881 resultados para nanometer island
The severity of Helicobacter pylori infections largely depends on the genetic diversity of the infecting strain, and particularly on the presence of the cag pathogenicity island (cag-PAI). This virulence locus encodes a type-IV secretion system able to translocate in the host cell at least the cag-encoded toxin CagA and peptidoglycan fragments, that together are responsible for the pathogenic phenotype in the host. Little is known about the bacterial regulators that underlie the coordinated expression of cag gene products, needed to assemble a functional secretion system apparatus. To fill this gap, a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptional regulation of the cag-PAI operons was undertaken. To pursue this goal, a robust tool for the analysis of gene expression in H. pylori was first implemented. A bioluminescent reporter system based on the P. luminescens luxCDABE operon was constructed and validated by comparisons with transcriptional analyses, then it was systematically used for the comprehensive study and mapping of the cag promoters. The identification of bona fide cag promoters had permitted to pinpoint the set of cag transcriptional units of the PAI. The responses of these cag transcriptional units to metabolic stress signals were analyzed in detail, and integrated with transcription studies in deletion mutants of important H. pylori virulence regulators and protein-DNA interaction analyses to map the binding sites of the regulators. Finally, a small regulatory RNA cncR1 encoded by the cag-PAI was identified, and the 5’- and 3’-ends of the molecule were mapped by primer extension analyses, northern blot and studies with lux reporter constructs. To identify regulatory effects exerted by cncR1 on the H. pylori gene expression, the cncR1 knock out strain was derived and compared to the parental wild type strain by a macroarray approach. Results suggest a negative effect exerted by cncR1 on the regulome of the alternative sigma54 factor.
Self-assembled molecular structures were investigated on insulating substrate surfaces using non-contact atomic force microscopy. Both, substrate preparation and molecule deposition, took place under ultra-high vacuum conditions. First, C60 molecules were investigated on the TiO2 (110) surface. This surface exhibits parallel running troughs at the nanometer scale, which strongly steer the assembly of the molecules. This is in contrast to the second investigated surface. The CaF2 (111) surface is atomically flat and the molecular assemblyrnwas observed to be far less affected by the surface. Basically different island structures were observed to what is typically know. Based on extensive experimental studies and theoretical considerations, a comprehensive picture of the processes responsible for the island formation of C60 molecules on this insulating surfaces was developed. The key process for the emergence of the observed novel island structures was made out to be the dewetting of molecules from the substrate. This new knowledge allows to further understand andrnexploit self-assembly techniques in structure fabrication on insulating substrate surfaces. To alter island formation and island structure, C60 molecules were codeposited with second molecule species (PTCDI and SubPc) on the CaF2 (111) surface. Depending on the order of deposition, quiet different structures were observed to arise. Thus, these are the first steps towards more complex functional arrangements consisting of two molecule species on insulating surfaces.
La ricerca condotta sulla residenza newyorkese ha evidenziato una tipologia di edilizia pubblica che si dissocia completamente dal contesto cittadino. Si tratta di abitazioni costruite sotto l'autorità NYCHA, ideate per essere "torri nel parco" e diventate invece dei veri e propri ghetti. La proposta di intervento prevende dunque la riabilitazione di uno di questi progetti, attraverso il rapporto con i confini e le strade dell'isolato intorno, indagando sempre sui rapporti sociali che lo vivono.
Nowadays the environmental issues and the climatic change play fundamental roles in the design of urban spaces. Our cities are growing in size, many times only following immediate needs without a long-term vision. Consequently, the sustainable development has become not only an ethical but also a strategic need: we can no longer afford an uncontrolled urban expansion. One serious effect of the territory industrialisation process is the increase of urban air and surfaces temperatures compared to the outlying rural surroundings. This difference in temperature is what constitutes an urban heat island (UHI). The purpose of this study is to provide a clarification on the role of urban surfacing materials in the thermal dynamics of an urban space, resulting in useful indications and advices in mitigating UHI. With this aim, 4 coloured concrete bricks were tested, measuring their emissivity and building up their heat release curves using infrared thermography. Two emissivity evaluation procedures were carried out and subsequently put in comparison. Samples performances were assessed, and the influence of the colour on the thermal behaviour was investigated. In addition, some external pavements were analysed. Albedo and emissivity parameters were evaluated in order to understand their thermal behaviour in different conditions. Surfaces temperatures were recorded in a one-day measurements campaign. ENVI-met software was used to simulate how the tested materials would behave in two typical urban scenarios: a urban canyon and a urban heat basin. Improvements they can carry to the urban microclimate were investigated. Emissivities obtained for the bricks ranged between 0.92 and 0.97, suggesting a limited influence of the colour on this parameter. Nonetheless, white concrete brick showed the best thermal performance, whilst the black one the worst; red and yellow ones performed pretty identical intermediate trends. De facto, colours affected the overall thermal behaviour. Emissivity parameter was measured in the outdoor work, getting (as expected) high values for the asphalts. Albedo measurements, conducted with a sunshine pyranometer, proved the improving effect given by the yellow paint in terms of solar reflection, and the bad influence of haze on the measurement accuracy. ENVI-met simulations gave a demonstration on the effectiveness in thermal improving of some tested materials. In particular, results showed good performances for white bricks and granite in the heat basin scenario, and painted concrete and macadam in the urban canyon scenario. These materials can be considered valuable solutions in UHI mitigation.
Erneute Untersuchungen der mesozoischen Faltenstruktur des Otago Schiefergürtels, Südinsel, Neuseeland, zeigen, dass diese aus zwei aufeinander folgenden, ähnlichen, asymmetrischen, offenen bis mäßig engen Großfaltengenerationen im km- Größenbereich besteht anstatt aus den vorher angenommenen Decken- oder Halbfalten. Hauptproblem der Großfaltenstruktur sind Zonen von durchgreifender Boudinage, die in der Nähe der Großfaltenscharniere entstanden sind. Vorherige Bearbeiter deuteten diese Zonen als 'starke Verformungszonen' oder Überschiebungszonen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass in diesen Zonen nur durch die asymmetrische Faltung die unteren liegenden Schenkel der Großfalten boudiniert und somit häufig die ansonsten typischen Faltenstrukturen des liegenden Schenkels einer symmetrischen Faltung überprägt wurden. Ein weiteres Problem dieser mesozoischen Großfaltenstruktur ist die Überprägung einer Faltengeneration auf eine frühere. Weil die Verkürzungsrichtung der überprägenden Faltengeneration nicht subparallel zur älteren Faltenachse ist, sondern einen Winkel von rund 30 Grad einschließt, ist ein Wechsel von orthogonalen zu koaxialen Interferenzmustern der Kleinfalten beobachtbar. Folglich ist die Orientierung der Scheitellinie einer überprägenden und überprägten Kleinfalte nicht unbedingt subparallel zur Orientierung der Faltenachse der Großfalte trotz zylindrischer Faltung. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Überprägung der mesozoischen Großfaltenstruktur durch das känozoisch entstandene, transpressionale Alpine Störungssystem, das einen zweiseitigen Falten- und Überschiebungsgürtel im Otago und im Nordwesten anschließenden Alpinen Schiefergürtel bildet, beschrieben.
Gli squali bianchi sono tra i più importanti predatori dei Pinnipedi (Klimley et al., 2001; Kock, 2002). La loro principale strategia di caccia consiste nel pattugliare le acque circostanti ad una colonia di otarie e nell’attaccarle quando queste sono in movimento, mentre si allontanano o avvicinano all’isola (Klimley et al., 2001; Kock, 2002). Tuttavia, la strategia e la dinamica della predazione osservate anche in relazione al ciclo riproduttivo della preda e le tattiche comportamentali messe in atto dalla preda per ridurre la probabilità di predazione, e quindi diminuire la sua mortalità, sono ancora poco conosciute. Con questo studio, effettuato nell’area di Seal Island all’interno della baia di Mossel Bay in Sud Africa, abbiamo cercato di definire proprio questi punti ancora poco conosciuti. Per studiare la strategia e le dinamica di predazione dello squalo bianco abbiamo utilizzato il sistema di monitoraggio acustico, in modo da poter approfondire le conoscenze sui loro movimenti e quindi sulle loro abitudini. Per dare un maggiore supporto ai dati ottenuti con la telemetria acustica abbiamo effettuato anche un monitoraggio visivo attraverso l’attrazione (chumming) e l’identificazione fotografica degli squali bianchi. Per comprendere invece i loro movimenti e le tattiche comportamentali messi in atto dalle otarie orsine del capo per ridurre la probabilità di predazione nella baia di Mossel Bay, abbiamo utilizzato il monitoraggio visivo di 24 ore, effettuato almeno una volta al mese, dalla barca nell’area di Seal Island. Anche se gli squali bianchi sono sempre presenti intorno all’isola i dati ottenuti suggeriscono che la maggior presenza di squali/h si verifica da Maggio a Settembre che coincide con l’ultima fase di svezzamento dei cuccioli delle otarie del capo, cioè quando questi iniziano a foraggiare lontano dall'isola per la prima volta; durante il sunrise (alba) durante il sunset (tramonto) quando il livello di luce ambientale è bassa e soprattutto quando la presenza delle prede in acqua è maggiore. Quindi possiamo affermare che gli squali bianchi a Seal Island prendono delle decisioni che vanno ad ottimizzare la loro probabilità di catturare una preda. I risultati preliminari del nostro studio indicano anche che il numero di gruppi di otarie in partenza dall'isola di notte sono di gran lunga maggiori di quelle che partono durante il giorno, forse questo potrebbe riflettere una diminuzione del rischio di predazione; per beneficiare di una vigilanza condivisa, le otarie tendono in media a formare gruppi di 3-5 o 6-9 individui quando si allontanano dall’isola e questo probabilmente le rende meno vulnerabili e più attente dall’essere predate. Successivamente ritornano all’isola da sole o in piccoli gruppi di 2 o 3 individui. I gruppi più piccoli probabilmente riflettono la difficoltà delle singole otarie a riunirsi in gruppi coordinati all'interno della baia.
Global warming and ocean acidification, due to rising atmospheric levels of CO2, represent an actual threat to terrestrial and marine environments. Since Industrial Revolution, in less of 250 years, pH of surface seawater decreased on average of 0.1 unit, and is expected to further decreases of approximately 0.3-0.4 units by the end of this century. Naturally acidified marine areas, such as CO2 vent systems at the Ischia Island, allow to study acclimatation and adaptation of individual species as well as the structure of communities, and ecosystems to OA. The main aim of this thesis was to study how hard bottom sublittoral benthic assemblages changed trough time along a pH gradient. For this purpose, the temporal dynamics of mature assemblages established on artificial substrates (volcanic tiles) over a 3 year- period were analysed. Our results revealed how composition and dynamics of the community were altered and highly simplified at different level of seawater acidification. In fact, extreme low values of pH (approximately 6.9), affected strongly the assemblages, reducing diversity both in terms of taxa and functional groups, respect to lower acidification levels (mean pH 7.8) and ambient conditions (8.1 unit). Temporal variation was observed in terms of species composition but not in functional groups. Variability was related to species belonging to the same functional group, suggesting the occurrence of functional redundancy. Therefore, the analysis of functional groups kept information on the structure, but lost information on species diversity and dynamics. Decreasing in ocean pH is only one of many future global changes that will occur at the end of this century (increase of ocean temperature, sea level rise, eutrophication etc.). The interaction between these factors and OA could exacerbate the community and ecosystem effects showed by this thesis.
CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) is being investigated for its role in the molecular and prognostic classification of colorectal cancer patients but is also emerging as a factor with the potential to influence clinical decision-making. We report a comprehensive analysis of clinico-pathological and molecular features (KRAS, BRAF and microsatellite instability, MSI) as well as of selected tumour- and host-related protein markers characterizing CIMP-high (CIMP-H), -low, and -negative colorectal cancers. Immunohistochemical analysis for 48 protein markers and molecular analysis of CIMP (CIMP-H: ? 4/5 methylated genes), MSI (MSI-H: ? 2 instable genes), KRAS, and BRAF were performed on 337 colorectal cancers. Simple and multiple regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were performed. CIMP-H was found in 24 cases (7.1%) and linked (p < 0.0001) to more proximal tumour location, BRAF mutation, MSI-H, MGMT methylation (p = 0.022), advanced pT classification (p = 0.03), mucinous histology (p = 0.069), and less frequent KRAS mutation (p = 0.067) compared to CIMP-low or -negative cases. Of the 48 protein markers, decreased levels of RKIP (p = 0.0056), EphB2 (p = 0.0045), CK20 (p = 0.002), and Cdx2 (p < 0.0001) and increased numbers of CD8+ intra-epithelial lymphocytes (p < 0.0001) were related to CIMP-H, independently of MSI status. In addition to the expected clinico-pathological and molecular associations, CIMP-H colorectal cancers are characterized by a loss of protein markers associated with differentiation, and metastasis suppression, and have increased CD8+ T-lymphocytes regardless of MSI status. In particular, Cdx2 loss seems to strongly predict CIMP-H in both microsatellite-stable (MSS) and MSI-H colorectal cancers. Cdx2 is proposed as a surrogate marker for CIMP-H.
Despite its appeal to explain plant invasions, the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) remains largely unexplored for tropical forest trees. Even scarcer are ERH studies conducted on the same host species at both the community and biogeographical scale, irrespective of the system or plant life form. In Cabrits National Park, Dominica, we observed patterns consistent with enemy release of two introduced, congeneric mahogany species, Swietenia macrophylla and S. mahagoni, planted almost 50 years ago. Swietenia populations at Cabrits have reproduced, with S. macrophylla juveniles established in and out of plantation areas at densities much higher than observed in its native range. Swietenia macrophylla juveniles also experienced significantly lower leaf-level herbivory (~3.0%) than nine co-occurring species native to Dominica (8.4–21.8%), and far lower than conspecific herbivory observed in its native range (11%–43%, on average). These complimentary findings at multiple scales support ERH, and confirm that Swietenia has naturalized at Cabrits. However, Swietenia abundance was positively correlated with native plant diversity at the seedling stage, and only marginally negatively correlated with native plant abundance for stems ≥1-cm dbh. Taken together, these descriptive patterns point to relaxed enemy pressure from specialized enemies, specifically the defoliator Steniscadia poliophaea and the shoot-borer Hypsipyla grandella, as a leading explanation for the enhanced recruitment of Swietenia trees documented at Cabrits.