968 resultados para laser scanning


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Dissertação Apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Conservação, especialização em Pintura


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Three species of Siphomycetes: Rhizopus arhizus, Rhizopus equinus and Rhizopus nigricans, as well as a Septomycete: Emericella nidulans, have been examined by means of a scanning electron microscope. Among the difjerent Rhizopus, this technique showed differences in the appearance of the sporangia. In Emericella nidulans, scanning microscopy enábled one to ascertain that the "Hull cells" were completely hollow and also demonstrated the ornemented aspect of the ascospores.


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Scanning electron microscopy applied to the mycelial phase of Sporothrix schenckii shows a matted mycelium with conidia of a regular pattern. X-Ray microanalysis applied in energy dispersive spectroscopy and also in wavelength dispersive spectroscopy reveals the presence of several elements of Mendeleef's classification.


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Chelicerae de Amblyomma cajennense foram examinados em microscopia de varredura. Esta técnica mostrou detalhes não evidenciáveis ao poder de resolução do microscópio ótico.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Física


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Física


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São propostas novas cavidades de bombeamento para lasers solares do estado sólido de Nd: YAG com o objectivo de melhorar a potência laser de saída e eficiência de bombeamento. São implementados quatro sistemas de guias de onda, um dos sistemas é simétrico e bombeado lateralmente, sendo os restantes três sistemas bombeados lateralmente e pela extremidade. A influência da geometria dos guias de onda no desempenho do bombeamento, o perfil do feixe à saída dos guias e a absorção por parte do cristal de Nd:YAG são optimizados minuciosamente, sendo modelados através do software Zemax. A cavidade de ressonância e as características do feixe são modelados em Lascad. Construíram-se e testaram-se três guias de onda de secção, octogonal, cilíndrica e quadrada. A potência laser multimodo para o sistema ótico bombeado por guia de onda cilíndrica de 20mm de diâmetro e concentrador cónico, foi de 21W, representando uma eficiência de colecção de 11.6W/m2, apresentando um erro de colecção para ΔX=1.3mm de 4.4%.


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O uso do laser de baixa intensidade na supressão de infecções pelos vírus Herpes simplex 1 e 2 foi avaliado após uma a cinco aplicações, sendo observada uma redução gradual na replicação dos vírus Herpes simplex 1 e 2 com 68,4% e 57,3% de inibição, respectivamente, após 5 aplicações, indicando o seu uso clínico.


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It is important to have better evaluation and understanding of the motor neuron physiology, with the goal to early and objectively diagnose and treat patients with neurodegenerative pathologies. The Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) scan is a non-invasive diagnosis technique for neurodegenerative pathologies, such as ALS, and enables a quick analysis of the muscle action potentials in response to motor nerve stimulation. This work aims to study the influence of different pulse modulated waveforms in peripheral nerve excitability by CMAP scan technique on healthy subjects. A total of 13 healthy subjects were submitted to the same test. The stimuli were applied in the medium nerve on the right wrist and electromyography signal collected on the Abductor Pollicis Brevis (APB) muscle surface on the right thumb. Stimulation was performed with an increasing intensities range from 4 to 30 mA, with varying steps, 3 stimuli per step. The procedure was repeated 4 times per subject, each repetition using a different single pulse stimulation waveform: monophasic square, monophasic triangular, monophasic quadratic and biphasic square. Results were retrieved from the averaging of the stimuli on each current intensity step. The square pulse needs less current intensity to generate the same response amplitude regarding the other waves and presents a more steep curve slope and this effect is gradually decreasing for the triangular and quadratic pulse,respectively, being the difference even more evident regarding the biphasic pulse. The control of the waveform stimulation pulse allows varying the stimulusresponse curve slope.


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Shape memory alloys are characterized by the ability of recovering their initial shape after being deformed and by superelasticity. Since the discovery of these alloys, a new field of interest emerged not only for the scientific community but also to many industries. However, these alloys present poor machinability which constitute a constrain in the design of complex components for new applications. Thus, the demand for joining techniques able to join these alloys without compromising their properties became of great importance to enlarge the complexity of existing applications. Literature shows that these alloys are joined mainly using laser welding. In the present study, similar NiTi butt joints, were produced using TIG welding. The welds were performed in 1.5 mm thick plates across the rolling direction. A special fixture and gas assist device was designed and manufactured. Also a robot arm was adapted to accommodate the welding torch to assure the repeatability of the welding parameters. Welds were successfully achieved without macroscopic defects, such as pores and distortions. Very superficial oxidation was seen on the top surface due to insufficient shielding gas flow on the weld face. The welded joints were mechanically tested and structurally characterized. Testing methods were used to evaluate macro and microstructure, as well as the phase transformation temperatures, the mechanical single and cyclic behaviour and the shape recovery ability. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), microhardness measurements were techniques also used to evaluate the welded joints. A depletion in Ni in the fusion zone was seen, as well as a shift in Ms temperature. For strain values of 4% the accumulated irrecoverable strain was of about 30% and increased with the strain imposed during cycling. Nevertheless, a complete recovery of initial shape was observed when testing the shape memory effect on a dedicated device that introduces a deformation of 6.7%. That is, the welding procedure does not remove the ability of the specimens to recover their initial shape.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Pirajá da Silva fez contribuição magnífica à helmintologia ao descrever ovos de Schistosoma mansoni nas fezes de um paciente, no Estado da Bahia e a morfologia de vermes adultos. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, apresentamos uma avaliação microscópica das lâminas montadas e depositadas na Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. A técnica empregada nesta nova análise foi a microscopia de varredura a laser confocal. RESULTADOS: Na parte anterior dos vermes adultos machos, observamos ventosas com musculatura bem desenvolvida e células germinativas dentro dos lobos testiculares. Visualizamos, também, espinhos localizados na região mediana do canal ginecóforo. Na superfície dorsal, encontramos tubérculos e feixes musculares transversais e longitudinais. Em relação ao aparelho reprodutivo feminino, pudemos distinguir um ovo no interior do útero e o ovário alongado com células germinativas. As glândulas vitelínicas estavam restritas à parte posterior das fêmeas conectadas por um ducto vitelínico curto. CONCLUSÕES: As características morfológicas são similares as estudadas anteriormente por Pirajá da Silva com vermes frescos. Além disso, este estudo demonstra a importância de se depositar espécimes nas coleções helmintológicas abrindo possibilidade de novos estudos com estas lâminas.


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Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 are the main infectious agents associated with oral and genital ulcerations. These infections are now widely recognized as sexually transmitted diseases. Among treatment options, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown promising clinical results as a longer-lasting suppression therapy. Two clinical cases are described with recurrent labial herpes for which LLLT was used. Following treatment, both patients remained symptom free during the 17-month clinical follow-up period.


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The work described in this thesis was performed at the Laboratory for Intense Lasers (L2I) of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST-UL). Its main contribution consists in the feasibility study of the broadband dispersive stages for an optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier based on the nonlinear crystal yttrium calcium oxi-borate (YCOB). In particular, the main goal of this work consisted in the characterization and implementation of the several optical devices involved in pulse expansion and compression of the amplified pulses to durations of the order of a few optical cycles (20 fs). This type of laser systems find application in fields such as medicine, telecommunications and machining, which require high energy, ultrashort (sub-100 fs) pulses. The main challenges consisted in the preliminary study of the performance of the broadband amplifier, which is essential for successfully handling pulses with bandwidths exceeding 100 nm when amplified from the μJ to 20 mJ per pulse. In general, the control, manipulation and characterization of optical phenomena on the scale of a few tens of fs and powers that can reach the PW level are extremely difficult and challenging due to the complexity of the phenomena of radiation-matter interaction and their nonlinearities, observed at this time scale and power level. For this purpose the main dispersive components were characterized in detail, specifically addressing the demonstration of pulse expansion and compression. The tested bandwidths are narrower than the final ones, in order to confirm the parameters of these elements and predict the performance for the broadband pulses. The work performed led to additional tasks such as a detailed characterization of laser oscillator seeding the laser chain and the detection and cancelling of additional sources of dispersion.


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Apesar do elevado potencial do metal magnésio como material útil em várias áreas cien-tíficas e tecnológicas, os seus métodos de produção tradicionais têm um impacto fortemente prejudicial no ambiente e um custo elevado. Este facto é um incentivo à procura de novas so-luções, nomeadamente as que recorrem à utilização da radiação solar partindo do óxido de magnésio. Alguns estudos têm já sido feitos nesse sentido, utilizando laser solar ou radiação solar concentrada mas a utilização concertada dos dois não tinha sido feita até ao momento. Neste trabalho, a exequibilidade da utilização concertada destes dois métodos será avaliada e será estudado o comportamento do óxido de magnésio face à radiação que nele incide.