902 resultados para knowledge-based system


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Ao se realizar estudo em qualquer área do conhecimento, quanto mais dados se dispuser, maior a dificuldade de se extrair conhecimento útil deste banco de dados. A finalidade deste trabalho é apresentar algumas ferramentas ditas inteligentes, de extração de conhecimento destes grandes repositórios de dados. Apesar de ter várias conotações, neste trabalho, irá se entender extração de conhecimento dos repositórios de dados a ocorrência combinada de alguns dados com freqüência e confiabilidade que se consideram interessantes, ou seja, na medida e que determinado dado ou conjunto de dados aparece no repositório de dados, em freqüência considerada razoável, outro dado ou conjunto de dados irá aparecer. Executada sobre repositórios de dados referentes a informações georreferenciadas dos alunos da UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), irá se analisar os resultados de duas ferramentas de extração de dados, bem como apresentar possibilidades de otimização computacional destas ferramentas.


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Why do firms acquire external technologies? Previous research indicates that there are a wide variety of motivations. These include the need to acquire valuable knowledge-based resources, to improve strategic flexibility, to experiment), to overcome organisational inertia, to mitigate risk and uncertainty, to reduce costs and development time in new product development, and the perception that the firm has the absorptive capacity to integrate acquisitions. In this paper we provide an in-depth literature review of the motivations for the acquisition of external technologies by firms. We find that these motivations can be broadly classed into four categories: (1) the development of technological capabilities, (2) the development of strategic options, (3) efficiency improvements, and (4) responses to the competitive environment. In light of this categorisation, we comment on how these different motivations connect to the wider issues of technology acquisition. © 2010 IEEE.


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We present a video-based system which interactively captures the geometry of a 3D object in the form of a point cloud, then recognizes and registers known objects in this point cloud in a matter of seconds (fig. 1). In order to achieve interactive speed, we exploit both efficient inference algorithms and parallel computation, often on a GPU. The system can be broken down into two distinct phases: geometry capture, and object inference. We now discuss these in further detail. © 2011 IEEE.


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A partially observable Markov decision process has been proposed as a dialogue model that enables robustness to speech recognition errors and automatic policy optimisation using reinforcement learning (RL). However, conventional RL algorithms require a very large number of dialogues, necessitating a user simulator. Recently, Gaussian processes have been shown to substantially speed up the optimisation, making it possible to learn directly from interaction with human users. However, early studies have been limited to very low dimensional spaces and the learning has exhibited convergence problems. Here we investigate learning from human interaction using the Bayesian Update of Dialogue State system. This dynamic Bayesian network based system has an optimisation space covering more than one hundred features, allowing a wide range of behaviours to be learned. Using an improved policy model and a more robust reward function, we show that stable learning can be achieved that significantly outperforms a simulator trained policy. © 2013 IEEE.


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Although formal specification techniques are very useful in software development, the acquisition of formal specifications is a difficult task. This paper presents the formal specification language LFC, which is designed to facilitate the acquisition and validation of formal specifications. LFC uses context-free languages for syntactic aspect and relies on a new kind of recursive functions, i.e. recursive functions on context-free languages, for semantic aspect of specifications. Construction and validation of LFC specifications are machine-aided. The basic ideas behind LFC, the main aspects of LFC, and the use of LFC and illustrative examples are described.


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This research is concerned with designing representations for analytical reasoning problems (of the sort found on the GRE and LSAT). These problems test the ability to draw logical conclusions. A computer program was developed that takes as input a straightforward predicate calculus translation of a problem, requests additional information if necessary, decides what to represent and how, designs representations capturing the constraints of the problem, and creates and executes a LISP program that uses those representations to produce a solution. Even though these problems are typically difficult for theorem provers to solve, the LISP program that uses the designed representations is very efficient.


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This thesis describes two programs for generating tests for digital circuits that exploit several kinds of expert knowledge not used by previous approaches. First, many test generation problems can be solved efficiently using operation relations, a novel representation of circuit behavior that connects internal component operations with directly executable circuit operations. Operation relations can be computed efficiently by searching traces of simulated circuit behavior. Second, experts write test programs rather than test vectors because programs are more readable and compact. Test programs can be constructed automatically by merging program fragments using expert-supplied goal-refinement rules and domain-independent planning techniques.


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A simple analog circuit designer has been implemented as a rule based system. The system can design voltage followers. Miller integrators, and bootstrap ramp generators from functional descriptions of what these circuits do. While the designer works in a simple domain where all components are ideal, it demonstrates the abilities of skilled designers. While the domain is electronics, the design ideas are useful in many other engineering domains, such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, and numerical programming. Most circuit design systems are given the circuit schematic and use arithmetic constraints to select component values. This circuit designer is different because it designs the schematic. The designer uses a unidirectional CONTROL relation to find the schematic. The circuit designs are built around this relation; it restricts the search space, assigns purposes to components and finds design bugs.


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The actor message-passing model of concurrent computation has inspired new ideas in the areas of knowledge-based systems, programming languages and their semantics, and computer systems architecture. The model itself grew out of computer languages such as Planner, Smalltalk, and Simula, and out of the use of continuations to interpret imperative constructs within A-calculus. The mathematical content of the model has been developed by Carl Hewitt, Irene Greif, Henry Baker, and Giuseppe Attardi. This thesis extends and unifies their work through the following observations. The ordering laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker can be proved using a notion of global time. The most general ordering laws are in fact equivalent to an axiom of realizability in global time. Independence results suggest that some notion of global time is essential to any model of concurrent computation. Since nondeterministic concurrency is more fundamental than deterministic sequential computation, there may be no need to take fixed points in the underlying domain of a power domain. Power domains built from incomplete domains can solve the problem of providing a fixed point semantics for a class of nondeterministic programming languages in which a fair merge can be written. The event diagrams of Greif's behavioral semantics, augmented by Baker's pending events, form an incomplete domain. Its power domain is the semantic domain in which programs written in actor-based languages are assigned meanings. This denotational semantics is compatible with behavioral semantics. The locality laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker may be proved for the semantics of an actor-based language. Altering the semantics slightly can falsify the locality laws. The locality laws thus constrain what counts as an actor semantics.


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Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC