908 resultados para implicit relations of spatial neighborhood


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The auditory system can detect occasional changes (deviants) in acoustic regularities without the need for subjects to focus their attention on the sound material. Deviant detection is reflected in the elicitation of the mismatch negativity component (MMN) of the event-related potentials. In the studies presented in this thesis, the MMN is used to investigate the auditory abilities for detecting similarities and regularities in sound streams. To investigate the limits of these processes, professional musicians have been tested in some of the studies. The results show that auditory grouping is already more advanced in musicians than in nonmusicians and that the auditory system of musicians can, unlike that of nonmusicians, detect a numerical regularity of always four tones in a series. These results suggest that sensory auditory processing in musicians is not only a fine tuning of universal abilities, but is also qualitatively more advanced than in nonmusicians. In addition, the relationship between the auditory change-detection function and perception is examined. It is shown that, contrary to the generally accepted view, MMN elicitation does not necessarily correlate with perception. The outcome of the auditory change-detection function can be implicit and the implicit knowledge of the sound structure can, after training, be utilized for behaviorally correct intuitive sound detection. These results illustrate the automatic character of the sensory change detection function.


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The red-finned blue-eye (Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis) is endemic to a single complex of springs emanating from the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. The species has been recorded as naturally occurring in eight separate very shallow (generally <20 mm) springs, with a combined wetland area of ~0.3 ha. Since its discovery in 1990, five red-finned blue-eye (RFBE) populations have been lost and subsequent colonisation has occurred in two spring wetlands. Current population size is estimated at <3000 individuals. Artesian bores have reduced aquifer pressure, standing water levels and spring-flows in the district. There is evidence of spatial separation within the spring pools where RFBE and the introduced fish gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) co-occur, although both species are forced together when seasonal extremes affect spring size and water temperature. Gambusia was present in four of the five springs where RFBE populations have been lost. Four out of the five remaining subpopulations of RFBE are Gambusia free. Circumstantial evidence suggests that gambusia is a major threat to red-finned blue-eyes. The impact of Gambusia is probably exacerbated by domestic stock (cattle and sheep), feral goats and pigs that utilise the springs and can negatively affect water quality and flow patterns. Three attempts to translocate RFBE to apparently suitable springs elsewhere within the complex have failed. Opportunities to mitigate threats are discussed, along with directions for future research to improve management of this extremely threatened fish and habitat.


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Functional dependencies in relational databases are investigated. Eight binary relations, viz., (1) dependency relation, (2) equipotence relation, (3) dissidence relation, (4) completion relation, and dual relations of each of them are described. Any one of these eight relations can be used to represent the functional dependencies in a database. Results from linear graph theory are found helpful in obtaining these representations. The dependency relation directly gives the functional dependencies. The equipotence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of attribute sets which functionally determine each other. The dissidence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of saturated sets in a very indirect way. Completion relation represents the functional dependencies as a function, the range of which turns out to be a lattice. Depletion relation which is the dual of the completion relation can also represent functional dependencies and similarly can the duals of dependency, equipotence, and dissidence relations. The class of depleted sets, which is the dual of saturated sets, is defined and used in the study of depletion relations.


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The value of CLIMEX models to inform biocontrol programs was assessed, including predicting the potential distribution of biocontrol agents and their subsequent population dynamics, using bioclimatic models for the weed Parkinsonia aculeata, two Lantana camara biocontrol agents, and five Mimosa pigra biocontrol agents. The results showed the contribution of data types to CLIMEX models and the capacity of these models to inform and improve the selection, release and post release evaluation of biocontrol agents. Foremost among these was the quality of spatial and temporal information as well as the extent to which overseas range data samples the species’ climatic envelope. Post hoc evaluation and refinement of these models requires improved long-term monitoring of introduced agents and their dynamics at well selected study sites. The authors described the findings of these case studies, highlighted their implications, and considered how to incorporate models effectively into biocontrol programs.


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Over the last two decades, there has been an increasing awareness of, and interest in, the use of spatial moment techniques to provide insight into a range of biological and ecological processes. Models that incorporate spatial moments can be viewed as extensions of mean-field models. These mean-field models often consist of systems of classical ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, whose derivation, at some point, hinges on the simplifying assumption that individuals in the underlying stochastic process encounter each other at a rate that is proportional to the average abundance of individuals. This assumption has several implications, the most striking of which is that mean-field models essentially neglect any impact of the spatial structure of individuals in the system. Moment dynamics models extend traditional mean-field descriptions by accounting for the dynamics of pairs, triples and higher n-tuples of individuals. This means that moment dynamics models can, to some extent, account for how the spatial structure affects the dynamics of the system in question.


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Mathematical models describing the movement of multiple interacting subpopulations are relevant to many biological and ecological processes. Standard mean-field partial differential equation descriptions of these processes suffer from the limitation that they implicitly neglect to incorporate the impact of spatial correlations and clustering. To overcome this, we derive a moment dynamics description of a discrete stochastic process which describes the spreading of distinct interacting subpopulations. In particular, we motivate our model by mimicking the geometry of two typical cell biology experiments. Comparing the performance of the moment dynamics model with a traditional mean-field model confirms that the moment dynamics approach always outperforms the traditional mean-field approach. To provide more general insight we summarise the performance of the moment dynamics model and the traditional mean-field model over a wide range of parameter regimes. These results help distinguish between those situations where spatial correlation effects are sufficiently strong, such that a moment dynamics model is required, from other situations where spatial correlation effects are sufficiently weak, such that a traditional mean-field model is adequate.


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Intact function of working memory (WM) is essential for children and adults to cope with every day life. Children with deficits in WM mechanisms have learning difficulties that are often accompanied by behavioral problems. The neural processes subserving WM, and brain structures underlying this system, continue to develop during childhood till adolescence and young adulthood. With functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) it is possible to investigate the organization and development of WM. The present thesis aimed to investigate, using behavioral and neuroimaging methods, whether mnemonic processing of spatial and nonspatial visual information is segregated in the developing and mature human brain. A further aim in this research was to investigate the organization and development of audiospatial and visuospatial information processing in WM. The behavioral results showed that spatial and nonspatial visual WM processing is segregated in the adult brain. The fMRI result in children suggested that memory load related processing of spatial and nonspatial visual information engages common cortical networks, whereas selective attention to either type of stimuli recruits partially segregated areas in the frontal, parietal and occipital cortices. Deactivation mechanisms that are important in the performance of WM tasks in adults are already operational in healthy school-aged children. Electrophysiological evidence suggested segregated mnemonic processing of visual and auditory location information. The results of the development of audiospatial and visuospatial WM demonstrate that WM performance improves with age, suggesting functional maturation of underlying cognitive processes and brain areas. The development of the performance of spatial WM tasks follows a different time course in boys and girls indicating a larger degree of immaturity in the male than female WM systems. Furthermore, the differences in mastering auditory and visual WM tasks may indicate that visual WM reaches functional maturity earlier than the corresponding auditory system. Spatial WM deficits may underlie some learning difficulties and behavioral problems related to impulsivity, difficulties in concentration, and hyperactivity. Alternatively, anxiety or depressive symptoms may affect WM function and the ability to concentrate, being thus the primary cause of poor academic achievement in children.


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Characterisation and investigation of a number of key wood properties, critical for further modelling work, has been achieved. The key results were: • Morphological characterisation, in terms of fibre cell wall thickness and porosity, was completed. A clear difference in fibre porosity, size, wall thickness and orientation was evident between species. Results were consistent with published data for other species. • Viscoelastic properties of wood were shown to differ greatly between species and in the radial and tangential directions, largely due to anatomical and chemical variations. Consistent with published data, the radial direction shows higher stiffness, internal friction and glass transition temperature than the tangential directions. The loss of stiffness over the measured temperature range was greater in the tangential direction than the radial direction. Due to time dependant molecular relaxation, the storage modulus and glass transition temperature decreased with decreasing test frequency, approaching an asymptotic limit. Thus the viscoelastic properties measured at lower frequencies are more representative of static material. • Dynamic interactions between relative humidity, moisture content and shrinkage of four Australian hardwood timbers can be accurately monitored on micro-samples using a specialised experimental device developed by AgroParisTech – ENGREF. The device generated shrinkage data that varied between species but were consistent (repeatable) within a species. Collapse shrinkage was clearly evident with this method for Eucalyptus obliqua, but not with other species, consistent with industrial seasoning experience. To characterise the wood-water relations of this species, free of collapse, thinner sample sections (in the R-T plane) should be used.


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Life history characteristics were used to determine the stock structure of the polynemid Eleutheronema tetradactylum across northern Australia. Growth, estimated from back-calculated length-at-age from sagittal otoliths, and length at sex change were estimated from samples collected from 12 different locations across western, northern and eastern Australia between 2007 and 2009. Comparison of back-calculated length-at-age, growth and length at sex change between locations revealed significant variation in the life-history characteristics of E. tetradactylum across northern Australia, with significant differences detected in 43 of 45 location comparisons. Differences in otolith size relative to fish length also existed amongst locations. No differences in other morphometric relationships were detected. The results of this study provide evidence for a high degree of spatial population subdivision for E. tetradactylum across northern Australia, the finding of which has implications for E. tetradactylum fisheries throughout its range, and provides a biological basis for spatial management of the species in Australia. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Megasphaera cerevisiae, Pectinatus cerevisiiphilus, Pectinatus frisingensis, Selenomonas lacticifex, Zymophilus paucivorans and Zymophilus raffinosivorans are strictly anaerobic Gram-stain-negative bacteria that are able to spoil beer by producing off-flavours and turbidity. They have only been isolated from the beer production chain. The species are phylogenetically affiliated to the Sporomusa sub-branch in the class "Clostridia". Routine cultivation methods for detection of strictly anaerobic bacteria in breweries are time-consuming and do not allow species identification. The main aim of this study was to utilise DNA-based techniques in order to improve detection and identification of the Sporomusa sub-branch beer-spoilage bacteria and to increase understanding of their biodiversity, evolution and natural sources. Practical PCR-based assays were developed for monitoring of M. cerevisiae, Pectinatus species and the group of Sporomusa sub-branch beer spoilers throughout the beer production process. The developed assays reliably differentiated the target bacteria from other brewery-related microbes. The contaminant detection in process samples (10 1,000 cfu/ml) could be accomplished in 2 8 h. Low levels of viable cells in finished beer (≤10 cfu/100 ml) were usually detected after 1 3 d culture enrichment. Time saving compared to cultivation methods was up to 6 d. Based on a polyphasic approach, this study revealed the existence of three new anaerobic spoilage species in the beer production chain, i.e. Megasphaera paucivorans, Megasphaera sueciensis and Pectinatus haikarae. The description of these species enabled establishment of phenotypic and DNA-based methods for their detection and identification. The 16S rRNA gene based phylogenetic analysis of the Sporomusa sub-branch showed that the genus Selenomonas originates from several ancestors and will require reclassification. Moreover, Z. paucivorans and Z. raffinosivorans were found to be in fact members of the genus Propionispira. This relationship implies that they were carried to breweries along with plant material. The brewery-related Megasphaera species formed a distinct sub-group that did not include any sequences from other sources, suggesting that M. cerevisiae, M. paucivorans and M. sueciensis may be uniquely adapted to the brewery ecosystem. M. cerevisiae was also shown to exhibit remarkable resistance against many brewery-related stress conditions. This may partly explain why it is a brewery contaminant. This study showed that DNA-based techniques provide useful tools for obtaining more rapid and specific information about the presence and identity of the strictly anaerobic spoilage bacteria in the beer production chain than is possible using cultivation methods. This should ensure financial benefits to the industry and better product quality to customers. In addition, DNA-based analyses provided new insight into the biodiversity as well as natural sources and relations of the Sporomusa sub-branch bacteria. The data can be exploited for taxonomic classification of these bacteria and for surveillance and control of contaminations.


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The Inönü-Wigner contractions which interrelate the Lie algebras of the isometry groups of metric spaces are discussed with reference to deformations of the absolutes of the spaces. A general formula is derived for the Lie algebra commutation relations of the isometry group for anyN-dimensional metric space. These ideas are illustrated by a discussion of important particular cases, which interrelate the four-dimensional de Sitter, Poincaré, and Galilean groups.


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Sustainable management of sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) fisheries needs to account for recent observations of regional-scale differentiation. Population genetic analysis is sought to assess the situation of this ecologically and economically important fish species in eastern Australian waters. Here, we report (i) new population genetic markers [single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and potential microsatellites], (ii) first estimates of spatial genetic differentiation and (iii) prospective power tests for designing more comprehensive studies. Six DNA samples from three sampling regions (North Queensland, South Queensland and central New South Wales) on the eastern coast of Australia were used to prepare restriction site associated DNA (RAD) tag libraries from genomic DNA digested with EcoRI and MseI. A pooled sample of regional RAD tag libraries was sequenced using the Roche GS-FLX Titanium platform. A total of 172837 raw reads (17.4Mbp) were retrieved, 95500 of which were used to discover 1267 SNPs and 1417 microsatellites. A subset of 161 SNPs was validated based on 63 additional DNA samples genotyped using the Sequenom MassArray (iPLEX Gold chemistry). Altogether 92 SNPs (57%) were confirmed, with 40% of these marking fixed variants between northern and southern sampling regions. Our preliminary findings indicate a multispecies fishery stock of M. cephalus in eastern Australian waters, but suggest that strong genetic differentiation occurs north of major fishing grounds. Low potential differentiation within major fishing grounds (e.g. FST=0.0025) can be resolved with a likely power 67% by using standard sample sizes of 50 and validated subsets of available markers.


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Previously regarded as minor nuisance pests, psocids belonging to the genus Liposcelis now pose a major problem for the effective protection of stored products worldwide. Here we examine the apparent biological and operational reasons behind this phenomenon and why conventional pest management seems to be failing. We investigate what is known about the biology, behavior, and population dynamics of major pest species to ascertain their strengths, and perhaps find weaknesses, as a basis for a rational pest management strategy. We outline the contribution of molecular techniques to clarifying species identification and understanding genetic diversity. We discuss progress in sampling and trapping and our comprehension of spatial distribution of these pests as a foundation for developing management strategies. The effectiveness of various chemical treatments and the availability and potential of nonchemical control methods are critically examined. Finally, we identify research gaps and suggest future directions for research.


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Background In Australia significant health inequalities, such as an 11year life expectancy gap, impact on the continent’s traditional owners, the Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders. Evidence suggests links between improved Indigenous health and a greater proportion of Indigenous people employed in all sectors. Achieving a greater proportion of Indigenous people in health services and in the health education workforce, requires improved higher education completion rates. Currently Indigenous people are under-represented in higher education and attrition rates amongst those who do participate are high. We argue these circumstances make health and education matters of social justice, largely related to unexamined relations of power within universities where the pedagogical and social environment revolve around the norms and common-sense of the dominant culture. Project Research at Queensland University of Technology in 2010-2012, aimed to gain insights into attrition/retention in the Bachelor of Nursing. A literature review on Indigenous participation in higher education in nursing contextualised a mixed methods study. The project examined enrolment, attrition and success by an analysis of enrolment data from 1984-2012. Using Indigenous Research Assistants we then conducted 20 in-depth interviews with Indigenous students followed by a thematic analysis seeking to gain insights into the impact of students’ university experience on retention. Our findings indicate that cultural safety, mentorship, acceptance and support are crucial in student academic success. They also indicate that inflexible systems based on ethnocentric assumptions exacerbate the structural issues that impact on the students’ everyday life and are also part of the story of attrition. The findings reinforced the assumption that educational environments and processes are inherently cultural and political. This perspective calls into question the role of the students’ cultural experience at university in attrition rates. A partnership between the School of Nursing and the Indigenous Education Unit is working to better support Indigenous students.


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Remote sensing provides methods to infer land cover information over large geographical areas at a variety of spatial and temporal resolutions. Land cover is input data for a range of environmental models and information on land cover dynamics is required for monitoring the implications of global change. Such data are also essential in support of environmental management and policymaking. Boreal forests are a key component of the global climate and a major sink of carbon. The northern latitudes are expected to experience a disproportionate and rapid warming, which can have a major impact on vegetation at forest limits. This thesis examines the use of optical remote sensing for estimating aboveground biomass, leaf area index (LAI), tree cover and tree height in the boreal forests and tundra taiga transition zone in Finland. The continuous fields of forest attributes are required, for example, to improve the mapping of forest extent. The thesis focus on studying the feasibility of satellite data at multiple spatial resolutions, assessing the potential of multispectral, -angular and -temporal information, and provides regional evaluation for global land cover data. Preprocessed ASTER, MISR and MODIS products are the principal satellite data. The reference data consist of field measurements, forest inventory data and fine resolution land cover maps. Fine resolution studies demonstrate how statistical relationships between biomass and satellite data are relatively strong in single species and low biomass mountain birch forests in comparison to higher biomass coniferous stands. The combination of forest stand data and fine resolution ASTER images provides a method for biomass estimation using medium resolution MODIS data. The multiangular data improve the accuracy of land cover mapping in the sparsely forested tundra taiga transition zone, particularly in mires. Similarly, multitemporal data improve the accuracy of coarse resolution tree cover estimates in comparison to single date data. Furthermore, the peak of the growing season is not necessarily the optimal time for land cover mapping in the northern boreal regions. The evaluated coarse resolution land cover data sets have considerable shortcomings in northernmost Finland and should be used with caution in similar regions. The quantitative reference data and upscaling methods for integrating multiresolution data are required for calibration of statistical models and evaluation of land cover data sets. The preprocessed image products have potential for wider use as they can considerably reduce the time and effort used for data processing.