824 resultados para mangrove litterfall
O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar pela primeira vez alguns aspectos da reprodução do caranguejo-uçá em manguezais da Baía da Babitonga (Santa Catarina). Além disso, a densidade e o tamanho do estoque deste recurso pesqueiro foram também estimados. Os exemplares foram coletados mensalmente, de maio de 2002 a abril de 2003, em duas áreas distintas: Iperoba e Palmital; um total de 2265 espécimes (1623 machos e 642 fêmeas) foi analisado. Os machos com gônadas maturas foram registrados durante todo o ano, enquanto as fêmeas com gônadas maturas ocorreram em apenas cinco meses. As fêmeas ovígeras foram registradas apenas em dezembro e janeiro. O etograma do fenômeno de migração reprodutiva (andada) esteve em concordância com a maior atividade de caranguejos associada às luas cheias e novas, com maior intensidade em dezembro e janeiro, relacionados ao verão austral. A densidade total no Manguezal de Iperoba foi de 2,05 ± 0,97 ind./m², não diferindo significativamente daquela registrada para o Manguezal do Palmital (2,06 ± 1,08 ind./m²) (p < 0,05). A média global para a estimativa de densidade na Baia da Babitonga foi de 2,05 ± 1,00 ind./m², correspondendo a 1,42 ± 0,89 ind./m² com base nas galerias abertas e 0,64 ± 0,63 ind./m² para as galerias fechadas.
Bioturbation of mangrove sediments by Uca uruguayensis (Nobili, 1901) and U. rapax (Smith, 1870) was compared based on the grain-size composition and organic content in surface sediment around the burrow and feeding pellets in two mangrove zones of the Sao Vicente Estuary, state of São Paulo, Brazil. For each species, 25 burrows with active crabs were selected. All pellets within a 15-cm radius of each burrow were carefully collected; samples of substrate were taken; and the crab occupant was excavated, sexed, and measured for carapace width (CW). The number of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxilliped of each species was estimated; U. uruguayensis showed more of these setae than U. rapax. For both species, the sediment post-processed by feeding activity (feeding pellets) showed a similar increase of coarser fractions and a smaller organic content. However. U. uruguayensis was more efficient in removing organic matter (88.1%) from the sediment than U. rapax (37.5%). These results suggest that different numbers of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxillipeds of the fiddler crabs do not affect the potential for grain-size selection, but result in differing abilities to remove organic matter from the sediment.
Em uma formação de restinga na Ilha do Mel, Paranaguá-PR, foram avaliadas, mensalmente, a serapilheira produzida e a acumulada, em quadrados de 0,25 m², durante um ano (julho/1996-junho/1997). A decomposição, mensal e anual, foi estimada, indiretamente, pela razão entre serapilheira produzida e acumulada. A produção anual de serapilheira de 5,1 t.ha-1 encontra-se no limite inferior aos obtidos em outras florestas tropicais, e decorre, provavelmente, do solo arenoso e pobre em nutrientes. A produção e a decomposição foram sazonais, mais intensa durante o período mais quente e chuvoso, estando relacionadas, principalmente, à temperatura. O pequeno acúmulo de serapilheira (5,5t.ha-1.ano -1), e a ausência de variações mensais significativas neste compartimento denotam o sincronismo entre estes processos, que, aliado a taxa de decomposição anual relativamente baixa (kL = 0,92), representa grande valor adaptativo para o ecossistema, pois, pode minimizar as perdas por lixiviação e permitir um melhor aproveitamento dos nutrientes e água disponíveis momentaneamente. Tais mecanismos, bem como o caráter perenifólio das espécies, escleromorfia, e uma rede de raízes superficiais, possibilitam o desenvolvimento da comunidade vegetal sob as condições oligotróficas do solo. Estes, além do clima, parecem exercer uma forte influencia na determinação dos padrões de produção e decomposição da serapilheira.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
On Rio Grande do Norte northern coast the process of sediment transport are intensely controlled by wind and sea (waves and currents) action, causing erosion and shoreline morphological instability. Due to the importance of such coastal zone it was realized the multi-spectral mapping and physical-chemical characterization of mudflats and mangroves aiming to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process on the oil fields of Macau and Serra installed at the study area. The multi-spectral bands of 2000 and 2008 LANDSAT 5 TM images were submitted on the several digital processing steps and RGB color compositions integrating spectral bands and Principal Components. Such processing methodology was important to the mapping of different units on surface, together with field works. It was possible to make an analogy of the spectral characteristics of wetlands with vegetations areas (mangrove), showing the possibility to make a restoration of this area, contributing with the environmental monitoring of that ecosystem. The maps of several units were integrated in GIS environment at 1:60,000 scale, including the classification of features according to the presence or absence of vegetation cover. Thus, the strategy of methodology established that there are 10.13 km2 at least of sandy-muddy and of these approximately 0.89 km2 with the possibility to be used in a reforestation of typical flora of mangrove. The physical-chemical characterization showed areas with potential to introduce local species of mangrove and they had a pH above neutral with a mean of 8.4. The characteristic particle size is sand in the fine fractions, the high levels of carbonate, organic matter and major and trace element in general are concentrated where the sediment had the less particles size, showing the high correlation that those elements have with smaller particles of sediment. The application of that methodological strategy is relevant to the better understanding of features behavior and physical-chemical data of sediment samples collected on field allow the analysis of efficiency/capability of sandy-muddy to reforestation with local mangrove species for mitigation of the erosive action and coastal processes on the areas occupied by the oil industry
Among the various effects caused by the climate change and human intervention, the mangrove ecosystem changes through of the years has been worth mentioning, which hasn t known which are the pros and cons for the adjacent coastal and estuarine environments yet. It happens due to the present dynamism in these areas, besides of the difficult understanding of the processes associated with evolution. This study aimed to environmentally evaluate adjacent mangroves from the Macau and Serra oil fields, located on Rio Grande do Norte northern coast, to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process, as well as, according to the principles of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to assess the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by the studied ecosystem. An inventory was conducted through mangrouve mapping which has supplied this research, especially regarding to the structural characterization of mangrove areas. To understand the local mangrove behavior in a greater level detail, techniques of remote sensing, GIS and GPS were used to make an analogy between the current and past states of the mangrove studied, allowing to make anticipated projections for the future impacts or changes in that region. This study combined data from multispectral LANDSAT 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ with radar microwave data from SAR RADARSAT-1, which increased the interpretation capacity of the data from optical sensor systems. The interpretations have been supported by the data field, representing a better and innovative methodology for the environmental and taxonomic characterization of mangrove forests considered. The results reveal that mangroves of the Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve are biologically representative areas and providing a variety of benefits, especially for local communities, constituting the priority sites for actions development aimed at conservation. They also have been showing the necessity to make mitigating measures in order to recover degraded areas through reforestation or creating new areas of mangrove, as currently 7.1% of the mangrove forests studied are dead or in an advanced state of decomposition. The amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered proved very significant when analyzed for the whole area, which is able to sequester atmospheric 4,294,458 Ton CO2 per year
The oil activity in the Rio Grande do Norte State (RN) is a permanent threat to coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, with the possibility of oil spills. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential resistance of the mangrove environment of a possible spill. Were selected and isolated microorganisms degrading oil by the technique of enrichment cultures and formation of a bacterial consortium. The kinetic study of the consortium was held in rotary incubator shaken at 150 rpm and 30° C. Samples were taken at intervals of 4 hours for analysis of cell concentration and surface tension. The biodegradation was monitored using two methods of respirometry: manometric (OxiTop-C ®) and conductivimetry, where the biodegradation of oil was estimated indirectly by oxygen consumption and CO2 production, respectively. Furthermore, it was used a full 2² factorial design with triplicate at central point to the runs that used the conductivimetric methodology.. The technique of enrichment cultures allowed to obtain thirteen bacterial strains. Kinetic study of the consortium, we can showed the absence of the lag phase, reaching a maximum cell concentration of 2.55 g / L at 16 h of cultivation and a reduction on surface tension. When we adopted the methodology of OxiTop-C was detected a band indicating biodegradability (1% oil v/v), however when we used the conductivimetry methodology did not observe any band that would indicate effective biodegradation. By monitoring a process of biodegradation is necessary to observe the methodology will be adopted to evaluate the biodegradation process, since for the same conditions adopted different methodologies can produce different results. The oil-degrading isolates from soils of the mangrove estuary Potengi / RN are largely to be used in bioremediation strategies of these places, in the case of a possible oil spill, or it can be used in the treatment of waste oil generated in saline environments, since they are optimized the conditions of the tests so that the efficiency of biodegradation reach the minimum level suggested by the standarts
This work presents the results of a survey in oil-producing region of the Macau City, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. All work was performed under the Project for Monitoring Environmental Change and the Influence of Hydrodynamic forcing on Morphology Beach Grass Fields, Serra Potiguar in Macau, with the support of the Laboratory of Geoprocessing, linked to PRH22 - Training Program in Geology Geophysics and Information Technology Oil and Gas - Department of Geology/CCET/UFRN and the Post-Graduation in Science and Engineering Oil/PPGCEP/UFRN. Within the economic-ecological context, this paper assesses the importance of mangrove ecosystem in the region of Macau and its surroundings as well as in the following investigative exploration of potential areas for projects involving reforestation and / or Environmental Restoration. At first it was confirmed the ecological potential of mangrove forests, with primary functions: (i) protection and stabilization of the shoreline, (ii) nursery of marine life, and (iii) source of organic matter to aquatic ecosystems, (iv) refuge of species, among others. In the second phase, using Landsat imagery and techniques of Digital Image Processing (DIP), I came across about 18,000 acres of land that can be worked on environmental projects, being inserted in the rules signed the Kyoto Protocol to the market carbon. The results also revealed a total area of 14,723.75 hectares of activity of shrimp production and salting that can be harnessed for the social, economic and environmental potential of the region, considering that over 60% of this area, ie, 8,800 acres, may be used in the planting of the genus Avicennia considered by the literature that the species best sequesters atmospheric carbon, reaching a mean value of 59.79 tons / ha of mangrove
The Potengi river estuary is located in the region of Natal (RN, Brazil), comprising a population of approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants. Besides the dominant urban presence, the estuary has fragments of mangrove forest. The objective of this study is to determine the aliphatic hydrocarbons found in the bottom sediments of this estuary, identifying their levels, distribution and their possible origins through the diagnostic rates, indexes and results comparisons with the local anthropic and natural characteristics. The samples were obtained according to a plan that allowed sampling of the estuary up to 12 km upstream from it as mounth. 36 stations were selected, grouped into 12 cross sections through the course of the river and spaced on average by 1 km. Each section consisted of three stations: the right margin, the deepest point and the left margin. The hydrocarbon n-alkanes from C10 to C36, the isoprenoids pristane and phytane, the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) and the total resolved hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography. N-alkanes, pristane, phytane and UCM were detected only at some stations. In the other, the concentration was below the detection limit defined by the analytical method (0.1 mg / kg), preventing them from being analyzed to determine the origin of the material found. By using different parameters, the results show that the estuary receives both the input of petrogenic hydrocarbons, but also of biogenic hydrocarbons, featuring a mixture of sources and relatively impacted portions. Based on the characteristics and activities found in the region, it is possible to affirm that petrogenic sources related to oil products enter the estuary via urban runoff or boats traffic, boat washing and fueling. Turning to the biogenic source, the predominant origin was terrestrial, characterized by vascular plants, indicating contribution of mangrove vegetation. It was evident the presence of, at specific points in the estuary, hydrocarbon pollution, and, therefore is recommended the adoption of actions aimed at interrupting or, at least, mitigating the sources potentially capable of damp petrogenic hydrocarbons in the estuary studied.
The human activities responsible for the ambient degradation in the modern world are diverse. The industrial activities are preponderant in the question of the impact consequences for brazilian ecosystems. Amongst the human activities, the petroliferous industry in operation in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin (PPB) displays the constant risk of ambient impacts in the integrant cities, not only for the human populations and the environment, but also it reaches the native microorganisms of Caatinga ground and in the mangrove sediment. Not hindering, the elaboration of strategies of bioremediation for impacted areas pass through the knowledge of microbiota and its relations with the environment. Moreover, in the microorganism groups associated to oil, are emphasized the sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) that, in its anaerobic metabolism, these organisms participate of the sulfate reduction, discharging H2S, causing ambient risks and causing the corrosion of surfaces, as pipelines and tanks, resulting in damages for the industry. Some ancestries of PRS integrate the Archaea domain, group of microorganisms whose sequenced genomes present predominance of extremophilic adaptations, including surrounding with oil presence. This work has two correlated objectives: i) the detection and monitoring of the gene dsrB, gift in sulfate-reducing prokaryotes, through DGGE analysis in samples of mDNA of a mangrove sediment and semiarid soil, both in the BPP; ii) to relate genomic characteristics to the ecological aspects of Archaea through in silico studies, standing out the importance to the oil and gas industry. The results of the first work suggest that the petrodegraders communities of SRP persist after the contamination with oil in mangrove sediment and in semiarid soil. Comparing the populations of both sites, it reveals that there are variations in the size and composition during one year of experiments. In the second work, functional and structural factors are the probable cause to the pressure in maintenance of the conservation of the sequences in the multiple copies of the 16S rDNA gene. Is verified also the discrepancy established between total content GC and content GC of the same gene. Such results relating ribosomal genes and the ambient factors are important for metagenomic evaluations using PCR-DGGE. The knowledge of microbiota associated to the oil can contribute for a better destination of resources by the petroliferous industry and the development of bioremediation strategies. Likewise, search to lead to the best agreement of the performance of native microbiota in biogeochemical cycles in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin ecosystem
Does Landscape Context Affect Habitat Value? The Importance of Seascape Ecology in Back-reef Systems
Seascape ecology provides a useful framework from which to understand the processes governing spatial variability in ecological patterns. Seascape context, or the composition and pattern of habitat surrounding a focal patch, has the potential to impact resource availability, predator-prey interactions, and connectivity with other habitats. For my dissertation research, I combined a variety of approaches to examine how habitat quality for fishes is influenced by a diverse range of seascape factors in sub-tropical, back-reef ecosystems. In the first part of my dissertation, I examined how seascape context can affect reef fish communities on an experimental array of artificial reefs created in various seascape contexts in Abaco, Bahamas. I found that the amount of seagrass at large spatial scales was an important predictor of community assembly on these reefs. Additionally, seascape context had differing effects on various aspects of habitat quality for the most common reef species, White grunt Haemulon plumierii. The amount of seagrass at large spatial scales had positive effects on fish abundance and secondary production, but not on metrics of condition and growth. The second part of my dissertation focused on how foraging conditions for fish varied across a linear seascape gradient in the Loxahatchee River estuary in Florida, USA. Gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus, traded food quality for quantity along this estuarine gradient, maintaining similar growth rates and condition among sites. Additional work focused on identifying major energy flow pathways to two consumers in oyster-reef food webs in the Loxahatchee. Algal and microphytobenthos resource pools supported most of the production to these consumers, and body size for one of the consumers mediated food web linkages with surrounding mangrove habitats. All of these studies examined a different facet of the importance of seascape context in governing ecological processes occurring in focal habitats and underscore the role of connectivity among habitats in back-reef systems. The results suggest that management approaches consider the surrounding seascape when prioritizing areas for conservation or attempting to understand the impacts of seascape change on focal habitat patches. For this reason, spatially-based management approaches are recommended to most effectively manage back-reef systems.
Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) are native to the remote oceanic islands of Bermuda and presently inhabit only four small brackish water ponds on a private golf course. The life history of this species is poorly understood on Bermuda and so the aim of this study was to fill these knowledge gaps, to compare the results with what is known from other areas in the North American range, and to inform the development of a local management plan. The results of a mark-recapture census revealed that ca. 100 individuals ≥81 mm straight carapace length live on Bermuda, of which nearly half (48.5%) were considered sexually mature. The population is dominated by females (sex ratio 2.9:1) and annual recruitment over the three year period was found to be extremely low (approximately two terrapins). Female diamondback terrapins in Bermuda nest almost exclusively within a limited number of sand bunkers on the golf course. Nesting commenced in late March or early April and ended in late August. Peak oviposition was observed in May and June. Clutch size averaged 5.1 eggs (range 0-10; SD 2.4) and the incubation period averaged 61.8 days (range 49-83; SD 10.5). Delayed emergence was documented, with 43.8% of the hatchlings remaining in their natal nests over the winter months. The mean annual hatching success rate was determined to be 19% (range 17.6-21; SD 1.9). Radio-telemetry was used to investigate the movements and survivorship of postemergent hatchling diamondback terrapins. The results indicated that mangrove swamps and grass-dominated marshes adjacent to the ponds are important developmental habitats for hatchlings. Yellow-crowned night herons (Nyctanassa violacea) were found to be significant predators of small terrapins during spring emergence. Small aquatic gastropods comprised 66.7% of the faecal samples analysed from the Bermudian population. Scavenged fish and vertebrate animal remains, terrestrial arthropods, polychaete worms and bivalves were consumed in lesser amounts. Sediment from the pond environment was found in 74% of the faecal samples analysed and is believed to have been incidentally ingested while foraging for the small benthic gastropods. Eco-toxicological analyses of the pond sediment, prey and terrapin eggs showed that the Bermudian diamondback terrapins live and feed in wetland habitats characterised by chronic, multifactorial contamination; principally total petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and a variety of heavy metals. This study found that some of those contaminants are accumulating in the gastropod prey as well as being transferred to terrapin eggs. This may be reducing the incidence of successful embryonic development for this species in Bermuda and may likely contribute to the observed low hatching rates. These collective findings indicate that the Bermudian population is very vulnerable to local extirpation.
La microcuenca del río Poás (ubicada entre el volcán Barva y el volcán Poás, hasta la confluencia con el río Grande cerca de la ciudad de Alajuela) posee un alto potencial para la formación de acuíferos de alta calidad. Por este motivo sus recursos naturales deben utilizarse adecuadamente. La mejor manera de lograr lo anterior es mediante la planificación del uso de la tierra. En esta investigación se plantea para ello el ordenamiento territorial y el manejo de cuencas. Para este propósito se realiza una zonificación mediante la cual se identifican las siguientes zonas: sin restricción de uso, uso restringido y uso muy restringido. La mayor parte de la m icrocuenca (64,6%) se encuentra en la categoría de “sin restricción de uso”. Sin embargo. se hace necesaria la intervención con rapidez en sectores ubicados en la parte alta de la microcuenca que se clasifican de “uso muy restringido”. En relación con el recurso hídrico, en la microcuenca en los últimos 14 años y de acuerdo con la metodología aplicada, se ha elevado la producción hídrica, específicamente en la escorrentía y la ganancia. En general aumentó en 1,6%.Abstract:The Poas river micro watershed (located between the Barva and Poas volcanoes reaching the confluence of the Grande river near the city of Alajuela) has high potential for developing high quality aquifers, thus, its natural resnurces should be utilized adequately. This is best done by proper land use planning. In this study guidelines are presented for land use planning and watershed management. Land use is zoned or classified for the following uses:unrestricted use, restricted use, and highly restricted use. Most of the micro watershed (64.6 percent) is classified or zoned as ‘unrestricted use.’ However, urgent intervention is needed in demand and the possibility to export it. However, it is also possible to see the negative impaci of the project, such as: indigenous territories and a pan of the Interamerican Road being flooding, population displacement and the environmental ¡mpact on the Terraba-Sierpe mangrove. This diversity and incompatibility of factors and interest make a complex scenario that potentializes diverse conflicts.
Resumo: O entendimento do fluxo de produção e do aporte de nutrientes via decomposição da serrapilheira e as interações do processo com parâmetros edáficos e ciclagem de nutrientes de espécies nativas da Caatinga têm sido pouco estudados. O conhecimento sobre ciclagem de nutrientes em florestas manejadas também permite inferências sobre as espécies com maior capacidade de reciclagem de nutrientes e seu potencial para recuperação de áreas degradadas. Objetivou-se com isso avaliar a produção e a degradação da serrapilheira de oito espécies lenhosas da Caatinga e mensurar os efeitos de sua aplicação sobre a fertilidade do solo e sobre a produção de sorgo em solo degradado. Para isso realizou-se três ensaios: para o ensaio I quantificou-se a produção de serrapilheira em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 6 repetições, por meio da instalação de coletores sob a projeção da copa das espécies (tratamentos): mofumbo, sabiá, jurema-preta, jucá, catingueira, pereiro, pau-branco e marmeleiro, sendo o material coletado mensalmente; foram quantificadas a produção das frações folhas, caule, material reprodutivo, miscelânea e total, bem como o aporte de nutrientes no período chuvoso e seco. Para o ensaio II avaliou-se a taxa de degradação da fração folhas de cada espécie citada por meio da utilização de litter bags, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições, as coletas foram aos 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias, em seguida quantificou-se os macro e micronutrientes, celulose, lignina e carbono em cada tempo de amostragem. Para o ensaio III, realizou-se experimento em casa de vegetação para mensurar os efeitos da aplicação dos resíduos da serrapilheira das mesmas espécies mencionadas nos ensaios anteriores (I e II) sobre a fertilidade do solo e a produção de sorgo em solo degradado, neste experimento adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com 5 tratamentos e 5 repetições, sendo avaliadas doses equivalentes a: 0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N dos resíduos de cada espécie e um tratamento adicional com adubação mineral, totalizando 30 unidades experimentais para cada espécie. As variáveis mensuradas foram biométricas, biomassa, teor relativo de clorofila e nitrogênio total, além de análises de fertilidade do solo. Com a análise dos dados verificou-se que a época de maior produção de serrapilheira ocorreu no final do período chuvoso para o início do período seco. A espécie jucá apresentou maior produção de serrapilheira, comparado às outras espécies. O nutriente cálcio apresentou maior acúmulo na serrapilheira para as espécies mofumbo, sabiá, catingueira, pereiro e marmeleiro e o nitrogênio foi superior para as espécies jurema-preta, jucá e pau-branco. Para todas as espécies avaliadas no ensaio de degradação houve redução significativa na sua biomassa em relação ao tempo zero, apresentando a seguinte ordem de velocidade de decomposição: jurema-preta > catingueira > pau-branco > jucá > marmeleiro > mofumbo > pereiro > sabiá. No ensaio de fertilização com os resíduos verificou-se que o marmeleiro promoveu efeitos negativos no solo, como acidificação. Porém, a aplicação dos resíduos da espécie pau-branco foi a que promoveu aumento nos valores de K, SB e CEC do solo e na produção do sorgo os resíduos de jurema-preta e pau-branco foram as que promoveram aumento na massa seca das plantas. Enquanto a adubação mineral proporcionou aumento na produção de massa seca do sorgo, demonstrando que a associação entre adubo mineral e o uso da serrapilheira de espécies da Caatinga pode ser uma opção viável para acelerar a recuperação de solos degradados. Abstract: The understanding of the production flow and nutrient supply via decomposition of litter and process interactions with edaphic parameters and nutrient cycling of native species of the Caatinga has been little studied. The knowledge of nutrient cycling in managed forests also allow inferences about species with capacity greater nutrient recycling capacity and its potential for recovery of degraded areas. This study aimed to evaluate the production and litter degradation 8 woody species of Caatinga and measure the effects of its application on soil fertility and production of sorghum in degraded soil. To this was carried out three tests: for the test I quantified the production of litter in a completely randomized design with 6 replications, by installing collectors under the canopy projection in the species (treatments): mofumbo, sabiá, jurema-preta, jucá, catingueira, pereiro, pau-branco and marmeleiro for each species, and the material collected monthly, were quantified the production of fractions leaves, stem, reproductive material, miscellany and total nutrient intake in the rainy and dry season. For II test evaluated the degradation rate of the fraction leaves through the use of litter bags, in a completely randomized design with 4 replications, the collected was 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days and quantitated nutrients, cellulose, lignin and carbon at each evaluation time. For the III test, there was the experiment in a greenhouse to measure the effects of the application of litter waste of the same species of previous tests (I and II) on soil fertility and production of sorghum in degraded soil, was adopted the randomized block design with 5 treatments and 5 replications and evaluated doses equivalent to: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1 N of waste each species and an additional treatment with mineral fertilizer, totaling 30 experimental units for each species. Biometric analysis and biomass, relative chlorophyll content and total nitrogen were proceeded. In addition to soil fertility analysis. With the data analysis it was found that the time of greatest litterfall occurred at the end of the rainy season to the beginning of the dry season. The jucá species showed higher production compared to other species. The nutrient calcium had higher accumulation for the species mofumbo, sabiá, catingueira, pereiro and marmeleiro and nitrogen was higher for species jurema-preta, jucá and pau-branco. All species evaluated in degradation test had a significant reduction in biomass over time zero. They presented the following order of decomposition rate: jurema-preta > catingueira > pau-branco > jucá > marmeleiro > mofumbo > pereiro > sabiá. For fertility test it was found that marmeleiro promoted negative effects on soil, such as acidification. However, pau-branco was the specie that promoted further improvements in the K values, SB and CEC to the soil and for the production of sorghum, the waste jurema-preta and pau-branco promoted increase in dry matter plants. While the mineral fertilization provided an increase in dry matter production of sorghum, demonstrating that the combination of mineral fertilizer and the use of litter of Caatinga species may be a viable option to speed up the recovery of degraded soils.