947 resultados para model efficiency
Integrable Kondo impurities in the one-dimensional supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as non-trivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, the model Hamiltonian is diagonalized and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. It is interesting to note that our model exhibits a free parameter in the bulk Hamiltonian but no free parameter exists on the boundaries. This is in sharp contrast to the impurity models arising from the supersymmetric t-J and extended Hubbard models where there is no free parameter in the bulk but there is a free parameter on each boundary.
In this paper, we develop a simple four parameter population balance model of in vivo neutrophil formation following bone marrow rescue therapy. The model is used to predict the number and type of neutrophil progenitors required to abrogate the period of severe neutropenia that normally follows a bone marrow transplant. The estimated total number of 5 billion neutrophil progenitors is consistent with the value extrapolated from a human trial. The model provides a basis for designing ex vivo expansion protocols.
Using a new version of the density-matrix renormalization group we determine the phase diagram of a model of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain where the spins interact with quantum phonons. A quantum phase transition from a gapless spin-fluid state to a gapped dimerized phase occurs at a nonzero value of the spin-phonon coupling. The transition is in the same universality class as that of a frustrated spin chain, to which the model maps in the diabatic limit. We argue that realistic modeling of known spin-Peierls materials should include the effects of quantum phonons.
We use theoretical and numerical methods to investigate the general pore-fluid flow patterns near geological lenses in hydrodynamic and hydrothermal systems respectively. Analytical solutions have been rigorously derived for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function and excess pore-fluid pressure near a circular lens in a hydrodynamic system. These analytical solutions provide not only a better understanding of the physics behind the problem, but also a valuable benchmark solution for validating any numerical method. Since a geological lens is surrounded by a medium of large extent in nature and the finite element method is efficient at modelling only media of finite size, the determination of the size of the computational domain of a finite element model, which is often overlooked by numerical analysts, is very important in order to ensure both the efficiency of the method and the accuracy of the numerical solution obtained. To highlight this issue, we use the derived analytical solutions to deduce a rigorous mathematical formula for designing the computational domain size of a finite element model. The proposed mathematical formula has indicated that, no matter how fine the mesh or how high the order of elements, the desired accuracy of a finite element solution for pore-fluid flow near a geological lens cannot be achieved unless the size of the finite element model is determined appropriately. Once the finite element computational model has been appropriately designed and validated in a hydrodynamic system, it is used to examine general pore-fluid flow patterns near geological lenses in hydrothermal systems. Some interesting conclusions on the behaviour of geological lenses in hydrodynamic and hydrothermal systems have been reached through the analytical and numerical analyses carried out in this paper.
An extension of the supersymmetric U model for correlated electrons is given and integrability is established by demonstrating that the model can he constructed through the quantum inverse scattering method using an R-matrix without the difference property. Some general symmetry properties of the model are discussed and from the Bethe ansatz solution an expression for the energies is presented.
An integrable Kondo problem in the one-dimensional supersymmetric extended Hubbard model is studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local moments of the impurities are presented as a non-trivial realization of the graded reflection equation algebras in a two-dimensional impurity Hilbert space. Further, the model is solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
This paper summarizes the processes involved in designing a mathematical model of a growing pasture plant, Stylosanthes scabra Vog. cv. Fitzroy. The model is based on the mathematical formalism of Lindenmayer systems and yields realistic computer-generated images of progressive plant geometry through time. The processes involved in attaining growth data, retrieving useful growth rules, and constructing a virtual plant model are outlined. Progressive output morphological data proved useful for predicting total leaf area and allowed for easier quantification of plant canopy size in terms of biomass and total leaf area.
We present a new integrable model for correlated electrons which is based on so(5) symmetry. By using an eta-pairing realization we construct eigenstates of the Hamiltonian with off-diagonal long-range order. It is also shown that these states lie in the ground state sector. We exactly solve the model on a one-dimensional lattice by the Bethe ansatz.
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production by fermentation was examined under both restricted- and ample-oxygen supply conditions in a single fed-batch fermentation. Recombinant Escherichia coli transformed with the PHB production plasmid pSYL107 was grown to reach high cell density (227 g/l dry cell weight) with a high PHB content (78% of dry cell weight), using a glucose-based minimal medium. A simple flux model containing 12 fluxes was developed and applied to the fermentation data. A superior closure (95%) of the carbon mass balance was achieved. When the data were put into use, the results demonstrated a surprisingly large excretion of formate and lactate. Even though periods of severe oxygen limitation coincided with rapid acetate and lactate excretion, PHB productivity and carbon utilization efficiency were not significantly impaired. These results are very positive in reducing oxygen demand in an industrial PHA fermentation without sacrificing its PHA productivity, thereby reducing overall production costs.
Enamel-producing cells (ameloblasts) pass through several phenotypic and functional stages during enamel formation. In the transition between secretory and maturation stages, about one quarter of the ameloblasts suddenly undergo apoptosis. We have studied this phenomenon using the continuously erupting rat incisor model. A special feature of this model is that all stages of ameloblast differentiation are presented within a single longitudinal section of the developing tooth. This permits investigation of the temporal sequence of gene and growth factor receptor expression during ameloblast differentiation and apoptosis. We describe the light and electron microscopic morphology of ameloblast apoptosis and the pattern of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression by ameloblasts in the continuously erupting rat incisor model. In the developing rat incisor, ameloblast apoptosis is associated with downregulated expression of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that ameloblasts are hard wired for apoptosis and that insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression is required to block the default apoptotic pathway. Possible mechanisms of insulin-like growth factor-1 inhibition of ameloblast apoptosis are presented. The rat incisor model may be useful in studies of physiological apoptosis as it presents apoptosis in a predictable pattern in adult tissues.
RWMODEL II simulates the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning. It is written in Delphi and runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. The program was designed for novice and expert users and can be employed in teaching, as well as in research. It is user friendly and requires a minimal level of computer literacy but is sufficiently flexible to permit a wide range of simulations. It allows the display of empirical data, against which predictions from the model can be validated.
Microencapsulation of lemon oil was undertaken by kneading with beta-cyclodextrin, at a beta-cyclodextrin to lemon oil ratio of 88:12 (w/w). The resulting paste samples of the complex were vacuum- or spray-dried. Ten selected lemon oil flavor volatiles (alpha-pinene, sabinene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene, limonene, gamma-terpinene, terpinolene, linalool, neral, and geranial) in the complex were analyzed periodically after 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 min of kneading time. The results indicated that the levels of these volatiles were not significantly different (P > 0.05) irrespective of mixing time or type of the drying (vacuum- or spray-drying) used. An optimum mixing time was found to be 15 min, at which time the maximum encapsulation of lemon oil (97.7 mg/g of beta-cyclodextrin) was obtained in the complex powder.
The CASMIN Project is arguably the most influential contemporary study of class mobility in the world. However, CASMIN results with respect to weak vertical status effects on class mobility have been extensively criticized. Drawing on arguments about how to model vertical mobility, Hout and Hauser (1992) show that class mobility is strongly determined by vertical socioeconomic differences. This paper extends these arguments by estimating the CASMIN model while explicitly controlling for individual determinants of socioeconomic attainment. Using the 1972 Oxford Mobility Data and the 1979 and 1983 British Election Studies, the paper employs mixed legit models to show how individual socioeconomic factors and categorical differences between classes shape intergenerational mobility. The findings highlight the multidimensionality of class mobility and its irreducibility to vertical movement up and down a stratification hierarchy.
Pulse-amplitude-modulation chlorophyll fluorometry was used to examine changes in dark-adapted F-v/F-m of endosymbiotic dinoflagellate microalgae within the tissues of the temperate coral Plesiastrea versipora exposed to elevated seawater temperature. The F-v/F-m was markedly reduced following exposure of corals to 28 degrees C for 48 h. When corals were returned to ambient (24 degrees C) conditions, F-v/F-m increased in an initial rapid and then secondary slower phase. Tissue discolouration (coral bleaching), caused by a significant decrease in the density of algae, was observed during the first 2-3 days of the recovery period. After 14 days, F-v/F-m was still significantly lower than in control corals. The recovery of F-v/F-m is discussed in terms of repair processes within the symbiotic algae, division of healthy algae and also the selective removal of photo-damaged dinoflagellates. Under field conditions, bleached corals sampled at Heron Island Reef during a bleaching event had significantly lower F-v/F-m than non-bleached colonies; four months after the bleaching event, there were no differences in F-v/F-m or algal density in corals marked as having bleached or having shown no signs of colour loss. The results of this laboratory and field study are consistent with the hypothesis that an impairment of photosynthesis occurs during heat-stress, and is the underlying cause of coral bleaching.