911 resultados para photocurrent spectrum
Damage tolerance analysis is a quite new methodology based on prescribed inspections. The load spectra used to derive results of these analysis strongly influence the final defined inspections programs that for this reason must be as much as possible representative of load acting on the considered structural component and at the same time, obtained reducing both cost and time. The principal purpose of our work is in improving the actual condition developing a complete numerical Damage Tolerance analysis, able to prescribe inspection programs on typical aircraft critical components, respecting DT regulations, starting from much more specific load spectrum then those actually used today. In particular, these more specific load spectrum to design against fatigue have been obtained through an appositively derived flight simulator developed in a Matlab/Simulink environment. This dynamic model has been designed so that it can be used to simulate typical missions performing manually (joystick inputs) or completely automatic (reference trajectory need to be provided) flights. Once these flights have been simulated, model’s outputs are used to generate load spectrum that are then processed to get information (peaks, valleys) to perform statistical and/or comparison consideration with other load spectrum. However, also much more useful information (loads amplitude) have been extracted from these generated load spectrum to perform the previously mentioned predictions (Rainflow counting method is applied for this purpose). The entire developed methodology works in a complete automatic way, so that, once some specified input parameters have been introduced and different typical flights have been simulated both, manually or automatically, it is able to relate the effects of these simulated flights with the reduction of residual strength of the considered component.
L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare la stabilità di uno spettro raggi X emesso da un tubo usurato per analisi cardiovascolari, in modo da verificare il suo comportamento. Successivamente questo tipo di analisi sarà effettuata su tubi CT. Per raggiungere questo scopo è stato assemblato un particolare set-up con un rivelatore al germanio criogenico in modo da avere la miglior risoluzione energetica possibile ed alcuni particolari collimatori così da ridurre il flusso fotonico per evitare effetti di pile-up. Il set-up è stato costruito in modo da avere il miglior allineamento possibile nel modo più veloce possibile, e con l'obiettivo di rendere l'intero sistema portabile. Il tubo usato è un SRM Philips tube per analisi cardiovascolari; questa scelta è stata fatta in modo da ridurre al minimo i fattori esterni (ottica elettromagnetica, emettitori) e concentrare l'attenzione solo sugli effetti, causati dalle varie esposizioni, sull'anodo (roughness e bending) e sul comportamento di essi durante il surriscaldamento e successivo raffreddamento del tubo. I risultati mostrano come durante un'esposizione alcuni fattori di usura del tubo possono influire in maniera sostanziale sullo spettro ottenuto e quindi alterare il risultato. Successivamente, nell'elaborato, mediante il software Philips di ricostruzione e simulazione dello spettro si è cercato di riprodurre, variando alcuni parametri, la differenza riscontrata sperimentalmente in modo da poter simulare l'instabilità e correggere i fattori che la causano. I risultati sono interessanti non solo per questo esperimento ma anche in ottica futura, per lo sviluppo di applicazioni come la spectral CT. Il passo successivo sarà quello di spostare l'attenzione su un CT tube e verificare se l'instabilità riscontrata in questo lavoro è persiste anche in una analisi più complessa come quella CT.
Five desmosomal genes have been recently implicated in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) but the clinical impact of genetics remains poorly understood. We wanted to address the potential impact of genotyping.
The ACCESS trial examined the 12-month effectiveness of continuous therapeutic assertive community treatment (ACT) as part of integrated care compared to standard care in a catchment area comparison design in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders treated with quetiapine immediate release.
Data on the characteristics of female patients counselled for fertility preservation and the efficacy and risk of the applied procedures are still poor. We therefore analysed the registry of a network of 70 infertility centers which are involved in fertility preservation in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, called FertiPROTEKT ( hhtp://www.fertiprotekt.eu ).
The uncommon simultaneous occurrence of an exuberant, angioma-like proliferation of superficial cerebral microvessels along with absence of the kidneys has been proposed to constitute a syndromic complex for which the term "meningocerebral angiodysplasia (or angiomatosis) with renal agenesis" (MCA-RA) is being descriptively used. We observed this constellation in one of a pair of dichorionic male twins following postpartal death in the 38th week of pregnancy. General autopsy revealed rudimentary metanephric anlagen made up of few residual glomeruli, cysts lined by flattened tubular epithelium, and islands of cartilage - corresponding to renal aplastic dysplasia. Largely inconspicuous with respect to its gyral pattern, as well as the configuration of the ventricular system, the brain microscopically showed extensive replacement of the cortex by a lattice of proliferating capillaries with necrosis of the intervening parenchyma. Minute foci of calcified necrosis were scattered in the deep subcortical white matter as well, while the ventricular ependyma and the subventricular germ cell layer remained remarkably intact. The cerebellum and brain stem appeared unaffected as well. Karyotyping of skin fibroblasts indicated a normal chromosome set of 46XY without gross structural anomalies. We interpret these findings as ones apt to being reasonably accommodated within the spectrum of MCA-RA. Although exceedingly rare, accurate identification of individual cases of MCA-RA is relevant both to differential diagnosis from its prognostically different look-alike "proliferative vasculopathy and hydranencephaly-hydrocephaly" (PVHH), and to refine the nosology of unconventional pediatric vascular malformations, for which the rather nonspecific label "angiodysgenetic necrotizing encephalopathy" is still commonly used.
This paper determines the group of continuous invariants corresponding to an inner function circle dot with finitely many singularities on the unit circle T; that is, the continuous mappings g : T -> T such that circle dot o g = circle dot on T. These mappings form a group under composition.
Let M^{2n} be a symplectic toric manifold with a fixed T^n-action and with a toric K\"ahler metric g. Abreu asked whether the spectrum of the Laplace operator $\Delta_g$ on $\mathcal{C}^\infty(M)$ determines the moment polytope of M, and hence by Delzant's theorem determines M up to symplectomorphism. We report on some progress made on an equivariant version of this conjecture. If the moment polygon of M^4 is generic and does not have too many pairs of parallel sides, the so-called equivariant spectrum of M and the spectrum of its associated real manifold M_R determine its polygon, up to translation and a small number of choices. For M of arbitrary even dimension and with integer cohomology class, the equivariant spectrum of the Laplacian acting on sections of a naturally associated line bundle determines the moment polytope of M.