975 resultados para immune cells


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BACKGROUND: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypical autoimmune disease in which increased apoptosis and decreased apoptotic cells removal has been described as most relevant in the pathogenesis. Long-chain acyl-coenzyme A synthetases (ACSLs) have been involved in the immunological dysfunction of mouse models of lupus-like autoimmunity and apoptosis in different in vitro cell systems. The aim of this work was to assess among the ACSL isoforms the involvement of ACSL2, ACSL4 and ACSL5 in SLE pathogenesis. FINDINGS: With this end, we determined the ACSL2, ACSL4 and ACSL5 transcript levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 45 SLE patients and 49 healthy controls by quantitative real time-PCR (q-PCR). We found that patients with SLE had higher ACSL5 transcript levels than healthy controls [median (range), healthy controls =16.5 (12.3-18.0) vs. SLE = 26.5 (17.8-41.7), P = 3.9x10 E-5] but no differences were found for ACSL2 and ACSL4. In in vitro experiments, ACSL5 mRNA expression was greatly increased when inducing apoptosis in Jurkat T cells and PBMCs by Phorbol-Myristate-Acetate plus Ionomycin (PMA+Io). On the other hand, short interference RNA (siRNA)-mediated silencing of ACSL5 decreased induced apoptosis in Jurkat T cells up to the control levels as well as decreased mRNA expression of FAS, FASLG and TNF. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that ACSL5 may play a role in the apoptosis that takes place in SLE. Our results point to ACSL5 as a potential novel functional marker of pathogenesis and a possible therapeutic target in SLE


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Immune dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy X-linked (IPEX) syndrome is a unique example of primary immunodeficiency characterized by autoimmune manifestations due to defective regulatory T (Treg) cells, in the presence of FOXP3 mutations. However, autoimmune symptoms phenotypically resembling IPEX often occur in the absence of detectable FOXP3 mutations. The cause of this "IPEX-like" syndrome presently remains unclear. To investigate whether a defect in Treg cells sustains the immunological dysregulation in IPEX-like patients, we measured the amount of peripheral Treg cells within the CD3(+) T cells by analysing demethylation of the Treg cell-Specific-Demethylated-Region (TSDR) in the FOXP3 locus and demethylation of the T cell-Specific-Demethylated-Region (TLSDR) in the CD3 locus, highly specific markers for stable Treg cells and overall T cells, respectively. TSDR demethylation analysis, alone or normalized for the total T cells, showed that the amount of peripheral Treg cells in a cohort of IPEX-like patients was significantly reduced, as compared to both healthy subjects and unrelated disease controls. This reduction could not be displayed by flow cytometric analysis, showing highly variable percentages of FOXP3(+) and CD25(+)FOXP3(+) T cells. These data provide evidence that a quantitative defect of Treg cells could be considered a common biological hallmark of IPEX-like syndrome. Since Treg cell suppressive function was not impaired, we propose that this reduction per se could sustain autoimmunity.


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Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of human Chagas disease is the complex network of events that underlie the generation of protective versus pathogenic immune responses during the chronic phase of the disease. While most individuals do not develop patent disease, a large percentage may develop severe forms that eventually lead to death. Although many efforts have been devoted to deciphering these mechanisms, there is still much to be learned before we can fully understand the pathogenesis of Chagas disease. It is clear that the host's immune response is decisive in this process. While characteristics of the parasite influence the immune response, it is becoming evident that the host genetic background plays a fundamental role in the establishment of pathogenic versus protective responses. The involvement of three complex organisms, host, parasite and vector, is certainly one of the key aspects that calls for multidisciplinary approaches towards the understanding of Chagas disease. We believe that now, one hundred years after the discovery of Chagas disease, it is imperative to continue with highly interactive research in order to elucidate the immune response associated with disease evolution, which will be essential in designing prophylactic or therapeutic interventions.


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Trypanosoma cruzi infection triggers substantial production of nitric oxide (NO), which has been shown to have protective and toxic effects on the host's immune system. Sensing of trypomastigotes by phagocytes activates the inducible NO-synthase (NOS2) pathway, which produces NO and is largely responsible for macrophage-mediated killing of T. cruzi. NO is also responsible for modulating virtually all steps of innate and adaptive immunity. However, NO can also cause oxidative stress, which is especially damaging to the host due to increased tissue damage. The cytokines IFN-³ and TNF-±, as well as chemokines, are strong inducers of NOS2 and are produced in large amounts during T. cruzi acute infection. Conversely, TGF-² and IL-10 negatively regulate NO production. Here we discuss the recent evidence describing the mechanisms by which NO is able to exert its antimicrobial and immune regulatory effects, the mechanisms involved in the oxidative stress response during infection and the implications of NO for the development of therapeutic strategies against T. cruzi.


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There is a general consensus that during chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection, the host immune system induces complex processes to ensure the control of parasite growth while preserving the potential to mount and maintain a life-long controlled humoral and cellular immune response against the invading pathogen. This review summarises evidence in an attempt to elucidate "what must be understood" to further clarify the role of innate immunity in the development/maintenance of clinical Chagas disease and the impact of etiological treatment on host immunity, highlighting the contributions of the innate immunity and regulatory T (Treg) cells. Recently, increasing focus on innate immunity suggest that chronic T. cruzi infection may cause morbidity when innate effector functions, or the down-regulation of adaptive regulatory mechanisms are lacking. In this context, stable asymptomatic host-parasite interactions seem to be influenced by the effector/regulatory balance with the participation of macrophages, natural killer (NK) and CD8+ T cells in parallel with the establishment of regulatory mechanisms mediated by NKT and Treg cells. Moreover, a balanced innate immune activation state, apart from Treg cells, may play a role in controlling the adverse events triggered by the massive antigen release induced by trypanosomicidal agents during Chagas disease etiological treatment.


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Host cell apoptosis plays an important immune regulatory role in parasitic infections. Infection of mice with Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, induces lymphocyte apoptosis. In addition, phagocytosis of apoptotic cells stimulates the growth of T. cruzi inside host macrophages. In spite of progress made in this area, the importance of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of Chagas disease remains unclear. Here we review the evidence of apoptosis in mice and humans infected with T. cruzi. We also discuss the mechanisms by which apoptosis can influence underlying host responses and tissue damage during Chagas disease progression.


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The immunopathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a matter of great controversy and has been suggested to involve a complex balance between cytokines with pro and anti-inflammatory activity. We investigated the expression of inflammatory cells and cytokines in the liver and serum of 51 chronically HCV infected patients and compared them to data from two sets of normal controls: 51 healthy blood donors and 33 liver biopsies of healthy liver donors. We also assessed the relationship between selected cytokines and cell populations in hepatic compartments and the disease stage. Compared with controls, hepatitis C patients had a greater expression of portal TNF-α, TGF-β and CD4+ and acinar IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-4, as well as a higher serum concentration of IL-2, IL-10 and TGF-β. Significant positive correlations were found between portal CD4+ and TNF-α, portal CD8+ and TGF-β, portal CD45+RO and TNF-α, acinar CD45+RO and IFN-γ and acinar CD57+ and TGF-β. In conclusion, we have shown that (i) in this sample of predominantly mild disease, the immune response was associated with a pro-inflammatory response pattern, (ii) CD4+ T-lymphocytes played a major role in orchestrating the immune response and (iii) these events primarily took place in the portal space.


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Résumé : c-Myc, le premier facteur de transcription de la famille Myc a été découvert il y a maintenant trente ans. Il reste à l'heure actuelle parmi les plus puissants proto-oncogènes connus. c-Myc est dérégulé dans plus de 50% des cancers, où il promeut la prolifération, la croissance cellulaire, et la néoangiogenèse. Myc peut aussi influencer de nombreuses autres fonctions de par sa capacité à activer ou à réprimer la transcription de nombreux gènes, et à agir globalement sur le génome à travers des modifications épigénétiques de la chromatine. La famille d'oncogènes Myc comprend, chez les mammifères, trois protéines structurellement proches: c-Myc, N-Myc et L-Myc. Ces protéines ont les mêmes proprietés biochimiques, exercent les mêmes fonctions mais sont le plus souvent exprimées de façon mutuellement exclusive. Myc a été récemment identifié comme un facteur clef dans la maintenance des cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes ainsi que dans la réacquisition des proprietés des cellules souches. Nous avons précédemment démontré que l'élimination de c-Myc provoque une accumulation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) suite à un défaut de différenciation lié à la niche. Les CSH sont responsables de la production de tous les éléments cellulaires du sang pour toute la vie de l'individu et sont définies par leur capacité à s'auto-renouveler tout en produisant des précurseurs hématopoïétiques. Afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de Myc dans les CSH, nous avons choisi de combiner l'utilisation de modèles de souris génétiquement modifiées à une caractérisation systématique des schémas d'expression de c-Myc, N-Myc et L-Myc dans tout le système hématopoïétique. Nous avons ainsi découvert que les CSH les plus immatures expriment des quantités équivalentes de transcrits de c-myc et N-myc. Si les CSH déficientes en N-myc seulement ont une capacité d'auto-renouvellement à long-terme réduite, l'invalidation combinée des gènes c-myc et N-myc conduit à une pan-cytopénie suivie d'une mort rapide de l'animal, pour cause d'apoptose de tous les types cellulaires hématopoïétiques. En particulier, les CSH en cours d'auto-renouvelemment, mais pas les CSH quiescentes, accumulent du Granzyme B (GrB), une molécule fortement cytotoxique qui provoque une mort cellulaire rapide. Ces données ont ainsi mis au jour un nouveau mécanisme dont dépend la survie des CSH, à savoir la répression du GrB, une enzyme typiquement utilisée par le système immunitaire inné pour éliminer les tumeurs et les cellules infectées par des virus. Dans le but d'évaluer l'étendue de la redondance entre c-Myc et N-Myc dans les CSH, nous avons d'une part examiné des souris dans lesquelles les séquences codantes de c-myc sont remplacées par celles de N-myc (NCR) et d'autre part nous avons géneré une série allèlique de myc en éliminant de façon combinatoire un ou plusieurs allèles de c-myc et/ou de N-myc. Alors que l'analyse des souris NCR suggère que c-Myc et N-Myc sont qualitativement redondants, la série allélique indique que les efficiences avec lesquelles ces deux protéines influencent des procédés essentiels à la maintenance des CSH sont différentes. En conclusion, nos données génétiques montrent que l'activité générale de MYC, fournie par c-Myc et N-Myc, contrôle plusieurs aspects cruciaux de la fonction des CSH, notamment l'auto-renouvellement, la survie et la différenciation. Abstract : c-Myc, the first Myc transcription factor was discovered 30 years ago and is to date one of the most potent proto-oncogenes described. It is found to be misregulated in over 50% of all cancers, where it drives proliferation, cell growth and neo-angiogenesis. Myc can also influence a variety of other functions, owing to its ability to activate and repress transcription of many target genes and to globally regulate the genome via epigenetic modifications of the chromatin. The Myc family of oncogenes consists of three closely related proteins in mammals: c-Myc, N-Myc and L-Myc. These proteins share the same biochemical properties, exert mostly the same functions, but are most often expressed in mutually exclusive patterns. Myc is now emerging as a key factor in maintenance of embryonic and adult stem cells as well as in reacquisition of stem cell properties, including induced reprogramming. We previously showed that c-Myc deficiency can cause the accumulation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) due to a niche dependent differentiation defect. HSCs are responsible for life-long replenishment of all blood cell types, and are defined by their ability to self-renew while concomitantly giving rise to more commited progenitors. To gain further insight into the function of Myc in HSCs, in this study we combine the use of genetically-modified mouse models with the systematic characterization of c-myc, N-myc and L-myc transcription patterns throughout the hematopoietic system. Interestingly, the most immature HSCs express not only c-myc, but also about equal amounts of N-myc transcripts. Although conditional deletion of N-myc alone in the bone marrow does not affect steady-state hematopoiesis, N-myc null HSCs show impaired long-term self-renewal capacity. Strikingly, combined deficiency of c-Myc and N-Myc results in pan-cytopenia and rapid lethality, due to the apoptosis of most hematopoietic cell types. In particular, self-renewing HSCs, but not quiescent HSCs or progenitor cell types rapidly up-regulate and accumulate the potent cytotoxic molecule GranzymeB (GrB), causing their rapid cell death. These data uncover a novel pathway on which HSC survival depends on, namely repression of GrB, a molecule typically used by the innate immune system to eliminate tumor and virus infected cells. To evaluate the extent of redundancy between c-Myc and N-Myc in HSCs, we examined mice in which c-myc coding sequences are replaced by that of N-myc (NCR) and also generated an allelic series of myc, by combinatorially deleting one or several c-myc and/or N-myc alleles. While the analysis of NCR mice suggests that c-Myc and N-Myc are qualitatively functionally redundant, our allelic series indicates that the efficiencies with which these two proteins affect crucial HSC maintenance processes are likely to be distinct. Collectively, our genetic data show that general "MYC" activity delivered by c-Myc and N-Myc controls crucial aspects of HSC function, including self-renewal, survival and niche dependent differentiation.


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Impact of immune microenvironment in prognosis of solid tumors has been extensively studied in the last few years. Specifically in colorectal carcinoma, increased knowledge of the immune events around these tumors and their relation with clinical outcomes have led to consider immune microenvironment as one of the most important prognostic factors in this disease. In this review we will summarize and update the current knowledge with respect to this intriguing and complex new hallmark of cancer, paying special attention to infiltration by T-infiltrating lymphocytes and their subtypes in colorectal cancer, as well as its eventual clinical translation in terms of long-term prognosis. Finally, we suggest some possible investigational approaches based on combinatorial strategies to trigger and boost immune reaction against tumor cells.


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The potential use of the Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigote (MT) stage-specific molecule glycoprotein-82 (gp82) as a vaccine target has not been fully explored. We show that the opsonization of T. cruzi MT with gp82-specific antibody prior to mucosal challenge significantly reduces parasite infectivity. In addition, we investigated the immune responses as well as the systemic and mucosal protective immunity induced by intranasal CpG-adjuvanted gp82 vaccination. Spleen cells from mice immunized with CpG-gp82 proliferated and secreted IFN-γ in a dose-dependent manner in response to in vitro stimulation with gp82 and parasite lysate. More importantly, these CpG-gp82-immunized mice were significantly protected from a biologically relevant oral parasite challenge.


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Protection against Fasciola hepatica in goats immunized with a synthetic recombinant antigen from Schistosoma mansoni fatty acid-binding protein 14 (rSm14) was investigated by assessing worm burdens, serum levels of hepatic enzymes, faecal egg count and hepatic damage, which was evaluated using gross and microscopic morphometric observation. The nature of the local immune response was assessed by examining the distribution of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and γ´+ T lymphocytes along with IgG+, IL-4+ and IFN-γ+ cells in the liver and hepatic lymph nodes (HLN). The goats used consisted of group 1 (unimmunized and uninfected), group 2 [infected control - immunized with Quillaia A (Quil A)] and group 3 (immunized with rSm14 in Quil A and infected), each containing seven animals. Immunization with rSm14 in Quil A adjuvant induced a reduction in gross hepatic lesions of 56.6% (p < 0.001) and reduced hepatic and HLN infiltration of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and γ´+ T lymphocytes as well as IL-4+ and IFN-γ+ cells (p < 0.05). This is the first report of caprine immunization against F. hepatica using a complete rSm14 molecule derived from S. mansoni. Immunization reduced hepatic damage and local inflammatory infiltration into the liver and HLN. However, considering that Quil A is not the preferential/first choice adjuvant for Sm14 immunization, further studies will be undertaken using the monophosphoryl lipid A-based family of adjuvants during clinical trials to facilitate anti-Fasciolavaccine development.


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BACKGROUND Recent advances in characterizing the immune recovery of HIV-1-infected people have highlighted the importance of the thymus for peripheral T-cell diversity and function. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in immune reconstitution profiles after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) between HIV-children and adults. METHODS HIV patients were grouped according to their previous clinical and immunological status: 9 HIV-Reconstituting-adults (HIV-Rec-adults) and 10 HIV-Reconstituting-children (HIV-Rec-children) on HAART with viral load (VL) or=500 cells/microL at least during 6 months before the study and CD4+ cells/microL anytime before. Fifteen healthy-adults and 20 healthy-children (control subjects) were used to calculate Z-score values to unify value scales between children and adults to make them comparable. RESULTS HIV-Rec-children had higher T-cell receptor excision circles (TREC) and lower interleukin (IL)-7 levels than HIV-Rec-adults (p < 0.05). When we analyzed Z-score values, HIV-Rec-children had higher TREC Z-score levels (p = 0.03) than HIV-Rec-adults but similar IL-7 Z-score levels. Regarding T-cell subsets, HIV-Rec-children had higher naïve CD4+ (CD4+CD45RA hi+CD27+), naïve CD8+ (CD8+CD45RA hi+CD27+), and memory CD8+ (CD8+CD45RO+) cells/microl than HIV-Rec-adults, but similar memory CD4+ (CD4+CD45RO+) counts. HIV-Rec-children had lower naïve CD8+ Z-score values than HIV-Rec-adults (p = 0.05). CONCLUSION Our data suggest that HIV-Rec-children had better thymic function than HIV-Rec-adults and this fact affects the peripheral T-cell subsets. Thus, T-cell recovery after HAART in HIV-Rec-adults could be the consequence of antigen-independent peripheral T-cell expansion while in HIV-Rec-children thymic output could play a predominant role in immune reconstitution.


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Vaccination by the nasal route has been successfully used for the induction of immune responses. Either the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue, or lung dendritic cells have been mainly involved. Following nasal vaccination of mice with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virus-like-particles (VLPs), we have previously shown that interaction of the antigen with the lower respiratory tract was necessary to induce high titers of neutralizing antibodies in genital secretions. However, following a parenteral priming, nasal vaccination with HPV16 VLPs did not require interaction with the lung to induce a mucosal immune response. To evaluate the contribution of the upper and lower respiratory tissues and associated lymph nodes (LN) in the induction of humoral responses against HPV16 VLPs after nasal vaccination, we localized the immune inductive sites and identified the antigen-presenting cells involved using a specific CD4(+) T-cell hybridoma. Our results show that the trachea, the lung, and the tracheobronchial LN were the major sites responsible for the induction of the immune response against HPV16 VLP, while the NALT only played a minor role. Altogether, our data suggest that vaccination strategies aiming to induce efficient immune responses against HPV16 VLP in the female genital tract should target the lower respiratory tract.


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Protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies may down-regulate immune response and increase morbidity and mortality due to infection. In this study, a murine model was used to study the effects of protein, iron and zinc deficiencies on the immune response to Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infection. Mice were initially fed a standard diet or with a diet containing 3% casein but deficient in zinc and iron. After malnutrition was established, mice were inoculated with L. chagasiand sacrificed four weeks later in order to evaluate liver and spleen parasite loads and serum biochemical parameters. Significant decreases in liver and spleen weight, an increase in the parasite loads in these organs and decreases in serum protein and glucose concentrations in malnourished animals were observed. Furthermore, the production of interferon-gamma by spleen cells from infected malnourished mice stimulated by Leishmaniaantigen was significantly lower compared with that in control diet mice. These data suggest that malnutrition alters the immune response to L. chagasiinfection in the BALB/c model and, in association with the effects on biochemical and anatomical parameters of the host, favored increases in the parasite loads in the spleens and livers of these animals.


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Domestic dogs are considered to be the main reservoirs of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis. In this work, we evaluated a protocol to induce Leishmania infantum/Leishmania chagasi-specific cellular and humoral immune responses in dogs, which consisted of two injections of Leishmania promastigote lysate followed by a subcutaneous inoculation of viable promastigotes. The primary objective was to establish a canine experimental model to provide positive controls for testing immune responses to Leishmania in laboratory conditions. After inoculation of viable promastigotes, specific proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to either Leishmania lysate or recombinant proteins, the in vitro production of interferon-γ by antigen-stimulated PBMCs and a significant increase in circulating levels of anti-Leishmania antibodies were observed. The immunized dogs also displayed positive delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to Leishmania crude antigens and to purified recombinant proteins. An important finding that supports the suitability of the dogs as positive controls is that they remained healthy for the entire observation period, i.e., more than seven years after infection. Following the Leishmania antigen lysate injections, the infection of dogs by the subcutaneous route appears to induce a sustained cellular immune response, leading to an asymptomatic infection. This provides a useful model for both the selection of immunogenic Leishmania antigens and for immunobiological studies on their possible immunoprotective activities.