927 resultados para inter-surfacing interval data


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The coexistence of gingival recession (GR) with root coverage indication and non-carious cervical lesions (LCNC) generates the need for a protocol that respects and promotes health of dental and periodontal tissues and allows treatment predictability. The main objectives of this theses were: (1) verify, through clinical evaluations, the connective tissue graft for root coverage on direct and indirect restorations made of ceramic resin; (2) analyze the influence of the battery level of the LED curing unit in the composite resin characteristics; (3) assess the influence of restorative materials, composite resin and ceramics, on the viability of gingival fibroblasts from primary culture. Nine patients with good oral hygiene and occlusal stability diagnosed with LCNCs the anterior teeth including premolars associated with gingival recession (class I and II of Miller) and only gingival recession were selected. After initial clinical examination, occlusal adjustment was performed and the patients had their teeth randomized allocated on direct composite resin restoration of LCNC, polishing and GR treatment with connective tissue graft and advanced coronally flap CR group (n = 15); and indirect ceramic restoration of the LCNC's and GR treatment (CTG+CAF) Group C (n = 15). The GR presented teeth with no clinically formed LCNCs cavity were treated using (CTG+CAF) being the control group (n = 15). Sorption and solubility tests, analysis of the degree of conversion and diametral tensile strength were performed in composite resin samples (n = 10) photoactivated by 100, 50 and 10% battery charge LED unit. The viability of fibroblasts on composite resin, ceramics and dentin disks (n = 3) was examined. Clinical follow-up was performed for three months. The data obtained at different stages were tabulated and subjected to analysis for detection of normal distribution and homogeneity. The results showed that: the LED unit with 10% battery affects the characteristics of the composite resin; restorative materials present biocompatibility with gingival fibroblasts; and the association of surgical and restorative treatment of teeth affected by NCCL and GR presents successful results at 3-month follow-up.


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The standard difference model of two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) tasks implies that performance should be the same when the target is presented in the first or the second interval. Empirical data often show “interval bias” in that percentage correct differs significantly when the signal is presented in the first or the second interval. We present an extension of the standard difference model that accounts for interval bias by incorporating an indifference zone around the null value of the decision variable. Analytical predictions are derived which reveal how interval bias may occur when data generated by the guessing model are analyzed as prescribed by the standard difference model. Parameter estimation methods and goodness-of-fit testing approaches for the guessing model are also developed and presented. A simulation study is included whose results show that the parameters of the guessing model can be estimated accurately. Finally, the guessing model is tested empirically in a 2AFC detection procedure in which guesses were explicitly recorded. The results support the guessing model and indicate that interval bias is not observed when guesses are separated out.


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We recently published an article (García-Pérez & Alcalá- Quintana, 2010) reanalyzing data presented by Lapid, Ulrich, and Rammsayer (2008) and discussing a theoretical argument developed by Ulrich and Vorberg (2009). The purpose of this note is to correct an error in our study that has some theoretical importance, although it does not affect the conclusion that was raised. The error lies in that asymptote parameters reflecting lapses or finger errors should not enter the constraint relating the psychometric functions that describe performance when the comparison stimulus in a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) discrimination task is presented in the first or second interval.


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This paper explores the dynamics of inter-sectoral technological integration by introducing the concept of bridging platform as a node of pervasive technologies, whose collective broad applicability may enhance the connection between ‘distant’ knowledge by offering a technological coupling. Using data on patents obtained from the CRIOS-PATSTAT database for four EU countries (Germany, UK, France and Italy), we provide empirical evidence that bridging platforms are likely to connect more effectively innovations across distant technological domains, fostering inter-sectoral technological integration and the development of original innovation. Public research organisations are also found to play a crucial role in terms of technological integration and original innovation due to their higher capacity to access and use bridging platforms within their innovation activities.


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Human use of the oceans is increasingly in conflict with conservation of endangered species. Methods for managing the spatial and temporal placement of industries such as military, fishing, transportation and offshore energy, have historically been post hoc; i.e. the time and place of human activity is often already determined before assessment of environmental impacts. In this dissertation, I build robust species distribution models in two case study areas, US Atlantic (Best et al. 2012) and British Columbia (Best et al. 2015), predicting presence and abundance respectively, from scientific surveys. These models are then applied to novel decision frameworks for preemptively suggesting optimal placement of human activities in space and time to minimize ecological impacts: siting for offshore wind energy development, and routing ships to minimize risk of striking whales. Both decision frameworks relate the tradeoff between conservation risk and industry profit with synchronized variable and map views as online spatial decision support systems.

For siting offshore wind energy development (OWED) in the U.S. Atlantic (chapter 4), bird density maps are combined across species with weights of OWED sensitivity to collision and displacement and 10 km2 sites are compared against OWED profitability based on average annual wind speed at 90m hub heights and distance to transmission grid. A spatial decision support system enables toggling between the map and tradeoff plot views by site. A selected site can be inspected for sensitivity to a cetaceans throughout the year, so as to capture months of the year which minimize episodic impacts of pre-operational activities such as seismic airgun surveying and pile driving.

Routing ships to avoid whale strikes (chapter 5) can be similarly viewed as a tradeoff, but is a different problem spatially. A cumulative cost surface is generated from density surface maps and conservation status of cetaceans, before applying as a resistance surface to calculate least-cost routes between start and end locations, i.e. ports and entrance locations to study areas. Varying a multiplier to the cost surface enables calculation of multiple routes with different costs to conservation of cetaceans versus cost to transportation industry, measured as distance. Similar to the siting chapter, a spatial decisions support system enables toggling between the map and tradeoff plot view of proposed routes. The user can also input arbitrary start and end locations to calculate the tradeoff on the fly.

Essential to the input of these decision frameworks are distributions of the species. The two preceding chapters comprise species distribution models from two case study areas, U.S. Atlantic (chapter 2) and British Columbia (chapter 3), predicting presence and density, respectively. Although density is preferred to estimate potential biological removal, per Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements in the U.S., all the necessary parameters, especially distance and angle of observation, are less readily available across publicly mined datasets.

In the case of predicting cetacean presence in the U.S. Atlantic (chapter 2), I extracted datasets from the online OBIS-SEAMAP geo-database, and integrated scientific surveys conducted by ship (n=36) and aircraft (n=16), weighting a Generalized Additive Model by minutes surveyed within space-time grid cells to harmonize effort between the two survey platforms. For each of 16 cetacean species guilds, I predicted the probability of occurrence from static environmental variables (water depth, distance to shore, distance to continental shelf break) and time-varying conditions (monthly sea-surface temperature). To generate maps of presence vs. absence, Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to define the optimal threshold that minimizes false positive and false negative error rates. I integrated model outputs, including tables (species in guilds, input surveys) and plots (fit of environmental variables, ROC curve), into an online spatial decision support system, allowing for easy navigation of models by taxon, region, season, and data provider.

For predicting cetacean density within the inner waters of British Columbia (chapter 3), I calculated density from systematic, line-transect marine mammal surveys over multiple years and seasons (summer 2004, 2005, 2008, and spring/autumn 2007) conducted by Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Abundance estimates were calculated using two different methods: Conventional Distance Sampling (CDS) and Density Surface Modelling (DSM). CDS generates a single density estimate for each stratum, whereas DSM explicitly models spatial variation and offers potential for greater precision by incorporating environmental predictors. Although DSM yields a more relevant product for the purposes of marine spatial planning, CDS has proven to be useful in cases where there are fewer observations available for seasonal and inter-annual comparison, particularly for the scarcely observed elephant seal. Abundance estimates are provided on a stratum-specific basis. Steller sea lions and harbour seals are further differentiated by ‘hauled out’ and ‘in water’. This analysis updates previous estimates (Williams & Thomas 2007) by including additional years of effort, providing greater spatial precision with the DSM method over CDS, novel reporting for spring and autumn seasons (rather than summer alone), and providing new abundance estimates for Steller sea lion and northern elephant seal. In addition to providing a baseline of marine mammal abundance and distribution, against which future changes can be compared, this information offers the opportunity to assess the risks posed to marine mammals by existing and emerging threats, such as fisheries bycatch, ship strikes, and increased oil spill and ocean noise issues associated with increases of container ship and oil tanker traffic in British Columbia’s continental shelf waters.

Starting with marine animal observations at specific coordinates and times, I combine these data with environmental data, often satellite derived, to produce seascape predictions generalizable in space and time. These habitat-based models enable prediction of encounter rates and, in the case of density surface models, abundance that can then be applied to management scenarios. Specific human activities, OWED and shipping, are then compared within a tradeoff decision support framework, enabling interchangeable map and tradeoff plot views. These products make complex processes transparent for gaming conservation, industry and stakeholders towards optimal marine spatial management, fundamental to the tenets of marine spatial planning, ecosystem-based management and dynamic ocean management.


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Humans and animals have remarkable capabilities in keeping time and using time as a guide to orient their learning and decision making. Psychophysical models of timing and time perception have been proposed for decades and have received behavioral, anatomical and pharmacological data support. However, despite numerous studies that aimed at delineating the neural underpinnings of interval timing, a complete picture of the neurobiological network of timing in the seconds-to-minutes range remains elusive. Based on classical interval timing protocols and proposing a Timing, Immersive Memory and Emotional Regulation (TIMER) test battery, the author investigates the contributions of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus as well as the dorsolateral and the dorsomedial striatum to interval timing by comparing timing performances in mice after they received cytotoxic lesions in the corresponding brain regions. On the other hand, a timing-based theoretical framework for the emergence of conscious experience that is closely related to the function of the claustrum is proposed so as to serve both biological guidance and the research and evolution of “strong” artificial intelligence. Finally, a new “Double Saturation Model of Interval Timing” that integrates the direct- and indirect- pathways of striatum is proposed to explain the set of empirical findings.


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The skin is home to trillions of microbes, many of which are recently implicated in immune system regulation and various health conditions (33). The skin is continuously exposed to the outside environment, inviting microbial transfer between human skin and the people, animals, and surfaces with which an individual comes into contact. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess how different environmental exposures influence skin microbe communities, as this can strengthen our understanding of how microbial variation relates to health outcomes. This study investigated the skin microbial communities of humans and domesticated cattle living in rural Madagascar. The V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced from samples of zebu (the domesticated cattle of Madagascar), zebu owners, and non-zebu owners. Overall, human armpits were the least diverse sample site, while ankles were the most diverse. The diversity of zebu samples was significantly different from armpits, irrespective of zebu ownership (one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD, p<0.05). However, zebu owner samples (from the armpit, ankle forearm, and hand) were more similar to other zebu owner samples than they were to zebu, yet no more similar to other zebu owner samples than they were to non-zebu owner samples (unweighted UniFrac distances, p<0.05). These data suggest a lack of a microbial signature shared by zebu owners and zebu, though further taxonomic analysis is required to explain the role of additional environmental variables in dictating the microbial communities of various samples sites. Understanding the magnitude and directionality of microbial sharing has implications for a breadth of microbe-related health outcomes, with the potential to explain mosquito host preference and mitigate the threats of vector-borne diseases.


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Head motion during a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) brain scan can considerably degrade image quality. External motion-tracking devices have proven successful in minimizing this effect, but the associated time, maintenance, and workflow changes inhibit their widespread clinical use. List-mode PET acquisition allows for the retroactive analysis of coincidence events on any time scale throughout a scan, and therefore potentially offers a data-driven motion detection and characterization technique. An algorithm was developed to parse list-mode data, divide the full acquisition into short scan intervals, and calculate the line-of-response (LOR) midpoint average for each interval. These LOR midpoint averages, known as “radioactivity centroids,” were presumed to represent the center of the radioactivity distribution in the scanner, and it was thought that changes in this metric over time would correspond to intra-scan motion.

Several scans were taken of the 3D Hoffman brain phantom on a GE Discovery IQ PET/CT scanner to test the ability of the radioactivity to indicate intra-scan motion. Each scan incrementally surveyed motion in a different degree of freedom (2 translational and 2 rotational). The radioactivity centroids calculated from these scans correlated linearly to phantom positions/orientations. Centroid measurements over 1-second intervals performed on scans with ~1mCi of activity in the center of the field of view had standard deviations of 0.026 cm in the x- and y-dimensions and 0.020 cm in the z-dimension, which demonstrates high precision and repeatability in this metric. Radioactivity centroids are thus shown to successfully represent discrete motions on the submillimeter scale. It is also shown that while the radioactivity centroid can precisely indicate the amount of motion during an acquisition, it fails to distinguish what type of motion occurred.


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The mixing regime of the upper 180 m of a mesoscale eddy in the vicinity of the Antarctic Polar Front at 47° S and 21° E was investigated during the R.V. Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2 within the scope of the iron fertilization experiment EisenEx. On the basis of hydrographic CTD and ADCP profiles we deduced the vertical diffusivity Kz from two different parameterizations. Since these parameterizations bear the character of empirical functions, based on theoretical and idealized assumptions, they were inter alia compared with Cox-number and Thorpe-scale related diffusivities deduced from microstructure measurements, which supplied the first direct insights into turbulence of this ocean region. Values of Kz in the range of 10**-4 - 10**-3 m**2/s appear as a rather robust estimate of vertical diffusivity within the seasonal pycnocline. Values in the mixed layer above are more variable in time and reach 10**-1 m**2/s during periods of strong winds. The results confirm a close agreement between the microstructure-based eddy diffusivities and eddy diffusivities calculated after the parameterization of Pacanowski and Philander [1981, Journal of Physical Oceanography 11, 1443-1451, doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1981)011<1443:POVMIN>2.0.CO;2].


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The compositional record of the AND-2A drillcore is examined using petrological, sedimentological, volcanological and geochemical analysis of clasts, sediments and pore waters. Preliminary investigations of basement clasts (granitoids and metasediments) indicate both local and distal sources corresponding to variable ice-volume and ice-flow directions. Low abundance of sedimentary clasts (e.g., arkose, litharenite) suggests reduced contributions from sedimentary covers while intraclasts (e.g., diamictite, conglomerate) attest to intrabasinal reworking. Volcanic material includes pyroclasts (e.g., pumice, scoria), sediments and lava. Primary and reworked tephra layers occur within the Early Miocene interval (1093 to 640 metres below sea floor mbsf). The compositions of volcanic clasts reveal a diversity of alkaline types derived from the McMurdo Volcanic Group. Finer-grained sediments (e.g., sandstone, siltstone) show increases in biogenic silica and volcanic glass from 230 to 780 mbsf and higher proportions of terrigenous material c. 350 to 750 mbsf and below 970 mbsf. Basement clast assemblages suggest a dominant provenance from the Skelton Glacier - Darwin Glacier area and from the Ferrar Glacier - Koettlitz Glacier area. Provenance of sand grains is consistent with clast sources. Thirteen Geochemical Units are established based on compositional trends derived from continuous XRF scanning. High values of Fe and Ti indicate terrigenous and volcanic sources, whereas high Ca values signify either biogenic or diagenic sources. Highly alkaline and saline pore waters were produced by chemical exchange with glass at moderately elevated temperatures.


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In this study a radiocarbon-dated pollen record from Lake Kotokel (52°47' N, 108°07' E, 458 m a.s.l.) located in southern Siberia east of Lake Baikal was used to derive quantitative characteristics of regional vegetation and climate from about 15 kyr BP (1 kyr = 1000 cal. yr) until today. Quantitative reconstruction of the late glacial vegetation and climate dynamics suggests that open steppe and tundra communities predominated in the study area prior to ca. 13.5 kyr BP and again during the Younger Dryas interval, between 12.8 and 11.6 kyr BP. The pollen-based climate reconstruction suggests lower-than-present mean January (~ -38 °C) and July (~ 12 °C) temperatures and annual precipitation (~ 270-300 mm) values during these time intervals. Boreal woodland replaced the primarily open landscape around Kotokel three times at about 14.8-14.7 kyr BP, during the Allerød Interstadial between 13.3-12.8 kyr BP and with the onset of the Holocene interglacial between 11.5 and 10.5 kyr BP, presumably in response to a noticeable increase in precipitation, and in July and January temperatures. The maximal spread of the boreal forest (taiga) communities in the region is associated with a warmer and wetter-than-present climate (Tw ~ 17-18 °C, Tc ~ -19 °C, Pann ~ 500-550 mm) that occurred ca. 10.8-7.3 kyr BP. During this time interval woody vegetation covered more than 50 % of the area within a 21x21 km window around the lake. The pollen-based best modern analogue reconstruction suggests a decrease in woody cover percentages and in all climatic variables about 7-6.5 kyr BP. Our results demonstrate a gradual decrease in precipitation and mean January temperature towards their present-day values in the region around Lake Kotokel since that time.


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The sediments within Toolik Lake in arctic Alaska are characterized by extremely low rates of organic matter sedimentation and unusually high concentrations of iron and manganese. Pore water and solid phase measurements of iron, manganese, trace metals, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction of organic matter by iron and manganese is the most important biogeochemical reaction within the sediment. Very low rates of dissolved oxygen consumption by the sediments result in an oxidizing environment at the sediment-water interface. This results in high retention of upwardly-diffusing iron and manganese and the formation of metal-enriched sediment. Phosphate in sediment pore waters is strongly adsorbed by the metal-enriched phases. Consequently, fluxes of phosphorus from the sediments to overlying waters are very small and contribute to the oligotrophic nature of the Toolik Lake aquatic system. Toolik Lake contains an unusual type of lacustrine sediment, and in many ways the sediments are similar to those found in oligotrophic oceanic environments.


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Stable oxygen isotope analyses at annual, 2-, 5-, 10- and 20-varve sample resolutions were carried out on two selected varve intervals from the interglacial sediment record of the Piànico palaeolake. These sediments are particularly suitable for ultra-high-resolution isotope analyses on lacustrine endogenic calcite because of the exceptionally well-preserved varve structure. A bias through detrital contamination can be excluded because microscopically controlled sampling enabled selecting detritus-free samples. The studied sediment intervals comprise 352 and 88 continuous varve series formed during periods of rapid climate change at the onset and end of a marked millennial-scale cool interval during the Piànico Interglacial. The most intriguing result is a pronounced short-term oscillation in the bi-annually resolved isotope record superimposed on the general decreasing and increasing d18O trends at the climatic transitions that is recorded at lower sample resolution. Spectral analyses of the bi-annual time series reveal periodicities indicating solar and NAO controls on the d18O record. Multiple d18O measurements from endogenic calcite of individual varves showed variations of up to 0.6 per mil, thus larger than the observed inter-annual variability and most likely explained by seasonal effects.


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Four strains of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (RCC1212, RCC1216, RCC1238, RCC1256) were grown in dilute batch culture at four CO2 levels ranging from ~200 µatm to ~1200 µatm. Coccolith morphology was analyzed based on scanning electron micrographs. Three of the four strains did not exhibit a change in morphology over the CO2 range tested. One strain (RCC1256) displayed an increase in the percentage of malformed coccoliths with increasing CO2 concentration. We conclude that the sensitivity of the coccolith-shaping machinery to carbonate chemistry changes is strain-specific. Although it has been shown before that carbonate chemistry related changes in growth- and calcification rate are strain-specific, there seems to be no consistent correlation between coccolith morphology and growth or calcification rate. We did not observe an increase in the percentage of incomplete coccoliths in RCC1256, indicating that the coccolith-shaping machinery per se is affected by acidification and not the signalling pathway that produces the stop-signal for coccolith growth.


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The Bering Sea is one of the most biologically productive regions in the marine system and plays a key role in regulating the flow of waters to the Arctic Ocean and into the subarctic North Pacific Ocean. Cores from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 323 to the Bering Sea provide the first opportunity to obtain reconstructions from the region that extend back to the Pliocene. Previous research at Bowers Ridge, south Bering Sea, has revealed stable levels of siliceous productivity over the onset of major Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) (circa 2.85-2.73 Ma). However, diatom silica isotope records of oxygen (d18Odiatom) and silicon (d30Sidiatom) presented here demonstrate that this interval was associated with a progressive increase in the supply of silicic acid to the region, superimposed on shift to a more dynamic environment characterized by colder temperatures and increased sea ice. This concluded at 2.58 Ma with a sharp increase in diatom productivity, further increases in photic zone nutrient availability and a permanent shift to colder sea surface conditions. These transitions are suggested to reflect a gradually more intense nutrient leakage from the subarctic northwest Pacific Ocean, with increases in productivity further aided by increased sea ice- and wind-driven mixing in the Bering Sea. In suggesting a linkage in biogeochemical cycling between the south Bering Sea and subarctic Northwest Pacific Ocean, mainly via the Kamchatka Strait, this work highlights the need to consider the interconnectivity of these two systems when future reconstructions are carried out in the region.