981 resultados para linear induction machines


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This study considers linear filtering methods for minimising the end-to-end average distortion of a fixed-rate source quantisation system. For the source encoder, both scalar and vector quantisation are considered. The codebook index output by the encoder is sent over a noisy discrete memoryless channel whose statistics could be unknown at the transmitter. At the receiver, the code vector corresponding to the received index is passed through a linear receive filter, whose output is an estimate of the source instantiation. Under this setup, an approximate expression for the average weighted mean-square error (WMSE) between the source instantiation and the reconstructed vector at the receiver is derived using high-resolution quantisation theory. Also, a closed-form expression for the linear receive filter that minimises the approximate average WMSE is derived. The generality of framework developed is further demonstrated by theoretically analysing the performance of other adaptation techniques that can be employed when the channel statistics are available at the transmitter also, such as joint transmit-receive linear filtering and codebook scaling. Monte Carlo simulation results validate the theoretical expressions, and illustrate the improvement in the average distortion that can be obtained using linear filtering techniques.


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Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) fed induction motors are widely used in variable speed applications. For inverters using fixed switching frequency PWM, the output harmonic spectra are located at a few discrete frequencies. The ac motordrives powered by these inverters cause acoustic noise. This paper proposes a new variable switching frequency pwm technique and compares its performance with constant switching frequency pwm technique. It is shown that the proposed technique leads to spread spectra of voltages and currents. Also this technique ensures that no lower order harmonics are present and the current THD is comparable to that of fixed switching frequency PWM and is even better for higher modulation indices.


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Folding into compact globular structures, with well-defined modules of secondary structure, appears to be a characteristic of long polypeptide chains, with a specific patterning of coded amino acid residues along the length of sequence. Cooperative hydrogen bond driven secondary structure formation and solvent forces, which contribute favorably to the entropy of folding, by promoting compaction of the polymeric chain, have long been discussed as major determinants of the folding process. First principles design approaches, which use non-coded amino acids, employ an alternative structure directing strategy, by using amino acid residues which exhibit a strong conformational bias for specific regions of the Ramachandran map. This overview of ongoing studies in the authors' laboratory, attempts to explore the use of conformationally restricted amino acid residues in the design of peptides with well-defined secondary structures. Short peptides composed of 20 genetically coded amino acids usually exist in solution as an ensemble of equilibrating conformations. Apolar peptide sequences, which are readily soluble in organic solvents like chloroform and methanol, facilitate formation of structures which are predominately driven by intramolecular hydrogen bond formation. The choice of sequences containing residues with a limited range of conformational choices strongly favors formation of local turn structures, stabilized by short range intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Two residue beta-turns can nucleate either helical or hairpin folding, depending on the precise conformation of the turn segment Restriction of the conformational space available to amino acid residues is easily achieved by introduction of an additional alkyl group at the C alpha carbon atom or by side chain backbone cyclization, as in proline. Studies of synthetic sequences incorporating two prototype residues alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) and D-proline (DPro) illustrate the utility of the strategy in construction of helices and hairpins. Extensions to the design of conformationally switchable sequences and structurally defined hybrid peptides containing backbone homologated residues are also surveyed.


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This paper reports instability and oscillations in the stator current under light-load conditions in a practical 100-kW induction motor drive. Dead-time is shown to be a cause for such oscillations. This paper shows experimentally that these oscillations could be mitigated significantly with the help of a simple dead-time compensation scheme.


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A design methodology based on the Minimum Bit Error Ratio (MBER) framework is proposed for a non-regenerative Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) relay-aided system to determine various linear parameters. We consider both the Relay-Destination (RD) as well as the Source-Relay-Destination (SRD) link design based on this MBER framework, including the pre-coder, the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) matrix and the equalizer matrix of our system. It has been shown in the previous literature that MBER based communication systems are capable of reducing the Bit-Error-Ratio (BER) compared to their Linear Minimum Mean Square Error (LMMSE) based counterparts. We design a novel relay-aided system using various signal constellations, ranging from QPSK to the general M-QAM and M-PSK constellations. Finally, we propose its sub-optimal versions for reducing the computational complexity imposed. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme indeed achieves a significant BER reduction over the existing LMMSE scheme.


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Time-varying linear prediction has been studied in the context of speech signals, in which the auto-regressive (AR) coefficients of the system function are modeled as a linear combination of a set of known bases. Traditionally, least squares minimization is used for the estimation of model parameters of the system. Motivated by the sparse nature of the excitation signal for voiced sounds, we explore the time-varying linear prediction modeling of speech signals using sparsity constraints. Parameter estimation is posed as a 0-norm minimization problem. The re-weighted 1-norm minimization technique is used to estimate the model parameters. We show that for sparsely excited time-varying systems, the formulation models the underlying system function better than the least squares error minimization approach. Evaluation with synthetic and real speech examples show that the estimated model parameters track the formant trajectories closer than the least squares approach.


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This paper demonstrates light-load instability in open-loop induction motor drives on account of inverter dead-time. The dynamic equations of an inverter fed induction motor, incorporating the effect of dead-time, are considered. A procedure to derive the small-signal model of the motor, including the effect of inverter dead-time, is presented. Further, stability analysis is carried out on a 100-kW, 415V, 3-phase induction motor considering no-load. For voltage to frequency (i.e. V/f) ratios between 0.5 and 1 pu, the analysis brings out regions of instability on the V-f plane, in the frequency range between 5Hz and 20Hz. Simulation and experimental results show sub-harmonic oscillations in the motor current in this region, confirming instability as predicted by the analysis.


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A new generator topology for microhydel power plants, capable of unsupervised operation, is proposed. While conventional microhydel plants operate at constant speed with switched ballast loads, the proposed generator, based on the wound rotor induction machine, operates at variable speed and does away with the need for ballast loads. This increases reliability and substantially decreases system costs and setup times. The proposed generator has a simplified decoupled control structure with stator-referenced voltage control similar to a conventional synchronous generator, and rotor-side frequency control that is facilitated by rotating electronics mounted on the rotor. While this paper describes an isolated plant, the topology can also be tailored for distributed generation enabling conversion of the available hydraulic power into useful electrical power when the grid is present, and supplying local loads in the event of grid outage.


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Cells exposed to genotoxic stress induce cellular senescence through a DNA damage response (DDR) pathway regulated by ATM kinase and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we show that the regulatory roles for ATM kinase and ROS differ during induction and maintenance of cellular senescence. Cells treated with different genotoxic agents were analyzed using specific pathway markers and inhibitors to determine that ATM kinase activation is directly proportional to the dose of the genotoxic stress and that senescence initiation is not dependent on ROS or the p53 status of cells. Cells in which ROS was quenched still activated ATM and initiated the DDR when insulted, and progressed normally to senescence. By contrast, maintenance of a viable senescent state required the presence of ROS as well as activated ATM. Inhibition or removal of either of the components caused cell death in senescent cells, through a deregulated ATM-ROS axis. Overall, our work demonstrates existence of an intricate temporal hierarchy between genotoxic stress, DDR and ROS in cellular senescence. Our model reports the existence of different stages of cellular senescence with distinct regulatory networks.


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Discrete polymatroids are the multi-set analogue of matroids. In this paper, we explore the connections between linear index coding and representable discrete polymatroids. The index coding problem involves a sender which generates a set of messages X = {x(1), x(2), ... x(k)} and a set of receivers R which demand messages. A receiver R is an element of R is specified by the tuple (x, H) where x. X is the message demanded by R and H subset of X \textbackslash {x} is the side information possessed by R. It is first shown that a linear solution to an index coding problem exists if and only if there exists a representable discrete polymatroid satisfying certain conditions which are determined by the index coding problem considered. El Rouayheb et. al. showed that the problem of finding a multi-linear representation for a matroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that matroid. Multi-linear representation of a matroid can be viewed as a special case of representation of an appropriate discrete polymatroid. We generalize the result of El Rouayheb et. al. by showing that the problem of finding a representation for a discrete polymatroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that discrete polymatroid.


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Nonviral gene delivery offers cationic liposomes as promising instruments for the delivery of double-stranded RNA (ds RNA) molecules for successful sequence-specific gene silencing (RNA interference). The efficient delivery of siRNA (small interfering RNA) to cells while avoiding unexpected side effects is an important prerequisite for the exploitation of the power of this excellent tool. We present here six new tocopherol based cationic gemini lipids, which induce substantial gene knockdown without any obvious cytotoxicity. All the efficient coliposomal formulations derived from each of these geminis and a helper lipid, dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), were well characterized using physical methods such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Zeta potential measurements were conducted to estimate the surface charge of these formulations. Flow cytometric analysis showed that the optimized coliposomal formulations could transfect anti-GFP siRNA efficiently in three different GFP expressing cell lines, viz., HEK 293T, HeLa, and Caco-2, significantly better than a potent commercial standard Lipofectamine 2000 (L2K) both in the absence and in the presence of serum (FBS). Notably, the knockdown activity of coliposomes of gemini lipids was not affected even in the presence of serum (10% and 50% FBS) while it dropped down for L2K significantly. Observations under a fluorescence microscope, RT-PCR, and Western blot analysis substantiated the flow cytometry results. The efficient cellular entry of labeled siRNA in GFP expressing cells as evidenced from confocal microscopy put forward these gemini lipids among the potent lipidic carriers for siRNA. The efficient transfection capabilities were also profiled in a more relevant fashion while performing siRNA transfections against survivin (an anti-apoptotic protein) which induced substantial apoptosis. Furthermore, the survivin downregulation improved the therapeutic efficacy levels of an anticancer drug, doxorubicin, significantly. In short, the new tocopherol based gemini lipids appear to be highly promising for achieving siRNA mediated gene knockdown in various cell lines.


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Special switching sequences involving division of active state time are used in space-vector-based generation of pulse width modulation (PWM) waveforms. This paper proposes a hybrid PWM technique which is a combination of the conventional and special switching sequences. The proposed hybrid PWM technique reduces the peak-to-peak torque ripple at high speeds of an induction motor drive. Supporting simulation and experimental results are presented from a closed-loop controlled motor drive.


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In this report, we present cationic dimeric (gemini) lipids for significant plasmid DNA (pDNA) delivery to different cell lines without any marked toxicity in the presence of serum. Six gemini lipids based on alpha-tocopherol were synthesized, which differed in their spacer chain lengths. Each of these gemini lipids mixed with a helper lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl phosphatidyl ethanolamine (DOPE), was capable of forming stable aqueous suspensions. These co-liposomal systems were examined for their potential to transfect pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA into nine cell lines of different origins. The transfection efficacies noticed in terms of EGFP expression levels using flow cytometry were well corroborated using independent fluorescence microscopy studies. Significant EGFP expression levels were reported using the gemini co-liposomes, which counted significantly better than one well known commercial formulation, Lipofectamine 2000 (L2 K). Transfection efficacies were also analyzed in terms of the degree of intracellular delivery of labeled plasmid DNA (pDNA) using confocal microscopy, which revealed an efficient internalization in the presence of serum. The cell viability assays performed using optimized formulations demonstrated no significant toxicity towards any of the cell lines used in the study. We also had a look at the lipoplex internalization pathway to profile the uptake characteristics. A caveolae/lipid raft route was attributed to their excellent gene transfection capabilities. The study was further advanced by using a therapeutic p53-EGFP-C3 plasmid and the apoptotic activity was observed using FACS and growth inhibition assay.


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Let C be a smooth irreducible projective curve of genus g and L a line bundle of degree d generated by a linear subspace V of H-0 (L) of dimension n+1. We prove a conjecture of D. C. Butler on the semistability of the kernel of the evaluation map V circle times O-C -> L and obtain new results on the stability of this kernel. The natural context for this problem is the theory of coherent systems on curves and our techniques involve wall crossing formulae in this theory.


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The trapezoidal rule, which is a special case of the Newmark family of algorithms, is one of the most widely used methods for transient hyperbolic problems. In this work, we show that this rule conserves linear and angular momenta and energy in the case of undamped linear elastodynamics problems, and an ``energy-like measure'' in the case of undamped acoustic problems. These conservation properties, thus, provide a rational basis for using this algorithm. In linear elastodynamics problems, variants of the trapezoidal rule that incorporate ``high-frequency'' dissipation are often used, since the higher frequencies, which are not approximated properly by the standard displacement-based approach, often result in unphysical behavior. Instead of modifying the trapezoidal algorithm, we propose using a hybrid finite element framework for constructing the stiffness matrix. Hybrid finite elements, which are based on a two-field variational formulation involving displacement and stresses, are known to approximate the eigenvalues much more accurately than the standard displacement-based approach, thereby either bypassing or reducing the need for high-frequency dissipation. We show this by means of several examples, where we compare the numerical solutions obtained using the displacement-based and hybrid approaches against analytical solutions.