994 resultados para genotype-phenotype correlation


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Illusory correlation refers to the use of information in decisions that is uncorrelated with the relevantcriterion. We document illusory correlation in CEO compensation decisions by demonstrating thatinformation, that is uncorrelated with corporate performance, is related to CEO compensation. We usepublicly available data from the USA for the years 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004 to examine the relationsbetween golf handicaps of CEOs and corporate performance, on the one hand, and CEO compensationand golf handicaps, on the other hand. Although we find no relation between handicap and corporateperformance, we do find a relation between handicap and CEO compensation. In short, golfers earnmore than non-golfers and pay increases with golfing ability. We relate these findings to the difficultiesof judging compensation for CEOs. To overcome this and possibly other illusory correlations inthese kinds of decisions, we recommend the use of explicit, mechanical decision rules.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: In treatment-naive patients mono-infected with genotype 1 chronic HCV, treatments with telaprevir/boceprevir (TVR/BOC)-based triple therapy are standard-of-care. However, more efficacious direct-acting antivirals (IFN-based new DAAs) are available and interferon-free (IFN-free) regimens are imminent (2015). METHODS: A mathematical model estimated quality-adjusted life years, cost and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of (i) IFN-based new DAAs vs. TVR/BOC-based triple therapy; and (ii) IFN-based new DAAs initiation strategies, given that IFN-free regimens are imminent. The sustained virological response in F3-4/F0-2 was 71/89% with IFN-based new DAAs, 85/95% with IFN-free regimens, vs. 64/80% with TVR/BOC-based triple therapy. Serious adverse events leading to discontinuation were taken as: 0-0.6% with IFN-based new DAAs, 0% with IFN-free regimens, vs. 1-10% with TVR/BOC-based triple therapy. Costs were euro60,000 for 12weeks of IFN-based new DAAs and two times higher for IFN-free regimens. RESULTS: Treatment with IFN-based new DAAs when fibrosis stage ⩾F2 is cost-effective compared to TVR/BOC-based triple therapy (euro37,900/QALY gained), but not at F0-1 (euro103,500/QALY gained). Awaiting the IFN-free regimens is more effective, except in F4 patients, but not cost-effective compared to IFN-based new DAAs. If we decrease the cost of IFN-free regimens close to that of IFN-based new DAAs, then awaiting the IFN-free regimen becomes cost-effective. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with IFN-based new DAAs at stage ⩾F2 is both effective and cost-effective compared to TVR/BOC triple therapy. Awaiting IFN-free regimens and then treating regardless of fibrosis is more efficacious, except in F4 patients; however, the cost-effectiveness of this strategy is highly dependent on its cost.


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A Method is offered that makes it possible to apply generalized canonicalcorrelations analysis (CANCOR) to two or more matrices of different row and column order. The new method optimizes the generalized canonical correlationanalysis objective by considering only the observed values. This is achieved byemploying selection matrices. We present and discuss fit measures to assessthe quality of the solutions. In a simulation study we assess the performance of our new method and compare it to an existing procedure called GENCOM,proposed by Green and Carroll. We find that our new method outperforms the GENCOM algorithm both with respect to model fit and recovery of the truestructure. Moreover, as our new method does not require any type of iteration itis easier to implement and requires less computation. We illustrate the methodby means of an example concerning the relative positions of the political parties inthe Netherlands based on provincial data.


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We present an exact test for whether two random variables that have known bounds on their support are negatively correlated. The alternative hypothesis is that they are not negatively correlated. No assumptions are made on the underlying distributions. We show by example that the Spearman rank correlation test as the competing exact test of correlation in nonparametric settings rests on an additional assumption on the data generating process without which it is not valid as a test for correlation.We then show how to test for the significance of the slope in a linear regression analysis that invovles a single independent variable and where outcomes of the dependent variable belong to a known bounded set.


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PURPOSE: To identify the genetic defect for the Coppock-like cataract (CCL) affecting a Swiss family, which defect was unlinked to the chromosome 2q33-35 CCL locus. METHODS: A large family was characterized for linkage analysis by slit lamp examination or by the review of drawings made before cataract extraction. The affection status was attributed before genotyping, and the genotyping was masked to the affection status. Two-point and multipoint linkage analyses were performed using the MLINK and the LINKMAP components of the LINKAGE program package (ver. 5.1), respectively. Mutational analysis of candidate genes was performed by a combination of direct cycle sequencing and an amplification refractory mutation system assay. RESULTS: Ten individuals were affected with the CCL phenotype. The disease was autosomal dominant and appeared to be fully penetrant. A new CCL locus was identified on chromosome 22q11.2 within a 11.67-cM interval (maximum lod score [Zmax] = 4.14; theta = 0). Mutational analysis of the CRYBB2 candidate gene identified a disease-causing mutation in exon 6. This sequence change was identical with that previously described to be associated with the cerulean cataract, a clinically distinct entity. CONCLUSIONS: The CCL phenotype is genetically heterogeneous with a second gene on chromosome 22q11.2, CRYBB2. The CCL and the cerulean cataract are two distinct clinical entities associated with the same genetic defect. This work provides evidence for a modifier factor that influences cataract formation and that remains to be identified.


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A genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 2D6 has been described with the existence of poor (zero functional genes), extensive (one or two functional genes), and ultrarapid metabolizers (three or more functional genes). The authors measured the steady-state trough (R)- (i.e., the active enantiomer), (S)-, and (R,S)-methadone plasma levels in opiate-dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and genotyped them for cytochrome P4502D6. The patients' medical records were reviewed to assess the outcome of the MMT with regard to the absence of illicit opiate consumption and to the absence of withdrawal complaints in ultrarapid and poor metabolizers. Of 256 patients included, 18 were found to be poor metabolizers, 228 to be extensive metabolizers, and 10 to be ultrarapid metabolizers. Significant differences were found between genotypes for (R)- (p = 0.024), (S)- (p = 0.033), and (R,S)-methadone (p = 0.026) concentrations to dose-to-weight ratios. For (R)-methadone, a significant difference was found between ultrarapid metabolizers and poor metabolizers (p = 0.009), with the median value in the former group being only 54% of the median value in the latter group. These results confirm the involvement of cytochrome P450 2D6 in methadone metabolism. Although the difference was nonsignificant (p = 0.103), 13 (72%) of the 18 poor metabolizers and only 4 (40%) of the 10 ultrarapid metabolizers were considered successful in their treatment. More studies are needed to examine the influence of the ultrarapid metabolizer status on the outcome of the MMT.


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The expression of the serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 (Sgk1) is induced by mineralocorticoids and, in turn, upregulates the renal epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC). Total inactivation of Sgk1 has been associated with transient urinary Na(+) wasting with a low-Na(+) diet, while the aldosterone-mediated ENaC channel activation was unchanged in the collecting duct. Since Sgk1 is ubiquitously expressed, we aimed to study the role of renal Sgk1 and generated an inducible kidney-specific knockout (KO) mouse. We took advantage of the previously described TetOn/CreLoxP system, in which rtTA is under the control of the Pax8 promotor, allowing inducible inactivation of the floxed Sgk1 allele in the renal tubules (Sgk1fl/fl/Pax8/LC1 mice). We found that under a standard Na(+) diet, renal water and Na(+)/K(+) excretion had a tendency to be higher in doxycycline-treated Sgk1 KO mice compared with control mice. The impaired ability of Sgk1 KO mice to retain Na(+) increased significantly with a low-salt diet despite higher plasma aldosterone levels. On a low-Na(+) diet, the Sgk1 KO mice were also hyperkaliuric and lost body weight. This phenotype was accompanied by a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. At the protein level, we observed a reduction in phosphorylation of the ubiquitin protein-ligase Nedd4-2 and a decrease in the expression of the Na(+)-Cl(-)-cotransporter (NCC) and to a lesser extent of ENaC.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Definition of T cell immune correlates in HIV infection remains a lofty goal towards our understanding of the HIV-specific immune response. This review will focus upon recent developments and controversies in our understanding of protective T cell responses against HIV. RECENT FINDINGS: It has become clear that multiple functions and phenotypic markers of T cells must be assessed to accurately characterize the complexity of CD4 and CD8 T cell responses. While evidence indicates that a hallmark of protective immune responses in HIV infection is the presence of 'polyfunctional' T cell responses, a disconnect remains between the function and phenotype of effective HIV-specific T cells. Moreover, there may be inherent differences in the ability of specific human leukocyte antigen class I families to promote CD8 T cell effector versus polyfunctional responses. It remains to be determined how polyfunctional responses arise in HIV infection, which functions are important for control, and whether surface phenotype markers provide an indication of protective capacity. SUMMARY: Polyfunctional and phenotypic assessment of T cell responses have clearly advanced our understanding of HIV specific immune responses. Critical questions remain, however, especially whether polyfunctional T cell responses control, or are controlled by, HIV replication.


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The set covering problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problemthat arises in applications ranging from crew scheduling in airlines todriver scheduling in public mass transport. In this paper we analyze searchspace characteristics of a widely used set of benchmark instances throughan analysis of the fitness-distance correlation. This analysis shows thatthere exist several classes of set covering instances that have a largelydifferent behavior. For instances with high fitness distance correlation,we propose new ways of generating core problems and analyze the performanceof algorithms exploiting these core problems.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the correlation between the bacteriological and histopathological findings in placentas from women with suspected or proven chorioamnionitis (CA). METHODS: Over a 1-year period, 376 placentas were prospectively collected and processed for bacteriological and pathological studies in cases of confirmed or suspected maternal or neonatal infection. RESULTS: Histological CA was diagnosed in 26.9% of placentas (101/376), and 27.7% (28/101) of these placentas had positive bacteriological cultures. A monomicrobial culture, mainly represented by Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli, was identified in 27% of the positive bacterial cultures. The proportion of positive cultures was higher (p=0.03) when CA was associated with funisitis, as compared with placental samples with early CA. In placentas without histological CA, bacteriological cultures were mostly negative (230/275), although pathogenic bacteria were identified in 16.3% of them (45/275). CONCLUSIONS: The histological and bacteriological results were concordant in about 70% of the examined placentas, with 61.1% negative cases (CA absent and negative bacterial cultures), and only 7.4% placentas with positive histological and bacteriological results. Discordant results (positive histology with negative bacteriology) were obtained in placentas with early CA documented by histology although possibly in relation with antibiotic prophylaxis and the presence of fastidious bacteria. Conversely, negative histology with positive bacteriology could be explained by the presence of an early-stage bacterial infection that has not yet led to detectable microscopic lesions.


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Previous work has shown that aggregating fetal brain cell cultures are able to attain a highly differentiated state, and that their development is greatly enhanced by growth and/or differentiation factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and the protein kinase C-activating tumor promoter mezerein. The present study shows that in these 3-dimensional cultures the peptide growth factors EGF and bFGF as well as mezerein are able to induce the expression of the proto-oncogene c-fos. This induction was rapid and transient, in good agreement with observations reported from a wide variety of cell types in vitro. The maximal levels of c-fos mRNA found after stimulation were low in immature cultures and increased greatly as maturation progressed. Of the three factors tested, mezerein was the most potent inducer of c-fos. In contrast to the peptide growth factors EGF and bFGF which were found to induce c-fos only in glial cells, mezerein was stimulatory in glial cells as well as in neurons. A similar cell type specificity has been observed previously for the maturation-enhancing response in immature aggregate cultures. However, in the present study no correlation was found between the degree of c-fos induction and the extent of the maturation-enhancing stimulation. Immature cultures known to be most sensitive and responsive to these maturation-enhancing agents required relatively high doses of peptide growth factors for the induction of c-fos, and the maximal levels of c-fos mRNA elicited were much lower than those in differentiated cultures which did not show any long-term response to these stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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PURPOSE: To characterize the clinical, psychophysical, and electrophysiological phenotypes in a five-generation Swiss family with dominantly inherited retinitis pigmentosa caused by a T494M mutation in the Precursor mRNA-Processing factor 3 (PRPF3) gene, and to relate the phenotype to the underlying genetic mutation. METHODS: Eleven affected patients were ascertained for phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Ophthalmologic evaluations included color vision testing, Goldmann perimetry, and digital fundus photography. Some patients had autofluorescence imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, and ISCEV-standard full-field electroretinography. All affected patients had genetic testing. RESULTS: The age of onset of night blindness and the severity of the progression of the disease varied between members of the family. Some patients reported early onset of night blindness at age three, with subsequent severe deterioration of visual acuity, which was 0.4 in the best eye after their fifties. The second group of patients had a later onset of night blindness, in the mid-twenties, with a milder disease progression and a visual acuity of 0.8 at age 70. Fundus autofluorescence imaging and electrophysiological and visual field abnormalities also showed some degree of varying phenotypes. The autofluorescence imaging showed a large high-density ring bilaterally. Myopia (range: -0.75 to -8) was found in 10/11 affected subjects. Fundus findings showed areas of atrophy along the arcades. A T494M change was found in exon 11 of the PRPF3 gene. The change segregates with the disease in the family. CONCLUSIONS: A mutation in the PRPF3 gene is rare compared to other genes causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). Although a T494M change has been reported, the family in our study is the first with variable expressivity. Mutations in the PRPF3 gene can cause a variable ADRP phenotype, unlike in the previously described Danish, English, and Japanese families. Our report, based on one of the largest affected pedigree, provides a better understanding as to the phenotype/genotype description of ADRP caused by a PRPF3 mutation.


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The influence of the basis set size and the correlation energy in the static electrical properties of the CO molecule is assessed. In particular, we have studied both the nuclear relaxation and the vibrational contributions to the static molecular electrical properties, the vibrational Stark effect (VSE) and the vibrational intensity effect (VIE). From a mathematical point of view, when a static and uniform electric field is applied to a molecule, the energy of this system can be expressed in terms of a double power series with respect to the bond length and to the field strength. From the power series expansion of the potential energy, field-dependent expressions for the equilibrium geometry, for the potential energy and for the force constant are obtained. The nuclear relaxation and vibrational contributions to the molecular electrical properties are analyzed in terms of the derivatives of the electronic molecular properties. In general, the results presented show that accurate inclusion of the correlation energy and large basis sets are needed to calculate the molecular electrical properties and their derivatives with respect to either nuclear displacements or/and field strength. With respect to experimental data, the calculated power series coefficients are overestimated by the SCF, CISD, and QCISD methods. On the contrary, perturbation methods (MP2 and MP4) tend to underestimate them. In average and using the 6-311 + G(3df) basis set and for the CO molecule, the nuclear relaxation and the vibrational contributions to the molecular electrical properties amount to 11.7%, 3.3%, and 69.7% of the purely electronic μ, α, and β values, respectively


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Background and Aims: The NS5A protein of the HCV is known tobe involved in viral replication and assembly and probably in theresistance to Interferon based-therapy. Previous studies identifiedinsertions or deletions from 1 to 12 nucleotides in several genomicregions. In a multicenter study (17 French and 1 Swiss laboratoriesof virology), we identified for the first time a 31 amino acidsinsertion leading to a duplication of the V3 domain in the NS5Aregion with a high prevalence. Quasispecies of each strain withduplication were characterized and the inserted V3 domain wasidentified.Methods: Between 2006 and 2008, 1067 patients chronicallyinfected with a 1b HCV were consecutively included in the study.We first amplified the V3 region by RT-PCR to detect duplication(919 samples successfully amplified). The entire NS5A region wasthen amplified, cloned and sequenced in strains bearing theduplication. V3 sequences (called R1 and R2) from each clonewere analyzed with BioEdit and compared to a V3 consensussequence (C) built from the Database Los Alamos Hepatitis C.Entropy was determined at each position.Results: V3 duplications were identified in 25 patients representinga prevalence of 2.72%. We sequenced 2043 clones from which776 had a complete coding NS5A sequence (corresponding toa mean of 30 clones per patient). At the intra-individual level,6 to 17 variants were identified per V3 region, with a maximum of3 different amino acids. At the inter-individual level, a differenceof 7 and 2 amino acids was observed between C and R1 and R2sequences, respectively. Moreover few positions presented entropyhigher than 1 (4 for the R1, 2 for the R2 and 2 for the C). Among allthe sequenced clones, more than 60% were defective virus (partialfragment of NS5A or stop codon).Conclusions: We identified a duplication of the V3 domain ingenotype 1b HCV with a high prevalence. The R2 domain, which wasthe most similar to the C region, might probably be the "original"domain, whereas R1 should be the inserted domain. Phylogeneticanalyses are under process to confirm this hypothesis.


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BACKGROUND: The only known albino gorilla, named Snowflake, was a male wild born individual from Equatorial Guinea who lived at the Barcelona Zoo for almost 40 years. He was diagnosed with non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism, i.e. white hair, light eyes, pink skin, photophobia and reduced visual acuity. Despite previous efforts to explain the genetic cause, this is still unknown. Here, we study the genetic cause of his albinism and making use of whole genome sequencing data we find a higher inbreeding coefficient compared to other gorillas.RESULTS: We successfully identified the causal genetic variant for Snowflake's albinism, a non-synonymous single nucleotide variant located in a transmembrane region of SLC45A2. This transporter is known to be involved in oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans. We provide experimental evidence that shows that this amino acid replacement alters the membrane spanning capability of this transmembrane region. Finally, we provide a comprehensive study of genome-wide patterns of autozygogosity revealing that Snowflake's parents were related, being this the first report of inbreeding in a wild born Western lowland gorilla.CONCLUSIONS: In this study we demonstrate how the use of whole genome sequencing can be extended to link genotype and phenotype in non-model organisms and it can be a powerful tool in conservation genetics (e.g., inbreeding and genetic diversity) with the expected decrease in sequencing cost.