993 resultados para photosynthetic acclimation


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The increasing interest in coral culture for biotechnological applications, to supply the marine aquarium trade, or for reef restoration programs, has prompted researchers to optimize coral culture protocols, with emphasis to ex situ production. When cultured ex situ, the growth performance of corals can be influenced by several physical, chemical and biological parameters. For corals harbouring zooxanthellae, light is one of such key factors, as it can influence the photosynthetic performance of these endosymbionts, as well as coral physiology, survival and growth. The economic feasibility of ex situ coral aquaculture is strongly dependent on production costs, namely those associated with the energetic needs directly resulting from the use of artificial lighting systems. In the present study we developed a versatile modular culture system for experimental coral production ex situ, assembled solely using materials and equipment readily available from suppliers all over the world; this approach allows researchers from different institutions to perform truly replicated experimental set-ups, with the possibility to directly compare experimental results. Afterwards, we aimed to evaluate the effect of contrasting Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) levels, and light spectra emission on zooxanthellae photochemical performance, through the evaluation of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (monitored non-invasively and non-destructively through Pulse Amplitude Modulation fluorometry, PAM), chlorophyll a content (also determined non-destructively by using the spectral reflectance index Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), photosynthetic and accessory pigments, number of zooxanthellae, coral survival and growth. We studied two soft coral species, Sarcophyton cf. glaucum and Sinularia flexibilis, as they are good representatives of two of the most specious genera in family Alcyoniidae, which include several species with interest for biotechnological applications, as well as for the marine aquarium trade; we also studied two commercially important scleractinian corals: Acropora formosa and Stylophora pistillata. We used different light sources: hydrargyrum quartz iodide (HQI) lamps with different light color temperatures, T5 fluorescent lamps, Light Emitting Plasma (LEP) and Light Emitting Diode (LED). The results achieved revealed that keeping S. flexibilis fragments under the same light conditions as their mother colonies seems to be photobiologically acceptable for a short-term husbandry, notwithstanding the fact that they can be successfully stocked at lower PAR intensities. We also proved that low PAR intensities are suitable to support the ex situ culture S. cf. glaucum in captivity at lower production costs, since the survival recorded during the experiment was 100%, the physiological wellness of coral fragments was evidenced, and we did not detect significant differences in coral growth. Finally, we concluded that blue light sources, such as LED lighting, allow a higher growth for A. formosa and S. pistillata, and promote significant differences on microstructure organization and macrostructure morphometry in coral skeletons; these findings may have potential applications as bone graft substitutes for veterinary and/or other medical uses. Thus, LED technology seems to be a promising option for scleractinian corals aquaculture ex situ.


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The development of mining activities over thousands of years in the region of Aljustrel is nowadays visible as a vast area of ore tailings, slag and host rocks of sulphides mineralization. The generation of acidic waters by the alteration of pyritic minerals - Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) - causes a significant impact on the river system both in the south of the village (Rib ª. Água Forte) and in the north of it (Rib ª. Água Azeda and Barranco do Farrobo), which is reflected in extremely low pH values (< 3) and high concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn and sulphates. This study aimed to assess the environmental impacts extent, integrating geochemical (surface waters and stream sediments) and biological (diatoms) parameters. Three groups of sites were defined, based on sediments and water analysis, which integration with diatom data showed the same association of groups: Group 1- impacted, with acidic pH (1.9-5.1), high metal contents (0.4-1975 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate waters, being metals more bioavailable in waters in cationic form (Me2+); mineralogically the sediments were characterized by phyllosilicates and sulphates/oxy-hydroxysulphate phases, easily solubilized, retaining a high amount of metals when precipitated; dominant taxon was Pinnularia aljustrelica (a new species); Group 2- slightly impacted, weak acid to neutral pH (5.0-6.8), metal contents not so high (0.2-25 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate to Mg-chloride waters; dominant taxa were Brachysira neglectissima and Achnanthidium minutissimum; Group 3- unimpacted, alkaline pH (7.0-8.4), low metal contents (0-7 mg L-1) with Mg-chloride waters. In this group, metals were associated to the primary phases (e.g. sulphides), not so easily available; the existence of high chloride contents explained the presence of typical taxa of brackish/marine (e.g. Entomoneis paludosa) waters. Taxonomical aspects of the diatoms were studied (discovery of a new species: Pinnularia aljustrelica Luis, Almeida et Ector sp. nov.), as well as morphometric (size decrease of diatoms valves, as well as the appearance of deformed valves of Eunotia exigua in Group 1 and A. minutissimum in Group 2) and physiological (effective to assess the effects of metals/acidity in the photosynthetic efficiency through PAM Fluorometry) aspects. A study was carried out in an artificial river system (microcosm) that aimed to mimic Aljustrel’s extreme conditions in controlled laboratory conditions. The chronic effects of Fe, SO42- and acidity in field biofilms, inoculated in the artificial rivers, were evaluated as well as their contribution to the communities’ tolerance to metal toxicity, through acute tests with two metals (Cu and Zn). In general, the effects caused by low pH values and high concentrations of Fe and SO42- were reflected at the community level by the decrease in diversity, the predominance of acidophilic species, the decrease in photosynthetic efficiency and the increase of enzymatic (e.g. catalase, superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic activities (e.g. total glutathione and total phytochelatins). However, it was possible to verify that acidity performed a protective effect in the communities, upon Cu and Zn addition. A comparative study between Aljustrel mining area and New Brunswick mining area was carried out, both with similar mining and geological conditions, reflected in similar diatom communities in both mines, but in very different geographic and climatic areas.


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Coral reefs are of utmost ecological and economical importance but are currently in global decline due to climate change and anthropogenic disturbances. Corals, as well as other cnidarian species, live in symbiosis with photosynthetic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. This relationship provides the cnidarian host with alternative metabolic pathways, as the symbionts translocate photosynthetic carbon to the animal. Besides this autotrophic nutrition mode, symbiotic cnidarians also take up organic matter from the environment (heterotrophy). The nutritional balance between auto- and heterotrophy is critical for the functioning, fitness and resilience of the cnidariandinoflagellate symbiosis. New methodological approaches were developed to better understand the role of auto- and heterotrophy in the ecophysiology of cnidarians associated with Symbiodinium, and the ecological implications of this trophic plasticity. Specifically, the new approaches were developed to assess photophysiology, biomass production of the model organism Aiptasia sp. and molecular tools to investigate heterotrophy in the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Using these approaches, we were able to non-invasively assess the photophysiological spatial heterogeneity of symbiotic cnidarians and identify spatial patterns between chlorophyll fluorescence and relative content of chlorophyll a and green-fluorescent proteins. Optimal culture conditions to maximize the biomass production of Aiptasia pallida were identified, as well as their implications on the fatty acid composition of the anemones. Molecular trophic markers were used to determine prey digestion times in symbiotic cnidarians, which vary between 1-3 days depending on prey species, predator species and the feeding history of the predator. This method was also used to demonstrate that microalgae is a potential food source for symbiotic corals. By using a stable isotope approach to assess the trophic ecology of the facultative symbiotic Oculina arbuscula in situ, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of pico- and nanoplanktonic organisms, particularly autotrophic, in the nutrition of symbiotic corals. Finally, we showed the effects of functional diversity of Symbiodinium on the nutritional plasticity of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Symbiont identity defines this plasticity through its individual metabolic requirements, capacity to fix carbon, quantity of translocated carbon and the host’s capacity to feed and digest prey.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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The carbonate chemistry of seawater fromthe Ria Formosa lagoon was experimentallymanipulated, by diffusing pure CO2, to attain two reduced pH levels, by−0.3 and−0.6 pH units, relative to unmanipulated seawater. After 84 days of exposure, no differences were detected in terms of growth (somatic or shell) or mortality of juvenile mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. The naturally elevated total alkalinity of the seawater (≈3550 μmol kg−1) prevented under-saturation of CaCO3, evenunder pCO2 values exceeding 4000 μatm, attenuating the detrimental effects on the carbonate supply-side. Even so, variations in shell weight showed that net calcification was reduced under elevated CO2 and reduced pH, although the magnitude and significance of this effect varied among size-classes. Most of the loss of shell material probably occurred as post-deposition dissolution in the internal aragonitic nacre layer. Our results show that, even when reared under extreme levels of CO2- induced acidification, juvenileM. galloprovincialis can continue to calcify and grow in this coastal lagoon environment. The complex responses of bivalves to ocean acidification suggest a large degree of interspecific and intraspecific variability in their sensitivity to this type of perturbation. Further research is needed to assess the generality of these patterns and to disentangle the relative contributions of acclimation to local variations in seawater chemistry and genetic adaptation.


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Climate change scenarios comprise significant modifications of the marine realm, notably ocean acidification and temperature increase, both direct consequences of the rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. These changes are likely to impact marine organisms and ecosystems, namely the valuable seagrass-dominated coastal habitats. The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the photosynthetic and antioxidant responses of seagrasses to climate change, considering CO2, temperature and light as key drivers of these processes. The methodologies used to determine global antioxidant capacity and antioxidant enzymatic activity in seagrasses were optimized for the species Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica, revealing identical defence mechanisms to those found in terrestrial plants. The detailed analysis and identification of photosynthetic pigments in Halophila ovalis, H.stipulacea, Zostera noltii, Z marina, Z. capricorni, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica, sampled across different climatic zones and depths, also revealed a similarity with terrestrial plants, both in carotenoid composition and in the pigment-based photoprotection mechanisms. Cymodocea nodosa plants from Ria Formosa were submitted to the combined effect of potentially stressful light and temperature ranges and showed considerable physiological tolerance, due to the combination of changes in the antioxidant system, activation of the VAZ cycle and accumulation of leaf soluble sugars, thus preventing the onset of oxidative stress. Cymodocea nodosa plants living in a naturally acidified environment near submarine volcanic vents in Vulcano Island (Italy) showed to be under oxidative stress despite the enhancement of the antioxidant capacity, phenolics concentration and carotenoids. Posidonia oceanica leaves loaded with epiphytes showed a significant increase in oxidative stress, despite the increase of antioxidant responses and the allocation of energetic resources to these protection mechanisms. Globally, the results show that seagrasses are physiologically able to deal with potentially stressful conditions from different origins, being plastic enough to avoid stress in many situations and to actively promote ulterior defence and repair mechanisms when under effective oxidative stress.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Universidade do Algarve, 1998


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De nouvelles recommandations dans la production de canneberges suggèrent l’utilisation de l’irrigation souterraine, une méthode susceptible d’augmenter l’accumulation de sels dans le sol. Par ailleurs, le prélèvement d’eaux souterraines saumâtres dans des nappes résiduelles de la mer Champlain sous les dépôts d’argile dans la vallée du St-Laurent ou résultant du rehaussement des niveaux marins dans les zones côtières dû aux changements climatiques pourrait affecter la productivité des canneberges cultivées dans l’Est du Canada. Puisque très peu de données concernant la tolérance de la canneberge à la salinité sont disponibles, cette étude a été menée afin de déterminer si ces nouvelles recommandations pourraient éventuellement affecter le rendement de la plante. Dans une serre, des plants de canneberge ont été soumis à huit traitements obtenus à partir de deux méthodes d’irrigation (aspersion et irrigation souterraine) et quatre niveaux de salinité créés par des quantités croissantes de K2SO4 (125, 2 500, 5 000 et 7 500 kg K2O ha-1). L’irrigation souterraine a entraîné des conditions édaphiques plus sèches. Cependant, aucune différence significative de la conductivité électrique de la solution du sol (CEss) n’a été observée entre les deux types d’irrigation. Pourtant, les taux de photosynthèse et la nouaison étaient significativement plus faibles chez les plantes sous traitement d’irrigation souterraine. Les paramètres de croissance ont diminué de façon linéaire avec l’augmentation de la salinité alors que les paramètres de rendement ont connu une diminution quadratique avec l’élévation de la CEss. Une CEss moyenne de 3,2 dS m-1 pendant la floraison a provoqué une chute de 22% du taux relatif de photosynthèse et une diminution de 56% du rendement par rapport au témoin. Le suivi de la conductivité électrique du sol lors de l’implantation d’une régie d’irrigation souterraine de déficit en production de canneberges serait donc recommandable afin d’éviter le stress salin.


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Purpose The purpose of the present study was to develop and describe a simple method to evaluate the rate of ion reabsorption of eccrine sweat glands in human using the measurement of galvanic skin conductance (GSC) and local sweating rate (SR). This purpose was investigated by comparing the SR threshold for increasing GSC with following two criteria of sweat ion reabsorption in earlier studies such as 1) the SR threshold for increasing sweat ion was at approximately 0.2 to 0.5 mg/cm2/min and 2) exercise-heat acclimation improved the sweat ion reabsorption ability and would increase the criteria 1. Methods Seven healthy non-heat-acclimated male subjects received passive heat treatment both before and after 7 days of cycling in hot conditions (50% maximum oxygen uptake, 60 min/day, ambient temperature 32°C, and 50% relative humidity). Results Subjects became partially heat-acclimated, as evidenced by the decreased end-exercise heart rate (p<0.01), rate of perceived exhaustion (p<0.01), and oesophageal temperature (p=0.07), without alterations in whole-body sweat loss, from the first to the last day of training. As hypothesised, we confirmed that the SR threshold for increasing GSC was near the predicted SR during passive heating before exercise heat acclimation, and increased significantly after training (0.19 ± 0.09 to 0.32 ± 0.10 mg/cm2/min, p<0.05). Conclusions The reproducibility of sweat ion reabsorption by the eccrine glands in the present study suggests that the relationship between GSC and SR can serve as a new index for assessing the maximum rate of sweat ion reabsorption of eccrine sweat glands in humans.


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Ocean acidification as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and global climate change poses a risk to the ecological landscape of intertidal and shallow subtidal communities. The organisms that inhabit these waters will have to cope with changing environmental conditions through the appropriate modulation of physiological processes. Calcifying organisms are particularly at risk, as increased atmospheric levels of CO2 in the atmosphere increase the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the oceans. Increased pCO2 reduces the saturation of carbonate minerals required to form calcified structures. Being able to cope with the increased energetic demand of maintaining these structures, in addition to other vital physiological processes, will be the key driver that determines which organisms will persist. Assessment of larval and juvenile Manila clam mortality and physiology in this study suggests that this species is capable of coping with elevated pCO2 conditions. The use of high throughput sequencing and RNA sequence analysis in larval clams revealed several physiological processes that play important roles in the Manila clam’s ability to tolerate elevated pCO2 conditions during this life stage. Exposure of juvenile Manila clams, acclimated to elevated pCO2 conditions, to a thermal stress revealed that this species might also be capable of coping with multiple stressors associated with global climate change. Manila clams could therefore represent a model for studying physiological mechanisms associated with successful acclimation of populations to ocean acidification.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Plant Physiology


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Rubisco is responsible for the fixation of CO2 into organic compounds through photosynthesis and thus has a great agronomic importance. It is well established that this enzyme suffers from a slow catalysis, and its low specificity results into photorespiration, which is considered as an energy waste for the plant. However, natural variations exist, and some Rubisco lineages, such as in C4 plants, exhibit higher catalytic efficiencies coupled to lower specificities. These C4 kinetics could have evolved as an adaptation to the higher CO2 concentration present in C4 photosynthetic cells. In this study, using phylogenetic analyses on a large data set of C3 and C4 monocots, we showed that the rbcL gene, which encodes the large subunit of Rubisco, evolved under positive selection in independent C4 lineages. This confirms that selective pressures on Rubisco have been switched in C4 plants by the high CO2 environment prevailing in their photosynthetic cells. Eight rbcL codons evolving under positive selection in C4 clades were involved in parallel changes among the 23 independent monocot C4 lineages included in this study. These amino acids are potentially responsible for the C4 kinetics, and their identification opens new roads for human-directed Rubisco engineering. The introgression of C4-like high-efficiency Rubisco would strongly enhance C3 crop yields in the future CO2-enriched atmosphere.


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C4 photosynthesis is an adaptation derived from the more common C3 photosynthetic pathway that confers a higher productivity under warm temperature and low atmospheric CO2 concentration [1, 2]. C4 evolution has been seen as a consequence of past atmospheric CO2 decline, such as the abrupt CO2 fall 32-25 million years ago (Mya) [3-6]. This relationship has never been tested rigorously, mainly because of a lack of accurate estimates of divergence times for the different C4 lineages [3]. In this study, we inferred a large phylogenetic tree for the grass family and estimated, through Bayesian molecular dating, the ages of the 17 to 18 independent grass C4 lineages. The first transition from C3 to C4 photosynthesis occurred in the Chloridoideae subfamily, 32.0-25.0 Mya. The link between CO2 decrease and transition to C4 photosynthesis was tested by a novel maximum likelihood approach. We showed that the model incorporating the atmospheric CO2 levels was significantly better than the null model, supporting the importance of CO2 decline on C4 photosynthesis evolvability. This finding is relevant for understanding the origin of C4 photosynthesis in grasses, which is one of the most successful ecological and evolutionary innovations in plant history.


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In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the blue light photoreceptor phototropins (phot1 and phot2) fine-tune the photosynthetic status of the plant by controlling several important adaptive processes in response to environmental light variations. These processes include stem and petiole phototropism (leaf positioning), leaf flattening, stomatal opening, and chloroplast movements. The PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE (PKS) protein family comprises four members in Arabidopsis (PKS1-PKS4). PKS1 is a novel phot1 signaling element during phototropism, as it interacts with phot1 and the important signaling element NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3 (NPH3) and is required for normal phot1-mediated phototropism. In this study, we have analyzed more globally the role of three PKS members (PKS1, PKS2, and PKS4). Systematic analysis of mutants reveals that PKS2 (and to a lesser extent PKS1) act in the same subset of phototropin-controlled responses as NPH3, namely leaf flattening and positioning. PKS1, PKS2, and NPH3 coimmunoprecipitate with both phot1-green fluorescent protein and phot2-green fluorescent protein in leaf extracts. Genetic experiments position PKS2 within phot1 and phot2 pathways controlling leaf positioning and leaf flattening, respectively. NPH3 can act in both phot1 and phot2 pathways, and synergistic interactions observed between pks2 and nph3 mutants suggest complementary roles of PKS2 and NPH3 during phototropin signaling. Finally, several observations further suggest that PKS2 may regulate leaf flattening and positioning by controlling auxin homeostasis. Together with previous findings, our results indicate that the PKS proteins represent an important family of phototropin signaling proteins.