938 resultados para incompleteness and inconsistency detection


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小麦加工品质改良已成为我国小麦育种的主要目标之一。特别是我国加入WTO以后,对小麦产品的质量提出了更高的要求,小麦品质改良的任务将更加艰巨和重要,小麦胚乳蛋白是影响小麦加工品质性状的重要因素。因此,深入了解小麦胚乳蛋白对加工品质性状的影响及其分子基础,为品质改良提供理论依据和科学指导,对加速我国小麦品质育种和优质小麦生产具有重要意义。本研究选用在麦谷蛋白5个基因位点(Glu-A1、Glu-B1、Glu-D1、Glu-B3和Glu-D3)上均含不同等位基因的小麦品种99G45和京771及Pm97034和京771杂交F9代共164个麦谷蛋白纯合系,及228个中国推广普通小麦品种和高代育成品系为试材,研究了麦谷蛋白Glu-1和Glu-3位点基因等位变异对籽粒蛋白、湿面筋含量、Zeleny沉降值和SDS沉降值间的关系;本研究还利用小麦A、B和D基因组中低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)基因特异引物,通过PCR方法克隆了1个Glu-A3位点和3个Glu-B3位点LMW-GS基因片段,在此基础上分析了不同等位基因对品质造成差异的分子基础;另外,本研究对中国近年推广的部分品种和育成的高代品系资源的多样性进行了分析。现将主要研究结果简述如下: 1. 对来自三个麦区的148份材料的醇溶蛋白组成进行了分析,结果表明,各麦区醇溶蛋白模式具有较大差异。在ω区,A7、B、E、F、G、J、P、Q、S和U仅存在于西南秋播麦区;A3、M、N、R、W和X仅存在于黄淮特种麦区;K仅存在于北方冬麦区;A6是北方冬麦区出现频率最高的带型模式,而西南秋播麦区中D出现的频率最高。ω-区的E、H和M几种模式是以前国内外未曾报道的。且初步确定,这些模式对品质性状具有正效应。至于γ区,A、B、D、E和F在各区均有出现,其中B和E在各区出现的频率都很高,在26.1-39.6%之间。相反,H 仅出现在黄淮特种麦区,J仅限于西南秋播麦区。对于β-区醇溶蛋白,B型模式在所有区中都相当高,而模式A仅存在于第三区.对于α-区,模式A在Ⅲ区而模式D在Ⅱ区出现的频率很高。1BL.1RS易位系在中国小麦品种中出现频率高达41.2%,在I, II和Ⅲ麦区的出现频率分别为 45.5、43.5和35.2%。各生态区模式的差异可能是品种适应不同生态条件和人为选择的结果,但这有待进一步证明。由于醇溶蛋白位点(Gli-1)与LMW-GS位点(Glu-3)紧密连锁,本结果可为下面确定普通小麦LMW-GS等位基因变异所用。 2. 利用Gli-1与Glu-3的紧密连锁,以228个小麦品种/系为材料,首次对中国小麦品种麦谷蛋白亚基的6个位点进行综合分析,研究小麦籽粒蛋白与品质性状间的关系,结果表明6个高分子量(HMW)和低分子量(LMW)麦谷蛋白位点对蛋白质含量的效应大小为,Glu-D1>Glu-B3>Glu-A1=Glu-B1> Glu-A3=Glu-D3;对GMP含量的效应大小为, Glu-A3>Glu-B3>Glu-D1> Glu-B1>Glu-A1>Glu-D3;对湿面筋含量的效应大小为, Glu-B1>Glu-B3= Glu-D3>Glu-A3>Glu-A1>Glu-D1;对Zeleny沉降值的效应大小为, Glu-A1> Glu-B3>Glu-D3>Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-A3;对SDS沉降值的效应大小为, Glu-B3>Glu-A1=Glu-D1=Glu-A3>Glu-D3>Glu-B1。对蛋白含量而言,各位点的最佳组合方式为1、17+18、5+10、Glu-A3e、Glu-B3g、Glu-D3b;对湿面筋含量而言,各位点的最佳组合方式为1、6+8、5+10、Glu-A3d、Glu-B3c、Glu-D3b;对Zeleny沉降值而言,各位点的最佳组合方式为N、17+18、5+10、Glu-A3d、Glu-B3d、Glu-D3b;对SDS沉降值而言,各位点的最佳组合方式为1、7+8、2.2+12、Glu-A3b、Glu-B3g、Glu-D3b。另外,分析了稀有亚基对5+12与2.2+12与品质性状的关系,认为5+12对品质有负效应,2.2+12对品质有正效应。在品质育种时,应对优异组合或优异亚基加以利用。 3. 首次利用重组自交系(RILs)为材料,研究麦谷蛋白亚基表达量与品质性状的关系,通过对重组自交系中各HMW-GS表达量的分析,认为,就单个亚基的表达量而言,7亚基最高;其次为2亚基、5亚基、12亚基和10亚基;亚基9和1的表达量最小;N亚基不表达。对成对出现的亚基对而言,x型和y型亚基的总表达量2+12>5+10>7+9>17+18。就单个亚基与品质性状的关系而言,仅有10亚基的表达量与蛋白含量的相关性达5%的显著水平,2亚基的表达量与湿面筋含量呈负相关,显著水平也达5%,其余单个亚基对品质性状均无显著影响;就x型/y型亚基的比例来看,2/12和5/10对湿面筋含量都有显著的负效应;对某一位点等位基因控制的亚基表达总量来看,2+12对SDS沉降值有显著负效应。另外,本研究得出:2+12的亚基对的负效应主要体现在2亚基上,且在同一位点上,x型亚基的表达量大于y型。所以推导稀有亚基组合2+10很可能也是劣质亚基。 4. 以 Glu-A1、Glu-B1、Glu-D1、Glu-B3和Glu-D3作为5个因素对99G45/京771和Pm97034/京771杂交后代的蛋白质含量和SDS沉降值进行多因素方差分析。结果表明,Glu-A1和Glu-D3对蛋白含量的加性效应达5%显著水平;Glu-D1 * Glu-D3对蛋白质含量的互作效应也达5%显著水平;其余位点的加性和互作效应对蛋白质含量的影响均不显著。对SDS 沉降值而言,Glu-D1的加性效应最大,贡献率为4.2 % ,达1 %显著水平,其次是Glu-B1位点,贡献率为3.3% ,达5%显著水平。其余位点对SDS 沉降值的加性和互作效应均未达5%显著水平。总体而言, 各位点对蛋白含量的效应大小为Glu-D3 > Glu-A1 > Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-B3;对SDS沉降值的效应大小为Glu-D1>Glu-B1> Glu-D3>Glu-A1> Glu-B3。Glu-D1和Glu-D3位点上等位基因变异对蛋白含量有显著或极显著影响,含Glu-D1d和Glu-D3 GD、Glu-D3 JD基因的株系分别比含Glu-D1a和Glu-D3 PD基因的株系有较高的蛋白含量;在该遗传背景下,麦谷蛋白各基因位点对蛋白含量的效应大小依次排列为:Glu-A1位点1>N;Glu-B1位点7+9>17+18>14+15;Glu-D1位点5+10>2+12;Glu-B3位点GB>JB>PB;Glu-D3位点GB>JB>PB。对SDS沉降值的效应大小依次排列为:Glu-A1位点1>N;Glu-B1位点7+9=17+18>14+15;Glu-D1位点5+10>2+12;Glu-B3位点GB>JB>PB;Glu-D3位点GB>JB>PB。所以,对蛋白含量和SDS沉降值均较好的组合为1,7+9,5+10,GB,GD。 5. 因为GB和PB对品质的效应有显著差异,选取LMW-GS位点特异扩增引物对京771、99G45和Pm97034的Glu-B3位点进行扩增,结果得到三个不一样的扩增片段(Genebank号为DQ539657-DQ539659),得到的基因片段与Genebank中已报道的同类序列高度同源。通过克隆片段组成的分析,发现对Pm97034的序列较京771和99G45段少一个7氨基酸的重复单元,这可能是它较另外两个片段对面筋强度影响小的主要原因;另外,在99G45的序列中,124位处出现L(亮氨酸)代替P(脯氨酸),158位处出现了T(苏氨酸)代换M(蛋氨酸),这可能是99G45Glu-B3位点序列对SDS沉降值的效应显著优于Pm97034的原因。 6.通过对RILs各位点同普通小麦品种(系)各位点与品质关系的比较,发现对SDS沉降值的效应,各位点在不同研究材料中是不同的,普通小麦中:Glu-B3>Glu-A1=Glu-D1=Glu-A3>Glu-D3>Glu-B1,RILs中:Glu-D1>Glu-B1> Glu-D3>Glu-A1> Glu-B3。利用重组自交系材料(完全排除了1BL/1RS易位干扰)所得到的结果与Gupta and MacRitchie (1994)所得结论一致。进一步证实了1BL/1RS易位对小麦品质的重要影响。对蛋白含量而言,普通小麦品种(系)中,Glu-D1>Glu-B3>Glu-A1=Glu-B1> Glu-A3=Glu-D3,RILs中,Glu-D3 > Glu-A1 > Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-B3,和对SDS沉降值的效应一样,推断在非1BL/1RS易位的情况下,各位点对其效应应为Glu-D3 > Glu-A1 > Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-B3。 对同一位点的等位基因而言,普通小麦和重组自交系中Glu-A1和Glu-D1上的等位基因对品质性状的贡献是一致的,但Glu-B1上的等位基因对SDS沉降值的贡献发生了变化,普通小麦中17+18>7+9,RILs中7+9>17+18,这可能也是1BL/1RS造成的。 Baking quality improved is one of the main object of wheat bread in China. The overall objective of the present studies was to increase the understanding about protein quality in wheat, i.e. to make it possible to improve the production of wheat with desired quality for different end-uses. With the analysis of gluten protein in RILs, 99G45/Jing 771 and Pm97034/Jing, and 228 wheat cultivars or lines in China, the correlations between glutenin compositions and protein content, glutenin macropolymer(GMP), wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation value and SDS sedimentation value contentand breadmaking quality were studied. Also a rapid and efficient detection method of geneticpolymorphism at Glu-B3 loci in wheat was established using polymerase chain reaction(PCR).The results obtained were as follows: 1. Cultivated Chinese wheat germplasm has been a valuable genetic resource in international plant breeding. Patterns of gliadin among cultivated Chinese accessions are unknown, despite the proven value and potential novelty. The objective of this work was to analyse the diversity within improved Chinese wheat germplasm. The electrophoretic banding patterns of gliadin in common wheat cultivars and advanced lines were determined by acid-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. For 148 leading commercial cultivars and promising advanced lines used in our study, 48 patterns were identified, 29 corresponding to ω-gliadin, 9 to γ-gliadin, 5 to β-gliadin and 5 to α-gliadin. The most frequent patterns were A6 in ω; B in γ; B in β and A in the region of α. 116 band types appeared in the148 samples: 94 accessions had unique gliadin types, and 22 gliadin types while not unique were found in 54 accessions. The gliadin patterns of Chinese wheat cultivars and lines greatly differed from the patterns of wheat lines from other countries. Three patterns, E, J, H, M, N and O in the ω-zone had not previously been reported. Three wheat zones,the Northern Winter Wheat Region, the Yellow and Huai Valley River valleys Winter Wheat Region and the Southwestern Winter Wheat Region,in China showed different frequencies in their gliadin patterns. This information can be used to monitor genetic diversity with Chinese wheat germplasm. 2. To analyse the relationship between the loci and characteristics quality, we utilized the 228 cultivars/lines. The results showed that : For protein content, Glu-D1 >Glu-B3>Glu-A1=Glu-B1>Glu-A3=Glu-D3. For GMP content, Glu-A3>Glu-B3 >Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-A1>Glu-D3. For wet gluten content, Glu-B1>Glu-B3= Glu-D3>Glu-A3>Glu-A1>Glu-D1. For Zeleny sedimentation value, Glu-A1>Glu-B3> Glu-D3>Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-A3, For SDS sedimentation value, Glu-B3>Glu-A1= Glu-D1= lu-A3>Glu-D3>Glu-B1。For protein content, the best combination of 6 loci is (1,17+18,5+10,Glu-A3e, Glu-B3g,Glu-D3b). For wet gluten content, the best combination of 6 loci is (1,6+8,5+10,Glu-A3d,Glu-B3c,Glu-D3b). For Zeleny sedimentation value, the best combination of 6 loci is (N,17+18,5+10,Glu-A3d, Glu-B3d, Glu-D3b). For SDS sedimentation value, the best combination of 6 loci is(7+8,2.2+12,Glu-A3b, Glu-B3g,Glu-D3b)。Additional, we analysed the relationship between the subunits 5+12 and 2.2+12, think that 5+12 was negative for quality, 2.2+12 is postive for quality. It should be effective utilized. 3. It’s the first time to utilize RILs to study the relationship between subunits expression quantity and characteristics quality. The results showed that: For single subunit, the expression quantity of 7 is the highest. Then the 2, 5, 12 and 10. The expression of subunit 9 and 1 is the lowest. Subunit N is not expressed. For subunits, the expression quantity of x type and y type are 2+12>5+10>7+9>17+18. The significant relation of 5% only showed between the expression quantity of subunit 10 and protein content. The relationship between expression quantity of others and characteristic quality was not significant. For x type/ytype, 2/12 and 5/10 is negative relation insignificant level. For the subunit(s) in a loci, Only 2+12 effect SDS sedimentation value negative in significant level. 4. With RILs 99G45/Jing 771 and Pm97034/Jing 771, we found that: The effective of Glu-A1, Glu-D3 and Glu-D1 * Glu-D3 for protein content is significant at 5% level. The effect of other loci for protein wre not significant. For SDS sedimentation value, the effect of Glu-D1is the highest, which contribution is 4.2 % .Then the Glu-B1, contribution is 3.3%. The effect of other loci for SDS sedimentationvalue were not significant. In total, for protein content: Glu-D3 > Glu-A1 > Glu-D1>Glu-B1>Glu-B3; for SDS sedimentationvalue: Glu-D1>Glu-B1> Glu-D3>Glu-A1>Glu-B3. The effect of alleles in Glu-D1 and Glu-D3 loci are significant at 1% or 5%. In Glu-A1, 1>N; Glu-B1, 7+9>17+18>14+15; Glu-D, 5+10>2+12; Glu-B3, GB>JB>PB; Glu-D3, GB>JB>PB. For SDS sedimentation, Glu-A1, 1>N; Glu-B1, 7+9=17+18>14+15; Glu-D1, 5+10>2+12; Glu-B3, GB>JB>PB; Glu-D3, GB>JB>PB. The best combinations for SDS sedimentation value is 1,7+9,5+10,GB,GD. 5. Because of the difference of GB and PB for SDS sedimentation value, we selected the specific primer for LMW-GS loci to amplified the Glu-B3 of Jing771, 99G45and Pm97034. We got 3 amplify fragment (Gene Bank accession number are DQ539657-DQ539659). We found that the fragment of Pm97034 were deleted a repetitive 7 amino acid domain, which is perhaps the reason effect the gluten strength. Furthermore, in the position 124 of sequence 99G45, L has been replaced with P. Position 158, T replaced M, which may be the reason why the Glu-B3 locus of 99G45 is prefer to Pm97034 when refer to SDS sedimentation value. 6. Comparing the results of RILs and common wheat, we found that perhaps just the1BL/1RS made the difference of loci in different accession.


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A simple fluorescence detector for capillary electrophoresis (CE) using a blue light-emitting-diode (LED) as excitation source is constructed and evaluated. An optical fiber was used to collect the fluorescence, and a flat end of the fiber was modified to spherical end, resulting in 50% increase of efficiency over the flat end. A simple device for optical alignment of the fibers and capillary column was designed. The concentration and mass detection limits for fluorescein were 1.8 x 10(-7) Mol l(-1) and 4.3 femol, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The determination of glucose is possible with the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase and potentiometric detection. The signal is proportional to the concentration up to 50 mg/dl. This value is fixed by the concentration of oxygen in the sample. By adding catalase, concentrations up to 2000 mg/dl are detectable. The steepness of the calibration curve is not affected by oxygen concentrations greater than 4 mg/l. In contrast to amperometric sensors, an influence of deposits on the electrodes surface on the signal cannot be found with potentiometric sensors


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The dichloromethane dehalogenase gene (dcm) of Methylophilus was cloned into the plasmid pKYLX71-35S2 and fused with the 35S2 promotor,then transformed Arabidopsis by the infiltration mediated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Homozygous dcm seeds were obtained after several generations selection on the medium with 50 mg L -1 kanamycin.Northern blotting showed dcm mRNA was high in cytoplasm and the detection of DCM enzyme indicated that the lines containing high dcm mRNA expressed high DCM enzyme activities. Fig 4, Ref 9


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Infrared light-emitting diodes possess potential applications in optical communication and safety detection. in this paper, we fabricated near-infrared light-emitting diodes possess potential applications in optical communication and safety detection. in this paper, we fabricated near-infrared polymer light-emitting diode employing a commercial near-infrared (NIR) organic dye as an emissive dopant dispersed within poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) by spin-casting method. The used device structure was indium tin oxide/3,4-polyethylene-dioxythiophene-polystyrene sulfonate/PVK: NIR dye/Al.


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A new fluorescent sensor for the sensitive and selective detection of cyanide (CN-) in aqueous media was developed herein. The sensing approach is based on CN--modulated quenching behavior of Cu2+ toward the photoluminescence (PL) of CdTe quantum dots (QDs). In the presence of CN-, the PL of QDs that have been quenched by Cu2+ was found to be efficiently recovered, which then allows the detection of CN- in a very simple approach. Experimental results showed that the pH of the buffer solution, concentration of copper ions, and size of CdTe QDs all influenced the response of the sensor to CN-. Under the optimal conditions, a good linear relationship between the PL intensity and the concentration of CN- can be obtained in the range of 3.0 x 10(-7) to 1.2 x 10(-5) M, with a detection limit as low as 1.5 x 10(-7) M. In addition, the present fluorescent sensor possesses remarkable selectivity for cyanide over other anions, and negligible influences were observed on the cyanide detection by the coexistence of other anions or biological species (such as albumin and typical blood constituents).


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A sensing system based on the photoinduced electron transfer of quantum dots (QDs) was designed to measure the interaction of anticancer drug and DNA, taking mitoxantrone (MTX) as a model drug. MTX adsorbed on the surface of QDs can quench the photoluminescence (PL) of QDs through the photoinduced electron-transfer process; and then the addition of DNA will bring the restoration of QDs PL intensity, as DNA can bind with MTX and remove it from QDs. Sensitive detection of MTX with the detection limit of 10 nmol L-1 and a linear detection range from 10 nmol L-1 to 4.5 mu mol L-1 was achieved. The dependence of PL intensity on DNA amount was successfully utilized to investigate the interactions between MTX and DNA. Both the binding constants and the sizes of binding site of MTX-DNA interactions were calculated based on the equations deduced for the PL recovery process. The binding constant obtained in our experiment was generally consistent with previous reports. The sensitive and speedy detection of MTX as well as the avoidance of modification or immobilization process made this system suitable and promising in the drug-DNA interaction studies.


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A novel third-generation biosensor for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was developed by self-assembling gold nanoparticles to hollow porous thiol-functionalized poly(divinylbenzene-co-acrylic acid) (DVB-co-AA) nanospheres. At first, a cleaned gold electrode was immersed in hollow porous thiol-functionalized poly(DVB-co-AA) nanosphere latex to assemble the nanospheres, then gold nanoparticles were chemisorbed onto the thiol groups of the nanospheres. Finally, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was immobilized on the surface of the gold nanoparticles. The immobilized horseradish peroxidase exhibited direct electrochemical behavior toward the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting biosensor showed a wide linear range of 1.0 mu M-8.0 mM and a detection limit of 0.5 mu M estimated at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Moreover, the studied biosensor exhibited high sensitivity, good reproducibility, and long-term stability.


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with amperometric detection (AD) has been widely used in various fields of analytical science, especially in the pharmaceutical industry recently due to its high separation efficiency and low detection limit. The determination of active ingredients in Chinese herb medicines by CE-AD is of great importance in developing the researches on pharmacology of herbs, quantitative analysis and quality control. Analyses of the effective components in Chinese herb medicines and compound Chinese herb medicine by CE-AD are reviewed in this paper. In contrast with other analysis methods, the advantage of CE-AD is discussed. The development in analyses of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) by CE-AD in future is mentioned.


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A flow-injection electrochemiluminescent method for L-cysteine determination has been developed based on its enhancement of the electrochemiluminecence of luminol at a glassy carbon electrode. This method is simple and sensitive for cysteine determination. Under the selected experimental parameters, the linear range for cysteine concentration was 1.0 x 10(-6) - 5.0 x 10(-5) mol/l, and the detection limit was 0.67 mumol/l (SIN = 3). The relative standard deviation for 11 measurements of 1.0 x 10(-5) mol/l cysteine was 4.5%. The proposed method has been applied to. the detection of cysteine in pharmaceutical injections with satisfactory results.


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A sol-gel derived ceramic-carbon composite electrode is used for fabrication of a new type of optical fiber biosensor based on luminol electrochemiluminescence (ECL). The electrode consists of graphite powder impregnated with glucose oxidase in a silicate network. In this configuration, the immobilized enzyme oxidizes glucose to liberate hydrogen peroxide and graphite powder provides percolation conductivity for triggering the ECL between luminol and the liberated hydrogen peroxide. Both of the reactions occur simultaneously on the surface of the composite electrode, thereby the response of the biosensor is very fast. The peak intensity was achieved within only 20 s after glucose injection. In addition, the electrode could be renewed by a simple mechanical polishing step in case of contamination or fouling. The linear range extends from 0.01 to 10 mM for glucose and the detection limit is about 8.16 muM. The renewal repeatability and stability of the biosensor are also investigated in detail.


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A new chemiluminescence(CL) system for the determination of ascorbic acid has been established. By the fast reduction reaction between chromium(VI) and ascorbic acid, chromium(M was generated to react with luminol and hydrogen peroxide in alkaline aqueous solution and hydrogen peroxide to produce CL. The CL emission intensity was correlated with ascorbic acid concentration in the range 8.0 x 10(-9) to 1.6 x 10(-4) mol/L, and the detection limit was 8.0 x 10(-9) mol/L ascorbic acid. The relative standard deviation (n = 11) for 1.0 x 10(-6) mol/L ascorbic acid is 0.9%. The method has been applied to the determination of ascorbic acid in vitamin C tablets with satisfactory results.


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chemiluminescence suppression method for the determination of ascorbic acid based on Luminol-KIO4-H2O2-ascorbic acid system was established. The linear range for ascorbic acid is 1.0 x 10(-7) similar to 1.0 x 10(-5) mol/L and the detection limit is 6.0 x 10(-8) mol/L. The relative standard deviation (n = 11) is 1.0% for 8.0 x 10(-7) mol/L ascorbic acid. The method has been used to determine the content of ascorbic acid in tablets and injections with satisfactory results.


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A surface plasmon resonance biosensor has been used to determine antibody activity in serum. As a model system, the interaction of mouse IgG and sheep anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibody was investigated in real time. The factors, including pH value, ionic strength, protein concentration, influencing electrostatic adsorption of mouse IgG protein onto carboxylated dextran-coated sensor chip surface, were studied. The procedures of mouse IgG protein immobilization and immune reaction were monitored in real time. The regeneration effect using the different elution reagents was also investigated. The same mouse IgG immobilized surface can be used for 100 cycles of binding and elution with only 0.38% loss per regeneration in reactivity. The results show that the surface plasmon resonance biosensor is a rapid, simple, sensitive, accurate and reliable detection technique for real-time immunoassay of antibody activity. The assay allows antibodies to be detected and studied in their native form without any purification. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper described a laser-excited time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay set. It made lanthanide ion to couple the anhydrde of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPAA) for labeling antibodies. The experiment used polystyrene tap coated with HCV antigen as the solid phase and a chelate of the rare earth metal europium as fluorescent label. A nitrogen laser beam was used to excite the Eu3+ chelates and after 60 ys delay time,the emission fluorescence was measured. Background fluorescence of short lifetimes caused by serum components and Raman scattering can be eliminated by set the delay rime. In the system condition, fluorescent spectra and fluorescent lifetimes of Eu3+ beta-naphthoyltrifluroacetone (NTA) chelates were measured. The fluorescent lifetime value is 650 mu s. The maximum emssion wavelength is 613 nm. The linear range of europium ion concentration is 1 x 10(-7)- 1 x 10(-11) g.mL(-1) and the detection limit is 1 x 10(-13) g.mL(-1). The relative standard deviation of determination ( n = 12) for samples at 0.01 ng.mL(-1) magnitude is 6.4%. Laser-TRFIA was also found to be suitable for diagnosis of HCV. The sensitvity and specificity were comparable to enzyme immunoassay. The result was obtained with laser-TRFIA for 29 human correlated well with enzyme immunoassay.