907 resultados para nurses


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Aims. To explore differences in self-care behaviour according to demographic and illness characteristics; and relationships among self-care behaviour and demographic and illness characteristics, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations of people with type 2 diabetes in Taiwan. Background. Most people with diabetes do not control their disease appropriately in Taiwan. Enhanced self-efficacy towards managing diseases can be an effective way of improving disease control as proposed by the self-efficacy model which provides a useful framework for understanding adherence to self-care behaviours. Design and methods. The sample comprised 145 patients with type 2 diabetes aged 30 years or more from diabetes outpatient clinics in Taipei. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire for this study. One-way anova, t-tests, Pearson product moment correlation and hierarchical regression were analysed for the study. Results. Significant differences were found: between self-care behaviour and complications (t = −2·52, p < 0·01) and patient education (t = −1·96, p < 0·05). Self-care behaviour was significantly and positively correlated with duration of diabetes (r = 0·36, p < 0·01), efficacy expectations (r = 0·54, p < 0·01) and outcome expectations (r = 0·44, p < 0·01). A total of 39·1% of variance in self-care behaviour can be explained by duration of diabetes, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Conclusions. Findings support the use of the self-efficacy model as a framework for understanding adherence to self-care behaviour. Relevance to clinical practice. Using self-efficacy theory when designing patient education interventions for people with type 2 diabetes will enhance self-management routines and assist in reducing major complications in the future.


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The purpose of this paper is to present a framework to guide critical thinking through reflective journaling, and describe how a group of 20 Middle Eastern nurses used reflective journaling to enhance their practice. Journal documentation was used during clinical practicum to foster the development of critical thinking in order to assist nurses when analysing and evaluating their clinical experiences. The findings from this study demonstrated that nurses accepted the framework for journal documentation because it provided structure for reflection, speculation, synthesis and metacognition of events experienced during clinical practice. Journaling gave nurses the opportunity to transfer thoughts onto paper and write down subjective and objective data, and created dialogue between the nurse educators and nurses. They were engaged in productive and positive activity to enhance their nursing practice. Nurses also commented that writing helped to develop their confidence in writing English.


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There has been limited research into the scope or standards of specialist palliative care nursing practice in an Australian context. This study sought to develop a competency framework that described the core domains of specialist palliative care nursing. This article explores one key domain of specialist palliative care nursing practice - therapeutic relationships - that was identified as underpinning other domains of practice. A mixed method was used, involving a literature review, a survey including practice exemplars and an interview of specialist palliative care nurses. Seventy-four registered nurses working in designated specialist palliative care nursing roles from each Australian state and mainland territory were involved. The nurses represented metropolitan, regional, rural and remote communities, various inpatient facilities and community practice settings. Five core domains of specialist palliative care nursing practice were identified: complex supportive care, collaborative practice, leadership, improving practice and therapeutic relationships. Therapeutic relationships were identified as the central domain of specialist palliative care nursing practice to which all other domains were inextricably linked.


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The management of congenital talipes equinovarus (TEV) has received much clinical and research attention within the disciplines of medicine and physiotherapy. However, few articles have been published about the role of the registered nurse in contributing to the optimum health and wellbeing of the child and family presenting for assessment and treatment of the condition. Much of the most intense treatment for TEV occurs in the first few weeks of the child’s life; a time of critical growth and development when the infant is both sensitive and vulnerable to the environment within which it is nurtured. This is also a crucial time for developing a secure attachment to the caregiver and nurses can assist parents in optimising their infant’s opportunities for a secure attachment relationship. This paper thus provides an overview of the medical and physiotherapy management of TEV and highlights the role nurses have in providing nursing care and psycho-social support to parents of infants with TEV, in areas such as the maintenance of skin integrity and circulation, providing effective pain relief, and optimising growth, development, and a secure attachment relationship. Congenital TEV or 'club foot' is one of the most common congenital orthopaedic anomalies of infants. In Queensland in 2000, in approximately 50,000 births, 244 infants were born with talipes; almost five infants per 1000 births. National statistics are not as specific, with coding providing only 'other lower limb' as the category that would encompass talipes; the 1997 national incidence of such lower limb congenital malformations is reported as 1.7 per 10,000 births 1.


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AIM: To draw on empirical evidence to illustrate the core role of nurse practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. BACKGROUND: Enacted legislation provides for mutual recognition of qualifications, including nursing, between New Zealand and Australia. As the nurse practitioner role is relatively new in both countries, there is no consistency in role expectation and hence mutual recognition has not yet been applied to nurse practitioners. A study jointly commissioned by both countries' Regulatory Boards developed information on the core role of the nurse practitioner, to develop shared competency and educational standards. Reporting on this study's process and outcomes provides insights that are relevant both locally and internationally. METHOD: This interpretive study used multiple data sources, including published and grey literature, policy documents, nurse practitioner program curricula and interviews with 15 nurse practitioners from the two countries. Data were analysed according to the appropriate standard for each data type and included both deductive and inductive methods. The data were aggregated thematically according to patterns within and across the interview and material data. FINDINGS: The core role of the nurse practitioner was identified as having three components: dynamic practice, professional efficacy and clinical leadership. Nurse practitioner practice is dynamic and involves the application of high level clinical knowledge and skills in a wide range of contexts. The nurse practitioner demonstrates professional efficacy, enhanced by an extended range of autonomy that includes legislated privileges. The nurse practitioner is a clinical leader with a readiness and an obligation to advocate for their client base and their profession at the systems level of health care. CONCLUSION: A clearly articulated and research informed description of the core role of the nurse practitioner provides the basis for development of educational and practice competency standards. These research findings provide new perspectives to inform the international debate about this extended level of nursing practice. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: The findings from this research have the potential to achieve a standardised approach and internationally consistent nomenclature for the nurse practitioner role.


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This study examined the psychometric properties of an expanded version of the Algase Wandering Scale (Version 2) (AWS-V2) in a cross-cultural sample. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Study subjects were 172 English-speaking persons with dementia (PWD) from long-term care facilities in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Two or more facility staff rated each subject on the AWS-V2. Demographic and cognitive data (MMSE) were also obtained. Staff provided information on their own knowledge of the subject and of dementia. Separate factor analyses on data from two samples of raters each explained greater than 66% of the variance in AWS-V2 scores and validated four (persistent walking, navigational deficit, eloping behavior, and shadowing) of five factors in the original scale. Items added to create the AWS-V2 strengthened the shadowing subscale, failed to improve the routinized walking subscale, and added a factor, attention shifting as compared to the original AWS. Evidence for validity was found in significant correlations and ANOVAs between the AWS-V2 and most subscales with a single item indicator of wandering and with the MMSE. Evidence of reliability was shown by internal consistency of the AWS-V2 (0.87, 0.88) and its subscales (range 0.88 to 0.66), with Kappa for individual items (17 of 27 greater than 0.4), and ANOVAs comparing ratings across rater groups (nurses, nurse aids, and other staff). Analyses support validity and reliability of the AWS-V2 overall and for persistent walking, spatial disorientation, and eloping behavior subscales. The AWS-V2 and its subscales are an appropriate way to measure wandering as conceptualized within the Need-driven Dementia-compromised Behavior Model in studies of English-speaking subjects. Suggestions for further strengthening the scale and for extending its use to clinical applications are described.


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Crime in the Professions critically examines the nature and extent of crime and deviance in the professions and how it should be dealt with. The increasing professionalization of the work force and the changes in the way in which professionals carry out their work, such as through the use of computing and communications technology, have created new opportunities for professionals to break the law. Looking in detail at the nature and extent of crime committed by professionals such as doctors, accountants and nurses the book offers some innovative solutions on preventing and controlling professional crime. In addition to examining the nature and extent of crime in the professions, it also addresses some critical issues of regulation for the future, concerning new and emerging professional groups and issues relating to emerging technologies.


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Aim This paper is a report of a study conducted to validate an instrument for measuring advanced practice nursing role delineation in an international contemporary health service context using the Delphi technique. Background Although most countries now have clear definitions and competency standards for nurse practitioners, no such clarity exists for many advanced practice nurse roles, leaving healthcare providers uncertain whether their service needs can or should be met by an advanced practice nurse or a nurse practitioner. The validation of a tool depicting advanced practice nursing is essential for the appropriate deployment of advanced practice nurses. This paper is the second in a three-phase study to develop an operational framework for assigning advanced practice nursing roles. Method An expert panel was established to review the activities in the Strong Model of Advanced Practice Role Delineation tool. Using the Delphi technique, data were collected via an on-line survey through a series of iterative rounds in 2008. Feedback and statistical summaries of responses were distributed to the panel until the 75% consensus cut-off was obtained. Results After three rounds and modification of five activities, consensus was obtained for validation of the content of this tool. Conclusion The Strong Model of Advanced Practice Role Delineation tool is valid for depicting the dimensions of practice of the advanced practice role in an international contemporary health service context thereby having the potential to optimize the utilization of the advanced practice nursing workforce.


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to assess the capacity of a written intervention, in this case a patient information brochure, to improve patient satisfaction during an Emergency Department (ED) visit. For the purpose of measuring the effect of the intervention the ED journey was conceptualised as a series of distinct areas of service comprising waiting time, service by the triage nurse, care from doctors and nurses and information giving Background of study: Research into patient satisfaction has become a widespread activity endorsed by both governments and hospital administrations. The literature on ED patient satisfaction has consistently indicated three primary areas of patient dissatisfaction: waiting time, nursing care and communication. Recent developments in the literature on patient satisfaction studies however have highlighted the relationship between patients. expectations of a service encounter and their consequent assessment of the experience as dissatisfying or satisfying. Disconfirmation theory posits that the degree to which expectations are confirmed will affect subsequent levels of satisfaction. The conceptual framework utilised in this study is Coye.s (2004) model of disconfirmation. Coye while reiterating satisfaction is a consequence of the degree expectations are either confirmed or disconfirmed also posits that expectations can be modified by interventions. Coye.s work conceptualises these interventions as intra encounter experiences (cues) which function to adjust expectations. Coye suggests some cues are unintended and may have a negative impact which also reinforces the value of planned cues intended to meet or exceed consumer expectations. Consequently the brochure can be characterized as a potentially positive cue, encouraging the patient to understand processes and to orient them in what can be a confronting environment. Only a limited number of studies have examined the effect of written interventions within an ED. No studies could be located which have tested the effect of ED interventions using a conceptual framework which relates the effect of the degree to which expectations are confirmed or disconfirmed in terms of satisfaction with services. Method: Two studies were conducted. Study One used qualitative methods to explore patients. expectations of the ED from the perspective of both patients and health care professionals. Study One was used in part to direct the development of the intervention (brochure) in Study Two. The brochure was an intervention designed to modify patients. expectations thus increasing their satisfaction with the provision of ED service. As there was no existing tools to measure ED patients. expectations and satisfaction a new tool was also developed based on the findings and the literature of Study One. Study Two used a non-randomised, quasi-experimental approach using a non-equivalent post-test only comparison group design used to investigate the effect of the patient education brochure (Stommel and Wills, 2004). The brochure was disseminated to one of two study groups (the intervention group). The effect of the brochure was assessed by comparing the data obtained from both the intervention and control group. These two groups consisted of 150 participants each. It was expected that any differences in the relevant domains selected for examination would indicate the effect of the brochure both on expectation and potentially satisfaction. Results: Study One revealed several areas of common ground between patients and nurses in terms of relevant content for the written intervention, including the need for information on the triage system and waiting times. Areas of difference were also found with patients emphasizing communication issues, whereas focus group members expressed concern that patients were often unable to assimilate verbal information. The findings suggested the potential utility of written material to reinforce verbal communication particularly in terms of the triage process and other ED protocols. This material was synthesized within the final version of the written intervention. Overall the results of Study Two indicated no significant differences between the two groups. The intervention group did indicate a significant number of participants who viewed the brochure of having changed their expectations. The effect of the brochure may have been obscured by a lack of parity between the two groups as the control group presented with statistically significantly higher levels of acuity and experienced significantly shorter waiting times. In terms of disconfirmation theory this would suggest expectations that had been met or exceeded. The results confirmed the correlation of expectations with satisfaction. Several domains also indicated age as a significant predictor with older patients tending to score higher satisfaction results. Other significant predictors of satisfaction established were waiting time and care from nurses, reinforcing the combination of efficient service and positive interpersonal experiences as being valued by patients. Conclusions: Information presented in written form appears to benefit a significant number of ED users in terms of orientation and explaining systems and procedures. The degree to which these effects may interact with other dimensions of satisfaction however is likely to be limited. Waiting time and interpersonal behaviours from staff also provide influential cues in determining satisfaction. Written material is likely to be one element in a series of coordinated strategies to improve patient satisfaction during periods of peak demand.


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Patients undergoing radiation therapy for cancer face a series of challenges that require support from a multidisciplinary team which includes radiation oncology nurses. However, the specific contribution of nursing, and the models of care that best support the delivery of nursing interventions in the radiotherapy setting, is not well described. In this case study, the Interaction Model of Client Health Behaviour and the associated principles of person-centred care were incorporated into a new model of care that was implemented in one radiation oncology setting in Brisbane, Australia. The new model of care was operationalised through a Primary Nursing/Collaborative Practice framework. To evaluate the impact of the new model for patients and health professionals, multiple sources of data were collected from patients and clinical staff prior to, during, and 18 months following introduction of the practice redesign. One cohort of patients and clinical staff completed surveys incorporating measures of key outcomes immediately prior to implementation of the model, while a second cohort of patients and clinical staff completed these same surveys 18 months following introduction of the model. In-depth interviews were also conducted with nursing, medical and allied health staff throughout the implementation phase to obtain a more comprehensive account of the processes and outcomes associated with implementing such a model. From the patients’ perspectives, this study demonstrated that, although adverse effects of radiotherapy continue to affect patient well-being, patients continue to be satisfied with nursing care in this specialty, and that they generally reported high levels of functioning despite undergoing a curative course of radiotherapy. From the health professionals’ perspective, there was evidence of attitudinal change by nursing staff within the radiotherapy department which reflected a greater understanding and appreciation of a more person-centred approach to care. Importantly, this case study has also confirmed that a range of factors need to be considered when redesigning nursing practice in the radiotherapy setting, as the challenges associated with changing traditional practices, ensuring multidisciplinary approaches to care, and resourcing a new model were experienced. The findings from this study suggest that the move from a relatively functional approach to a person-centred approach in the radiotherapy setting has contributed to some improvements in the provision of individualised and coordinated patient care. However, this study has also highlighted that primary nursing may be limited in its approach as a framework for patient care unless it is supported by a whole team approach, an appropriate supportive governance model, and sufficient resourcing. Introducing such a model thus requires effective education, preparation and ongoing support for the whole team. The challenges of providing care in the context of complex interdisciplinary relationships have been highlighted by this study. Aspects of this study may assist in planning further nursing interventions for patients undergoing radiotherapy for cancer, and continue to enhance the contribution of the radiation oncology nurse to improved patient outcomes.


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Objective: To identify knowledge, attitudes and practices of child health nurses relating to infant wrapping as an effective settling/sleep strategy. Methods: A pre-test/post-test intervention design was used to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to wrapping in a sample of child health nurses (n=182): a) pre-test survey; b) educational intervention incorporating evidence relating to infant wrapping; SIDS&KIDS endorsed infant wrapping pamphlet; Safe Sleeping recommendations. Emphasis was placed on infant wrapping as an effective settling strategy for parents to use as an alternative to prone positioning; c) post-test survey to evaluate intervention effectiveness. Results: Pretest results identified wide variation in nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and practices of infant wrapping as a settling/sleep strategy. The intervention increased awareness of wrapping guidelines and self-reported practices relating to parent advice. Significant positive changes in nurses’ awareness of wrapping guidelines (p<0.001); to wrap in supine position only (p<0.001); and parental advice to use wrapping as an alternative strategy to prone positioning to assist settling/sleep (p<0.01), were achieved post-test. Conclusions: Managing unsettled infants and promoting safe sleeping practices are issues routinely addressed by child health nurses working with parents of young infants. Queensland has a high incidence of prone sleeping. Infant wrapping is an evidence-based strategy to improve settling and promote supine sleep consistent with public health recommendations. Infant wrapping guidelines are now included in Queensland Health’s state policy and Australian SIDSandKids information relating to safe infant sleeping. In communicating complex health messages to parents, health professionals have a key role in reinforcing safe sleeping recommendations and offering safe, effective settling/sleep strategies to address the non-recommended use of prone positioning for unsettled infants.