992 resultados para placa difusora
The aim of this work was to evaluate the types of resistance of soybean genotypes to the attack of Spodoptera cosmioides (Walker, 1858), under laboratory conditions. Plants of the soybean genotypes, IAC 100, Dowling, PI 227687, PI 274454, BR 16, IGRA RA 626 RR, PI 227682, BRSGO 8360, IGRA RA 516 RR e P 98Y11 RR, were cultivated in vases and placed in a greenhouse in order to have their leaves used afterwards in free-choice and no-choice no-preference for feeding tests and evaluation of the biological parameters of S. cosmioides fed on the genotypes. For free-choice no preference for feeding test, 10 leaf discs were prepared and placed in Petri dishes equidistantly among themselves, and then two recently-hatched caterpillar per genotype were release in the center of the plate. The same test was performed for third instar larvae, so that one caterpillar per genotype was used. In non-choice test, only one genotype was used in each Petri dish, where two recently-hatched or one third instar caterpillars were released, respectively. For both tests, the attractiveness was assessed at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360, 720 and 1440 minutes after the release of the insects. In addition, the leaf area consumed was evaluated. Randomized blocks design and completely randomized design were used for free-choice and non-choice tests, respectively, with 10 replications. In biology test, recently-hatched larvae were transferred to Petri dishes with leaves of the genotypes, evaluating the period of larvae, pupae and overall (larvae + pupae), viability of larvae, pupae and overall, weight of 12 days-old larvae and 24 hours-old pupae and longevity of the adults. Completely randomized design was used for this test, with 30 replications. Genotypes IGRA RA 516 RR and IGRA RA 626 RR were the least and the most consumed by recently-hatched larvae of S. cosmioides, respectively, in non-choice non-preference for feeding test. Genotypes PI 274454 and PI 227687 were...
To isolate, to concentrate and to purify bacteriophages from isolates of P. aeruginosa; To observe the capacity of bacteriophages to infect isolates of P. aeruginosa susceptible and multiresitant to antimicrobial; To caractherize bacteriphages by electronic microscopy techniques. 10 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from LEMC culture collection were submitted to the experiments of ideal temperature for the lyse region appearance in the MaConkey culture plate and 2 extraction methods for the concentration of the phages, clorophorm (Silankorva) and filtration plus centrifugation (Bergan). Three infected clinical isolates of multiresistant P. aeruginosa an one susceptible isolate ( PA01) were evaluated by 3 transmission electron microscopy techniques to caractherize phages morphologically (“on grid”, “on drop” and direct extraction from the lyse region of the culture plate). The ideal temperature to obtain lyses region was 37°C. The stock solutions, obtained through the methodologies of Sillankorva and Bergan, had satisfactory results in infecting the multiresistant isolate and the negative control. Among the 3 techniques of electronic microscopy tested the direct from the lyse plate was the best to obtain the micrography of the phages
The research aimed to produce sheets of particles with waste processing of Eucalyptus sp bonded with urea-formaldehyde and evaluate the effect of pressure variation in the quality of the boards produced. To do so, the Boards made were divided into two treatments depending on the pressing pressure of 30 to 40 kgf / cm². Once pressings, climatized, the particleboards have been sectioned in test samples, and underwent physical-mechanical tests for determining density, swelling and water absorption, modulus of rupture and elasticity in static bending and internal linking. The particleboards pressed at 40 kgf / cm ² showed the best results
Acceleration is a key parameter for engineering and is becoming increasingly important because of the need for companies to become more competitive in the market. Both applying new technologies to their products and optimizing their process lines with predictive maintenance and robotic automation. This study aims to analyze the quality of the signals obtained from a capacitive accelerometer. To do that a test rig was mounted, which consist of a shaker, fed by a signal generator, a linear potentiometer and a capacitive accelerometer; for the signal acquisition was used a acquisition board and the Labview software, in order to integrate twice the signal from the accelerometer and compare it with the sign of the potentiometer. This work also demonstrates the impact of acquired signal processing as well as techniques of pre and post processing of signal via software GNU/Octave
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal oferecer una herramienta alternativa para la resolución de placas finas, presentes en edifícios, relacionadas con los métodos de cálculo adquiridos durante la universidad, calculo a través de tablas con pocas condiciones de controno. El método utilizado es el Método de los elementos de contorno que discretiza la placa en partes finitas, aproximando los resultados obtenidos a valores reales. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa de ordenador Placas2.for (TAGUTI,Y. 2010) basado en el Método de los elementos de contorno para la resolución de las placas finas con varias condiciones de contorno geométricas y de cargas
It aims the comparison of these moments between an analytical plates theory and a computational numerical simulation. It is accented the details of studies about analytical theory as well the process, step by step, of a program that has as an influence the method of finite elements. The theory of plates has an extremely importance when it is talked about slabs and it takes as a base some fundamental hypotheses (that the middle point of the plate is considered flat and under formable) the points that are normal in relation to the middle surface is not considered because of its intensity that is irrelevant in comparison to the rest. The computational programs offer good results when they are applied in a correct way and, it resolves numerous functions in a short period of time. The objective is to highlight the importance of bending moments, its points of maximum and minimum, that has the objective of realize a good reinforcement sizing for a reinforced concrete. Furthermore, it can propitiate an economy in places that is demanded a small quantity of steel, before dimensioned for a load that is distributed in all the surface of the plate, at the same intensity
Uma coleção de 50 amostras de Staphylococcus aureus e 50 de estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN) isoladas de recém-nascidos (RN) da unidade neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu foram estudadas quanto à produção de biofilme. Para isto foi utilizada a técnica de PCR na detecção dos genes icaA, icaC e icaD e os métodos fenotípicos de aderência em placa de poliestireno, aderência em tubo de borossilicato e método do Agar Congo Vermelho (CRA). Dos 50 S. aureus estudados, 100% foram positivos para a produção de biofilme pela PCR, 98% pelo método do tubo, 100% pelo método da placa de poliestireno e 98% pelo CRA. Já das 50 amostras de ECN, 94% foram positivas pela PCR, 76% pelo método do tubo, 82% pelo teste da placa e 74% pelo CRA. Feita a comparação dos métodos utilizados, tendo por referência o padrão-ouro (PCR), foi possível observar que o método que melhor se correlacionou com o padrão-ouro, foi o método da aderência em placa de poliestireno, apresentando melhor sensibilidade e especificidade para ambas as espécies
This work presents the development of the External Lighting Plan UNESP in the Itapeva Campus based LED and Solar Energy. Firstly it was made a collection of data from measurements of the local transit through the Google Earth 6 software and divide the local in sectors, and then perform an analysis of characteristics and age of the site. With these data it was possible to determine the average luminance the place, in30 lux. After these procedures was possible to determine the type of sets that would perform the role of bridge lighting the kit chosen was the 20/20 Sun LED manufacturer, since it contains the luminaire with the solar panel to the pole. Therefore we determined the number of poles for each sector, whichwas72in total and. After the determination of the location of each point lighting
Shearplate is an optical glass plate having two flat surfaces and a small angle between them. The use of a high quality shear plate is essential to implement shear interferometric technique . The shear interferometry is a technique used to evaluate the light beam collimation. In order to guarantee the shearplate quality , the complete manufacturing process must be thoroughly monitored. In the manufacturing process, the first step consisted of the glass selection. The selected glass has been submitted to the process of cutting, gluing, chamfering, grinding and polishing. Each phase has been strictly monitored. The quality of the final result depends extremely on an appropriate starting condition, which arises from the grinding process, as the polishing process only recovers the brightness of the part, acting on a small scale on the wearing off of the part, as well as not changing the structured obtained in the grinding process. Respecting all stages of the manufacturing process, the quality of the part has evolved to a good result. The best result obtained showed PV distance of 162 nm, slightly less than λ / 4. This result is significant because the dimensions of the piece with respect to the dimensions of the polisher what interferes directly in the results. The closer are the dimensions of piece and the dimensions of the polisher, the greater the difficulty in controlling the propagation of errors
Eight Mesoproterozoic granite suites are recognized in the Rondônia Tin Province, called Serra da Providência Intrusive Suite (1606-1532 Ma), Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (1500 Ma), St. Anthony Intrusive Suite (1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1387 Ma ), Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (1082-1074 Ma) and Younger Granites of Rondônia Intrusive Suite (998-974 Ma), represent successive magmatic type A (anorogenic) and the intra-plate basement rocks intruded in the metamorphic complex named Jamari separated into two distinct lithologic associations, a ortogneiss (U-Pb from 1.76 to 1.73 Ga) and a paragneiss (1675 + / - 12 Ma). Tin mineralization are widely found in the Tin Province and are associated with granitic intrusions known Mesoproterozoic more closely with the last two magmatic events, represented by the Santa Clara and Younger Granites of Rondônia. The tin mineralization are of primary and secondary, with the primary form deposits of different structural styles and is presented in the form of endo-or exogreisens, veins, stockworks and pegmatites. The secondary mineralization are related to natural processes of weathering and erosion of primary rocks, leading to placer deposits classified as colluvial, eluvial and colluvial-alluvial. The Target Alvo Sol Nascente is located in the central-eastern Rondônia Tin Province and has basement rocks of the metamorphic-magmatic region represented by Jamari Complex intrusive suites and Sierra Providence and Rio Crespo. The last tectonic event spa in the area was responsible for the intrusion of Younger Granites of Rondônia (São Carlos and Caripuanã Massifis). The anomalous levels of tin, sufficient to operate (Mina Rising Sun), indicate that there was possibly mineralization event, evidenced by pegmatite veins well defined, easily found relatively close to mine. Plaque deposits associated with Quaternary sedimentary sequences can also be observed
O Brasil é um país dotado de Biodiversidade incomparável da qual advém inúmeras plantas medicinais que são frequentemente utilizadas de acordo com conhecimento empírico da população em geral. Considerando a importância de investigar os efeitos farmacológicos e toxicológicos de espécies vegetais utilizadas com fins terapêuticos, foi objetivo do presente trabalho avaliar a atividade mutagênica dos extratos metanólicos e hexânicos de Pouteria ramiflora e Pouteria torta, pois seus dados farmacológicos descritos na literatura são bastante restritos, destacando-se as atividades antimicrobiana, citotóxica e imunomoduladora. Como ferramenta foram escolhidos os testes de Ames e do Micronúcleo, pois ambos são preconizados pela ANVISA em testes de toxicidade de fitoterápicos. No Teste de Ames foram utilizadas as linhagens TA100, TA98, TA97a e TA102 de Salmonella typhimurium em presença e ausência de metabolização e no ensaio do micronúcleo foi utilizado o sangue periférico de camundongos Swiss tratados in vivo. Os resultados constataram que os extratos de ambas as espécies provocaram desvios da normalidade, ou seja, o Teste de Ames detectou aumento no número de revertentes por placa e o Teste do micronúcleo mostrou aumento significativo no número de células micronucleadas. Esses resultados demonstraram claramente que as duas espécies de Pouteria estudadas apresentaram potencial mutagênico e, portanto, o uso popular dessas plantas deve ser feito com cautela
água que abastece uma cidade se não for tratada pode tornar-se importante veículo de transmissores de doenças. O controle da qualidade é uma medida que visa, principalmente, garantir a saúde da população. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade da água distribuída pelo sistema de abastecimento da cidade de Santa Lúcia – SP. A água proveniente desse sistema chega até as residências e, muitas vezes, é consumida sem nenhum tratamento doméstico complementar. A cidade de Santa Lúcia é abastecida por três poços profundos (P2, P3, e P4). Com o intuito de avaliar a qualidade da água captada desses poços e distribuídas para consumo humano foram coletadas amostras diretamente dos poços e de um ponto de consumo nas áreas abastecidas por cada poço. Foram feitas três coletas em cada ponto, em três diferentes épocas do ano. Realizaram-se análises físico-químicas e bacteriológicas em todas as amostras. As análises bacteriológicas foram feitas para determinação da presença de coliformes totais, E. coli e contagem padrão de bactérias heterotróficas em placa. As análises físico-químicas avaliaram cloro residual livre, fluoreto, turbidez, pH, cor aparente e sólidos totais dissolvidos. Duas amostras foram positivas para coliformes totais, apenas uma amostra coletada no poço 2 foi positiva para E. coli. Para bactérias heterotróficas todas a amostras apresentaram contagem em placa inferior a 500 UFC/mL. Todas as amostras estavam dentro do padrão determinado pela legislação para pH, turbidez e sólidos totais dissolvidos. Todas as amostras coletadas no poço 2 tiveram como resultado ausência de cloro residual livre, o mesmo resultado para os demais pontos na segunda coleta de amostras. Todas as amostras apresentaram fluoreto com valores abaixo do VMP estabelecido pela legislação brasileira porém apenas cinco com concentrações dentro da faixa estabelecida pela legislação do Estado de São Paulo ...
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)