846 resultados para human rights at work


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The problems confronted by people who experience mental disorders are often conceptualised in terms of health and illness. However, these problems extend far beyond the healthcare system, into all areas of human life. Having a psychiatric diagnosis may have a negative impact on every aspect of the individual’s life, leading to the deprivation or limitation of rights in relation to housing, employment, and family life. In this article, some of these problems are discussed within the theoretical framework of debates on citizenship and on human rights. As the context is Europe, reference is made to the recent policy initiatives with the EU, to national and European level consumer organisations and to cases brought before the European Court of Human Rights.


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It is a challenging time to be a social scientist. Many of the concepts and categories we took for granted have been revealed as temporally and geographically specific. It is now widely accepted that the nation-state is no longer the sole container for economic, political and social processes, if indeed it ever was. This is where Kevin Stenson begins his paper. He traces the re-ordering of both state and nation, highlighting recent discussions about the unbundling and rescaling of the state and outlining how increasing ethnic and cultural diversity challenge homogeneous conceptions of the nation. In Stenson’s account these are largely empirical processes that are the basis for the important questions he raises about changing understandings of publics and social order, and their implications for the local governance of community safety. He contrasts two alternative positions; the ‘universal human rights position’ which refuses to privilege the interests of majority populations, and a more ‘communitarian and nationalistic position’ which he argues is most likely to be deployed by right wing politicians and interests groups. Drawing from extensive research in the Thames Valley region of the United Kingdom, he shows how these two understandings have both shaped the local policy response to crime and disorder.


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Privacy is commonly seen as an instrumental value in relation to negative freedom, human dignity and personal autonomy. Article 8 ECHR, protecting the right to privacy, was originally coined as a doctrine protecting the negative freedom of citizens in vertical relations, that is between citizen and state. Over the years, the Court has extended privacy protection to horizontal relations and has gradually accepted that individual autonomy is an equally important value underlying the right to privacy. However, in most of the recent cases regarding Article 8 ECHR, the Court goes beyond the protection of negative freedom and individual autonomy and instead focuses self-expression, personal development and human flourishing. Accepting this virtue ethical notion, in addition to the traditional Kantian focus on individual autonomy and human dignity, as a core value of Article 8 ECHR may prove vital for the protection of privacy in the age of Big Data.


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Human trafficking and various other forms of child sexual exploitation on the United States-Mexico border are described from social science and law enforcement perspectives, including current laws and definitions, case examples, and descriptions of victims and traffickers. The Southern Border Initiative of the AMBER Alert Project is outlined as one effort to combat trafficking through collaboration between law enforcement agencies and programs in the United States and Mexico. Policy recommendations include increasing knowledge and collaboration between law enforcement, social service agencies, and judicial systems across the border region and between the United States and Mexico.


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Human trafficking is regarded by Interpol as the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. This letter is submitted in response to the topic of Human Trafficking addressed in Volume 2, Issue 1. In response to the ever-increasing attention to this problem, various programs focus on the rescue of survivors in anti-trafficking efforts - sometimes overshadowing efforts to prevent human trafficking and rehabilitate those harmed. A comprehensive, responsible approach requires a system of rescue and rehabilitation with a deliberate eye toward prevention. The basic human rights of survivors are at risk of being violated by “so-called rescue missions, despite the good intentions of would-be rescuers.” At the prevention level, a firm human rights approach is needed. When interventions shift their emphasis to prevention and tackle the innate contributors to inequality, then the roots of trafficking and slavery can be firmly extirpated. By taking a thoughtful and vested approach to tackling all areas of trafficking— including prevention, rescue, and rehabilitation—resources can be used more effectively, and communities are likely to have a more extensive impact in the fight against this hideous crime against humanity.


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Page 2 – The Vice Provost cites 2004/2005 as a year of significant accomplishments for the Libraries. • The Dodd Research Center and the Human Rights Institute plan a conference on economic human rights for October. Page 3 - Researcher Bill V. Mullen talks about the work of avant garde musician, composer, and author Fred Ho, whose archive is in Archives & Special Collections. Page 4 - Students tell us why they come to the library. • The Dodd Research Center commissions two students to create a logo for its 10th anniversary celebration. • Fragile pamphlets are given new life in the Conservation Lab. Page 5 - The library sponsors a national symposium to explore new technology. • Our newest digital project can lead you to everything you ever wanted to know about Connecticut. • A new Pharmacy Library will open its doors in June. Page 6 - Staff News: service anniversaries and new faces. Page 7 - The Class of 1955 is raising $50,000 for an undergraduate instruction classroom in the library.


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This thesis seeks to analyze the relationship between public attitudes toward refugees in a refugee receiving state and the realization of the legal rights afforded refugees (de facto rights). I hypothesize that the more negative a host culture is toward refugees, the less refugees are able to realize their rights. Conversely, the more positive a host culture is toward refugees, the more refugees are able to realize their rights. I test the hypothesis through a case study of refugee populations in Cape Town, South Africa, based on research conducted from May to June 2007. The orientation (positive or negative) of the host culture's perceptions toward a refugee group (Independent Variable) is measured through: (1) a coded content analysis of the South African media, (2) a coded content analysis of semi-structured interviews, and (3) an assessment of secondary source public opinion surveys and reports. The realization of refugee rights (Dependent Variable) is operationalized as a function of two rights: (1) the right to personal physical integrity and (2) the right to protection from unlawful detention. These rights are measured by coding (1) media reports and (2) interviews, and by (3) assessing NGO reports and secondary source public opinion surveys. My empirical data shows that the cultural orientation toward refugees is not overwhelmingly negative, and the realization of rights is not conclusively "low." However, the frequency of data coded "negative" and "low" versus "positive" or "high" suggest that South Africans regard refugees somewhat negatively and that rights are not fully realized. This finding is strengthened by the analysis of secondary sources and field notes.


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Background. Today modern day slavery is known as human trafficking and is a growing pandemic that is a grave human rights violation. Estimates suggest that 12.3 million people are working under conditions of force, fraud or coercion. Working toward eradication is a worthy effort; it would free millions of humans from slavery, mostly women and children, as well as uphold basic human rights. One tactic to eradicating human trafficking is to increase identification of victims among those likely to encounter victims of human trafficking.^ Purpose. This study aims to develop an intervention that improves certain stakeholders' ability, in the health clinic setting, to appropriately identify and report victims of human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.^ Methods. The Intervention Mapping (IM) process was used by program planners to develop an intervention for health professionals. This methodology is a six step process that guides program planners to develop an intervention. Each step builds on the others through the execution of a needs assessment, and the development of matrices based on performance objectives and determinants of the targeted health behavior. The end product results in an ecological, theoretical, and evidence based intervention.^ Discussion. The IM process served as a useful protocol for program planners to take an ecological approach as well as incorporate theory and evidence into the intervention. Consultation with key informants, the planning group, adopters, implementers, and individuals responsible for institutionalization also contributed to the practicality and feasibility of the intervention. Program planners believe that this intervention fully meets recommendations set forth in the literature.^ Conclusions. The intervention mapping methodology enabled program planners to develop an intervention that is appropriate and acceptable to the implementer and the recipients.^


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El Sistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos impone a los Estados la implementación de todo tipo de medidas, entre ellas, acuerdos regionales de integración que tienden a garantizar el respeto de los derechos humanos. En el trabajo se fundamenta la idea de que el Sistema lnteramericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos constituye un aporte esencial en la integración latinoamericana, la que se produce a través de la enseñanza del derecho, de la jurisprudencia compartida, de la doctrina de los más destacados autores, del compromiso mutuo de todos estos países, que integran a aproximadamente 500 millones de personas que son regidas por este sistema en cuanto a la defensa de los derechos humanos.


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El presente artículo, así como la tesis doctoral de la que forma parte, pretende ser un aporte en la reflexión sobre los imperativos que implican para el Trabajo Social la intervención con familias o más específicamente, mujeres cuestionadas en su rol materno. La violencia en todas sus formas, y en especial aquella provocada por la expulsión del sistema social, es el denominador común de esas mujeres; maternidades en contexto de exclusión, donde la insatisfacción de los Derechos Humanos entra en tensión con los discursos que postulan, más paradójica que paradigmáticamente, los Derechos del Niño.


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La biblioclastía fue definida como la compulsión humana por destruir libros. Desde tiempos inmemoriales el hombre ha querido imponer sus ideas a través de la destrucción de aquellas que se contraponían a las propias y los libros han sido objeto de esa "pulsión biblioclástica" durante toda la historia de la humanidad. La última dictadura militar que sufrió nuestro país dejó importantes secuelas en la sociedad. Mediante la censura e intervención en diferentes ámbitos (educación, cine, teatro, literatura, entre otros) se construyeron un discurso, un lenguaje y unas prácticas que hoy se reconocen como propias de ese tiempo histórico. Igual que pasó con la desaparición de las personas y sus cuerpos, la represión en el ámbito de la cultura fue parte de un plan sistemático, pensado, calculado y llevado a cabo por dependencias del Estado argentino destinadas a tal fin y por funcionarios (militares y civiles) que fueron parte de ese plan. Se considera de especial importancia que los bibliotecarios, como parte de aquéllos profesionales que contribuyen día a día a la preservación de la memoria, abordemos este tipo de problemáticas y reflexionemos en torno de la mismas. Este trabajo se enmarca en las investigaciones sobre el pasado reciente, teniendo como eje la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y su postura frente a la libertad de expresión. Intenta reconstruir los mecanismos censorios y cómo se plasmaron en las vivencias de diferentes actores relacionados con el ámbito del libro y del movimiento cultural y político platense, con el objetivo de contribuir a la memoria social de nuestra ciudad.


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Este trabajo aborda la represión política de la militancia revolucionaria por parte del régimen militar y la problemática de los presos políticos en la etapa 1971-1973 en Argentina. Se realiza un análisis de las principales características de la legislación represiva. Centralmente refiere a las diferentes iniciativas desarrolladas por el PRT-ERP en relación con sus militantes presos y en particular a la constitución de una Comisión de familiares de presos políticos, estudiantiles y gremiales para la organización de la solidaridad y defensa de los mismos. Apuntamos a destacar la amplia actividad de defensa y solidaridad con los presos políticos desarrollada por un conjunto de organizaciones como un antecedente importante, pero no reconocido, para la constitución del movimiento de derechos humanos de la Argentina en 1975-1976


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En este trabajo reconstruimos sintéticamente el proceso de constitución de Mansión Seré como un lugar de memoria (Nora, 1984). Durante los primeros años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), esta casona funcionó como centro de tortura y desaparición de personas. En el año 2000, el Estado local junto a organismos de Derechos Humanos decidieron convertirla en un espacio de rememoración y transmisión de lo ocurrido bajo el terrorismo de Estado. A partir de documentos y entrevistas, reconstruimos y analizamos los antecedentes político-institucionales del desarrollo de una política de la memoria y el proceso inicial de elaboración de un programa de memoria en este sitio


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Con la puesta en marcha y desarrollo de los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad cometidos durante la última dictadura cívico-militar se inaugura un nuevo espacio de intervención para la psicología. El interés por ampliar y profundizar las posibilidades de trabajar en este campo impulsa a llevar adelante una tarea de investigación, conceptualización y desarrollo acerca de los aportes posibles de la psicología a las problemáticas que plantea el abordaje de las víctimas de los delitos de lesa humanidad en el marco de su tramitación judicial. Se analizará la evolución en el campo jurídico de las variables que permitieron el pasaje de la consideración de los delitos cometidos por el régimen militar a su calificación como delitos de lesa humanidad, condición fundamental que les confiere el carácter de imprescriptibilidad, lo cual habilita el relanzamiento de los juicios por estas causas y la consiguiente osibilidad de intervenir desde nuestra profesión. Para ello será necesario tener en cuenta tanto el análisis de las condiciones de inicio del campo de la salud mental y derechos humanos, como los requerimientos y posibilidades actuales del mismo. En este sentido, se presentará el diseño e implementación de un modelo de Dispositivo de acompañamiento activo dirigido a testigos-víctimas y querellantes en juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad en contexto de acceso a la justicia


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En este trabajo reconstruimos sintéticamente el proceso de constitución de Mansión Seré como un lugar de memoria (Nora, 1984). Durante los primeros años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), esta casona funcionó como centro de tortura y desaparición de personas. En el año 2000, el Estado local junto a organismos de Derechos Humanos decidieron convertirla en un espacio de rememoración y transmisión de lo ocurrido bajo el terrorismo de Estado. A partir de documentos y entrevistas, reconstruimos y analizamos los antecedentes político-institucionales del desarrollo de una política de la memoria y el proceso inicial de elaboración de un programa de memoria en este sitio