834 resultados para gifted and talented children


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En aquest projecte es reflexiona sobre l’ensenyament de les ciències al parvulari i com els infants aprenent conceptes relacionats amb el regne animal. La ciència escolar classifica la gran diversitat d’espècies que formen aquest regne en dos grans blocs, els vertebrats i els invertebrats, però en els patrons que ens ofereixen els animals per descobrir a ull nu aquestes particularitats són molt complexes d’observar. La visió que tenen els infants de parvulari sobre els animals del seu entorn sovint és molt allunyada de la realitat i els alumnes es creen concepcions alternatives per entendre els animals que observen. En l’estudi es realitza un recull de dades, a l’inici i el final d’una unitat didàctica, analitzant les representacions i les diferents formes de classificació dels animals de l’entorn que utilitzen els infants. Les conclusions són una reflexió sobre el perquè d’aquests coneixements alternatius i la manera de com aconseguir un canvi conceptual.


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From September 29, 2014 through November 7, 2014, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) collaborated with schools in Iowa to conduct the 2014 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS). The 2014 IYS is the fifteenth in a series of surveys that have been completed every two or three years since 1975. The survey is conducted with students in grades 6, 8, and 11 attending Iowa public and private schools. The IYS includes questions about students’ behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as their perceptions of peer, family, school, neighborhood, and community environments.


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''Like Parents, Like Children?'' Using Secondary Data in the Study of Parental Political Influence in Switzerland: This text is devoted to the intergenerational transmission of left-right ideological orientation. Using data from the Swiss Household Panel (www.swisspanel.ch), collected both directly and through intermediaries, it raises the question of the validity of second-hand information, which is discussed on several points. The article also shows that there is a strong long-term coherence between the ideological orientation of parents and their children. It also highlights the fact that the link is not the same for boys as for girls, and it varies between generations. Finally, it shows that strong upward social mobility, compared to the original environment, facilitates emancipation from parental ideology, social inertia being greater for downward and horizontal mobility. Ce texte est consacré à la transmission intergénérationnelle de l'orientation idéologique gauche-droite. Utilisant des données du Panel Suisse de Ménages (www.swisspanel.ch), collectées tant directement que par personnes interposées, il pose la question de la validité des informations de seconde main, qui est étudiée sur plusieurs points. L'article montre en outre qu'il existe à long terme une forte cohérence entre l'orientation idéologique des parents et de leurs enfants. Il met aussi en évidence que ce lien n'est pas la même auprès des garçons qu'auprès des filles, et qu'il varie entre les générations. Finalement, il montre qu'une forte ascension sociale par rapport au milieu d'origine facilite l'émancipation des orientations idéologiques parentales, l'inertie étant plus forte pour les trajectoires descendantes et horizontales.


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In this order the governor declares that The University of Northern Iowa's Center for Violence Prevention shall establish the Governor's Office for Bullying Prevention. The Office's mission shall be to empower schools to provide and every student with a safe and respectful learning environment.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) collaborated with schools in Iowa to conduct the 2014 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS). In a series of surveys that have been completed every two or three years since 1975. The survey is conducted with students in grades 6, 8, and 11 attending Iowa public and private schools. The IYS includes questions about students’ behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as their perceptions of peer, family, school, neighborhood, and community environments.


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The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. This report is about recommendations to the Iowa Judicial Branch.