986 resultados para post-deformation annealing


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Cylindrical specimens (4 mm diameter and 4 mm height) of titanium alloy bar were given various heat treatments to provide a wide range of microstructures and mechanical parameters. These specimens were then subjected to high plastic strain at a large strain rate (103 s-1 ) during dynamic compression by a split Hopkinson bar at ambient temperature. The microstructures of the localised shear bands were examined by optical and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that there are two types of localised shear bands: deformed and white shear bands. A detailed observation reveals that there is no difference in the nature of the deformed and white shear bands, but they occur at different stages of localised deformation. It is found that there is a burst of strain, corresponding to a critical strain rate at which the white shear band occurs and no phase transformation occurs in the shear bands.


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In the field of fluid mechanics, free surface phenomena is one of the most important physical processes. In the present research work, the surface deformation and surface wave caused by temperature difference of sidewalls in a rectangular cavity have been investigated. The horizontal cross-section of the container is 52 mmx42 mm, and there is a silicon oil layer of height 3.5 mm in the experimental cavity. Temperature difference between the two side walls of the cavity is increased gradually, and the flow on the liquid layer will develop from stable convection to un-stable convection. An optical diagnostic system consisting of a modified Michelson interferometer and image processor has been developed for study of the surface deformation and surface wave of thermal capillary convection. The Fourier transformation method is used to interferometer fringe analysis. The quantitative results of surface deformation and surface wave have been calculated from a serial of the interference fringe patterns.The characters of surface deformation and surface wave have been obtained. They are related with temperature gradient and surface tension. Surface deformation is fluctuant with time, which shows the character of surface wave. The cycle period of the wave is 4.8 s, and the amplitudes are from 0 to 0.55 mu m. The phase of the wave near the cool side of the cavity is opposite and correlative to that near the hot side. The present experiment proves that the surface wave of thermal capillary convection exists on liquid free surface, and it is wrapped in surface deformation.


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纳米材料是由尺度在1~100 nm的微小颗粒组成的体系,由于它具有独特的性能而备受关注.本文简要地回顾了分子动力学在纳米材料研究中的应用,并运用它模拟了平均晶粒尺寸从1.79~5.38nm的纳米晶体的力学性质.模拟结果显示:随着晶粒尺寸的减小,系统与晶粒内部的原子平均能量升高,而晶界上则有所下降;纳米晶体的弹性模量要小于普通多晶体,并随着晶粒尺寸的减小而减小;纳米晶铜的强度随着晶粒的减小而减小,显示了反常的Hall-Petch效应;纳米晶体的塑性变形主要是通过晶界滑移与运动,以及晶粒的转动来实现的;位错运动起着次要的、有限的作用;在较大的应变下(约大于5%),位错运动开始起作用;这种作用随着晶粒尺寸的增加而愈加明显.


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Nanocrystalline (nc) materials are characterized by a typical grain size of 1-100nm. The uniaxial tensile deformation of computer-generated nc samples, with several average grain sizes ranging from 5.38 to 1.79nm, is simulated by using molecular dynamics with the Finnis-Sinclair potential. The influence of grain size and temperature on the mechanical deformation is studied in this paper. The simulated nc samples show a reverse Hall-Petch effect. Grain boundary sliding and motion, as well as grain rotation are mainly responsible for the plastic deformation. At low temperatures, partial dislocation activities play a minor role during the deformation. This role begins to occur at the strain of 5%, and is progressively remarkable with increasing average grain size. However, at elevated temperatures no dislocation activity is detected, and the diffusion of grain boundaries may come into play.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de establecer la efectividad del tratamiento de Inducción al celo de vacas en anestro post parto por medio de la administración de sales minerales, vitaminas y masajes ovarios; dicho tratamiento fue llevado a cabo en el municipio de Río Blanco departamento de Matagalpa. Caracterizándose por una buena distribución de las lluvias la mayor parte del año. El dicho municipio se da una predominancia de una cultura de gran alta productividad ganadera, el tamaño requerido de la muestra de este trabajo de 20 hembras en periodo de anestro post parto mayor de 50 días, las cuales fueron seleccionadas al azar y evalua das clínicamente por palpación rectal por un profesional de la medicina veterinaria. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba de chi –cuadrado habiendo obtenido un resultado significativo a un nivel de confianza del 95% entre los tratamientos. Con base en los resultados obtenidos posterior al tratamiento de la administración de sales minerales, vitamina y masaje ovárico se alcan zó una respuesta positiva del 80 % al celo, el 80% en tasa de preñez y en relación a la aparición del celo posteri or al tratamiento se alcanzo una media de 6.13 días que al comparar la efectividad del tratamiento de solo la aplicación de masaje ovárico se observo un buen resultado positivo, superando las expectativas. En comparación con las hembras tratadas con solo masaje ovárico se obtuvo una respuesta positiva al celo de un 60%, con un 30% de tasa de preñez y 7.33 días promedio en anestro posterior al tratamiento, por lo tanto elaboramos la hipótesis basándonos en el estadígrafo de Chi-cuadrado obteniendo un resultado significativo empleando un nivel de significancia del 0.05% por lo que atribuimos las diferencias de ambos tratamientos.


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El presente trabajo fue realizado en el municipio de Condega, departamento de Estelí, bajo condiciones de trópico seco y durante la época de verano. El objetivo fu e evaluar la efectividad de la reutilización del dispositivo CIDR (Dispositivo Intravaginal Liberador de Progesterona) bajo un método modificado de aplicación que incluyó el uso de GnRH y PGF2a,sobre la inducción del celo y ovulación en vacas en anestro postparto. Las variables evaluadas fueron: La efectividad sobre: presentación de celo, ovulación, porcentaje de preñez al reutilizar 3 veces el dispositivo. El grupo control consistió en un grupo de 10 animales escogidos al azar y en anestro post parto, bajo condiciones de manejo y alimentación similar, a los grupo tratado con CIDRSYNCH, los que fueron divididos en 3 subgrupos de 10 animales cada uno que igualmente estuvieron bajo condiciones de manejo y alimentación iguales a las del grupo control. En total se emplearon 40 vacas en anestro postparto. Para el análisis estadístico se azarizó bajo un DCA, y se aplicó la prueba de Chi2 modificado por valores porcentuales. Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes: El 100% (30 vacas) de los animales tratados con CIDR por primera, segunda y tercera vez presentaron celo y ovulación. En cuanto al porcentaje de preñez el comportamiento fue de un 40% al utilizar el CIDR por primera y segunda vez, en tanto a la tercera utilización bajo a un 20% similar al obtenido en el grupo control sin tratamiento hormonal. Usualmente el dispositivo CIDR se utiliza una sola vez y en animales cíclicos según prospecto, sin embargo la reutilización puede ser efectiva con lo que el costo de su aplicación se reduce haciendo más accesible el método para el uso del pequeño y mediano productor.


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Compressive deformation behavior of the Nd60Fe20Co10Al10 bulk metallic glass was characterized over a wide strain rate range (6.0 x 10(-4) to 1.0x10(3) s(-1)) at room temperature. Fracture stress was found to increase and fracture strain decrease with increasing applied strain rate. Serrated flow and a large number of shear bands were observed at the quasi-static strain rate (6.0 x 10(-4)s(-1)). The results suggest that the appearance of a large number of shear bands is probably associated with flow serration observed during compression; and both shear banding and flow serration are a strain accommodation and stress relaxation process. At dynamic strain rates (1.0 x 10(3) s(-1)), the rate of shear band nucleation is not sufficient to accommodate the applied strain rate and thus causes an early fracture of the test sample. The fracture behavior of the Nd60Fe20Co10Al10 bulk metallic glass is sensitive to strain rate.


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An optical diagnostic system consisting of the Michelson interferometer with the image processor has been developed for the study of the kinetics of the thermal capillary convection. The capillary convection, surface deformation, surface wave and the velocity field in a rectangular cavity with different temperature's sidewalls have been investigated by optical interference method and PIV technique. In order to calculate the surface deformation from the interference fringe, Fourier transformation is used to grating analysis. The quantitative results of the surface deformation and surface wave have been calculated from the interference fringe pattern.


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Extensive transmission electron microscopy examinations confirm that twinning does occur upon large plastic deformation in nanocrystalline Ni, for which no sign of deformation twinning was found in previous tensile tests. Compelling evidence has been obtained for several twinning mechanisms that operate in nanocrystalline grains, with the grain boundary emission of partial dislocations determined as the most proficient. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, a real-time and in situ optical measuring system is reported to observe high-velocity deformations of samples subjected to impact loading. The system consists of a high-speed camera, a He-Ne laser, a frame grabber, a synchronization device and analysis software based on digital correlation theory. The optical system has been adapted to investigate the dynamic deformation field and its evolution in notched samples loaded by an split Hopkinson tension bar, with a resolution of 50 pin and an accuracy of 0.5 mum. Results obtained in experiments are discussed and compared with numerical simulations. It is shown that the measuring system is effective and valid.


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The influence of surfactant on the breakup of a prestretched bubble in a quiescent viscous surrounding is studied by a combination of direct numerical simulation and the solution of a long-wave asymptotic model. The direct numerical simulations describe the evolution toward breakup of an inviscid bubble, while the effects of small but non-zero interior viscosity are readily included in the long-wave model for a fluid thread in the Stokes flow limit. The direct numerical simulations use a specific but realizable and representative initial bubble shape to compare the evolution toward breakup of a clean or surfactant-free bubble and a bubble that is coated with insoluble surfactant. A distinguishing feature of the evolution in the presence of surfactant is the interruption of bubble breakup by formation of a slender quasi-steady thread of the interior fluid. This forms because the decrease in surface area causes a decrease in the surface tension and capillary pressure, until at a small but non-zero radius, equilibrium occurs between the capillary pressure and interior fluid pressure. The long-wave asymptotic model, for a thread with periodic boundary conditions, explains the principal mechanism of the slender thread's formation and confirms, for example, the relatively minor role played by the Marangoni stress. The large-time evolution of the slender thread and the precise location of its breakup are, however, influenced by effects such as the Marangoni stress and surface diffusion of surfactant. © 2008 Cambridge University Press.


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In a previous study [M. Hameed, J. Fluid Mech. 594, 307 (2008)] the authors investigated the influence of insoluble surfactant on the evolution of a stretched, inviscid bubble surrounded by a viscous fluid via direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations, and showed that the presence of surfactant can cause the bubble to contract and form a quasisteady slender thread connecting parent bubbles, instead of proceeding directly toward pinch-off as occurs for a surfactant-free bubble. Insoluble surfactant significantly retards pinch-off and the thread is stabilized by a balance between internal pressure and reduced capillary pressure due to a high concentration of surfactant that develops during the initial stage of contraction. In the present study we investigate the influence of surfactant solubility on thread formation. The adsorption-desorption kinetics for solubility is in the diffusion controlled regime. A long-wave model for the evolution of a capillary jet is also studied in the Stokes flow limit, and shows dynamics that are similar to those of the evolving bubble. With soluble surfactant, depending on parameter values, a slender thread forms but can pinch-off later due to exchange of surfactant between the interface and exterior bulk flow. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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The deformation microstructure of face-centered cubic cobalt subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatment was studied as a function of strain levels. Strain-induced gamma --> epsilon transformation and twinning deformation were evidenced by transmission electron microscopy and were found to progress continuously in ultrafine and nanocrystalline grains as the strain increased.


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Aluminium-based composites, reinforced with low volume fractions of whiskers and small particles, have been formed by a powder route. The materials have been tested in tension, and the microstructures examined using transmission electron microscopy. The whisker composites showed an improvement in flow stress over the particulate composites, and this was linked to an initially enhanced work-hardening rate in the whisker composites. The overall dislocation densities were estimated to be somewhat higher in the whisker composites than the particulate composites, but in the early stages of deformation the distribution was rather different, with deformation in the whisker material being far more localized and inhomogeneous. This factor, together with differences in the internal stress distribution in the materials, is used to explain the difference in mechanical properties.