999 resultados para otite externa aguda


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Biological aspects of the blackmouth bass Synagrops bellus from the outer shelf and upper slope along the coast of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, are presented. The species represented about 71.6% and 9.7% in number of the total catch performed by balloom trawl in the isobaths of 300m and 500m respectively. Body sizes of 266 individuals ranged between 130 and 265mm total length, with sex ratio of 55.9% males, and 44.1% females, where most individuals were in maturation stage. Twenty two food items were found, pointing out Myctophidae fishes, Penaeidea and Caridea shrimps, Brachyuran megalopae, Enoploteuthidae and Cranchiidae cephalopods, pteropods and tunicates. The intestinal coefficient increases as the body size increase, and the number of gill rakers ranged between 16 and 17. Length-weight relationship was WT = 6.0 x 10-6 x TL3.12, r2 = 0.9495. Synagrops bellus is an important link between zooplankton and micronekton, and demersal and pelagic predators in the outer shelf and upper slope in southwestern Brazilian coast.


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No Brasil, as macrófitas aquáticas submersas, Egeria densa e Egeria najas, têm causado prejuízos aos usos múltiplos da água. Hydrilla verticillata foi recentemente introduzida, mas tem histórico como planta problemática nos EUA, no México e na Austrália. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as suscetibilidades relativas dessas três macrófitas aquáticas ao diquat e os riscos da utilização desse herbicida para o guaru (Phallocerus caudimaculatus). Para isso, foram instalados ensaios em condições de laboratório, a fim de avaliar a suscetibilidade relativa das três macrófitas por meio da manutenção de ponteiros dessas plantas em soluções contendo 0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,8; e 1,6 mg L-1 de diquat (Reward®) por 14 dias. A avaliação foi realizada pela variação do acúmulo de matéria fresca e do comprimento dos ponteiros no período de exposição ao herbicida. H. verticillata mostrou maior sensibilidade ao diquat em comparação com as duas macrófitas do gênero Egeria, mesmo em baixas concentrações do herbicida. Nas maiores concentrações, E. densa mostrou maior sensibilidade que E. najas. O risco da aplicação do diquat para P. caudimaculatus foi estimado pela toxicidade aguda. Alevinos de P. caudimaculatus de 0,4 ± 0,2 mg foram expostos a soluções de 0,0; 1,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0; 20,0; 25,0; e 30,0 mg L-1 de diquat. A concentração letal de 50% (CL(I) (50;96h)) do diquat estimada para P. caudimaculatus foi de 7,17 mg L-1. Para P. caudimaculatus, a toxicidade aguda foi superior à concentração recomendada para o controle de macrófitas aquáticas submersas, indicando risco muito baixo para esse peixe.


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Schistosomiasis is an ancient disease caused by helminth Schistosoma mansoni and is a public health problem in Brazil. The granulomatous lesion, typical of the disease, associates itself with increase in the oxidative damage through the generation of free radicals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of changes in parameters oxidant / antioxidant that are part of the human defense system, and observe whether they would cause oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Moreover, correlating with some biochemical and hematological parameters. Two groups were selected for study, consisting of individuals of both sexes, aged between 16 and 30 years. A control group, formed by individuals without schistosomiasis (n = 30) and a test group, formed by individuals with schistosomiasis (n = 30). The evaluation of lipid peroxidation in plasma was performed by determination of malondialdehyde and antioxidant defense by the quantification of reduced glutathione and catalase activity. For the parameters that assess oxidative stress, the results showed a decrease in the content of reduced glutathione and no change in the activity of catalase, with an increase in the value of malondialdehyde. Therefore, the data found suggest the occurrence of oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Of the parameters that assess hepatic function, only levels of aspartate aminotransferase have been high, while there was a decrease of bilirubine. There was a significant change in the lipid profile (p <0.5), however with regard to the renal function of patients, there was a decrease in creatinine. The assessment hematological, made through hemogram and the quantification of hemoglobin, shows increase of eosinophils individuals in the group test, which can be related to the presence of the parasite. The amendments suggest the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of this disease


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The acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease in which malignant myeloblasts expand, build up and suppress normal hematopoietic activity would represent a major diagnostic challenge. With the advent of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry, the diagnosis of these tumors have become more faithful, facilitating the treatment and monitoring of patients. The objectives of this study: diagnosis and classification of AML based on immunophenotyping by flow cytometry with a panel of AcMo specific for acute leukemias, set the frequency of AML in samples from patients with acute leukemias sent to the Department of Hematology Blood Center of Rio Grande do Norte - HEMONORTE, establish standards of antigen expression for different subtypes of acute leukemia and its correlation with the newly diagnosed cases refractory to treatment and recurrence of the disease, standardization of methods for detection and labeling of surface antigens by flow cytometry and intracytoplasmic flow, and observe the frequency of acute leukemia with aberrant phenotypes rare. During the study, 351 were diagnosed acute leukemia, and 179 (51%) classified as AML and 172 (49%) and ALL, which were excluded from the present work. Of the 179 AML, 92 (51.4%) were female and 87 (48.6%) were male, with ages ranging from 3 to 95 years of ag, with higher incidence in individuals in the age group of 41 to 65. Splenomegaly was the clinical finding more present, a total of 147 cases (82.1%), followed by hepatomegaly present in 132 cases (73.7%). The hemorrhagic events were observed in 55 cases (30.7%). Lymphadenopathy in turn was detected in 20 of 179 cases (11.2%). In order to classify subtypes of AML, we used a large panel of monoclonal antibodies, obtaining the following results: AML M0, 02 (1.1%) AML M1, 40 (22.3) AML M2, 60 (33.5) AML M3, 22 (12.3%) AML M4, 10 (5.6) AML M5, 13 (7.3%) AML M6 06 (3.4%) and AML M7 01 (0.6%). We observed some cases with aberrant expression of some antigens such as CD7, CD4, CD19, CD3, CD5 and TdT, CD 7 was present in 30 (16.8%), CD4 in 5 (2.8%), the CD 3 in 5 (2.8%), the CD19 in 3 (1.7%), the CD5 in 3 (1.7%) and TDT was in 7 (3.9%) cases of AML .the CD8 and CD79a was present in only a 1 case.


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Leukemia is a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies that result from partial or total transformation of the blast cells. The Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignancy in childhood, especially in male, Caucasian children younger than 14 years. Several criteria are adopted to classify ALL, including the cell morphology, cytochemistry, immunophenotyping and cytogenetic analysis. Cytogenetic studies allow a more detailed analysis to detect chromosomal abnormalities of leukemic cells. These modifications will determine the diagnosis, classification, stage characterization, remission assessment and prognosis. In this study were evaluated 30 patients, aged from four months to seventeen years, of both sexes and various ethnicities. The age distribution showed that 67% of patients had between one and ten years (with mean age of XX years old), the most prevalent ethnic was Caucasian (50%) and 57% were males. According to immunophenotype, 93% of patients had B-cells progenitor ALL and 7% early lineage T. Considering the total studied population, the most frequent medical findings were lymphadenopathy (37%), hepatomegaly (77%) and splenomegaly (70%), where one patient could present more than one of these medical findings. Regarding the CBC, the majority of patients had hemoglobin below 10 g / dl (73%), leukocyte count less than 10.000/μL (60%) and platelet count below 150.000/μL (83%). Chromosomal abnormalities were observed in 64% of all patients, where hyperdiploidy was the most common numerical change (67%), followed by hypodiploid (33%). All these data are in agreement with the literature. Moreover, complexes structural and/or number changes not yet described in literature were observed, which indicated poor prognosis. Finally, we concluded that this study demonstrated the importance of cytogenetic study in the diagnosis and identification of prognostic factors in pediatric patients with ALL in Rio Grande do Norte. The results obtained in this study are extremely useful and emphasizes that surveys of this nature must be conducted more frequently in our state


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Licania rigida Benth., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch, and Couepia impressa Prance (Chrysobalanaceae family) plants have long been used medicinally by the people from Northeastern Brazil. Crude extracts and infusions of these plants have been applied in the treatment of several conditions such as diabetes and rheumatism, degenerative diseases with involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the aqueous, ethanolic, and hydroethanolic leaves extracts antioxidant capacity of these species, using several in vitro assay systems (reducing power, DPPH● scavenging, the β-carotene linoleate model system and lipid peroxidation inhibition in rat brain homogenate, using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS). The oral acute toxicity of aqueous extracts was also evaluated in vivo. Results revealed that these extracts possess a potent reducing power and DPPH scavenging ability, as well as the ability to prevent TBARS formation in rat brain homogenate in a concentration-dependent manner. Regarding in vivo oral acute toxicity of the aqueous species extracts, no toxic effects were observed upon evaluating physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters. The presence of high levels of phenolics and flavonoids was determined mainly in the ethanol extract. However, the C. impressa hydroethanolic extract, fractionated with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate for analysis by NMR 1H, showed more efficient results than the reference antioxidant Carduus marianus. The classes of organics compounds were determined were phenolics in the fraction of ethyl acetate and terpenes in chloroform and hexane fractions. The ethil acetate fraction had the highest content of flavonoids and increased scavenging capacity of DPPH●, possibly by the presence of phenolic compounds. Therefore, a detailed investigation of the phytochemical composition and in vivo study of the C. impressa hydroethanolic extract is suggested to characterize the active compounds of the species


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The lethal concentration of 50% (LC (I) and the histopathologic effects of diquat herbicide on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fish were evaluated in three experiments. The fishes were exposed to concentrations of 0, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 rug diquat L-1, and gill and liver histology were evaluated in the surviving fishes. The estimated LC (I) (50-96h) of diquat was 37.28 mg L-1, with lower limits of 33.12 mg L-1 and upper limits of 41.44 mg L-1. In the treatment with 30, 35 and 40 mg L-1, signs of apical fusion of the secondary lamellae were observed; with 45 and 50 mg L-1, congestion of the primary lamellae was observed; in the treatment with 55 mg L-1, congestion of blood vessels on secondary lamellae took place. The livers of fishes in treatments with 0, 25, 30 and 35 mg L-1showed cordonal organization of hepatocytes. In the treatments with 40 and 45 mg L-1, hypertrophy of hepatocytes took place; with 50 and 55 mg L-1, cell fusion and the presence of vacuoles inside hepatocytes were observed. Diquat presented low risk of toxicity for nile tilapia, as the more severe histopathologic alterations occurred only in higher concentrations.


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Foram examinados 20 eqüinos adultos portadores de abdômen agudo e submetidos à laparotomia. Dez recuperaram-se sem intercorrência pós-operatória (G1) e 10 foram a óbito sete a 10 dias após a cirurgia, com sinais de choque séptico (G2). Avaliaram-se temperatura retal, freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, tempo de preenchimento capilar e teores plasmáticos das proteínas de fase aguda - fibrinogênio, ceruloplasmina, proteína C-reativa, antitripsina, haptoglobina e glicoproteína ácida -, antes e até sete dias após a laparotomia. As leucometrias às 72h e no sétimo dia pós-operatório dos eqüinos que foram a óbito foram, respectivamente, 34,6% e 57,1%, mais altas que a dos animais curados. Os maiores valores de proteína de fase aguda ocorreram no sétimo dia após a cirurgia; os percentuais de elevação de fibrinogênio, antitripsina, glicoproteina ácida, proteína C-reativa, ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina de eqüinos do G2 em relação ao G1 foram 46,8%, 67,9%, 91,9%, 112,2%, 126,9% e 186,2%, respectivamente.


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This Master s Thesis aims to use the theoretical models of growth with restricted balance of payments, specifically Kaldor (1970) and Thirlwall (1979) models, to analyze the behavior and the pattern of specialization of Brazilian exports and imports in the last years. It is observed that, in some periods, the pattern of specialization has contributed in restricting long-term growth of the Brazilian economy. It has been hypothesized that overall this is due to lack of structural transformation policies. To achieve this goal, it analyzed the performance of Brazilian exports and imports disaggregating them according to their technological content. The basis for comparison was a group of countries to which Brazil is inserted in, the BRIC. In this regard, the work is a comparative analysis by using descriptive statistics. It is concluded that the low rate of GDP growth experienced by Brazil since the 1980s can be explained in part by the decoupling of the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS) and the Brazilian productive structure. This would be reducing the income elasticity of exports and raising imports, causing a pattern of specialization intensive primary commodities and labor and low-skill labor


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This study aims to investigate the influence of the balance of payments constrained on economic growth in Brazil from 1991 to 2010. With this order, are shown some of the Keynesian balance of payments constrained growth models, inspired by Thirlwall (1979) and Kaldor (1970), which are supported by important points in common, such as adherence to the principle of effective demand. Given that within this theoretical perspective, there is no consensus about the best model to explain the growth rate allowed by the balance of payments constraint, the results are presented by the representative of the empirical literature that addresses the topic, which are necessary for understand the Brazilian case. From the estimation of the income elasticity of imports (0.85) via autoregressive vectors with error correction (VEC), it was calculated five growth rates of income, as predicted by the models of Thirlwall (1979), Thirlwall and Hussain (1982), Moreno-Brid (1998, 2003) and Lourenço et al. (2011) and compared with the actual growth rate. The empirical analysis has shown that: it can not reject the presence of external constraint in the Brazilian economy, there is a strong similarity in growth rates provided by different modeling suggest that growth with external constraint. In addition, when using data in quarterly for the period after 1990 there are no factors that could cause instability in the parameters of the import function (income elasticity and price elasticity of imports) within the period, which indicates that the structural break widely associated with the year 1994 was not confirmed by this study


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The side effects of two insecticides/acaricides, abamectin and lufenuron, on the eggs and larvae of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) were studied in the laboratory (25 +/- 2degreesC, 62 +/- 10% RH and 12-h photophase). The analytical methods used were those proposed by the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC)-Working Group for 'Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms'. Chrysoperla externa egg viability was not affected by abamectin. Neonate larvae from abamectin sprayed eggs as well as first, second and third instar larvae that were directly treated, developed normally and yielded normal adults. Lufenuron presented no adverse effects on egg survival. However, lufenuron induced high mortality in neonate larvae from treated eggs. These neonates, as well as lufenuron treated first and second instar larvae could not molt. In the third instar, high pupal mortality occurred. The results showed that abamectin is innocuous and that lufenurom is toxic to Chrysoperla externa eggs and larvae.


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The citrus-growing ecosystem houses a great deal of species of natural enemies, among them Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861), which presents a great potential for use in the biological control of pests. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the preys Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) and Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy, 1907) on the development of larva and pupa of C. externa. The trial was carried out in an acclimatized room at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, 70 +/- 10% RH and 12-hour photophase, the treatments consisting of the continuous and alternate supply of those two preys in each instar of the predator, in addition to eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) utilized for comparison purposes. Both the white mealybug and the aphids were given in sufficient amounts to the C. externa larvae to be able to feed ad libitum. The lifetime and the survival rate of the phases of larva, pupa and the larval-adult period of C. externa were evaluated. It was found that T. citricida given either singly along the larval development or in two consecutive instars of the predator was not an adequate prey, 100% of mortality over the larval-adult period being found. When the larvae fed on P. citri, given in two instars of the predator, the survival rate in the larval-adult period was similar to the diet constituted of only A. kuehniella eggs, except when fed with T. citricida in the first instar.


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The lacewings appear in many agroecosystems, preying several species of agricultural pests. They have great search capability, high voracity, high reproductive potential and are easily maintained in laboratory conditions. In laboratory rearing, to avoid problems in the mass production are recommended adjustments in the type and quality of prey to be used in order to obtain individuals with desirable characteristics. It is necessary special care with the laboratory populations, avoiding problems from inbreeding. Larvae were reared individually in Petri dishes (9.0 cm diameter) and fed with eggs of Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in the amount of 25 mg / larva, while the adults were kept in PVC cylindrical cages (10 cm x 30 cm). Thus, the study analyzed the influence of the size of the population of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) on the pre-imaginal period (egg to adult) and reproductive capacity of this specie come from different populations and generations of laboratory. To this end, we used two populations, one of Jaboticabal (F-8 and F-21) and one of Piracicaba (F-6 and F-15), and subpopulations of 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 couples, analyzing the incubation of eggs and the number of eggs per female in each population, generation and subpopulation. The pre-imaginal period (egg to adult) and the number of eggs per female of C. externa are influenced by the generation and the number of founding individuals, being these parameters favored when laboratory populations are established with the largest number of couples.


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Foram avaliados os aspectos biológicos dos estádios imaturos de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) e Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider), alimentados com ovos e ninfas de Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B. Ovos dos predadores foram individualizados em recipientes de vidro de fundo chato com 2,5 cm de diâmetro e 8,5 cm de altura que foram mantidos à temperatura de 25±2ºC, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 14h. Após a eclosão das larvas, discos de folhas de tomateiro e de couve com 2 cm de diâmetro, contendo ovos e ninfas de B. tabaci, respectivamente, foram colocados nos recipientes. A duração e a viabilidade de cada ínstar e da fase pupal de ambas as espécies predadoras alimentadas com diferentes estágios da presa foram avaliados. Larvas de primeiro ínstar de C. externa apresentaram desenvolvimento mais lento quando alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci biotipo B monstrando influência do estágio da presa fornecida no período de desenvolvimento do predador. O mesmo não ocorreu para a espécie C. cincta. O desenvolvimento de larvas de primeiro ínstar de ambas as espécies predadoras foi semelhante quando foram alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci; porém C. cincta apresentou período de desenvolvimento mais longo (5,4 dias) comparada a C. externa (4,0 dias) quando alimentada com ninfas da presa. Para larvas de segundo e terceiro ínstares e para a duração da fase larval não houve influência do estágio da presa fornecida (ovo ou ninfa) no período de desenvolvimento. A duração do segundo ínstar foi maior para C. cincta do que para C. externa (4,8 e 4,1 dias, respectivamente). Porém a duração do terceiro instar foi maior e da fase larval foi menor para C. externa (6,6 e 15,3 dias, respectivamente) do que para C. cincta (6,4 e 16,7 dias, respectivamente). A viabilidade dos ínstares foi acima de 90% para ambas as espécies. No entanto, menor porcentagem de viabilidade da fase de pupa foi registrada para C. cincta, quando alimentada com ovos (30%) ou ninfas (55,6%).