903 resultados para natural resistance associated macrophage protein 2


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Childhood obesity is one of the greatest public health challenges in Western countries. Abnormal eating behavior is thought to be a developmental trajectory to obesity. The Eating Pattern Inventory for Children (EPI-C) has not been used for children as young as eight years, and possible associations with body weight have not yet been established. Five hundred and twenty-one children of the Ulm Birth Cohort Study (UBCS; age eight) filled out the EPI-C and BMI was assessed. Adequacy of the scales was tested with confirmatory factor analysis and a MANOVA and cluster analysis established associations between eating patterns and BMI. The factor structure of the EPI-C was confirmed (GFI = .968) and abnormal eating behavior was associated with overweight (χ2(8) = 79.29, p<.001). The EPI-C is a valid assessment tool in this young age group. Overweight children consciously restrain their eating.


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Camillo Golgi's "Reazione Nera" led to the discovery of dendritic spines, small appendages originating from dendritic shafts. With the advent of electron microscopy (EM) they were identified as sites of synaptic contact. Later it was found that changes in synaptic strength were associated with changes in the shape of dendritic spines. While live-cell imaging was advantageous in monitoring the time course of such changes in spine structure, EM is still the best method for the simultaneous visualization of all cellular components, including actual synaptic contacts, at high resolution. Immunogold labeling for EM reveals the precise localization of molecules in relation to synaptic structures. Previous EM studies of spines and synapses were performed in tissue subjected to aldehyde fixation and dehydration in ethanol, which is associated with protein denaturation and tissue shrinkage. It has remained an issue to what extent fine structural details are preserved when subjecting the tissue to these procedures. In the present review, we report recent studies on the fine structure of spines and synapses using high-pressure freezing (HPF), which avoids protein denaturation by aldehydes and results in an excellent preservation of ultrastructural detail. In these studies, HPF was used to monitor subtle fine-structural changes in spine shape associated with chemically induced long-term potentiation (cLTP) at identified hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. Changes in spine shape result from reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. We report that cLTP was associated with decreased immunogold labeling for phosphorylated cofilin (p-cofilin), an actin-depolymerizing protein. Phosphorylation of cofilin renders it unable to depolymerize F-actin, which stabilizes the actin cytoskeleton. Decreased levels of p-cofilin, in turn, suggest increased actin turnover, possibly underlying the changes in spine shape associated with cLTP. The findings reviewed here establish HPF as an appropriate method for studying the fine structure and molecular composition of synapses on dendritic spines.


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BACKGROUND Dysregulation of the coagulation system due to inflammatory responses and cross-species molecular incompatibilities represents a major obstacle to successful xenotransplantation. We hypothesized that complement inhibition mediated by transgenic expression of human CD46 in pigs might also regulate the coagulation and fibrinolysis cascades and tested this in ex vivo human-to-pig xenoperfusions. METHODS Forelimbs of wild-type and hCD46/HLA-E double transgenic pigs were ex vivo xenoperfused for 12 hours with whole heparinized human blood. Muscle biopsies were stained for galactose-α1,3-galactose, immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin G, complement, fibrin, tissue factor, fibrinogen-like protein 2, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1. The PAI-1/tPA complexes, D-dimers, and prothrombin fragment F1 + 2 were measured in plasma samples after ex vivo xenoperfusion. RESULTS No differences of galactose expression or deposition of immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G were found in xenoperfused tissues of wild type and transgenic limbs. In contrast, significantly lower deposition of C5b-9 (P < 0.0001), fibrin (P = 0.009), and diminished expression of tissue factor (P = 0.005) and fibrinogen-like protein 2 (P = 0.028) were found in xenoperfused tissues of transgenic limbs. Levels of prothrombin fragment F1 + 2 (P = 0.031) and D-dimers (P = 0.044) were significantly lower in plasma samples obtained from transgenic as compared to wild-type pig limb perfusions. The expression of the fibrinolytic marker tPA was significantly higher (P = 0.009), whereas PAI-1 expression (P = 0.022) and PAI-1/tPA complexes in plasma (P = 0.015) were lower after transgenic xenoperfusion as compared to wild-type xenoperfusions. CONCLUSIONS In this human-to-pig xenoperfusion model, complement inhibition by transgenic hCD46 expression led to a significant inhibition of procoagulant and antifibrinolytic pathways.


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PURPOSE Antiseptic solutions are commonly used in dentistry for a number of sterilization procedures, including harvesting of bone chips, irrigation of extraction sockets, and sterilization of osteonecrotic bone. Despite its widespread use, little information is available regarding the effects of various antiseptic solutions on bone cell viability, morphology, and the release of growth factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS The antiseptic solutions included 1) 0.5% povidone iodine (PI), 2) 0.2% chlorhexidine diguluconate (CHX), 3) 1% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and 4) 0.25% sodium hypochlorite (HYP). Bone samples collected from porcine mandibular cortical bone were rinsed in the antiseptic solutions for 10 minutes and assessed for cell viability using an MTS assay and protein release of transforming growth factor (TGF-β1), bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin (IL)-1β, and receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at 15 minutes and 4 hours after rinsing. RESULTS After antiseptic rinsing, changes to the surface protein content showed marked alterations, with an abundant protein layer remaining on CHX-rinsed bone samples. The amount of surface protein content gradually decreased in the following order: CHX, H2O2, PI, and HYP. A similar trend was also observed for the relative cell viability from within bone samples after rinsing, with up to 6 times more viable cells found in the CHX-rinsed bone samples than in the HYP- and PI-rinsed samples. An analysis of the growth factors found that both HYP and PI had significantly lower VEGF and TGF-β1 protein release from bone samples at 15 minutes and 4 hours after rinsing compared with CHX and H2O2. A similar trend was observed for RANKL and IL-1β protein release, although no change was observed for BMP2. CONCLUSIONS The results from the present study have demonstrated that antiseptic solutions present with very different effects on bone samples after 10 minutes of rinsing. Rinsing with CHX maintained significantly higher cell viability and protein release of growth factors potent to the bone remodeling cycle.


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In vitro engineered tissues which recapitulate functional and morphological properties of bone marrow and bone tissue will be desirable to study bone regeneration under fully controlled conditions. Among the key players in the initial phase of bone regeneration are mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) that are in close contact in many tissues. Additionally, the generation of tissue constructs for in vivo transplantations has included the use of ECs since insufficient vascularization is one of the bottlenecks in (bone) tissue engineering. Here, 3D cocultures of human bone marrow derived MSCs (hBM-MSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in synthetic biomimetic poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based matrices are directed toward vascularized bone mimicking tissue constructs. In this environment, bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) promotes the formation of vascular networks. However, while osteogenic differentiation is achieved with BMP-2, the treatment with FGF-2 suppressed osteogenic differentiation. Thus, this study shows that cocultures of hBM-MSCs and HUVECs in biological inert PEG matrices can be directed toward bone and bone marrow-like 3D tissue constructs.


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OBJECTIVE To determine whether body weight, body condition score, or various body dimensions were associated with acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion and whether any of these factors were associated with severity of clinical signs in Dachshunds. DESIGN Cross-sectional clinical study. ANIMALS 75 Dachshunds with (n = 39) or without (36) acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion. PROCEDURES Signalment, various body measurements, body weight, body condition score, and spinal cord injury grade were recorded at the time of initial examination. RESULTS Mean T1-S1 distance and median tuber calcaneus-to-patellar tendon (TC-PT) distance were significantly shorter in affected than in unaffected dogs. A 1-cm decrease in T1-S1 distance was associated with a 2.1-times greater odds of being affected, and a 1-cm decrease in TC-PT distance was associated with an 11.1-times greater odds of being affected. Results of multivariable logistic regression also indicated that affected dogs were taller at the withers and had a larger pelvic circumference than unaffected dogs, after adjusting for other body measurements. Results of ordinal logistic regression indicated that longer T1-S1 distance, taller height at the withers, and smaller pelvic circumference were associated with more severe spinal cord injury. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggest that certain body dimensions may be associated with acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion in Dachshunds and, in affected dogs, with severity of neurologic dysfunction.


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BACKGROUND Enamel matrix derivatives (EMDs) have been used clinically for more than a decade for the regeneration of periodontal tissues. The aim of the present study is to analyze the effect on cell growth of EMDs in a gel carrier in comparison to EMDs in a liquid carrier. EMDs in a liquid carrier have been shown to adsorb better to bone graft materials. METHODS Primary human osteoblasts and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells were exposed to EMDs in both gel and liquid carriers and compared for their ability to induce cell proliferation and differentiation. Alizarin red staining and real-time polymerase chain reaction for expression of genes encoding collagen 1, osteocalcin, and runt-related transcription factor 2, as well as bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, and interleukin (IL)-1β, were assessed. RESULTS EMDs in both carriers significantly increased cell proliferation of both osteoblasts and PDL cells in a similar manner. Both formulations also significantly upregulated the expression of genes encoding BMP2 and TGF-β1 as well as decreased the expression of IL-1β. EMDs in the liquid carrier further retained similar differentiation potential of both osteoblasts and PDL cells by demonstrating increased collagen and osteocalcin gene expression and significantly higher alizarin red staining. CONCLUSIONS The results from the present study indicate that the new formulation of EMDs in a liquid carrier is equally as potent as EMDs in a gel carrier in inducing osteoblast and PDL activity. Future study combining EMDs in a liquid carrier with bone grafting materials is required to further evaluate its potential for combination therapies.


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Objectives. To determine demographic correlates of having one or more guns in the household of women primary care patients in the southern USA. ^ Methods. All participants in this cross-sectional study were women aged 18-65 who were insured by either Medicaid or a managed care provider and had ever had an intimate sexual relationship with a male partner that lasted at least three months. Prevalence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using stratified analyses for having a gun in the home and the following demographic factors: age, race, educational attainment, marital status, employment status, and alcohol/drug use. ^ Results. Twenty six percent of households had at least one gun and 6.5% had 3 or more guns. The following demographic characteristics of women were associated with having a gun in the household: age (>40) (prevalence rate ratio [PRR] = 1.4; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.1–1.8); White race (PRR = 1.89; 95% CI = 1.61–2.27); currently being employed (PRR = 1.72; 95% CI = 1.222.44); higher education; and being insured by an HMO (PRR = 1.92; 95% CI = 1.47–2.50). Neither the partner's unemployment nor his substance use was associated with having a gun. While White households were more likely to have a gun, the same correlates of gun ownership held for both White and African-American households; being married or living as married and higher socio-economic status (i.e. HMO insurance and being employed) were strongly correlated with gun in the household. The following were correlated with having multiple guns in the household: White race (p < 0.0001); increased age (p = 0.005); being currently married or living as married (p < 0.0001); and HMO insured status (p < 0.0001). Among those households with at least one gun, White race and married or currently living as married were associated with having 2 or more guns relative to one gun in the household. ^ Conclusions. Currently living with a man and being of higher socio-economic status were strong correlates of household gun ownership among both Whites and African-Americans. Substance use was not associated with household gun ownership. ^


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El presente trabajo se propone: 1. Determinar las distintas formas de testar que adoptó el derecho romano, a lo largo de su evolución histórica. 2. Caracterizar la captatio testamenti, una profesión insólita y lucrativa cuya existencia se constata ya en la Roma republicana, a través del testimonio de Plauto en el Miles gloriosus y que se difundió notablemente durante los primeros siglos del Imperio, en los que se convirtió en un medio de progreso social. 3. Analizar esta actividad desde diferentes perspectivas de acuerdo con los tipos humanos que participan en ella: los captatores testamentorum o heredipetae y los testatores. El corpus trabajado abarca a Plauto (Miles gloriosus), Horacio (Sátira 2,5), Séneca (De beneficiis y Epist. 95), Marcial (Epigramas), Petronio (Satiricón), Juvenal (Sátira 12), Plinio el Viejo (Hist. Natural), Plinio el Joven (Epist. 2, 20).


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In September-October 1998, during Cruise 14 of R/V Akademik Fedorov to the Barents Sea, in the region of 82° N between the Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya archipelagos samples of snow and ice were collected within four polygons. By means of atomic absorption with an electothermal atomizer (onboard the ship) in filtered (dissolved form) and unfiltered (sum of dissolved and particulate forms) samples of snow melt and ice melt concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Co, Pb, and Cd were determined in order to estimate level of potential contamination of snow and ice with these metals. Excluding data on Ni, Cd (and probably Cu) in ice that were regarded to be unsatisfactory because of probable contamination of the ice samples during drilling concentrations of all the elements in snow and ice of the northern part of the Barents Sea appeared to be close to their background values or below. An attempt to identify the main sources of metal supply to snow from the atmosphere by comparison of ratios of metal particulate form to total content in snow of the Barents Sea and the same ratios in snow samples from clean regions of Finland and from contaminated areas of the Kola Peninsula showed that aerosols in the area of the expedition were supplied into the Barents Sea atmosphere from different sources, both natural and anthropogenic.


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High-resolution delta18O records from the equatorial Pacific (site 503B), equatorial Atlantic (site 665A), and North Atlantic (site 606A) based on the benthic foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi show the 2.4 Ma onset of major northern hemispheric glaciation to be a package of three events occurring at 2.39, 2.35, and 2.31 Ma in which a periodicity of about 40 kyr is evident. The amplitude of the signals at the three sites indicates that these events were 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the latest Quaternary glaciation and also indicates cooling of northern source bottom water by 2.7°-4.1°C relative to southern source water during glaciations. Carbon isotopes indicate that southern source waters were less oxygenated than in the Quaternary and that there was reduced production of northern source water during glacial intervals. The dominant presence of southern source water in the eastern basin of the equatorial Atlantic, regardless of climatic cycles, throughout the late Pliocene indicates a greater influence of these waters relative to northern source waters in the late Pliocene ocean.


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En este artículo se analizan prácticas y decisiones productivas sobre el uso de los recursos naturales por parte de productores de perfil familiar del partido de Lobería, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sobre la base de entrevistas a agentes productivos e informantes clave se indaga en los principales condicionantes económicos -concentración, mercado de tierras, políticas de precios agrícolas- que inciden en las decisiones de los productores e influyen sobre sus prácticas productivas. Advertimos diferentes lógicas sobre el uso de los recursos naturales asociadas al tipo de productor y su diversificación productiva, e identificamos diferentes razonabilidades.