857 resultados para oxygen-deficit
The outcrop of the underlying substratum of the Maspalomas dune field (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands): a sing of a sedimentary deficit
[EN] To determine whether conditions for O2 utilization and O2 off-loading from the hemoglobin are different in exercising arms and legs, six cross-country skiers participated in this study. Femoral and subclavian vein blood flow and gases were determined during skiing on a treadmill at approximately 76% maximal O2 uptake (V(O2)max) and at V(O2)max with different techniques: diagonal stride (combined arm and leg exercise), double poling (predominantly arm exercise), and leg skiing (predominantly leg exercise). The percentage of O2 extraction was always higher for the legs than for the arms. At maximal exercise (diagonal stride), the corresponding mean values were 93 and 85% (n = 3; P < 0.05). During exercise, mean arm O2 extraction correlated with the P(O2) value that causes hemoglobin to be 50% saturated (P50: r = 0.93, P < 0.05), but for a given value of P50, O2 extraction was always higher in the legs than in the arms. Mean capillary muscle O2 conductance of the arm during double poling was 14.5 (SD 2.6) ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1), and mean capillary P(O2) was 47.7 (SD 2.6) mmHg. Corresponding values for the legs during maximal exercise were 48.3 (SD 13.0) ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1) and 33.8 (SD 2.6) mmHg, respectively. Because conditions for O2 off-loading from the hemoglobin are similar in leg and arm muscles, the observed differences in maximal arm and leg O2 extraction should be attributed to other factors, such as a higher heterogeneity in blood flow distribution, shorter mean transit time, smaller diffusing area, and larger diffusing distance, in arms than in legs.
[EN] The tight relation between arterial oxygen content and maximum oxygen uptake (Vv(o2max)within a given person at sea level is diminished with altitude acclimatization. An explanation often suggested for this mismatch is impairment of the muscle O(2) extraction capacity with chronic hypoxia, and is the focus of the present study. We have studied six lowlanders during maximal exercise at sea level (SL) and with acute (AH) exposure to 4,100 m altitude, and again after 2 (W2) and 8 weeks (W8) of altitude sojourn, where also eight high altitude native (Nat) Aymaras were studied. Fractional arterial muscle O(2) extraction at maximal exercise was 90.0+/-1.0% in the Danish lowlanders at sea level, and remained close to this value in all situations. In contrast to this, fractional arterial O(2) extraction was 83.2+/-2.8% in the high altitude natives, and did not change with the induction of normoxia. The capillary oxygen conductance of the lower extremity, a measure of oxygen diffusing capacity, was decreased in the Danish lowlanders after 8 weeks of acclimatization, but was still higher than the value obtained from the high altitude natives. The values were (in ml min(-1) mmHg(-1)) 55.2+/-3.7 (SL), 48.0+/-1.7 (W2), 37.8+/-0.4 (W8) and 27.7+/-1.5 (Nat). However, when correcting oxygen conductance for the observed reduction in maximal leg blood flow with acclimatization the effect diminished. When calculating a hypothetical leg V(o2max)at altitude using either the leg blood flow or the O(2) conductance values obtained at sea level, the former values were almost completely restored to sea level values. This would suggest that the major determinant V(o2max)for not to increase with acclimatization is the observed reduction in maximal leg blood flow and O(2) conductance.
[EN] During exercise, fatigue is defined as a reversible reduction in force- or power-generating capacity and can be elicited by "central" and/or "peripheral" mechanisms. During skeletal muscle contractions, both aspects of fatigue may develop independent of alterations in convective O(2) delivery; however, reductions in O(2) supply exacerbate and increases attenuate the rate of accumulation. In this regard, peripheral fatigue development is mediated via the O(2)-dependent rate of accumulation of metabolic by-products (e.g., inorganic phosphate) and their interference with excitation-contraction coupling within the myocyte. In contrast, the development of O(2)-dependent central fatigue is elicited 1) by interference with the development of central command and/or 2) via inhibitory feedback on central motor drive secondary to the peripheral effects of low convective O(2) transport. Changes in convective O(2) delivery in the healthy human can result from modifications in arterial O(2) content, blood flow, or a combination of both, and they can be induced via heavy exercise even at sea level; these changes are exacerbated during acute and chronic exposure to altitude. This review focuses on the effects of changes in convective O(2) delivery on the development of central and peripheral fatigue.
[EN] This study was performed to test the hypothesis that administration of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) in humans increases maximal oxygen consumption by augmenting the maximal oxygen carrying capacity of blood. Systemic and leg oxygen delivery and oxygen uptake were studied during exercise in eight subjects before and after 13 wk of rHuEpo treatment and after isovolemic hemodilution to the same hemoglobin concentration observed before the start of rHuEpo administration. At peak exercise, leg oxygen delivery was increased from 1,777.0+/-102.0 ml/min before rHuEpo treatment to 2,079.8+/-120.7 ml/min after treatment. After hemodilution, oxygen delivery was decreased to the pretreatment value (1,710.3+/-138.1 ml/min). Fractional leg arterial oxygen extraction was unaffected at maximal exercise; hence, maximal leg oxygen uptake increased from 1,511.0+/-130.1 ml/min before treatment to 1,793.0+/-148.7 ml/min with rHuEpo and decreased after hemodilution to 1,428.0+/-111.6 ml/min. Pulmonary oxygen uptake at peak exercise increased from 3,950.0+/-160.7 before administration to 4,254.5+/-178.4 ml/min with rHuEpo and decreased to 4,059.0+/-161.1 ml/min with hemodilution (P=0.22, compared with values before rHuEpo treatment). Blood buffer capacity remained unaffected by rHuEpo treatment and hemodilution. The augmented hematocrit did not compromise peak cardiac output. In summary, in healthy humans, rHuEpo increases maximal oxygen consumption due to augmented systemic and muscular peak oxygen delivery.
[EN] Peak aerobic power in humans (VO2,peak) is markedly affected by inspired O2 tension (FIO2). The question to be answered in this study is what factor plays a major role in the limitation of muscle peak VO2 in hypoxia: arterial O2 partial pressure (Pa,O2) or O2 content (Ca,O2)? Thus, cardiac output (dye dilution with Cardio-green), leg blood flow (thermodilution), intra-arterial blood pressure and femoral arterial-to-venous differences in blood gases were determined in nine lowlanders studied during incremental exercise using a large (two-legged cycle ergometer exercise: Bike) and a small (one-legged knee extension exercise: Knee)muscle mass in normoxia, acute hypoxia (AH) (FIO2 = 0.105) and after 9 weeks of residence at 5260 m (CH). Reducing the size of the active muscle mass blunted by 62% the effect of hypoxia on VO2,peak in AH and abolished completely the effect of hypoxia on VO2,peak after altitude acclimatization. Acclimatization improved Bike peak exercise Pa,O2 from 34 +/- 1 in AH to 45 +/- 1 mmHg in CH(P <0.05) and Knee Pa,O2 from 38 +/- 1 to 55 +/- 2 mmHg(P <0.05). Peak cardiac output and leg blood flow were reduced in hypoxia only during Bike. Acute hypoxia resulted in reduction of systemic O2 delivery (46 and 21%) and leg O2 delivery (47 and 26%) during Bike and Knee, respectively, almost matching the corresponding reduction in VO2,peak. Altitude acclimatization restored fully peak systemic and leg O(2) delivery in CH (2.69 +/- 0.27 and 1.28 +/- 0.11 l min(-1), respectively) to sea level values (2.65 +/- 0.15 and 1.16 +/- 0.11 l min(-1), respectively) during Knee, but not during Bike. During Knee in CH, leg oxygen delivery was similar to normoxia and, therefore, also VO2,peak in spite of a Pa,O2 of 55 mmHg. Reducing the size of the active mass improves pulmonary gas exchange during hypoxic exercise, attenuates the Bohr effect on oxygen uploading at the lungs and preserves sea level convective O2 transport to the active muscles. Thus, the altitude-acclimatized human has potentially a similar exercising capacity as at sea level when the exercise model allows for an adequate oxygen delivery (blood flow x Ca,O2), with only a minor role of Pa,O2 per se, when Pa,O2 is more than 55 mmHg.
[EN] BACKGROUND: A classic, unresolved physiological question is whether central cardiorespiratory and/or local skeletal muscle circulatory factors limit maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) in humans. Severe heat stress drastically reduces VO2max, but the mechanisms have never been studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: To determine the main contributing factor that limits VO2max with and without heat stress, we measured hemodynamics in 8 healthy males performing intense upright cycling exercise until exhaustion starting with either high or normal skin and core temperatures (+10 degrees C and +1 degrees C). Heat stress reduced VO2max, 2-legged VO2, and time to fatigue by 0.4+/-0.1 L/min (8%), 0.5+/-0.2 L/min (11%), and 2.2+/-0.4 minutes (28%), respectively (all P<0.05), despite heart rate and core temperature reaching similar peak values. However, before exhaustion in both heat stress and normal conditions, cardiac output, leg blood flow, mean arterial pressure, and systemic and leg O2 delivery declined significantly (all 5% to 11%, P<0.05), yet arterial O2 content and leg vascular conductance remained unchanged. Despite increasing leg O2 extraction, leg VO2 declined 5% to 6% before exhaustion in both heat stress and normal conditions, accompanied by enhanced muscle lactate accumulation and ATP and creatine phosphate hydrolysis. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that in trained humans, severe heat stress reduces VO2max by accelerating the declines in cardiac output and mean arterial pressure that lead to decrements in exercising muscle blood flow, O2 delivery, and O2 uptake. Furthermore, the impaired systemic and skeletal muscle aerobic capacity that precedes fatigue with or without heat stress is largely related to the failure of the heart to maintain cardiac output and O2 delivery to locomotive muscle.
[EN] To unravel the mechanisms by which maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is reduced with severe acute hypoxia in humans, nine Danish lowlanders performed incremental cycle ergometer exercise to exhaustion, while breathing room air (normoxia) or 10.5% O2 in N2 (hypoxia, approximately 5,300 m above sea level). With hypoxia, exercise PaO2 dropped to 31-34 mmHg and arterial O2 content (CaO2) was reduced by 35% (P < 0.001). Forty-one percent of the reduction in CaO2 was explained by the lower inspired O2 pressure (PiO2) in hypoxia, whereas the rest was due to the impairment of the pulmonary gas exchange, as reflected by the higher alveolar-arterial O2 difference in hypoxia (P < 0.05). Hypoxia caused a 47% decrease in VO2 max (a greater fall than accountable by reduced CaO2). Peak cardiac output decreased by 17% (P < 0.01), due to equal reductions in both peak heart rate and stroke VOlume (P < 0.05). Peak leg blood flow was also lower (by 22%, P < 0.01). Consequently, systemic and leg O2 delivery were reduced by 43 and 47%, respectively, with hypoxia (P < 0.001) correlating closely with VO2 max (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). Therefore, three main mechanisms account for the reduction of VO2 max in severe acute hypoxia: 1) reduction of PiO2, 2) impairment of pulmonary gas exchange, and 3) reduction of maximal cardiac output and peak leg blood flow, each explaining about one-third of the loss in VO2 max.
[EN] Zooplankton metabolism in terms of oxygen consumption and ñutrient reléase (ammonia, phosphate) were measiu'ed in the Baltic Sea, a températe área with high envirormiental changes both in space and in time. Plankton of the surface layer were analysed with balance measurements in 4 size classes between 50 and 1000 nm during spring in 1988, 1990 and 1991, in summer 19^8 and 1990 as well. The use of electrón transport system (ETS), and the Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH) activity as indicators for respiration and ammonia reléase respectively, enlarged the data density and made a three dimensional resolution available (May 1990, 1991). Data are in the range of the latitudinal dependend magnitude. They reflect slight interannual, more seasonal and regional aspects. Animáis size, temperature, food concentration, and species composition influence the specific rates
Applicazione Web che permette di creare eventi in un calendario relativo all'assunzione di farmaci da parte di utenti con deficit di memorizzazione.
Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), affrontando il deficit di verticalità della fibula attraverso la protesi dentaria, mentre i restanti casi sono stati trattati con la distrazione osteogenetica (DO) della fibula prima della riabilitazione protesica (gruppo 2). Il deficit di verticalità fibula/mandibola è stato misurato. I criteri di valutazione utilizzati includono la misurazione clinica e radiografica del livello osseo e dei tessuti molli peri-implantari, ed il livello di soddisfazione del paziente attraverso un questionario appositamente redatto. Risultati: Tutte le riabilitazioni protesiche sono costituite da protesi dentali avvitate su impianti. L'età media è di 52 anni, il rapporto uomini/donne è di 6/5. Il numero medio di impianti inseriti nelle fibule è di 5. Il periodo massimo di follow-up dopo il carico masticatorio è stato di 30 mesi per il gruppo 1 e di 38.5 mesi (17-81) di media per il gruppo 2. Non abbiamo riportato complicazioni chirurgiche. Nessun impianto è stato rimosso dai pazienti del gruppo 1, la perdita media di osso peri-implantare registrata è stata di 1,5 mm. Nel gruppo 2 sono stati riportati un caso di tipping linguale del vettore di distrazione durante la fase di consolidazione e un caso di frattura della corticale basale in assenza di formazione di nuovo osso. L'incremento medio di osso in verticalità è stato di 13,6 mm (12-15). 4 impianti su 32 (12.5%) sono andati persi dopo il periodo di follow-up. Il riassorbimento medio peri-implantare, è stato di 2,5 mm. Conclusioni: Le soluzioni più utilizzate per superare il deficit di verticalità del limbo libero di fibula consistono nell'allestimento del lembo libero di cresta iliaca, nel posizionare la fibula in posizione ideale da un punto di vista protesico a discapito del profilo osseo basale, l'utilizzo del lembo di fibula nella versione descritta come "double barrel", nella distrazione osteogenetica della fibula. La nostra esperienza concerne il lembo libero di fibula che nella patologia neoplastica maligna utilizziamo nella versione "single strut", per mantenere disponibili tutte le potenzialità di lunghezza del peduncolo vascolare, senza necessità di innesti di vena. Entrambe le soluzioni, la protesi dentale ortopedica e la distrazione osteogenetica seguita da protesi, entrambe avvitate su impianti, costituiscono soluzioni soddisfacenti per la riabilitazione funzionale della fibula al di là del suo deficit di verticalità . La prima soluzione ha preso spunto dall'osservazione dei buoni risultati della protesi dentale su impianti corti, avendo un paragonabile rapporto corona/radice, la DO applicata alla fibula, sebbene sia risultata una metodica con un numero di complicazioni più elevato ed un maggior livello di riassorbimento di osso peri-implantare, costituisce in ogni caso una valida opzione riabilitativa, specialmente in caso di notevole discrepanza mandibulo/fibulare. Decisiva è la scelta del percorso terapeutico dopo una accurata valutazione di ogni singolo caso. Vengono illustrati i criteri di selezione provenienti dalla nostra esperienza.
In calcareous soils, which are a large share of agricultural soils worldwide, iron availability is limited. Consequently, the whole plant physiology is affected, because of the key role of iron in redox metabolism, resulting in reduced crop yield and quality. Peach cultivation is economically important in northern Italy, and is easily subjected to iron chlorosis. The management of iron nutrition in peach includes grafting on bicarbonate-tolerant rootstocks; other forms of management may be expensive and environmentally impacting. Four genotypes, used as rootstocks for peach and characterized by different degrees of tolerance to chlorosis, were tested in vitro on optimal and bicarbonate-enriched medium. Their redox status and antioxidant responses were assayed; the production and possible roles of nitric oxide (NO) and related compounds were also studied. The most sensitive genotypes show a stronger reduction of the antioxidant enzymatic activities and an increased oxidative stress. A high production of NO was found to be associated to resistant genotypes, whereas sensitive genotypes reacted to stress by downregulating nitrosoglutathione reductase activity. Therefore, NO is proposed to improve the internal iron availability, or to stimulate iron intake.
La crescita normale di un individuo è il risultato dell’azione coordinata di molteplici ormoni e recettori codificati da geni e a tal proposito, discreto interesse è stato dato ai geni tipici dell’asse del GH. Tuttavia altri geni, più a monte di questi e responsabili dello sviluppo dell’ipofisi contribuiscono alla crescita normale o patologica. Alcuni geni studiati sono POU1F1, PROP1, LHX3, LHX4, HESX1, SOX3 e svariate loro mutazioni sono state identificate come causa di panipopituarismo (CPHD=Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency). In realtà la ricerca genetica non spiega ancora molte anomalie ipofisarie e molte mutazioni devono ancora essere identificate. Uno degli scopi del dottorato, svoltosi nel laboratorio di Genetica molecolare di Pediatria, è stata l’identificazione di mutazioni geniche da un gruppo di pazienti CPHD considerando in particolare i geni POU1F1, LHX3, SOX3, non ancora messi a punto presso il laboratorio. L’approccio sperimentale si è basato sulle seguenti fasi: prelievo delle informazioni di sequenza da GeneBank, progettazione di primers per amplificare le porzioni esoniche, messa a punto delle fasi della PCR e del sequenziamento, analisi della sequenza e confronto con le informazioni di sequenza depositate allo scopo di rintracciare eventuali mutazioni o varianti. La bassa percentuale di mutazioni in questi geni non ha permesso finora di rintracciare mutazioni nelle porzioni esoniche salvo che in un soggetto, nell’esone 6 di LHX3b (nuova mutazione, recessiva eterozigote, c.1248A>G implicata nella mutazione p.T377A della sequenza proteica). Un metodo di screening di questa mutazione impiegando l’enzima di restrizione SacII è stato usato, senza rilevare nessun altra occorrenza dell’allele mutato in 53 soggetti di controllo. Oltre alla messa a punto del sequenziamento e di alcune tecniche di analisi di singoli SNP o piccoli INDELs per i 3 geni, la ricerca svolta è stata orientata all’impiego di metodi di rilevamento di riarrangiamenti genetici comportanti ampie delezioni e/o variazioni del copy-number di esoni/interi geni detto MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) e progettato da MRC-Holland. Il sequenziamento infatti non permette di rilevare tali alterazioni quando sono ampie ed in eterozigosi. Per esempio, in un’ampia delezione in eterozigosi, l’intervallo delimitato dai primers usati per la PCR può non includere totalmente la porzione interessata da delezione su un cromosoma cosicché la PCR ed il sequnziamento si basano solo sulle informazioni dell’altro cromosoma non deleto. Un vantaggio della tecnica MLPA, è l’analisi contemporanea di una quarantina di siti posti su svariati geni. Questa metodo tuttavia può essere affetto da un certo margine di errore spesso dipendente dalla qualità del DNA e dovrebbe essere affiancato e validato da altre tecniche più impegnativa dal punto di vista sperimentale ma più solide, per esempio la Real Time PCR detta anche PCR quantitativa (qPCR). In laboratorio, grazie all’MLPA si è verificata la condizione di delezione eterozigote di un paziente “storico” per il gene GH1 e la stessa mutazione è stata rilevata anche con la qPCR usando lo strumento Corbett Rotor Gene 6000 (Explera). Invece un’analisi solo con la qPCR di variazioni del copy-number (CNV) per SOX3 in pazienti maschili non ha ancora evidenziato anomalie. Entrambe le tecniche hanno aspetti interessanti, il miglior approccio al momento sembra un’analisi iniziale di pazienti con l’MLPA, seguita dalla verifica di un eventuale esito anomalo impiegando la real-time PCR.