896 resultados para plasma glucose


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A technics for prefreezing of blood plasma and serum is described in this paper. The method indicated by Strumia et al. (2), uses a rapid local freezing to obtain the shell-freezing, with refigerated alcohol bath, at temperatures around minus 35ºC. On our work, it has been found that normal horse blood plasma fulfils the instructions given by Strumia, although normal human blood plasma, very often, fails to give the expected results. This is very disadvantageous at the routine work. With the use of small amounts of solid carbon dioxide, spread over the flasks, in the refrigerated bath, it has been possible to start the chrystallization. The technics prescribes a rapid cooling, like the one used by Strumia, to bring the temperature down, to about plus 10ºC. and, with rotating device stopped, the solid carbon dioxide is applied for one minute simultaneously on each flask. Starting rotation again, it begins to form a very uniform shell around the walls of the flasks.


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Els teixits de llana presenten l’inconvenient de feltrar (encongir) degut a la presència d’escates i a les característiques hidrofòbiques de la seva superfície. Els tractaments amb plasma (gas ionitzat) són una alternativa ecològica als tractaments tradicionals d’anti feltratge de la llana. També són una innovació en el camp de les fibres sintètiques ja que incrementen la hidrofìlia i/o la rugositat. Malgrat les seves avantatges, l’elevat cost de la maquinària de plasma de baixa temperatura existent per a la indústria tèxtil ha frenat la seva aplicació. Basant-se en estudis preliminars, s’ha avaluat l’efecte de la post-descàrrega del plasma sobre l’encongiment dels teixits de llana, així com els seus efectes en la modificació de la morfologia superficial de llana i poliamida 6.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, Itàlia, des de novembre del 2006 fins a febrer del 2007. La capacitat antioxidant total (TAC) en plasma pot ser un bon biomarcador del estat antioxidant dels humans. Prenent les mostres de dos projectes diferents de recerca s’ha mesurat la TAC mitjançant el FRAP (ferric reductant antioxidant potencial) i el TRAP (total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter ). D’una banda el PREDIMED, és un estudi prospectiu aleatoritzat i controlat, amb una cohort d’ individus sense patología vascular coneguda, però amb un alt risc de patir-la. En aquest es valora la utilitat d’una intervenció dietética del tipus mediterrània en la prevenció primària de la malaltia cardiovascular. L’altre és el de biodisponibilitat en humans dels metabòlits dels polifenols presents en els solubles de cacau, un estudi crònic (28 dies) on es vol mesurar la influència de la llet en l’absorció dels polifenols del cacau, en voluntaris amb elevat risc de sofrir patologia cardiovascular.


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A cell fractionation procedure previously developed for Trypanosoma cruzi was applied to isolated the plasma membrane of promastigotes of Leishania mexicana amazonensis. The cell, swollen in an hypotonic mediun, were disrupted in the presence of a nonionic detergent and the membrane fraction isolated by differencial centrifugation. Electron microscopy showed that the fraction consisted of pieces of the plasma membrane associated with subpellicular microtubules. It was also shown that this fraction is able to induce cell-mediated immune response in mice.


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A role for the gastro-intestinal tract in controlling bone remodeling is suspected since serum levels of bone remodeling markers are affected rapidly after a meal. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) represents a suitable candidate in mediating this effect. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of total inhibition of GIP signaling on trabecular bone volume, microarchitecture and quality. We used GIP receptor (GIPR) knockout mice and investigated trabecular bone volume and microarchitecture by microCT and histomorphometry. GIPR-deficient animals at 16 weeks of age presented with a significant (20%) increase in trabecular bone mass accompanied by an increase (17%) in trabecular number. In addition, the number of osteoclasts and bone formation rate was significantly reduced and augmented, respectively in these animals when compared with wild-type littermates. These modifications of trabecular bone microarchitecture are linked to a remodeling in the expression pattern of adipokines in the GIPR-deficient mice. On the other hand, despite significant enhancement in bone volume, intrinsic mechanical properties of the bone matrix was reduced as well as the distribution of bone mineral density and the ratio of mature/immature collagen cross-links. Taken together, these results indicate an increase in trabecular bone volume in GIPR KO animals associated with a reduction in bone quality.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally identified as a cytokine secreted by T lymphocytes, was found recently to be both a pituitary hormone and a mediator released by immune cells in response to glucocorticoid stimulation. We report here that the insulin-secreting beta cell of the islets of Langerhans expresses MIF and that its production is regulated by glucose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. MIF and insulin colocalize by immunocytochemistry within the secretory granules of the pancreatic islet beta cells, and once released, MIF appears to regulate insulin release in an autocrine fashion. In perifusion studies performed with isolated rat islets, immunoneutralization of MIF reduced the first and second phase of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response by 39% and 31%, respectively. Conversely, exogenously added recombinant MIF was found to potentiate insulin release. Constitutive expression of MIF antisense RNA in the insulin-secreting INS-1 cell line inhibited MIF protein synthesis and decreased significantly glucose-induced insulin release. MIF is therefore a glucose-dependent, islet cell product that regulates insulin secretion in a positive manner and may play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.


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Captan and folpet are fungicides largely used in agriculture. They have similar chemical structures, except that folpet has an aromatic ring unlike captan. Their half-lives in blood are very short, given that they are readily broken down to tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI) and phthalimide (PI), respectively. Few authors measured these biomarkers in plasma or urine, and analysis was conducted either by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography with UV detection. The objective of this study was thus to develop simple, sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/APCI-MS/MS) methods to quantify both THPI and PI in human plasma and urine. Briefly, deuterated THPI was added as an internal standard and purification was performed by solid-phase extraction followed by LC/APCI-MS/MS analysis in negative ion mode for both compounds. Validation of the methods was conducted using spiked blank plasma and urine samples at concentrations ranging from 1 to 250 μg/L and 1 to 50 μg/L, respectively, along with samples of volunteers and workers exposed to captan or folpet. The methods showed a good linearity (R (2) > 0.99), recovery (on average 90% for THPI and 75% for PI), intra- and inter-day precision (RSD, <15%) and accuracy (<20%), and stability. The limit of detection was 0.58 μg/L in urine and 1.47 μg/L in plasma for THPI and 1.14 and 2.17 μg/L, respectively, for PI. The described methods proved to be accurate and suitable to determine the toxicokinetics of both metabolites in human plasma and urine.


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RATIONALE: A dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a well-documented neurobiological finding in major depression. Moreover, clinically effective therapy with antidepressant drugs may normalize the HPA axis activity. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to test whether citalopram (R/S-CIT) affects the function of the HPA axis in patients with major depression (DSM IV). METHODS: Twenty depressed patients (11 women and 9 men) were challenged with a combined dexamethasone (DEX) suppression and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation test (DEX/CRH test) following a placebo week and after 2, 4, and 16 weeks of 40 mg/day R/S-CIT treatment. RESULTS: The results show a time-dependent reduction of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol response during the DEX/CRH test both in treatment responders and nonresponders within 16 weeks. There was a significant relationship between post-DEX baseline cortisol levels (measured before administration of CRH) and severity of depression at pretreatment baseline. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to identify the impact of psychopathology and hormonal stress responsiveness and R/S-CIT concentrations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The magnitude of decrease in cortisol responsivity from pretreatment baseline to week 4 on drug [delta-area under the curve (AUC) cortisol] was a significant predictor (p<0.0001) of the degree of symptom improvement following 16 weeks on drug (i.e., decrease in HAM-D21 total score). The model demonstrated that the interaction of CSF S-CIT concentrations and clinical improvement was the most powerful predictor of AUC cortisol responsiveness. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that decreased AUC cortisol was highly associated with S-CIT concentrations in plasma and CSF. Therefore, our data suggest that the CSF or plasma S-CIT concentrations rather than the R/S-CIT dose should be considered as an indicator of the selective serotonergic reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) effect on HPA axis responsiveness as measured by AUC cortisol response.


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According to the hypothesis of Traub, also known as the 'formula of Traub', postmortem values of glucose and lactate found in the cerebrospinal fluid or vitreous humor are considered indicators of antemortem blood glucose levels. However, because the lactate concentration increases in the vitreous and cerebrospinal fluid after death, some authors postulated that using the sum value to estimate antemortem blood glucose levels could lead to an overestimation of the cases of glucose metabolic disorders with fatal outcomes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis. The aim of our study, performed on 470 consecutive forensic cases, was to ascertain the advantages of the sum value to estimate antemortem blood glucose concentrations and, consequently, to rule out fatal diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death. Other biochemical parameters, such as blood 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, glycated haemoglobin and urine glucose levels, were also determined. In addition, postmortem native CT scan, autopsy, histology, neuropathology and toxicology were performed to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death. According to our results, the sum value does not add any further information for the estimation of antemortem blood glucose concentration. The vitreous glucose concentration appears to be the most reliable marker to estimate antemortem hyperglycaemia and, along with the determination of other biochemical markers (such as blood acetone and 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, urine glucose and glycated haemoglobin), to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death.


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In liver, the glyoxylate cycle contributes to two metabolic functions, urea and glucose synthesis. One of the key enzymes in this pathway is glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase (GRHPR) whose dysfunction in human causes primary hyperoxaluria type 2, a disease resulting in oxalate accumulation and formation of kidney stones. In this study, we provide evidence for a transcriptional regulation by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) of the mouse GRHPR gene in liver. Mice fed with a PPARalpha ligand or in which PPARalpha activity is enhanced by fasting increase their GRHPR gene expression via a peroxisome proliferator response element located in the promoter region of the gene. Consistent with these observations, mice deficient in PPARalpha present higher plasma levels of oxalate in comparison with their wild type counterparts. As expected, the administration of a PPARalpha ligand (Wy-14,643) reduces the plasma oxalate levels. Surprisingly, this effect is also observed in null mice, suggesting a PPARalpha-independent action of the compound. Despite a high degree of similarity between the transcribed region of the human and mouse GRHPR gene, the human promoter has been dramatically reorganized, which has resulted in a loss of PPARalpha regulation. Overall, these data indicate a species-specific regulation by PPARalpha of GRHPR, a key gene of the glyoxylate cycle.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) are incretins secreted in response to oral glucose ingestion by intestinal L and K cells, respectively. The molecular mechanisms responsible for intestinal cell glucose sensing are unknown but could be related to those described for beta-cells, brain and hepatoportal sensors. We determined the role of GLUT2, GLP-1 or GIP receptors in glucose-induced incretins secretion, in the corresponding knockout mice. GLP-1 secretion was reduced in all mutant mice, while GIP secretion did not require GLUT2. Intestinal GLP-1 content was reduced only in GIP and GLUT2 receptors knockout mice suggesting that this impairment could contribute to the phenotype. Intestinal GIP content was similar in all mice studied. Furthermore, the impaired incretins secretion was associated with a reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and an impaired glucose tolerance in all mice. In conclusion, both incretins secretion depends on mechanisms involving their own receptors and GLP-1 further requires GLUT2.


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Purpose: While imatinib has revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), its pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships have been poorly studied. This study aimed to explore the issue in oncologic patients, and to evaluate the specific influence of the target genotype in a GIST subpopulation. Patients and methods: Data from 59 patients (321 plasma samples) were collected during a previous pharmacokinetic study. Based on a population model purposely developed, individual post-hoc Bayesian estimates of pharmacokinetic parameters were derived, and used to estimate drug exposure (AUC; area under curve). Free fraction parameters were deduced from a model incorporating plasma alpha1-acid glycoprotein levels. Associations between AUC (or clearance) and therapeutic response (coded on a 3-point scale), or tolerability (4-point scale), were explored by ordered logistic regression. Influence of KIT genotype on response was also assessed in GIST patients. Results: Total and free drug exposure correlated with the number of side effects (p < 0.005). A relationship with response was not evident in the whole patient set (with good-responders tending to receive lower doses and bad-responders higher doses). In GIST patients however, higher free drug exposure predicted better responses. A strong association was notably observed in patients harboring an exon 9 mutation or a wild type KIT, known to decrease tumor sensitivity towards imatinib (p < 0.005). Conclusions: Our results are arguments to further evaluate the potential benefit of a therapeutic monitoring program for imatinib. Our data also suggest that stratification by genotype will be important in future trials.


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Only few cases of classical phenylketonuria (PKU) in premature infants have been reported. Treatment of these patients is challenging due to the lack of a phenylalanine-free amino acid solution for parenteral infusion. The boy was born at 27 weeks of gestation with a weight of 1000 g (P10). He received parenteral nutrition with a protein intake of 3 g/kg/day. On day 7 he was diagnosed with classical PKU (genotype IVS10-11G>A/IVS12+ 1G>A) due to highly elevated phenylalanine (Phe) level in newborn screening (2800 micromol/L). His maximum plasma Phe level reached 3696 micromol/L. Phe intake was stopped for 4 days. During this time the boy received intravenous glucose and lipids as well as little amounts of Phe-free formula by a nasogastric tube. Due to a deficit of essential amino acids and insufficient growth, a parenteral nutrition rich in branched-chain amino-acids and relatively poor in Phe was added, in order to promote protein synthesis without overloading in Phe. Under this regimen, Phe plasma levels normalized on day 19 when intake of natural protein was started. The boy has now a corrected age of 2 years. He shows normal growth parameters and psychomotor development. Despite a long period of highly elevated Phe levels in the postnatal period our patient shows good psychomotor development. The management of premature infants with PKU depends on the child's tolerance to enteral nutrition. It demands an intensive follow-up by an experienced team and dedicated dietician. Appropriate Phe-free parenteral nutrition would be necessary especially in case of gastro-intestinal complications of prematurity.


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Cell surface proteins of Trypanosoma dionisii, Trypanosoma vespertilionis and Trypanosoma sp. (M238) were radiodinated and their distribution both in the detergent-poor (DPP) and dertergent-enriched phase (DRP) was studied using a phase separation technique in Triton X-114 as well as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS-PAGE). Significant differences were observed in the proteins present in the DRP when the three species of trypanosoma were compared. Two major bands with 88 and 70 KDa were observed in T. sp. (M238) but were not detectable in T. dionisii and T. vespertilionis. Three polypeptides whith 96, 77 and 60 KDa were identified in the DRP of T. vespertilionis. Three major bands with 84, 72 and 60 KDa were observed in the DRP of T. dionisii. Two polypeptides with 34-36 KDa present in the DPP, were observed in the three Trypanosome species analyzed. Our observations show that T. sp. (M238) has characteristic surface polypeptides not found in T. vespertilionis.