915 resultados para laser energy


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The goal of this research is to produce a system for powering medical implants to increase the lifetime of the implanted devices and reduce the battery size. The system consists of a number of elements – the piezoelectric material for generating power, the device design, the circuit for rectification and energy storage. The piezoelectric material is analysed and a process for producing a repeatable high quality piezoelectric material is described. A full width half maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve X-Ray diffraction (XRD) scan of between ~1.5° to ~1.7° for test wafers was achieved. This is state of the art for AlN on silicon and means devices with good piezoelectric constants can be fabricated. Finite element modelling FEM) was used to design the structures for energy harvesting. The models developed in this work were established to have an accuracy better than 5% in terms of the difference between measured and modelled results. Devices made from this material were analysed for power harvesting ability as well as the effect that they have on the flow of liquid which is an important consideration for implantable devices. The FEM results are compared to experimental results from laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV), magnetic shaker and perfusion machine tests. The rectifying circuitry for the energy harvester was also investigated. The final solution uses multiple devices to provide the power to augment the battery and so this was a key feature to be considered. Many circuits were examined and a solution based on a fully autonomous circuit was advanced. This circuit was analysed for use with multiple low power inputs similar to the results from previous investigations into the energy harvesting devices. Polymer materials were also studied for use as a substitute for the piezoelectric material as well as the substrate because silicon is more brittle.


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As part of the ultrafast charge dynamics initiated by high intensity laser irradiations of solid targets,high amplitude EM pulses propagate away from the interaction point and are transported along anystalks and wires attached to the target. The propagation of these high amplitude pulses along a thinwire connected to a laser irradiated target was diagnosed via the proton radiography technique,measuring a pulse duration of 20 ps and a pulse velocity close to the speed of light. The strongelectric field associated with the EM pulse can be exploited for controlling dynamically the protonbeams produced from a laser-driven source. Chromatic divergence control of broadband laser drivenprotons (upto 75% reduction in divergence of >5 MeV protons) was obtained by winding the supportingwire around the proton beam axis to create a helical coil structure. In addition to providingfocussing and energy selection, the technique has the potential to post-accelerate the transiting protonsby the longitudinal component of the curved electric field lines produced by the helical coil lens.


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The most established route to create a laser-based neutron source is by employing laser accelerated, low atomic-number ions in fusion reactions. In addition to the high reaction cross-sections at moderate energies of the projectile ions, the anisotropy in neutron emission is another important feature of beam-fusion reactions. Using a simple numerical model based on neutron generation in a pitcher–catcher scenario, anisotropy in neutron emission was studied for the deuterium–deuterium fusion reaction. Simulation results are consistent with the narrow-divergence ( ∼ 70 ° full width at half maximum) neutron beam recently served in an experiment employing multi-MeV deuteron beams of narrow divergence (up to 30° FWHM, depending on the ion energy) accelerated by a sub-petawatt laser pulse from thin deuterated plastic foils via the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration mechanism. By varying the input ion beam parameters, simulations show that a further improvement in the neutron beam directionality (i.e. reduction in the beam divergence) can be obtained by increasing the projectile ion beam temperature and cut-off energy, as expected from interactions employing higher power lasers at upcoming facilities.


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The latest techniques for the fabrication of high power laser targets, using processes developed for the manufacture of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) devices are discussed. These laser targets are designed to meet the needs of the increased shot numbers that are available in the latest design of laser facilities. Traditionally laser targets have been fabricated using conventional machining or coarse etching processes and have been produced in quantities of 10s to low 100s. Such targets can be used for high complexity experiments such as Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) studies and can have many complex components that need assembling and characterisation with high precision. Using the techniques that are common to MEMS devices and integrating these with an existing target fabrication capability we are able to manufacture and deliver targets to these systems. It also enables us to manufacture novel targets that have not been possible using other techniques. In addition, developments in the positioning systems that are required to deliver these targets to the laser focus are also required and a system to deliver the target to a focus of an F2 beam at 0.1Hz is discussed.


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Channel formation during the propagation of a high-energy (120 J) and long duration (30 ps) laser pulse through an underdense deuterium plasma has been spatially and temporally resolved via means of a proton imaging technique, with intrinsic resolutions of a few micron and a few ps, respectively. Conclusive proof is provided that strong azimuthally symmetric magnetic fields with a strength of around 0.5 MG are created inside the channel, consistent with the generation of a collimated beam of
relativistic electrons. The inferred electron beam characteristics may have implications for the cone-free fast-ignition scheme of inertial confinement fusion


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A small scale sample nuclear waste package, consisting of a 28 mm diameter uranium penny encased in grout, was imaged by absorption contrast radiography using a single pulse exposure from an X-ray source driven by a high-power laser. The Vulcan laser was used to deliver a focused pulse of photons to a tantalum foil, in order to generate a bright burst of highly penetrating X-rays (with energy >500 keV), with a source size of <0.5 mm. BAS-TR and BAS-SR image plates were used for image capture, alongside a newly developed Thalium doped Caesium Iodide scintillator-based detector coupled to CCD chips. The uranium penny was clearly resolved to sub-mm accuracy over a 30 cm2 scan area from a single shot acquisition. In addition, neutron generation was demonstrated in situ with the X-ray beam, with a single shot, thus demonstrating the potential for multi-modal criticality testing of waste materials. This feasibility study successfully demonstrated non-destructive radiography of encapsulated, high density, nuclear material. With recent developments of high-power laser systems, to 10 Hz operation, a laser-driven multi-modal beamline for waste monitoring applications is envisioned.


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Multiple ion acceleration mechanisms can occur when an ultrathin foil is irradiated with an intense laser pulse, with the dominant mechanism changing over the course of the interaction. Measurement of the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of energetic protons is used to investigate the transition from radiation pressure acceleration to transparency-driven processes. It is shown numerically that radiation pressure drives an increased expansion of the target ions within the spatial extent of the laser focal spot, which induces a radial deflection of relatively low energy sheath-accelerated protons to form an annular distribution. Through variation of the target foil thickness, the opening angle of the ring is shown to be correlated to the point in time transparency occurs during the interaction and is maximized when it occurs at the peak of the laser intensity profile. Corresponding experimental measurements of the ring size variation with target thickness exhibit the same trends and provide insight into the intra-pulse laser-plasma evolution.


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Ongoing developments in laser-driven ion acceleration warrant appropriate modifications to the standard Thomson Parabola Spectrometer (TPS) arrangement in order to match the diagnostic requirements associated to the particular and distinctive properties of laser-accelerated beams. Here we present an overview of recent developments by our group of the TPS diagnostic aimed to enhance the capability of diagnosing multi-species high-energy ion beams. In order to facilitate discrimination between ions with same Z / A , a recursive differential filtering technique was implemented at the TPS detector in order to allow only one of the overlapping ion species to reach the detector, across the entire energy range detectable by the TPS. In order to mitigate the issue of overlapping ion traces towards the higher energy part of the spectrum, an extended, trapezoidal electric plates design was envisaged, followed by its experimental demonstration. The design allows achieving high energy-resolution at high energies without sacrificing the lower energy part of the spectrum. Finally, a novel multi-pinhole TPS design is discussed, that would allow angularly resolved, complete spectral characterization of the high-energy, multi-species ion beams.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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L’accélération directe d’électrons par des impulsions ultrabrèves de polarisation radiale fortement focalisées démontre un grand potentiel, notamment, pour la production de paquets d’électrons ultrabrefs. Plusieurs aspects de ce schéma d’accélération restent toutefois à être explorés pour en permettre une maîtrise approfondie. Dans le cadre du présent mémoire, on s’intéresse à l’ajout d’une dérive de fréquence au champ de l’impulsion TM01 utilisée. Les expressions exactes des composantes du champ électromagnétique de l’impulsion TM01 sont établies à partir d’une généralisation du spectre de Poisson. Il s’agit, à notre connaissance, du premier modèle analytique exact pour la description d’une impulsion avec une dérive de fréquence. Ce modèle est utilisé pour étudier l’impact du glissement en fréquence sur le schéma d’accélération, grâce à des simulations “particule test” unidimensionnelles, considérant en premier lieu une énergie constante par impulsion, puis un champ maximum constant. Les résultats révèlent que le glissement en fréquence diminue le gain en énergie maximum atteignable dans le cadre du schéma d’accélération à l’étude ; une baisse d’efficacité de plusieurs dizaines de pourcents peut survenir. De plus, les simulations mettent en évidence certaines différences reliées à l’utilisation d’impulsions avec une dérive vers les basses fréquences ou avec une dérive vers les hautes fréquences : il se trouve que, pour un glissement en fréquence de même grandeur, l’impulsion avec une dérive vers les basses fréquences conduit à un gain en énergie cinétique maximum plus élevé pour l’électron que l’impulsion avec une dérive vers les hautes fréquences.


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The aim of the present work was to study the morphology and structure of the nanoparticles produced by femtosecond laser ablation of fused silica. Ultrashort laser pulses of 1030 nm wavelength and 550 fs duration were tightly focused by a high numerical aperture microscope objective at the surface of fused silica samples while scanning the sample in relation to the stationary laser beam. Laser tracks were created with pulse energies in the range 5-100 mu J, resulting in ablation debris of different morphologies. The debris were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy for their morphology and crystal structure in relation to the incident laser pulse energy. Ejected particles with sizes ranging from a few nanometers to a few microns were found. Their morphologies can be broadly classified into three categories: very fine round nanoparticles with diameters lower than 20 nm, nanoparticles with intermediate sizes between 50 and 200 nm, and big irregular particles with typical size between 0.5 and 1.5 mu m. The fine nanoparticles of the first category are predominantly observed at higher pulse energies and tend to aggregate to form web-like and arborescent-like structures. The nanoparticles with intermediate sizes are observed for all pulse energies used and may appear isolated or aggregated in clusters. Finally, the larger irregular particles of the third category are observed for all energies and appear normally isolated.


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Since years, research on SnRK1, the major cellular energy sensor in plants, has tried to define its role in energy signalling. However, these attempts were notoriously hampered by the lethality of a complete knockout of SnRK1. Therefore, we generated an inducible amiRNA::SnRK1α2 in a snrk1α1 knock out background (snrk1α1/α2) to abolish SnRK1 activity to understand major systemic functions of SnRK1 signalling under energy deprivation triggered by extended night treatment. We analysed the in vivo phosphoproteome, proteome and metabolome and found that activation of SnRK1 is essential for repression of high energy demanding cell processes such as protein synthesis. The most abundant effect was the constitutively high phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6) in the snrk1α1/α2 mutant. RPS6 is a major target of TOR signalling and its phosphorylation correlates with translation. Further evidence for an antagonistic SnRK1 and TOR crosstalk comparable to the animal system was demonstrated by the in vivo interaction of SnRK1α1 and RAPTOR1B in the cytosol and by phosphorylation of RAPTOR1B by SnRK1α1 in kinase assays. Moreover, changed levels of phosphorylation states of several chloroplastic proteins in the snrk1α1/α2 mutant indicated an unexpected link to regulation of photosynthesis, the main energy source in plants.


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This dissertation is concerned with the control, combining, and propagation of laser beams through a turbulent atmosphere. In the first part we consider adaptive optics: the process of controlling the beam based on information of the current state of the turbulence. If the target is cooperative and provides a coherent return beam, the phase measured near the beam transmitter and adaptive optics can, in principle, correct these fluctuations. However, for many applications, the target is uncooperative. In this case, we show that an incoherent return from the target can be used instead. Using the principle of reciprocity, we derive a novel relation between the field at the target and the scattered field at a detector. We then demonstrate through simulation that an adaptive optics system can utilize this relation to focus a beam through atmospheric turbulence onto a rough surface. In the second part we consider beam combining. To achieve the power levels needed for directed energy applications it is necessary to combine a large number of lasers into a single beam. The large linewidths inherent in high-power fiber and slab lasers cause random phase and intensity fluctuations occurring on sub-nanosecond time scales. We demonstrate that this presents a challenging problem when attempting to phase-lock high-power lasers. Furthermore, we show that even if instruments are developed that can precisely control the phase of high-power lasers; coherent combining is problematic for DE applications. The dephasing effects of atmospheric turbulence typically encountered in DE applications will degrade the coherent properties of the beam before it reaches the target. Finally, we investigate the propagation of Bessel and Airy beams through atmospheric turbulence. It has been proposed that these quasi-non-diffracting beams could be resistant to the effects of atmospheric turbulence. However, we find that atmospheric turbulence disrupts the quasi-non-diffracting nature of Bessel and Airy beams when the transverse coherence length nears the initial aperture diameter or diagonal respectively. The turbulence induced transverse phase distortion limits the effectiveness of Bessel and Airy beams for applications requiring propagation over long distances in the turbulent atmosphere.