930 resultados para payment


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Selling on credit is rather frequent in Mediterranean countries. Its generalized use can lead to excessive enlargements of the payment periods and consequently can deteriorate the profitability of firms. In spite of the relevance of this problem there are few empirical researches. This work intends to fill this gap and to shed light on the factors related to the extension of trade credit. In the theoretical and empirical literature, different motives have been proposed to explain this issue: a mechanism to reduce transaction costs, a financial alternative to the bank system and an additional tool to improve commercial activities. To contrast these ideas a panel of 388 firms of the Spanish agrofood industry has been taken, and static and dynamic regression models have been estimated by using robust methods to heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation and endogeneity of the explanatory variables. The results confirm that trade credit receivable is associated with more active firms and with cheaper bank financing. Other factors with positive relationships are short-term bank debts and accounts payable. These findings are consistent with commercial motives, rather than a pure financial view, in the sense that financial distressed producers extend trade credit as a way of promoting their products and in turn increasing their sales.


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Transport is responsible for 41% of CO2 emissions in Spain, and around 65% of that figure is due to road traffic. Tolled motorways are currently managed according to economic criteria: minimizing operational costs and maximizing revenues from tolls. Within this framework, this paper develops a new methodology for managing motorways based on a target of maximum energy efficiency. It includes technological and demand-driven policies, which are applied to two case studies. Various conclusions emerge from this study. One is, that the use of intelligent payment systems is recommended; and another, is that the most sustainable policy would involve defining the most efficient strategy for each motorway section, including the maximum use of its capacity, the toll level which attracts the most vehicles, and the optimum speed limit for each type of vehicle.


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Los sistemas de pago con móvil son una alternativa de pago a los medios de pago electrónicos tradicionales que están siendo cada vez más utilizados en nuestra sociedad. Son varios los factores que han llevado a la utilización de esta forma alternativa de pago. Los terminales móviles se han convertido en una herramienta casi vital para la sociedad, lo cual ha contribuido a una gran aceptación y desarrollo de los terminales móviles que cada vez cuentan con más funcionalidades. Gracias a esto, las comunicaciones móviles también están en constante evolución y ello ha influido notablemente para que se puedan desarrollar nuevos servicios e implementar nuevas funcionalidades en los terminales móviles. Por otro lado, la tendencia de los usuarios a usar cada día más los sistemas de pago electrónicos, intentando en la medida de lo posible prescindir del dinero en efectivo, también es un factor que ha permitido impulsar el desarrollo de este tipo de sistema de pagos emergentes. En el otro lado se encuentra el mundo empresarial, donde por un lado están las empresas de telecomunicaciones que no quieren dejar escapar esta oportunidad de negocio y están invirtiendo dinero para desarrollar nuevas infraestructuras que permitan el pago con móvil, y por otro lado se encuentran las entidades financieras que son necesarias para poder llevar a cabo los pagos a través del móvil, y por tanto tienen que formar parte de la solución llegando a los acuerdos necesarios con los proveedores de servicios. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de las diferentes plataformas de pago por móvil existentes en la actualidad, prestando especial atención a los aspectos que tienen que ver con la seguridad y la disponibilidad y acceso de la información bancaria del usuario. Asimismo también se analiza la arquitectura de cada plataforma como su funcionamiento, aclarando la interacción y el papel que juegan las diferentes partes implicadas. Para ello hay un capítulo dedicado a la seguridad donde se presentan conceptos y protocolos que son aplicados en las soluciones de pagos electrónicos, y una descripción de los sistemas de pago electrónicos más usados actualmente, los cuales presentan muchas similitudes con los sistemas de pago con móvil. Por último se recogen diferentes experiencias llevadas a cabo en nuestro país de pagos con móvil, destacando la experiencia de los usuarios así como el método empleado. ABSTRACT. Mobile payment systems are payment methods alternative to traditional electronic payment ones that are being increasingly used in our society. Several factors have led to the use of this alternative form of payment. Mobile terminals have become almost a vital tool for society, which has contributed to a wide acceptance and development of mobile terminals that are getting more features all the time. As a result, mobile communications are also evolving and they have had such a great influence that they have developed new services and implemented new features in mobile terminals. What is more, the growing tendency among users to use electronic payment systems, trying to make their payments whithout cash as often as possible, is also a factor that has allowed the boost the development of such emerging payment systems. The other partner of these systems is the business world, where on one hand, the telecommunication companies that do not want to miss this business opportunity are investing funds to develop new infrastructures which enable the mobile payment, and on the other hand, the financial institutions that are necessary to carry out payments via mobile, and therefore need to be part of the solution reaching the necessary agreements with service providers, want their own saying and their own share of the potential profits. This report is an analysis of the different mobile payment platforms existing today, with particular attention to the aspects that have to do with security and the availability and acces of user’s bank information. Likewise, it also analyzes the architecture of each platform and its operation and interaction procedures, clarifying the role of the different parties involved. Previously there is a chapter that presents security concepts and protocols that are applied in electronic payment solutions, and a description of the electronic trade systems most widely used currently, which have many similarities with mobile payment systems. Finally, it shows different experiments carried out in our country of mobile payments, highlighting the experience of users as well as the method used.


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Análisis de los sistemas de mitigación del riesgo de tráfico en autopistas de peaje en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. This paper presents a cross-country analysis of traffic risk allocation in road concessions of Latin America. It shows that some countries such as Chile, Colombia, and Peru have been greatly concerned with mitigating traffic risk, either by putting into practice public guarantees, implementing flexible term concessions, or through availability payment concessions; whereas other countries such as Mexico and Brazil have assigned traffic risk to the private concessionaire by using fixed-term concession contracts without any traffic guarantees. Based on an analysis of data from 1990 to 2010, the paper finds that shifting traffic risk from the concessionaire to the government or users was not confined to the riskiest projects, as one might expect. The analysis also suggests that the implementation of traffic risk mitigation mechanisms in Latin American toll roads has not been very successful in reducing renegotiation rates or in increasing the number of bidders in the tenders


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El WCTR es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte, y aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. This paper develops a model based on agency theory to analyze road management systems (under the different contract forms available today) that employ a mechanism of performance indicators to establish the payment of the agent. The base assumption is that of asymmetric information between the principal (Public Authorities) and the agent (contractor) and the risk aversion of this latter. It is assumed that the principal may only measure the agent?s performance indirectly and by means of certain performance indicators that may be verified by the authorities. In this model there is presumed to be a relation between the efforts made by the agent and the performance level measured by the corresponding indicators, though it is also considered that there may be dispersion between both variables that gives rise to a certain degree of randomness in the contract. An analysis of the optimal contract has been made on the basis of this model and in accordance with a series of parameters that characterize the economic environment and the particular conditions of road infrastructure. As a result of the analysis made, it is considered that an optimal contract should generally combine a fixed component and a payment in accordance with the performance level obtained. The higher the risk aversion of the agent and the greater the marginal cost of public funds, the lower the impact of this performance-based payment. By way of conclusion, the system of performance indicators should be as broad as possible but should not overweight those indicators that encompass greater randomness in their results.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral trata sobre la caracterización acústica de los ecosistemas naturales y la evaluación del impacto ambiental del ruido antropogénico sobre sus potenciales receptores en estos lugares, incluidos los receptores no humanos y sus efectos ecológicos, además, analiza las implicaciones para su gestión a distintas escalas y se lleva a cabo una valoración económica. Este trabajo ofrece soluciones para caracterizar los paisajes sonoros de forma compatible con distintas escalas de trabajo, nivel de esfuerzo técnico y en contextos de recursos limitados que haga viable su tratamiento como cualquier otra variable ambiental en el ámbito de la conservación y gestión del medio natural. Se han adaptado herramientas y metodologías propias de disciplinas como la acústica ambiental, bioacústica y ecología del paisaje, para servir a los objetivos específicos de la evaluación y gestión de los paisajes sonoros y el ruido ambiental en amplias extensiones geográficas. Se ha establecido un método general de muestreo sistemático para trabajo de campo y también se han adaptado métodos de modelización informática, que permiten analizar escenarios sonoros dinámicos en el tiempo y en el espacio, desde localizaciones puntuales hasta la escala del paisaje. Es posible elaborar cartografía ambiental con esta información y se ha representado gráficamente la zona de influencia de distintas fuentes de ruido sobre la calidad de distintos hábitats faunísticos. Se recomienda el uso del indicador del nivel de presión sonora equivalente (Leq) por su operatividad en medición y modelización, y su adaptabilidad a cualquier dimensión espacial y temporal que se requiera, por ejemplo en función del paisaje, actividades o especies que se establezcan como objeto de análisis. Se ha comprobado que las voces y conversaciones de parte de los excursionistas en zonas de reposo, observación y descanso (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) es la fuente de ruido que con mayor frecuencia identifican los propios visitantes (51%) y causa un incremento del nivel de presión sonora equivalente de unos 4,5 dBA sobre el nivel correspondiente al ambiente natural (Lnat). También se ha comprobado que carreteras con bajo nivel de tráfico (IMD<1000) pueden causar estrés fisiológico sobre la fauna y afectar a la calidad de sus hábitats. La isófona de 30 dBA del índice Leq (24h) permite dividir a los corzos de la zona de estudio en dos grupos con diferente nivel de estrés fisiológico, más elevado en los que se sitúan más cerca de la carretera con mayor volumen de tráfico y se expone a mayores niveles de ruido. Por otro lado, ha sido posible delimitar una zona de exclusión para la nidificación de buitre negro alrededor de las carreteras, coincidente con la isófona Leq (24h) de 40 dBA que afecta al 11% de su hábitat potencial. Además se ha llevado a cabo una novedosa valoración económica de la contaminación acústica en espacios naturales protegidos, mediante el análisis de la experiencia sonora de los visitantes del antiguo Parque Natural de Peñalara, y se ha constatado su disposición al pago de una entrada de acceso a estos lugares (aproximadamente 1 euro) si redundara en una mejora de su estado de conservación. En conclusión, los espacios naturales protegidos pueden sufrir un impacto ambiental significativo causado por fuentes de ruido localizadas en su interior pero también lejanas a ellos, que se sitúan fuera del ámbito de competencias de sus gestores. Sucesos sonoros como el sobrevuelo de aviones pueden incrementar en aproximadamente 8 dBA el nivel de referencia Lnat en las zonas tranquilas del parque. Se recomienda llevar a cabo una gestión activa del medio ambiente sonoro y se considera necesario extender la investigación sobre los efectos ecológicos del ruido ambiental a otros lugares y especies animales. ABSTRACT This PhD Thesis deals with acoustic characterization of natural ecosystems and anthropogenic noise impact assessment on potential receivers, including non-human receivers and their ecological effects. Besides, its management implications at different scales are analyzed and an economic valuation is performed. This study provides solutions for characterizing soundscapes in a compatible way with different working scales, level of technical effort and in a context of limited resources, so its treatment becomes feasible as for any other environmental variable in conservation and environmental management. Several tools and methodologies have been adapted from a variety of disciplines such as environmental acoustics, bioacoustics and landscape ecology, to better serve the specific goals of assessing and managing soundscapes and environmental noise in large areas. A procedure has been established for systematic field measurement surveys and noise common computer modelling methods have also been adapted in order to analyze dynamic soundscapes across time and space, from local to landscape scales. It is possible to create specific thematic cartography as for instance delimiting potential influence zone from different noise sources on animal habitats quality. Use of equivalent continuous sound pressure level index (Leq) is recommended because it provides great flexibility in operation for noise measurement and modelling, and because of its adaptability to any required temporal and spatial dimension, for instance landscape, activities or the target species established as study subjects. It has been found that human voices and conversations in a resting and contemplation area (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) is the most frequently referred noise source by national park visitors (51 %) when asked. Human voices alter this recreational area by increasing the sound pressure level approximately 4.5 dBA over the natural ambient level (Lnat). It has also been found that low traffic roads (AADT<1000 ) may cause physiological stress on wildlife and affect the quality of their habitats. It has also been possible to define a road-effect zone by noise mapping, which suggests an effective habitat loss within the Leq (24h) 30 dBA isophone in case of Roe deer and also divide the study area in two groups with different physiological stress level, higher for those exposed to higher noise levels and traffic volume. On the other hand, it has been possible to determine an exclusion area for Cinereous vulture nesting surrounding roads which is coincident with the Leq (24h) 40 dBA isophone and affects 11 % of the vulture potential habitat. It has also been performed an economic estimation of noise pollution impact on visitors’ perception and results showed that visitors would be willing to pay an entrance fee of approximately 1 euro if such payment is really bringing an improvement of the conservation status. In conclusion, protected areas may be significantly affected by anthropogenic noise sources located within the park borders but perturbations may also be caused by large-distance noise sources outside the park managers’ jurisdiction. Aircraft overflight events disrupted quietness and caused Leq increases of almost 8 dBA during a monitoring period with respect to Lnat reference levels in the park quiet areas. It is recommended to actively manage the acoustic environment. Finally, further research on ecological impacts of environmental noise needs to be extended to other species and places.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de cálculo rápido, eficiente y preciso, para la estimación de los costes finales de construcción, en las fases preliminares del proyecto arquitectónico. Se trata de una herramienta a utilizar durante el proceso de elaboración de estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico, no siendo por tanto preciso para calcular el “predimensionado de costes” disponer de la total definición grafica y literal del proyecto. Se parte de la hipótesis de que en la aplicación práctica del modelo no se producirán desviaciones superiores al 10 % sobre el coste final de la obra proyectada. Para ello se formulan en el modelo de predimensionado cinco niveles de estimación de costes, de menor a mayor definición conceptual y gráfica del proyecto arquitectónico. Los cinco niveles de cálculo son: dos que toman como referencia los valores “exógenos” de venta de las viviendas (promoción inicial y promoción básica) y tres basados en cálculos de costes “endógenos” de la obra proyectada (estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico). El primer nivel de estimación de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .1), se calcula en base a la valoración de mercado de la promoción inmobiliaria y a su porcentaje de repercusión de suelo sobre el valor de venta de las viviendas. El quinto nivel de valoración, también de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .5), se calcula a partir del contraste entre el valor externo básico de mercado, los costes de construcción y los gastos de promoción estimados de la obra proyectada. Este contraste entre la “repercusión del coste de construcción” y el valor de mercado, supone una innovación respecto a los modelos de predimensionado de costes existentes, como proceso metodológico de verificación y validación extrínseca, de la precisión y validez de las estimaciones resultantes de la aplicación práctica del modelo, que se denomina Pcr.5n (Predimensionado costes de referencia con .5niveles de cálculo según fase de definición proyectual / ideación arquitectónica). Los otros tres niveles de predimensionado de costes de construcción “endógenos”, se estiman mediante cálculos analíticos internos por unidades de obra y cálculos sintéticos por sistemas constructivos y espacios funcionales, lo que se lleva a cabo en las etapas iniciales del proyecto correspondientes a estudios previos (nivel .2), anteproyecto (nivel .3) y proyecto básico (nivel .4). Estos cálculos teóricos internos son finalmente evaluados y validados mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo en obras de edificación residencial, de las que se conocen sus costes reales de liquidación final de obra. Según va evolucionando y se incrementa el nivel de definición y desarrollo del proyecto, desde los estudios previos hasta el proyecto básico, el cálculo se va perfeccionando en su nivel de eficiencia y precisión de la estimación, según la metodología aplicada: [aproximaciones sucesivas en intervalos finitos], siendo la hipótesis básica como anteriormente se ha avanzado, lograr una desviación máxima de una décima parte en el cálculo estimativo del predimensionado del coste real de obra. El cálculo del coste de ejecución material de la obra, se desarrolla en base a parámetros cúbicos funcionales “tridimensionales” del espacio proyectado y parámetros métricos constructivos “bidimensionales” de la envolvente exterior de cubierta/fachada y de la huella del edificio sobre el terreno. Los costes funcionales y constructivos se ponderan en cada fase del proceso de cálculo con sus parámetros “temáticos/específicos” de gestión (Pg), proyecto (Pp) y ejecución (Pe) de la concreta obra presupuestada, para finalmente estimar el coste de construcción por contrata, como resultado de incrementar al coste de ejecución material el porcentaje correspondiente al parámetro temático/especifico de la obra proyectada. El modelo de predimensionado de costes de construcción Pcr.5n, será una herramienta de gran interés y utilidad en el ámbito profesional, para la estimación del coste correspondiente al Proyecto Básico previsto en el marco técnico y legal de aplicación. Según el Anejo I del Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), es de obligado cumplimiento que el proyecto básico contenga una “Valoración aproximada de la ejecución material de la obra proyectada por capítulos”, es decir , que el Proyecto Básico ha de contener al menos un “presupuesto aproximado”, por capítulos, oficios ó tecnologías. El referido cálculo aproximado del presupuesto en el Proyecto Básico, necesariamente se ha de realizar mediante la técnica del predimensionado de costes, dado que en esta fase del proyecto arquitectónico aún no se dispone de cálculos de estructura, planos de acondicionamiento e instalaciones, ni de la resolución constructiva de la envolvente, por cuanto no se han desarrollado las especificaciones propias del posterior proyecto de ejecución. Esta estimación aproximada del coste de la obra, es sencilla de calcular mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo desarrollado, y ello tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales del sector de la construcción. Como se contiene y justifica en el presente trabajo, la aplicación práctica del modelo para el cálculo de costes en las fases preliminares del proyecto, es rápida y certera, siendo de sencilla aplicación tanto en vivienda unifamiliar (aisladas y pareadas), como en viviendas colectivas (bloques y manzanas). También, el modelo es de aplicación en el ámbito de la valoración inmobiliaria, tasaciones, análisis de viabilidad económica de promociones inmobiliarias, estimación de costes de obras terminadas y en general, cuando no se dispone del proyecto de ejecución y sea preciso calcular los costes de construcción de las obras proyectadas. Además, el modelo puede ser de aplicación para el chequeo de presupuestos calculados por el método analítico tradicional (estado de mediciones pormenorizadas por sus precios unitarios y costes descompuestos), tanto en obras de iniciativa privada como en obras promovidas por las Administraciones Públicas. Por último, como líneas abiertas a futuras investigaciones, el modelo de “predimensionado costes de referencia 5 niveles de cálculo”, se podría adaptar y aplicar para otros usos y tipologías diferentes a la residencial, como edificios de equipamientos y dotaciones públicas, valoración de edificios históricos, obras de urbanización interior y exterior de parcela, proyectos de parques y jardines, etc….. Estas lineas de investigación suponen trabajos paralelos al aquí desarrollado, y que a modo de avance parcial se recogen en las comunicaciones presentadas en los Congresos internacionales Scieconf/Junio 2013, Rics‐Cobra/Septiembre 2013 y en el IV Congreso nacional de patología en la edificación‐Ucam/Abril 2014. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to develop a fast, efficient and accurate calculation model to estimate the final costs of construction, during the preliminary stages of the architectural project. It is a tool to be used during the preliminary study process, drafting and basic project. It is not therefore necessary to have the exact, graphic definition of the project in order to be able to calculate the cost‐scaling. It is assumed that no deviation 10% higher than the final cost of the projected work will occur during the implementation. To that purpose five levels of cost estimation are formulated in the scaling model, from a lower to a higher conceptual and graphic definition of the architectural project. The five calculation levels are: two that take as point of reference the ”exogenous” values of house sales (initial development and basic development), and three based on calculation of endogenous costs (preliminary study, drafting and basic project). The first ”exogenous” estimation level (level.1) is calculated over the market valuation of real estate development and the proportion the cost of land has over the value of the houses. The fifth level of valuation, also an ”exogenous” one (level.5) is calculated from the contrast between the basic external market value, the construction costs, and the estimated development costs of the projected work. This contrast between the ”repercussions of construction costs” and the market value is an innovation regarding the existing cost‐scaling models, as a methodological process of extrinsic verification and validation, of the accuracy and validity of the estimations obtained from the implementation of the model, which is called Pcr.5n (reference cost‐scaling with .5calculation levels according to the stage of project definition/ architectural conceptualization) The other three levels of “endogenous” construction cost‐scaling are estimated from internal analytical calculations by project units and synthetic calculations by construction systems and functional spaces. This is performed during the initial stages of the project corresponding to preliminary study process (level.2), drafting (level.3) and basic project (level.4). These theoretical internal calculations are finally evaluated and validated via implementation of the model in residential buildings, whose real costs on final payment of the works are known. As the level of definition and development of the project evolves, from preliminary study to basic project, the calculation improves in its level of efficiency and estimation accuracy, following the applied methodology: [successive approximations at finite intervals]. The basic hypothesis as above has been made, achieving a maximum deviation of one tenth, in the estimated calculation of the true cost of predimensioning work. The cost calculation for material execution of the works is developed from functional “three‐dimensional” cubic parameters for the planned space and constructive “two dimensional” metric parameters for the surface that envelopes around the facade and the building’s footprint on the plot. The functional and building costs are analyzed at every stage of the process of calculation with “thematic/specific” parameters of management (Pg), project (Pp) and execution (Pe) of the estimated work in question, and finally the cost of contractual construction is estimated, as a consequence of increasing the cost of material execution with the percentage pertaining to the thematic/specific parameter of the projected work. The construction cost‐scaling Pcr.5n model will be a useful tool of great interest in the professional field to estimate the cost of the Basic Project as prescribed in the technical and legal framework of application. According to the appendix of the Technical Building Code (CTE), it is compulsory that the basic project contains an “approximate valuation of the material execution of the work, projected by chapters”, that is, that the basic project must contain at least an “approximate estimate” by chapter, trade or technology. This approximate estimate in the Basic Project is to be performed through the cost‐scaling technique, given that structural calculations, reconditioning plans and definitive contruction details of the envelope are still not available at this stage of the architectural project, insofar as specifications pertaining to the later project have not yet been developed. This approximate estimate of the cost of the works is easy to calculate through the implementation of the given model, both for students and professionals of the building sector. As explained and justified in this work, the implementation of the model for cost‐scaling during the preliminary stage is fast and accurate, as well as easy to apply both in single‐family houses (detached and semi‐detached) and collective housing (blocks). The model can also be applied in the field of the real‐estate valuation, official appraisal, analysis of the economic viability of real estate developments, estimate of the cost of finished projects and, generally, when an implementation project is not available and it is necessary to calculate the building costs of the projected works. The model can also be applied to check estimates calculated by the traditional analytical method (state of measurements broken down into price per unit cost details), both in private works and those promoted by Public Authorities. Finally, as potential lines for future research, the “five levels of calculation cost‐scaling model”, could be adapted and applied to purposes and typologies other than the residential one, such as service buildings and public facilities, valuation of historical buildings, interior and exterior development works, park and garden planning, etc… These lines of investigation are parallel to this one and, by way of a preview, can be found in the dissertations given in the International Congresses Scieconf/June 2013, Rics‐Cobra/September 2013 and in the IV Congress on building pathology ‐Ucam/April 2014.


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New technologies such as, the new Information and Communication Technology ICT, break new paths and redefines the way we understand business, the Cloud Computing is one of them. The on demand resource gathering and the per usage payment scheme are now commonplace, and allows companies to save on their ICT investments. Despite the importance of this issue, we still lack methodologies that help companies, to develop applications oriented for its exploitation in the Cloud. In this study we aim to fill this gap and propose a methodology for the development of ICT applications, which are directed towards a business model, and further outsourcing in the Cloud. In the former the Development of SOA applications, we take, as a baseline scenario, a business model from which to obtain a business process model. To this end, we use software engineering tools; and in the latter The Outsourcing we propose a guide that would facilitate uploading business models into the Cloud; to this end we describe a SOA governance model, which controls the SOA. Additionally we propose a Cloud government that integrates Service Level Agreements SLAs, plus SOA governance, and Cloud architecture. Finally we apply our methodology in an example illustrating our proposal. We believe that our proposal can be used as a guide/pattern for the development of business applications.


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The agrifood industry, like other sectors, faces the ongoing challenge of improving their competitiveness in order to strengthen its market presence and cater to the growing global population. This research measures the competitiveness of the agrifood industry in the region of La Alcarria Conquense (Spain), in the framework of the evaluation of programs in the territory that have aimed at improving and enhancing this sector. Through building the competitiveness profiles (Porter, 1990) and cluster analysis we have identified six competitive strategy patterns in food companies in the region. In addition, we have analyzed each of the areas of competitiveness and we can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, and identify recommendations for increasing the responsiveness of the territory. Among the defining characteristics are the lack of association, the limitation on payment systems or virtual absence of training and innovation. However, programs to support the sector are highly valued and reverse in the long-term viability of these companies.


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This study investigates the effect of price and travel mode fairness and spatial equity in transit provision on the perceived transit service quality, willingness to pay, and habitual frequency of use. Based on the theory of planned behavior, we developed a web-based questionnaire for revealed preferences data collection. The survey was administered among young people in Copenhagen and Lisbon to explore the transit perceptions and use under different economic and transit provision conditions. The survey yielded 499 questionnaires, analyzed by means of structural equation models. Results show that higher perceived fairness relates positively to higher perceived quality of transit service and higher perceived ease of paying for transit use. Higher perceived spatial equity in service provision is associated with higher perceived service quality. Higher perceived service quality relates to higher perceived ease of payment, which links to higher frequency of transit use.


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This study investigates the effect of price and travel time fairness and spatial equity in transit provision on the perceived transit service quality, willingness to pay, and habitual frequency of use. Based on the theory of planned behavior, we developed a web-based questionnaire for revealed preferences data collection. The survey was administered among young people in Copenhagen and Lisbon to explore the transit perceptions and use under different economic and transit provision conditions. The survey yielded 499 questionnaires, analyzed by means of structural equation models. Results show that higher perceived fairness relates positively to higher perceived quality of transit service and higher perceived ease of paying for transit use. Higher perceived spatial equity in service provision is associated with higher perceived service quality. Higher perceived service quality relates to higher perceived ease of payment, which links to higher frequency of transit use.


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This paper discusses a model based on the agency theory to analyze the optimal transfer of construction risk in public works contracts. The base assumption is that of a contract between a principal (public authority) and an agent (firm), where the payment mechanism is linear and contains an incentive mechanism to enhance the effort of the agent to reduce construction costs. A theoretical model is proposed starting from a cost function with a random component and assuming that both the public authority and the firm are risk averse. The main outcome of the paper is that the optimal transfer of construction risk will be lower when the variance of errors in cost forecast, the risk aversion of the firm and the marginal cost of public funds are larger, while the optimal transfer of construction risk will grow when the variance of errors in cost monitoring and the risk aversion of the public authority are larger


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México es de los pocos países en el mundo que ha realizado dos grandes programas para la construcción de autopistas en colaboración con el sector privado. El primero, fue realizado entre 1989 y 1994, con resultados adversos por el mal diseño del esquema de concesiones; y, el segundo con mejores resultados, en operación desde 2003 mediante nuevos modelos de asociación público-privada (APP). El objetivo de la presente investigación es estudiar los modelos de asociación público-privada empleados en México para la provisión de infraestructura carretera, realizando el análisis y la evaluación de la distribución de riesgos entre el sector público y privado en cada uno de los modelos con el propósito de establecer una propuesta de reasignación de riesgos para disminuir el costo global y la incertidumbre de los proyectos. En la primera parte se describe el estado actual del conocimiento de las asociaciones público-privadas para desarrollar proyectos de infraestructura, incluyendo los antecedentes, la definición y las tipologías de los esquemas APP, así como la práctica internacional de programas como el modelo británico Private Finance Initiative (PFI), resultados de proyectos en la Unión Europea y programas APP en otros países. También, se destaca la participación del sector privado en el financiamiento de la infraestructura del transporte de México en la década de 1990. En los capítulos centrales se aborda el estudio de los modelos APP que se han utilizado en el país en la construcción de la red de carreteras de alta capacidad. Se presentan las características y los resultados del programa de autopistas 1989-94, así como el rescate financiero y las medidas de reestructuración de los proyectos concesionados, aspectos que obligaron a las autoridades mexicanas a cambiar la normatividad para la aprobación de los proyectos según su rentabilidad, modificar la legislación de caminos y diseñar nuevos esquemas de colaboración entre el gobierno y el sector privado. Los nuevos modelos APP vigentes desde 2003 son: nuevo modelo de concesiones para desarrollar autopistas de peaje, modelo de proyectos de prestación de servicios (peaje sombra) para modernizar carreteras existentes y modelo de aprovechamiento de activos para concesionar autopistas de peaje en operación a cambio de un pago. De estos modelos se realizaron estudios de caso en los que se determinan medidas de desempeño operativo (niveles de tráfico, costos y plazos de construcción) y rentabilidad financiera (tasa interna de retorno y valor presente neto). En la última parte se efectúa la identificación, análisis y evaluación de los riesgos que afectaron los costos, el tiempo de ejecución y la rentabilidad de los proyectos de ambos programas. Entre los factores de riesgo analizados se encontró que los más importantes fueron: las condiciones macroeconómicas del país (inflación, producto interno bruto, tipo de cambio y tasa de interés), deficiencias en la planificación de los proyectos (diseño, derecho de vía, tarifas, permisos y estimación del tránsito) y aportaciones públicas en forma de obra. Mexico is one of the few countries in the world that has developed two major programs for highway construction in collaboration with the private sector. The first one was carried out between 1989 and 1994 with adverse outcomes due to the wrong design of concession schemes; and, the second one, in operation since 2003, through new public-private partnership models (PPPs). The objective of this research is to study public-private partnership models used in Mexico for road infrastructure provision, performing the analysis and evaluation of risk’s distribution between the public and the private sector in each model in order to draw up a proposal for risk’s allocation to reduce the total cost and the uncertainty of projects. The first part describes the current state of knowledge in public-private partnership to develop infrastructure projects, including the history, definition and types of PPP models, as well as international practice of programs such as the British Private Finance Initiative (PFI) model, results in the European Union and PPP programs in other countries. Also, it stands out the private sector participation in financing of Mexico’s transport infrastructure in 1990s. The next chapters present the study of public-private partnerships models that have been used in the country in the construction of the high capacity road network. Characteristics and outcomes of the highway program 1989-94 are presented, as well as the financial bailout and restructuring measures of the concession projects, aspects that forced the Mexican authorities to change projects regulations, improve road’s legislation and design new schemes of cooperation between the Government and the private sector. The new PPP models since 2003 are: concession model to develop toll highways, private service contracts model (shadow toll) to modernize existing roads and highway assets model for the concession of toll roads in operation in exchange for a payment. These models were analyzed using case studies in which measures of operational performance (levels of traffic, costs and construction schedules) and financial profitability (internal rate of return and net present value) are determined. In the last part, the analysis and assessment of risks that affect costs, execution time and profitability of the projects are carried out, for both programs. Among the risk factors analyzed, the following ones were found to be the most important: country macroeconomic conditions (inflation, gross domestic product, exchange rate and interest rate), deficiencies in projects planning (design, right of way, tolls, permits and traffic estimation) and public contributions in the form of construction works.


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Los regímenes fiscales que se aplican a los contratos de exploración y desarrollo de petróleo y gas, entre los propietarios del recurso natural (generalmente el país soberano representado por su gobierno) y las compañías operadoras internacionales (COI) que aportan capital, experiencia y tecnología, no han sabido responder a la reciente escalada de los precios del crudo y han dado lugar a que los países productores no estén recibiendo la parte de renta correspondiente al incremento de precios. Esto ha provocado una ola de renegociaciones llegándose incluso a la imposición unilateral de nuevos términos por parte de algunos gobiernos entre los que destacan el caso de Venezuela y Argentina, por ser los más radicales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio y diseño de un régimen fiscal que, en las actuales condiciones del mercado, consiga que los gobiernos optimicen sus ingresos incentivando la inversión. Para ello se simulan los efectos de siete tipos diferentes de fiscalidades aplicadas a dos yacimientos de características muy distintas y se valoran los resultados. El modelo utilizado para la simulación es el modelo de escenarios, ampliamente utilizado tanto por la comunidad académica como por la industria para comparar el comportamiento de diferentes regímenes fiscales. Para decidir cuál de las fiscalidades estudiadas es la mejor se emplea un método optimización multicriterio. Los criterios que se han aplicado para valorar los resultados recogen la opinión de expertos de la industria sobre qué factores se consideran deseables en un contrato a la hora invertir. El resultado permite delinear las características de un marco fiscal ideal del tipo acuerdo de producción compartida, sin royalties, con un límite alto de recuperación de crudo coste que permita recobrar todos los costes operativos y una parte de los de capital en cualquier escenario de precios, un reparto de los beneficios en función de un indicador de rentabilidad como es la TIR, con un mecanismo de recuperación de costes adicional (uplift) que incentive la inversión y con disposiciones que premien la exploración y más la de alto riesgo como la amortización acelerada de los gastos de capital o una ampliación de la cláusula de ringfence. Un contrato con estas características permitirá al gobierno optimizar los ingresos obtenidos de sus reservas de petróleo y gas maximizando la producción al atraer inversión para la exploración y mejorar la recuperación alargando la vida del yacimiento. Además al reducir el riesgo percibido por el inversor que recupera sus costes, menor será la rentabilidad exigida al capital invertido y por tanto mayor la parte de esos ingresos que irá a parar al gobierno del país productor. ABSTRACT Fiscal systems used in petroleum arrangements between the owners of the resource (usually a sovereign country represented by its government) and the international operating company (IOC) that provides capital, knowhow and technology, have failed to allocate profits from the recent escalation of oil prices and have resulted in producing countries not receiving the right share of that increase. This has caused a wave of renegotiations and even in some cases, like Venezuela and Argentina, government unilaterally imposed new terms. This paper aims to outline desirable features of a petroleum fiscal system, under current market conditions, for governments to maximize their revenues while encouraging investment. Firstly the impact of seven different types of fiscal regimes is studied with a simulation for two separate oil fields using the scenario approach. The scenario approach has been frequently employed by academic and business researchers to compare the performance of diverse fiscal regimes. In order to decide which of the fiscal regimes’ performance is best we used a multi-objective optimization decision making approach to assess the results. The criteria applied gather the preferences of a panel of industry experts about the desirable features of a contract when making investment decisions. The results show the characteristics of an ideal fiscal framework that closely resembles a production sharing contract, with no royalty payment and a high cost recovery limit that allows the IOC to recover all operating expenses and a share of its capital costs under any price scenario, a profit oil sharing mechanism based on a profitability indicator such as the ROR, with an uplift that allows to recover an additional percentage of capital costs and provisions that promote exploration investment, specially high-risk exploration, such as accelerated depreciation for capital costs and a wide definition of the ringfence clause. A contract with these features will allow governments to optimize overall revenues from its petroleum resources maximizing production by promoting investment on exploration and extending oil fields life. Also by reducing the investor’s perception of risk it will reduce the minimum return to capital required by the IOC and therefore it will increase the government share of those revenues.


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O livro de Jó pertence à literatura sapiencial de Israel. Seu conteúdo é um grande debate entre sábios. Estes formavam um segmento educado da população: sabiam ler e escrever. A sabedoria era demasiadamente valorizada e concebida como orientação prudente para a vida. O texto 24,1-12 de Jó pertence à parte poética do livro. O poema foi escrito na primeira metade do século V a.C., no período do pós exílio, durante a dominação dos persas. Este império trouxe profundas modificações para a vida do povo em Judá. Apesar da aparente tolerância por parte de seus governantes, eles criaram métodos muito eficazes para alcançar seus objetivos de controle sobre os povos submetidos. Através de um forte aparelho burocrático, fiscal e militar controlavam e garantiam a ordem e o pagamento de tributos. O templo tornou-se o intermediário entre o império e o povo. A economia e a sociedade se estruturaram conforme o regime imposto pelos persas. Essa política econômica e administrativa favorecia o enriquecimento dos setores dominantes, e conseqüentemente o empobrecimento cada vez maior dos camponeses. Os sacerdotes eram os líderes do povo e a teologia da retribuição se fortaleceu muito nessa época. No entanto, a justiça de Deus explicada pela teologia da retribuição deparava-se com o problema do mal e do sofrimento do justo. É a partir da experiência e da observação da realidade que se origina um movimento de resistência à teologia da retribuição. No capítulo 24,1-12, Jó se lança numa contemplação sobre a sociedade dividida entre opressores e oprimidos. Desmonta o funcionamento da sociedade mostrando suas rupturas e conflitos graves. Sua intenção nesse texto é mostrar através da realidade, porque não concorda com as afirmações dos sábios que defendem a teologia da retribuição, sobre o castigo infalível para os ímpios ricos e sobre o sofrimento do pobre como indicação de castigo.(AU)