialogue and an equality of role between practitioner and patient. While there is evidence that healthcare professionals are adopting these concordant elements in general practice there are still some patients who have a passive role during consultations. Considering oral chemotherapeutic medications, there is a paucity of research about communication practices which is surprising given the high risk of toxicity associated with chemotherapy. DESIGN: A critical ethnographic design will be used, incorporating non-participant observations, individual semi-structured and focus-group interviews as several collecting methods. METHODS: Observations will be carried out on the interactions between healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses and pharmacists) and patients in the outpatient departments where prescriptions are explained and supplied and on follow-up consultations where treatment regimens are monitored. Interviews will be conducted with patients and their informal carers. Focus-groups will be carried out with healthcare professionals at the conclusion of the study. These several will be analysed using thematic analysis. This research is funded by the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland (Awarded February 2012). DISCUSSION: Dissemination of these findings will contribute to the understanding of issues involved when communicating with people about oral chemotherapy. It is anticipated that findings will inform education, practice and policy.


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The research presented here develops a robust reliability algorithm for the identification of reliable protein interactions that can be incorporated with a gene expression dataset to improve the algorithm performance, and novel breast cancer based diagnostic, prognostic and treatment prediction algorithms, respectively, which take into account the existing issues in order to provide a fair estimation of their performance.


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PURPOSE: We sought to examine cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment, and related risk factors among Australian, middle-aged, exclusively heterosexual women compared with sexual minority women (SMW; mainly heterosexual, bisexual, mainly lesbian, and lesbian). METHODS: Secondary data analysis of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health for women born in 1946 through 1951 (n = 10,451) included bivariate tests (i.e., contingency table analyses, independent t tests). RESULTS: SMW did not have significantly higher cancer diagnoses compared with exclusively heterosexual women, although they were more likely to report never having had a mammogram or pap smear. SMW were also significantly more likely to be high-risk drinkers (11.1% vs. 6.8%; p < .05), current smokers (15.1% vs. 8.3%; p < .001), report significantly higher rates of depression (mean ± SD; 6.4 ± 5.5 vs. 5.4 ± 5.1; p < .01.), have experienced physical abuse (10.2% vs. 5.1%; p < .001), and been in a violent relationship (27.2% vs. 12.8%; p < .001). CONCLUSION: SMW had higher rates of several known cancer risk factors, ostensibly placing them at higher risk of cancer as well as chronic health conditions. Further research is needed to determine whether increased risk results in increased cancer as these women age, and to inform the development of interventions to reduce the risk of disease for SMW.


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 The dissertation reports the synthesis of novel self-therapeutic Surface Enhanced Raman (ST-SERs) active gold nanoparticles. The therapeutic response monitored in the retinoblastoma mice model and elucidated the mechanism of the targeted therapy by biomolecule spectral fingerprints.


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Cocaine dependence frequently co-occurs with personality disorders, leading to increased interpersonal problems and greater burden of disease. Personality disorders are characterised by patterns of thinking and feeling that divert from social expectations. However, the comorbidity between cocaine dependence and personality disorders has not been substantiated by measures of brain activation during social decision-making. We applied functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare brain activations evoked by a social decision-making task-the Ultimatum Game-in 24 cocaine dependents with personality disorders (CDPD), 19 cocaine dependents without comorbidities and 19 healthy controls. In the Ultimatum Game participants had to accept or reject bids made by another player to split monetary stakes. Offers varied in fairness (in fair offers the proposer shares ~50 percent of the money; in unfair offers the proposer shares <30 percent of the money), and participants were told that if they accept both players get the money, and if they reject both players lose it. We contrasted brain activations during unfair versus fair offers and accept versus reject choices. During evaluation of unfair offers CDPD displayed lower activation in the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex and higher activation in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and superior frontal and temporal gyri. Frontal activations negatively correlated with emotion recognition. During rejection of offers CDPD displayed lower activation in the anterior cingulate cortex, striatum and midbrain. Dual diagnosis is linked to hypo-activation of the insula and anterior cingulate cortex and hyper-activation of frontal-temporal regions during social decision-making, which associates with poorer emotion recognition.


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High intrauterine cortisol exposure can inhibit fetal growth and have programming effects for the child's subsequent stress reactivity. Placental 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD2) limits the amount of maternal cortisol transferred to the fetus. However, the relationship between maternal psychopathology and 11β-HSD2 remains poorly defined. This study examined the effect of maternal depressive disorder, antidepressant use and symptoms of depression and anxiety in pregnancy on placental 11β-HSD2 gene (HSD11B2) expression. Drawing on data from the Mercy Pregnancy and Emotional Wellbeing Study, placental HSD11B2 expression was compared among 33 pregnant women, who were selected based on membership of three groups; depressed (untreated), taking antidepressants and controls. Furthermore, associations between placental HSD11B2 and scores on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) during 12-18 and 28-34 weeks gestation were examined. Findings revealed negative correlations between HSD11B2 and both the EPDS and STAI (r = -0.11 to -0.28), with associations being particularly prominent during late gestation. Depressed and antidepressant exposed groups also displayed markedly lower placental HSD11B2 expression levels than controls. These findings suggest that maternal depression and anxiety may impact on fetal programming by down-regulating HSD11B2, and antidepressant treatment alone is unlikely to protect against this effect.


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An interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is introduced for cancer diagnosis using mass spectrometry-based proteomic data. The fuzzy system is incorporated with a feature extraction procedure that combines wavelet transform and Wilcoxon ranking test. The proposed feature extraction generates feature sets that serve as inputs to the type-2 fuzzy classifier. Uncertainty, noise and outliers that are common in the proteomic data motivate the use of type-2 fuzzy system. Tabu search is applied for structure learning of the fuzzy classifier. Experiments are performed using two benchmark proteomic datasets for the prediction of ovarian and pancreatic cancer. The dominance of the suggested feature extraction as well as type-2 fuzzy classifier against their competing methods is showcased through experimental results. The proposed approach therefore is helpful to clinicians and practitioners as it can be implemented as a medical decision support system in practice.


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A ultra-sonografia obstétrica é um método diagnóstico tradicionalmente utilizado na rotina do atendimento pré-natal, tendo sido estudados de forma ampla suas vantagens e limitações. O advento do diagnóstico intra-uterino de cardiopatias congênitas e de arritmias através da ecocardiografia fetal modificou completamente o prognóstico perinatal dessas afecções, por permitir planejar o adequado manejo cardiológico no período neonatal imediato e, em algumas situações, o tratamento e sua resolução in utero. Sendo muito elevada a prevalência de cardiopatias congênitas durante a vida fetal, sua detecção torna-se fundamental. Considerando a inviabilidade operacional de realizar rotineiramente ecocardiografia fetal em todas as gestações, levando-se em conta as condições locais do sistema de saúde, o encaminhamento para exame por especialista passa a ser otimizado com a possibilidade da suspeita de alterações estruturais ou funcionais do coração e do sistema circulatório durante o exame ultra-sonográfico obstétrico de rotina. Não são conhecidos, em nosso meio, dados que avaliem de forma sistemática a acurácia da ultra-sonografia obstétrica no que se refere à suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatias. A partir deste questionamento, este trabalho foi delineado com o objetivo de avaliar o papel da ultra-sonografia obstétrica de rotina na suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatias congênitas ou arritmias graves e os fatores envolvidos na sua efetividade. A amostra foi constituída de 77 neonatos ou lactentes internados no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul / Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia (IC/FUC) no período de maio a outubro de 2000, com diagnóstico pós-natal confirmado de cardiopatia estrutural ou arritmia grave, que tenham sido submetidos, durante a vida fetal, a pelo menos uma ultra-sonografia obstétrica após a 18a semana de gestação. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizado um questionário padronizado, respondido pelos pais ou responsáveis, após consentimento informado. As variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado ou pelo teste de Fisher, com um alfa crítico de 0,05. Um modelo de regressão logística foi utilizado para determinar variáveis independentes eventualmente envolvidas na suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatia. Em 19 pacientes (24,7%), a ultra-sonografia obstétrica foi capaz de levantar suspeita de anormalidades estruturais ou de arritmias. Ao serem consideradas apenas as cardiopatias congênitas, esta prevalência foi de 19,2% (14/73). Em 73,7% destes, as cardiopatias suspeitadas eram acessíveis ao corte de 4-câmaras isolado. Observou-se que 26,3% das crianças com suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatia apresentaram arritmias durante o estudo ecográfico, enquanto apenas 3,4% dos pacientes sem suspeita pré-natal apresentaram alterações do ritmo (P=0,009). Constituiram-se em fatores comparativos significantes entre o grupo com suspeita pré-natal e o sem suspeita a paridade (P=0,029), o parto cesáreo (P=0,006), a internação em unidade de tratamento intensivo (P=0,046) e a escolaridade paterna (P=0,014). Não se mostraram significativos o número de gestações, a história de abortos prévios, o estado civil, o sexo dos pacientes, o tipo de serviço e a localidade em que foram realizados o pré-natal e a ultra-sonografia obstétrica, a indicação da ecografia, o número de ultra-sonografias realizadas, a renda familiar e a escolaridade materna. À análise multivariada, apenas a presença de alteração do ritmo cardíaco durante a ultra-sonografia obstétrica mostrou-se como variável independente associada à suspeita pré-natal de anormalidade cardíaca. Este trabalho demonstra que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica de rotina ainda tem sido subutilizada no rastreamento pré-natal de cardiopatias congênitas, levantando a suspeita de anormalidades estruturais em apenas um quinto dos casos. Considerando a importância prognóstica do diagnóstico intra-uterino de cardiopatias congênitas e arritmias graves, todos os esforços devem ser mobilizados no sentido de aumentar a eficácia da ecografia obstétrica de rotina para a suspeita de anormalidades cardíacas fetais. O treinamento dirigido dos ultra-sonografistas e a conscientização do meio obstétrico e da própria população são instrumentos para esta ação.


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The Brazilian pay-as-you-go social security program is analyzed in a historical perspective. Its contribution to income inequality, and the role played by the inflation as a balancing variable are discussed. It is shown that budgetary constraints due to the increasing informalization of the labor force can no longer be reconciled with protligate eligibility criteria. A tailor-made proposal for reform is presented as well as a plan for financing the transition from today's system to the proposed one.


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The recent process of accelerated expansion of the Brazilian economy was driven by exports and fixed capital formation. Although the pace of growth was more robust than in the 1990´s, we can still witness the existence of certain macroeconomic constraints to its continuation in the long run such as, for instance, the exchange rate overvaluation in particular since 2005, and in general the modus operandi of monetary policy. Such constraints may jeopardize the sustainability of the current pace of growth. Therefore, we argue that Brazil still lies in a trap made up of high interest and low exchange rates. The elimination of the exchange rate misalignment would bring about a great increase in the rate of interest, which on its turn would impact negatively upon investment and hence upon the sustainability of long run economic growth. We outline a set of policy measures to eliminate such a trap, in particular, the adoption of an implicit target for the exchange rate, capital controls and the abandonment of the present regime of inflation targeting. Recent events seem to go in this direction.