1000 resultados para ion flux


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The paper presents the vector model of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) in the rotor flux oriented reference frame. The rotor flux oriented reference frame is well known in the standard AC machines analysis and control. Similar benefits can be sought by employing this method for the BDFM The vector model is implemented in MATLAB/SIVIULINK to simulate the BDFM dynamic performance under different operating conditions. The predictions from the vector model are compared to those from the coupled circuit model in simulation. The results are shown for the cascade mode of operation. © 2008 IEEE.


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The method of modeling ion implantation in a multilayer target using moments of a statistical distribution and numerical integration for dose calculation in each target layer is applied to the modelling of As+ in poly-Si/SiO2/Si. Good agreement with experiment is obtained. Copyright © 1985 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


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Superconductors are known for the ability to trap magnetic field. A thermally actuated magnetization (TAM) flux pump is a system that utilizes the thermal material to generate multiple small magnetic pulses resulting in a high magnetization accumulated in the superconductor. Ferrites are a good thermal material candidate for the future TAM flux pumps because the relative permeability of ferrite changes significantly with temperature, particularly around the Curie temperature. Several soft ferrites have been specially synthesized to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of the TAM flux pump. Various ferrite compositions have been tested under a temperature variation ranging from 77K to 300K. The experimental results of the synthesized soft ferrites-Cu 0.3 Zn 0.7Ti 0.04Fe 1.96O 4, including the Curie temperature, magnetic relative permeability and the volume magnetization (emu/cm3), are presented in this paper. The results are compared with original thermal material, gadolinium, used in the TAM flux pump system.-Cu 0.3 Zn 0.7Ti 0.04 Fe 1.96O 4 holds superior characteristics and is believed to be a suitable material for next generation TAM flux pump. © 2011 IEEE.


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Turbine design engineers have to ensure that film cooling can provide sufficient protection to turbine blades from the hot mainstream gas, while keeping the losses low. Film cooling hole design parameters include inclination angle (α), compound angle (β ), hole inlet geometry and hole exit geometry. The influence of these parameters on aerodynamic loss and net heat flux reduction is investigated, with loss being the primary focus. Low-speed flat plate experiments have been conducted at momentum flux ratios of IR = 0.16, 0.64 and 1.44. The film cooling aerodynamic mixing loss, generated by the mixing of mainstream and coolant, can be quantified using a three-dimensional analytical model that has been previously reported by the authors. The model suggests that for the same flow conditions, the aerodynamic mixing loss is the same for holes with different α and β but with the same angle between the mainstream and coolant flow directions (angle κ). This relationship is assessed through experiments by testing two sets of cylindrical holes with different α and β : one set with κ = 35°, another set with κ = 60°. The data confirm the stated relationship between α, β, κ and the aerodynamic mixing loss. The results show that the designer should minimise κ to obtain the lowest loss, but maximise β to achieve the best heat transfer performance. A suggestion on improving the loss model is also given. Five different hole geometries (α =35.0°, β =0°) were also tested: cylindrical hole, trenched hole, fan-shaped hole, D-Fan and SD-Fan. The D-Fan and the SD-Fan have similar hole exits to the fan-shaped hole but their hole inlets are laterally expanded. The external mixing loss and the loss generated inside the hole are compared. It was found that the D-Fan and the SD-Fan have the lowest loss. This is attributed to their laterally expanded hole inlets, which lead to significant reduction in the loss generated inside the holes. As a result, the loss of these geometries is ≈ 50 % of the loss of the fan-shaped hole at IR = 0.64 and 1.44. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Granular reactive materials have higher permeability and are therefore desirable for in situ groundwater pollution control. Three granular bentonites were prepared: an Al-pillared bentonite (PBg), an organo-bentonite (OBg) using a quaternary ammonium cation (QAC), and an inorgano-organo-bentonite (IOBg), using both the pillaring agent and the QAC. Powdered IOB (IOBp) was also prepared to test the effect of particle size. The modified bentonites were characterised with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and uniaxial compression tests. The d-spacing increased only with QAC intercalation. The Young's modulus of IOBg was twice as high as OBg. Batch adsorption tests were performed with aqueous multimetal solutions of Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ and Ni2+ ions, with liquid dodecane and with aqueous dodecane solutions. Metal adsorption fit the Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption occurred within 30min for PBg, while the granular organo-bentonite needed at least 12h to reach equilibrium. IOBp had the maximum adsorption capacity at higher metal concentration and lower adsorbent content (Cu2+: 2.2, Ni2+: 1.7, Zn2+: 1.4, Cd2+: 0.9 and Pb2+: 0.7 all in mmolg-1). The dual pillaring of the QAC and Al hydroxide increased the adsorption. The adsorption of liquid dodecane was in the order IOBg>OBg>PBg (3.2>2.7>1.7mmolg-1). Therefore IOBg has potential for the removal of toxic compounds found in soil, groundwater, storm water and wastewater. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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This paper describes the behaviour of bulk superconductors when subjected to a varying magnetic field. A magnetic model is described together with experimental results which explain and describe the behaviour of superconducting bulks when subjected to varying magnetic fields. We demonstrate how the behaviour is dependent on the magnitude and period of the perturbations in the fields. The model which we use has been implemented using the Comsol™pde solver. It is a fully integrated model which uses a variable heat source to regulate the magnetic circuit and thereby to achieve flux pumping. Comsol™is used for post solution visualization and the model is presented alongside experimental results which support and confirm the conclusions from the model. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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To explore the machining characteristics of glassy carbon by focused ion beam (FIB), particles induced by FIB milling on glassy carbon have been studied in the current work. Nano-sized particles in the range of tens of nanometers up to 400 nm can often be found around the area subject to FIB milling. Two ion beam scanning modes - slow single scan and fast repetitive scan - have been tested. Fewer particles are found in single patterns milled in fast repetitive scan mode. For a group of test patterns milled in a sequence, it was found that a greater number of particles were deposited around sites machined early in the sequence. In situ EDX analysis of the particles showed that they were composed of C and Ga. The formation of particles is related to the debris generated at the surrounding areas, the low melting point of gallium used as FIB ion source and the high contact angle of gallium on glassy carbon induces de-wetting of Ga and the subsequent formation of Ga particles. Ultrasonic cleaning can remove over 98% of visible particles. The surface roughness (Ra) of FIB milled areas after cleaning is less than 2 nm. © 2010.


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Non-conventional methods of machining are used for many engineering applications where the traditional processes fail to be cost-effective. Such processes include Ion Beam Machining (IBM), focused ion beam (FIB) machining and plasma discharge machining. The mechanisms of material removal and associated hardware and software developed for industrial applications of these fascinating electro-physical and chemical machining processes are reviewed together with the latest research findings. © 2009 CIRP.


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In this paper, the use of magnetic materials to divert flux in high-temperature superconductor superconducting coils and reduce transport ac loss is investigated. This particular technique is preferred over other techniques, such as striation, Roebel transposition, and twisted wires because it does not require modification to the conductor itself, which can be detrimental to the properties of the superconductor. The technique can also be implemented for existing coils. The analysis is carried out using a coil model based on the H formulation and implemented in comsol multiphysics. Both weakly and strongly magnetic materials are investigated, and it is shown that the use of such materials can divert flux and achieve a reduction in transport ac loss, which, in some cases, is quite significant. This analysis acts to provide a foundation for further optimization and experimental work in the future. © 2011 IEEE.