999 resultados para grúa


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Os níveis de julgamen to dos alunos de 1 2 , 22 e ,:3 2 graus de ensino da Rede de E'sco las Particulares e da ~~ndação Universitária da cidade de Lages - Santa Catari ~a -, é um estudo teórico e de investigação prática, que -pretende verificar e discutir as relações entre a quali~ . dade ou maturidade de julgamento .. ' . e as var~ave~s idade grau de escolaridade, capacidade intelectual e nível só- --ci.o-econômico dos alunos ,sujeitos da pesquisa. A amostra foi sorteada aleatoriamente entre to- dos os alunos da 8! série do 12 grau, 2~' série do 29 grau e 3! série do 3 2 grau, num percentual aproximado de 20% da população total visada. Constituiu-se, assim, uma amos tra de 152 sujeitos, extTa{da de uma população de 898 a~ . . lunos. Os objetivos específicos que orientaram o estu- , ." ... . .' ,.., . do resumem-se na anal~se e discussao das relaçoes entreo nível de julgamento e as demais variáveis, isto é, ida~ de, grau de escolaridade, capacidade intelectual e nível sócio-econômico dos ,alunos pesquisados. Os resultados indicam que: 1) a maioria absolu- , ta dos sujeitos tanto de 12 e 22 graus qcinnto os de .j2 grau não alcançou'os níveis de julgamento mais maduros - ou seja - julgamento imaginativo-explicativo e imaginati vo-explicati vo-compreensi vo.· .2) Os sujei tos revelam -a- centuada dificuldade de raciocínio e julgamento' em ,rela ção ao texto-teste de estrutura lógica. 3) As variáveis' ~dade, grau de escolaridade, nível 56cio~ecortômico rela- ',c~onam-se,. em geral, positivamente com o nível de julga- ~mento, embora, no caso desta pesquisa, essa relação seja :fraca, possivelmente em função da pou.ca dispersão ougra!! de homog'eneic.ade' dos escores obtidos pelos sujeitos. Es- -sa homogeneidade de resultados levanta problemas que me- receriam novos estudos para maiores esclarecimentos sobre as condiç;es de desenvolvimento do processo de julga- mento, sejam internas ou externas à escola. são levantadas questões relativas, principalmen- te, à ação da escola, aos livros textos nela utilizados às condições precárias dos professores, à concepção tradi ciônal de educação e sobre o sistema ou contexto social a tual dentro do qual a escola é um sub-sistema. são sugeridas, no final do trabalho, pesquisas e estudos que visem amplioar o c onhecimento a raspei to do d~ senvolvimento do processo de julgar, bem como, pesquisas que procurem relacionar o nível sócio-econômico do profes sor e a quantidade e qualidade de leituras feitas por ele com o desempenho dos alunos.


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A instruçio p~blica no Maranhão sofreu certas mudanças, a partir do Ato Adicibnal (1834), que coiocou sob a responsabilidade das Administrações provinciais a direção do ensino p~blico, primario e secundario no Brasil. No s~culo passado, (XIX), no final dos anos 30 e durante os decênios de 40 e 50, houve, no Maranhão, um certo esforço do Estado, no sentido de exercer um contróle maior sobre a instrução provincial e de desenvolver ~ uma. maior clientela o ensino elementar. Nessa época, foram. pr~:))lr?v1dos pela Administração local os primeiros incentivos ã di fusão do ensino t~cnico e agrIcola; e reorganizado o ensino securidirio com a criação do Liceu Maranhense. Nas ~ltimas d~cadas do Imperio, entretanto, o Estado demonstrou um gra~ de desinteresse pelo desenvolvimento da educação escolar no Maranhão. As realizações oficiais dessa ~po~a, nos diver sos nIveis, ' foram insignificantes. A Administração Local, decretando o livre exeycIcio do ensino, em 1874, demonstrou legalmente o descaso a que relegou a instrução p~blica pr~ vincial. As tendências verificadas no ensino p~blico maranhense, nesse perIodo (1834-1889), for~m sobretudo, por particularidades do processo determinadas, polItico-econô mico marannense da ~poca. Nos primeiros decênios (final .de 30 : ê : · d~ca.das 40 ~. 50)', a sit~ação pó'Útiêa . ~aranhens.e · ;'.ar.act.eri:za·v~-. se por um grande empenho dos fazendeiros (fração da classe dominante no poder) em garantir a ordem e buscar a nia. No âmbito econômico, destacava-se um afã por hegem2. reformas materiais, visando ao soerguimento da economia mercantil. Ji nos Gltirnos dec~nios analisados, a situação p61Itico-ec2. n~mica traduzia-se por um maior fortalecimento do poder Político dos fazendeiros, mas com uma grave crise econômica. As condições sociais maranhenses nas primeiras décadas favo receram, pois, o surgimento de uma maior preocupação do Es tado pela educação escolar, enquanto que, na última fase, a situação político-econômica maranhense desestimulou um interesse maior do Estado pelo desenvolvimento do ensino público no Maranhão.


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Infância is undoubtedly memory, high qual ity l iterature, reputable, as the story moves between f ict ion and reality. Personal and social history, wi th such a sense of reality, causing the reader to prof it f rom the honesty and the sinceri ty producing, in this work, remarkable results in a constancy of cl ippings, f rame -by-f rame. Memory and obl ivion are this work guidance. We aim to denounce the relat ionship between the chi ld and violence, and as it is a memorialist ic text , we see the importance of f ict ion for this type of narrat ive to be sustained. I aim thereby show the tone of this report humanizing memories, its deep and decisive meaning, through the memories concepts by Le Gof f , by Seligmann-Silva and by Ecléa Bosi. I t is also through the theories of Jeanne Marie Ganegbin that I just ify the concept of remembering and forget t ing, and also it is also according the concepts of Eliane Zagury that I give support to the importance of autobiography as a a mean of expressing the reported memor ies. Final ly, in Infância, there is no room for fantasy. The lyricism that overwhelms, throughout each chapter, commands the author's imaginat ion. The need to invent gives way to the need to test ify, to denounce. And this t ransit ion occurs gradually, slow as Gra c il ia n o s c h i ld li f e , d u e to such humiliat ion and submission


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We evaluated the effect of additives the basis of propolis and monensin on ingestive behavior (grazing -GRA, rumination lying -RLY, rumination in foot -RFO, rumination -RUM; idleness lying -ILY, idleness in standing -IDS, idleness -IDL, walking -WAL, posture standing -POS, posture lying -PLY, intake of supplement and water -ISW) of heifers in Tifton 85 grazing. The treatments were: no additive (NAD); propolis - PRO (33.24 mg animal-1 of total flavonoid in apigenin), and monensin -MON (100 mg animal(-1)). Were used five heifers treatment(-1) for evaluation of ingestive behavior during 12 hours of total valuation, which was divided into three periods. Used a factorial design into 3 x 3 for evaluation of ingestive behavior as a function of the evaluation periods. Were utilized three paddocks of 2.9 acres of grass Tifton 85. The additives and mineral supplement (50 g animal(-1)) were provided with 200 g of corn meal to 17 hours. For all activities of the ingestive behaviors observed the effect of period on the time spent on of different activities. The activities of GRA and ISW were higher in the third period (15hours to 19hours) compared to the first period (7hours at 11hours). For IDL and PLY, there was a higher time in minutes for heifers treatment with PRO in the period of 7hours at 11hours, compared to other treatments (NAD and MON). Thus, it is concluded that the use of the additive based on propolis enables sodium monensin replacement, to heifers maintained on pasture without changing eating behavior as well as providing greater idleness during the day the without affecting animal performance.


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O mestre (1963), written by the Portuguese author Ana Hatherly, continues to challenge our reading due to its disturbing nature. The text is not only connected to and transcends the emerging modernity of the Portuguese poetic avant- -garde experimental proposals of the period, presenting itself as a permanent intriguing text. This paper examines the narrative procedures put into action in order to destabilize the relationship I – the Other (master and apprentice), multiform agents, producers of metamorphosis and disturbing actions. The female narrator addresses love, truth, knowledge and power in an uncommon way and transforms the narrative into a magic practice, with surprising effects.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Goncalves DA, Silveira WA, Lira EC, Gra a FA, Paula-Gomes S, Zanon NM, Kettelhut IC, Navegantes LC. Clenbuterol suppresses proteasomal and lysosomal proteolysis and atrophy-related genes in denervated rat soleus muscles independently of Akt. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 302: E123-E133, 2012. First published September 27, 2011; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00188.2011.-Although it is well known that administration of the selective beta(2)-adrenergic agonist clenbuterol (CB) protects muscle following denervation (DEN), the underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear. We report that in vivo treatment with CB (3 mg/kg sc) for 3 days induces antiproteolytic effects in normal and denervated rat soleus muscle via distinct mechanisms. In normal soleus muscle, CB treatment stimulates protein synthesis, inhibits Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis, and increases the levels of calpastatin protein. On the other hand, the administration of CB to DEN rats ameliorates the loss of muscle mass, enhances the rate of protein synthesis, attenuates hyperactivation of proteasomal and lysosomal proteolysis, and suppresses the transcription of the lysosomal protease cathepsin L and of atrogin-1/MAFbx and MuRF1, two ubiquitin (Ub) ligases involved in muscle atrophy. These effects were not associated with alterations in either IGF-I content or Akt phosphorylation levels. In isolated muscles, CB (10(-6) M) treatment significantly attenuated DEN-induced overall proteolysis and upregulation in the mRNA levels of the Ub ligases. Similar responses were observed in denervated muscles exposed to 6-BNZ-cAMP (500 mu M), a PKA activator. The in vitro addition of triciribine (10 mu M), a selective Akt inhibitor, did not block the inhibitory effects of CB on proteolysis and Ub ligase mRNA levels. These data indicate that short-term treatment with CB mitigates DEN-induced atrophy of the soleus muscle through the stimulation of protein synthesis, downregulation of cathepsin L and Ub ligases, and consequent inhibition of lysosomal and proteasomal activities and that these effects are independent of Akt and possibly mediated by the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway.


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Background: The goal of this study was to estimate the seroprevalence of Toxocara spp., Toxoplasma gondii, and Taenia solium metacestode infection and determine some of the associated risk factors for people living in the Dona Carmen settlement, Pontal of Paranapanema, São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Serum samples from 194 subjects were tested and participants answered a questionnaire. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system based on Toxocara spp. excretory-secretory antigens obtained from the cultured second-stage larvae of Toxocara canis or vesicular fluid (VF) antigen from Taenia crassiceps metacestode was used to detect anti-Toxocara spp. IgG and IgE and anti-T. solium metacestode, respectively. For cysticercosis, the reactive ELISA samples were assayed by Western blotting using 18 kDa and 14 kDa proteins purified from VF. For T. gondii-specific IgG and IgM antibodies, anti-SAG-1, GRA-1, and GRA-7 epitope specificity was determined by ELISA. Results: Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies were found in 102/194 individuals (52.6%) with increased infections in females (P=0.02) and those with US$ ≤ 300monthly income (P=0.01). Positive IgM antibodies were detected in 21/194 individuals (10.8%). Antibodies specific to Toxocara spp. were found in 28/194 subjects (14.4%). All the individuals with Toxocara spp. also had T. gondii-specific IgG antibodies. Taenia solium metacestode antibodies were detected in 11 subjects (5.7%), but none were reactive based on Western blotting. Conclusion: In spite of environmental, educational, and socioeconomic factors favoring parasite infection, the seropositivity rates of T. gondii, Toxocara spp., and T. solium metacestode-specific IgG antibodies are similar to the rates found in studies conducted in different populations in Brazil.


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Man har genom forskning inte kunnat dra någon generell slutsats angående orsaksfaktorer bakom anorexia nervosa. Alla drabbade har egna erfarenheter och tankar om varför just hon eller han blivit sjuk. Vårt syfte var att i möjligaste mån återspegla de i studien utvalda kvinnornas beskrivningar av tankar och erfarenheter kring sitt sjukdomsförlopp, utifrån familjeförhållanden och individuella faktorer. Vi ville veta vad de ansåg vara orsaken till just deras insjuknande, men också vad som var anledningen till att de slutligen bestämde sig för att bli friska. Detta syfte ledde oss till frågeställningar som: Hur kan familjen påverka ett insjuknande i anorexia nervosa? Vilka individuella faktorer kan influera? Vad ansåg de vara vändpunkten för sitt tillfrisknande? För att få en så tydlig bild som möjligt av kvinnornas tankar och erfarenheter behövde vi se en helhet, varför vi valde att göra en kvalitativ studie med djupintervjuer. I arbetet framförs tidigare forskning om familjeförhållanden och individuella faktorer som kan ha en inverkan på insjuknandet, samt om vändpunktsprocesser. Vår granskning gick ut på att tolka kvinnornas berättelser i jämförelser med den forskning vi använt oss av. I vårt resultat framkommer att berättelserna till viss del liknar varandra, och att vissa jämförelser kan ses med forskningen, men att erfarenheterna trots allt är unika och därmed skiljer sig för de fyra kvinnorna.