998 resultados para physical assets


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Areas under vinasse application have been associated to favorable physical conditions for root development, aeration, infiltration and water movement in soil profile. This study aimed to evaluate changes on physical attributes of soil under sugarcane straw after vinasse application in two sugarcane growing areas (Area 1 and Area 2) under mechanized management in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In each area, the samples were collected in the 0-0.20, 0.20-0.40 and 0.40-0.60m layers of the soil, in 36 points, distributed in a 10×10m mesh, one day before and 40 days after vinasse application. The data were submitted to multivariate analysis with repeated measures and geostatistics. The vinasse application decreased soil density and increased total porosity in both Areas and increased organic matter in Area 2. In Area 1 occurred pure nugget effect for the fractions of sand, silt and clay, independent of soil layer. In Area 2, this effect was verified mostly at superficial layers, except for the fraction of clay that presented a moderate degree of spatial dependence.


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Several equipments and methodologies have been developed to make available precision agriculture, especially considering the high cost of its implantation and sampling. An interesting possibility is to define management zones aim at dividing producing areas in smaller management zones that could be treated differently, serving as a source of recommendation and analysis. Thus, this trial used physical and chemical properties of soil and yield aiming at the generation of management zones in order to identify whether they can be used as recommendation and analysis. Management zones were generated by the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm and their evaluation was performed by calculating the reduction of variance and performing means tests. The division of the area into two management zones was considered appropriate for the present distinct averages of most soil properties and yield. The used methodology allowed the generation of management zones that can serve as source of recommendation and soil analysis; despite the relative efficiency has shown a reduced variance for all attributes in divisions in the three sub-regions, the ANOVA did not show significative differences among the management zones.


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The influence of physical-chemical characteristics of maize grains and lactic acid concentrations on byproduct yields, generated by conventional wet milling, was studied during steeping, for four maize hybrids and two lactic acid concentrations (0.55 and 1.00%). For physical-chemical characterization, grain dimensions (length, thickness, and width) were determined, as well as mass of 100 grains, percentage of floating grains, volumetric mass, and centesimal composition. Statistical differences were found for percentage of floating grains (2.33 to 24.67%), volumetric mass (0.814 to 0.850 kg.L-1), mass of 100 grains (0.033 to 0.037 kg), water content (11.86 to 12.20%), proteins (8.21 to 9.06%), lipids (3.00 to 4.77%), and ashes (1.07 to 1.26%). There were no relationships of wet milling yields with maize appearance and physical-chemical characteristics. The addition of 1.00% lactic acid did not statistically improve byproduct yields; however, it favored separation of the grain components.


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The Brazil-nut, also known as Para-nut, is widely used as food and in cosmetic industries. The seeds are rich in lipids and protein, and also present a considerable amount of selenium. Limited research has been conducted on postharvest of the Brazil nut, being an important information to design equipment related to aeration, drying, storage and transportation steps. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the physical properties of the Brazil-nut with and without tegument. The dimensions found for the almonds with tegument were 39.35 mm in the X axis, 24.19 mm in the Y axis, and 17.88 mm in the Z axis. However for the almond without tegument the values were 31.05 mm in X, 14.38 in Y and 15.91 mm in Z axis. The sphericity was 66.40% and 51.59% for the kernels with and without seed tegument respectively. The kernels with and without tegument presented sphericity of 63.00% and 47.72% respectively. The mass of 1000 almonds was 6.13 kg for almond with teguments and 3.18 kg for almonds without teguments. Specific mass of 0.947 g.cm-3 and 1.003 g.cm-3 for the kernels with and without tegument, coupled with a porosity of 46.88% and 37.60% and, resulting on a bulk density of 0.504 g.cm-3 and 0.626 g.cm-3 for almonds with and without teguments respectively. Finally, the angle of repose for the kernels with teguments was 36.37°.


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The Knowledge of the physical properties of agricultural products has great importance for the construction and operation of equipment for drying and storage, to achieve increased efficiency in post-harvest operations. The aim was to determine and analyze the physical properties of crambe fruits during drying at different temperatures. Crambe fruits with an initial moisture content of 0.36 (decimal d.b.) which was reduced by drying at 37.0; 58.8 and 83.5 ºC and relative humidity of 29.4; 11.2 and 3.2%, respectively, to 0.09 ± 1 (decimal d.b.). At different levels of moisture contents (0.36; 0.31; 0.26; 0.21; 0.17; 0.13 and 0.09 decimal d.b.), was evaluated the intergranular porosity, the bulk density, the true density as well as the volumetric shrinkage and the fruit mass. The study was installed by the factorial 3 x 7, and three drying temperatures and seven moisture contents in a randomized design. Data were analyzed using regression. The bulk density and the true density decreases along the drying process; the volumetric shrinkage and the mass increased with lower moisture content and the intergranular porosity decreased sharply with the increasing drying temperature.


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Cover crops are important for improving soil quality. However, soil properties usually have some spatial dependence. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of winter cover crops on physical properties of soil and soybean yields using thematic maps. Five winter treatments were used: black oats; intercropping 1 (forage turnips and black oats); intercropping 2 (forage turnips, black oats and common vetch); wheat; and control. Macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density and water content of the soil from 0 - 0.1 m depths were evaluated after the winter cover crop management. Soybeans were sown over the entire area in the summer after the winter cover crop management, and the soybean yield was determined for each treatment. Maps for each treatment were created and compared to the control treatment using the relative deviation coefficient (RDC). The cover crops improved the total macroporosity of the soil in some regions of the study area. The black oats were more efficient at maintaining higher water content of the soil, and it can be used to decrease the bulk density.


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The physical characteristics of a spray liquid are important in getting a good droplet formation and control efficiency over a particular target. As a function of these characteristics, it is possible to decipher which is the best adjuvant based on the respective concentration used during the spray. Therefore, ten spraying liquids were prepared, which varied in concentrations of pesticide lufenuron + profenofos, mineral oil, water and manganese sulfate. Pendant droplets formed from these mixtures were measured to examine their impact on surface tension. Droplets were applied to the surface of coffee leaves and the surface tension, contact angle formed and the leaf area wetted by the droplet, were measured. A smooth glass surface was taken as a comparative to the coffee leaves. The highest concentrations of oil resulted in lower surface tension, smaller contact angles of droplets on leaf surfaces and larger areas wetted by the droplets. Both surfaces showed hydrophilic behavior.


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ABSTRACT The feasibility of using sewage wastewater as a water and nutrient source for plants is an alternative to harness agricultural natural resource, observing its influence on the organic matter dynamics and soil energy. Our objective here was to evaluate the effects of applying different doses of effluent from a sewage treatment plant, in Janaúba – MG, Brazil, over the physical attributes of a soil grown with “Prata Anã” banana. From soil sample collection at depths of 0-20, 20-40, and 40-60 cm, we determined the following soil properties: soil density, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, organic matter, clay dispersed in water and stability of soil aggregate. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four repetitions. Wastewater raising doses promoted increase in suspended solids, contributing to macroporosity reduction at 20-40 and 40-60 cm depths; as well as a reduction in organic matter within 0-20 cm layer. Clay dispersal was observed in the depths of 0-20 cm, being derived from an increase in sodium content. Concurrently, there was a reduction of soil aggregate stability.


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ABSTRACT Precision agriculture adoption in Brazilian apple orchards is still incipient. This study aimed at evaluating the spatial variability of certain soil properties as soil density, soil penetration resistance, electrical conductivity, yield, and fruit quality in an apple orchard through digital mapping, as well as assessing the correlation between these factors by means of geostatistics, establishing management zones. Forty representative points were set within 2.5 hectares of apple orchard, wherein soil samples were collected and analyzed, besides measurements of fruit quality (Brix degree, size or diameter, pulp firmness and color) to generate an overall index quality. We concluded that the fruit quality indexes, when isolated, did not show strong spatial dependence, unlike the index of fruit quality (FQI), derived from a combination of these parameters, allowing orchard planning according to management zones based on quality.


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the spatial dependence of physical attributes in a soil cultivated with Brachiaria grass. A 12-m regular sampling grid was established within an area of 3.500 m2. Thirty-five soil samples were collected at 0-30 cm depth for particle density, bulk density, texture and total porosity analysis. These data were evaluated using statistical methods of indicator kriging and the GS+ software. The GS+ software was used to develop three-dimensional maps and evaluate semivariograms. The spatial dependence was evaluated using experimental semivariograms. The analyzed attributes indicated the occurrence of spatial dependence when fit to the exponential model. Areas with higher porosity occurred in the regions with lower bulk densities and higher particle densities.


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Physical activity (PA) is an important field of healthcare research internationally and within Finland. As technology devices and services penetrate deeper levels within society, the need for studying the usefulness for PA turns vital. We started this research work by reviewing literature consisting of two hundred research journals, all of which have found technology to significantly improve an individual’s ability to get motivation and achieve officially recommended levels of physical activity, like the 10000 steps a day, being tracked with the help of pedometers. Physical activity recommendations require sustained encouragement, consistent performance in order to achieve the long term benefits. We surveyed within the city of Turku, how the motivation levels and thirty three other criterions encompassing technology awareness, adoption and usage attitudes are impacted. Our aim was to know the factors responsible for achieving consistent growth in activity levels within the individuals and focus groups, as well as to determine the causes of failures and for collecting user experience feedback. The survey results were quite interesting and contain impeccable information for this field. While the focus groups confirmed the theory established by past studies within our literature review, it also establishes our research propositions that ict tools and services have provided and can further add higher benefits and value to individuals in tracking and maintain their activity levels consistently for longer time durations. This thesis includes two new models which dictate technology and physical activity adoption patterns based on four easy to evaluate criterions, thereby helping the healthcare providers to recommend improvements and address issues with an easy rule based approach. This research work provides vital clues on technology based healthcare objectives and achievement of standard PA recommendations by people within Turku and nearby regions.


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Bone strain plays a major role as the activation signal for the bone (re)modeling process, which is vital for keeping bones healthy. Maintaining high bone mineral density reduces the chances of fracture in the event of an accident. Numerous studies have shown that bones can be strengthened with physical exercise. Several hypotheses have asserted that a stronger osteogenic (bone producing) effect results from dynamic exercise than from static exercise. These previous studies are based on short-term empirical research, which provide the motivation for justifying the experimental results with a solid mathematical background. The computer simulation techniques utilized in this work allow for non-invasive bone strain estimation during physical activity at any bone site within the human skeleton. All models presented in the study are threedimensional and actuated by muscle models to replicate the real conditions accurately. The objective of this work is to determine and present loading-induced bone strain values resulting from physical activity. It includes a comparison of strain resulting from four different gym exercises (knee flexion, knee extension, leg press, and squat) and walking, with the results reported for walking and jogging obtained from in-vivo measurements described in the literature. The objective is realized primarily by carrying out flexible multibody dynamics computer simulations. The dissertation combines the knowledge of finite element analysis and multibody simulations with experimental data and information available from medical field literature. Measured subject-specific motion data was coupled with forward dynamics simulation to provide natural skeletal movement. Bone geometries were defined using a reverse engineering approach based on medical imaging techniques. Both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were utilized to explore modeling differences. The predicted tibia bone strains during walking show good agreement with invivo studies found in the literature. Strain measurements were not available for gym exercises; therefore, the strain results could not be validated. However, the values seem reasonable when compared to available walking and running invivo strain measurements. The results can be used for exercise equipment design aimed at strengthening the bones as well as the muscles during workout. Clinical applications in post fracture recovery exercising programs could also be the target. In addition, the methodology introduced in this study, can be applied to investigate the effect of weightlessness on astronauts, who often suffer bone loss after long time spent in the outer space.


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Globalization, pervasiveness of technology and ICT, and the buildup of information societies and policies have lead to a growing abundance of knowledge and highly educated labour supply that is distributed widely. These changes have shifted the foundation of competitiveness to valuable knowledge resources which are now distributed widely across the globe, across actors in the value chain and across educated individuals in multiple organizations. Against this backdrop, the paradigm of open innovation (OI) has emerged as a new response to managing the increased amount of boundary-spanning knowledge flows in and out of the innovation process. The outbound mode of open innovation, that is to say the external exploitation of knowledge assets outside of the firm’s own products and services, has been the less-researched aspect of the concept and so far typically seen as concerning the outlicensing of unused technological assets to generate additional revenue. Given that open innovation is essentially a framework for the holistic structuring and management of crossboundary knowledge flows to improve a firm’s innovative performance, a close integration to corporate strategy seems imperative in order to fully benefit from it. Integrating open innovation to strategy leads to elevating its role from a fringe activity to a central innovation management issue that needs to be systematically managed. Building a structure that allows effective management necessitates linking open innovation activities to each phase of the innovation process. Previously, the connection between outbound OI and the earlier stages of innovation has not been studied. The thesis finds that connecting outbound OI to the entire innovation process of the firm, including the fuzzy front end of innovation, is critical for attaining strategic objectives and to the successful implementation and management of the activity. The practical purpose for the research is to enable companies to fully utilize their potential for outbound open innovation and to be able to implement and manage it from a strategic standpoint.