885 resultados para gain coefficient
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) was first characterized as a trophic factor for motor neurons in the ciliary ganglion and spinal cord, leading to its evaluation in humans suffering from motor neuron disease. In these trials, CNTF caused unexpected and substantial weight loss, raising concerns that it might produce cachectic-like effects. Countering this possibility was the suggestion that CNTF was working via a leptin-like mechanism to cause weight loss, based on the findings that CNTF acts via receptors that are not only related to leptin receptors, but also similarly distributed within hypothalamic nuclei involved in feeding. However, although CNTF mimics the ability of leptin to cause fat loss in mice that are obese because of genetic deficiency of leptin (ob/ob mice), CNTF is also effective in diet-induced obesity models that are more representative of human obesity, and which are resistant to leptin. This discordance again raised the possibility that CNTF might be acting via nonleptin pathways, perhaps more analogous to those activated by cachectic cytokines. Arguing strongly against this possibility, we now show that CNTF can activate hypothalamic leptin-like pathways in diet-induced obesity models unresponsive to leptin, that CNTF improves prediabetic parameters in these models, and that CNTF acts very differently than the prototypical cachectic cytokine, IL-1. Further analyses of hypothalamic signaling reveals that CNTF can suppress food intake without triggering hunger signals or associated stress responses that are otherwise associated with food deprivation; thus, unlike forced dieting, cessation of CNTF treatment does not result in binge overeating and immediate rebound weight gain.
The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is a principal subtype of glutamate receptor mediating fast excitatory transmission at synapses in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and other regions of the central nervous system. NMDA receptors are crucial for the lasting enhancement of synaptic transmission that occurs both physiologically and in pathological conditions such as chronic pain. Over the past several years, evidence has accumulated indicating that the activity of NMDA receptors is regulated by the protein tyrosine kinase, Src. Recently it has been discovered that, by means of up-regulating NMDA receptor function, activation of Src mediates the induction of the lasting enhancement of excitatory transmission known as long-term potentiation in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Also, Src has been found to amplify the up-regulation of NMDA receptor function that is produced by raising the intracellular concentration of sodium. Sodium concentration increases in neuronal dendrites during high levels of firing activity, which is precisely when Src becomes activated. Therefore, we propose that the boost in NMDA receptor function produced by the coincidence of activating Src and raising intracellular sodium may be important in physiological and pathophysiological enhancement of excitatory transmission in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and elsewhere in the central nervous system.
The development of an effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) would be a major advance toward controlling the AIDS pandemic. Several disparate strategies for a safe and effective HIV vaccine have been proposed. Recent data suggest that loss-of-function live-attenuated virus could be a safe lentivirus vaccine. Here, we propose a gain-of-function approach that can complement loss-of-function in enhancing the safety profile of a live-attenuated virus. We describe an example in which ganciclovir (GCV) was used to treat effectively nef(-)HIV-1 engineered to express herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK). This treatment was found to be highly efficient in controlling HIV-1 spread in tissue culture and in a small animal (hu-PBL-SCID) model. We demonstrate that one distinct advantage of GCV-HSV-TK treatment is the elimination of integrated proviruses, a goal not easily achieved with other antiretrovirals.
Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) is known to be a locus of mutation in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). Transgenic mice that express a mutant Cu,Zn-SOD, Gly-93--> Ala (G93A), have been shown to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) symptoms. We cloned the FALS mutant, G93A, and wild-type cDNA of human Cu,Zn-SOD, overexpressed them in Sf9 insect cells, purified the proteins, and studied their enzymic activities for catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anions and the generation of free radicals with H2O2 as substrate. Our results showed that both enzymes contain one copper ion per subunit and have identical dismutation activity. However, the free radical-generating function of the G93A mutant, as measured by the spin trapping method, is enhanced relative to that of the wild-type enzyme, particularly at lower H2O2 concentrations. This is due to a small, but reproducible, decrease in the value of Km for H2O2 for the G93A mutant, while the kcat is identical for both enzymes. Thus, the ALS symptoms observed in G93A transgenic mice are not caused by the reduction of Cu,Zn-SOD activity with the mutant enzyme; rather, it is induced by a gain-of-function, an enhancement of the free radical-generating function. This is consistent with the x-ray crystallographic studies showing the active channel of the FALS mutant is slightly larger than that of the wild-type enzyme; thus, it is more accessible to H2O2. This gain-of-function, in part, may provide an explanation for the association between ALS and Cu,Zn-SOD mutants.
The t(2;13) translocation of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma results in tumor-specific expression of a chimeric transcription factor containing the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of PAX3 and the C-terminal transactivation domain of FKHR. Here we have tested the hypothesis that PAX3-FKHR gains function relative to PAX3 as a consequence of switching PAX3 and FKHR transactivation domains, which were previously shown to have similar potency but distinct structural motifs. In transient cotransfection assays with human expression constructs, we have demonstrated the increased ability of PAX3-FKHR to activate transcription of a reporter gene located downstream of multimerized e5, PRS-9, or CD19 DNA-binding sites in three cell lines. For example, PAX3-FKHR was 100-fold more potent than PAX3 as an activator binding to e5 sites in NIH 3T3 cells. To compare transactivation potency independent of PAX3-specific DNA binding, we tested GAL4 fusions of full-length PAX3 and PAX3-FKHR or their respective C-terminal transactivation domains on a reporter with GAL4 DNA-binding sites. In this context, full-length PAX3-FKHR was also much more potent than PAX3. Additionally, the activity of each full-length protein was decreased relative to its C-terminal domain, demonstrating that N-terminal sequences are inhibitory. By deletion analysis, we mapped a bipartite cis-acting inhibitory domain to the same subregions within the DNA-binding domains of both PAX3 and PAX3-FKHR. We have shown, however, that the structurally distinct transactivation domains of PAX3 and PAX3-FKHR differ 10- to 100-fold in their susceptibility to inhibition, thus elucidating a mechanism by which PAX3 gains enhanced function during oncogenesis.
The guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) cascade underlying phototransduction is one of the best understood of all signaling pathways. The diffusional interactions of the proteins underlying the cascade have been analyzed, both at a macroscopic level and also in terms of the stochastic nature of the molecular contacts. In response to a single activated rhodopsin (R*) formed as a result of a single photon hit, it can be shown that molecules of the G-protein transducin will be activated approximately linearly with time. This, in turn, will cause the number of activated molecules of the effector protein (the phosphodiesterase) also to increase linearly with time. These kinetics of protein activation provide an accurate description of the time course of the rising phase of the photoreceptor's electrical response over a wide range of flash intensities. Recent estimates indicate that at room temperature each R* triggers activation of the phosphodiesterase at a rate of 1000-2000 subunits.s-1. Now that a quantitative description of the activation steps in transduction has been obtained, perhaps the greatest challenge for the future is to provide a comprehensive description of the shutoff reactions, so that a complete account of the photoreceptor's response to light can be achieved.
We have chosen tumors of the uterine cervix as a model system to identify chromosomal aberrations that occur during carcinogenesis. A phenotype/genotype correlation was established in defined regions of archived, formalin-fixed, and hematoxylin/eosin-stained tissue sections that were dissected from normal cervical epithelium (n = 3), from mild (n = 4), moderate (n = 6), and severe dysplasias/carcinomas in situ (CIS) (n = 13), and from invasive carcinomas (n = 10) and investigated by comparative genomic hybridization. The same tissues were analyzed for DNA ploidy, proliferative activity, and the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) sequences. The results show that an increase in proliferative activity and tetraploidization had occurred already in mildly dysplastic lesions. No recurrent chromosomal aberrations were observed in DNA extracted from normal epithelium or from mild and moderate dysplasias, indicating that the tetraploidization precedes the loss or gain of specific chromosomes. A gain of chromosome 3q became visible in one of the severe dysplasias/CIS. Notably, chromosome 3q was overrepresented in 90% of the carcinomas and was also found to have undergone a high-level copy-number increase (amplification). We therefore conclude that the gain of chromosome 3q that occurs in HPV16-infected, aneuploid cells represents a pivotal genetic aberration at the transition from severe dysplasia/CIS to invasive cervical carcinoma.
The type 1 angiotensin II (AT1) receptor is well characterized but the type 2 (AT2) receptor remains an enigma. We tested the hypothesis that the AT2 receptor can modulate the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells by transfecting an AT2 receptor expression vector into the balloon-injured rat carotid artery and observed that overexpression of the AT2 receptor attenuated neointimal formation. In cultured smooth muscle cells, AT2 receptor transfection reduced proliferation and inhibited mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the AT2 receptor mediated the developmentally regulated decrease in aortic DNA synthesis at the latter stages of gestation. These results suggest that the AT2 receptor exerts an antiproliferative effect, counteracting the growth action of AT1 receptor.
To investigate the functions of paralogous Hox genes, we compared the phenotypic consequences of altering the embryonic patterns of expression of Hoxb-8 and Hoxc-8 in transgenic mice. A comparison of the phenotypic consequences of altered expression of the two paralogs in the axial skeletons of newborns revealed an array of common transformations as well as morphological changes unique to each gene. Divergence of function of the two paralogs was clearly evident in costal derivatives, where increased expression of the two genes affected opposite ends of the ribs. Many of the morphological consequences of expanding the mesodermal domain and magnitude of expression of either gene were atavistic, inducing the transformation of axial skeletal structures from a modern to an earlier evolutionary form. We propose that regional specialization of the vertebral column has been driven by regionalization of Hox gene function and that a major aspect of this evolutionary progression may have been restriction of Hox gene expression.
Introdução: A obesidade é um dos grandes problemas de Saúde Pública e atinge níveis epidêmicos em grande parte do mundo. A maioria dos indivíduos com excesso de peso são mulheres, no Brasil o tamanho desta população também é expressivo, as em idade fértil são as que apresentam maior risco para o desenvolvimento da obesidade, o que está associado ao ganho de peso excessivo durante a gestação e a retenção de peso após o nascimento. O excesso de peso materno está relacionado a desfechos negativos para saúde materno-infantil. Objetivo: Analisar o peso gestacional e desfechos perinatais em mulheres da região sudeste do Brasil. Método: estudo transversal, com a utilização de dados provenientes de uma coorte nacional, com base hospitalar denominada: Nascer no Brasil: Inquérito Nacional sobre Parto e Nascimento, inquérito realizado no período de 2011 e 2012.Partindo da amostra inicial total do Sudeste composta por 10.154 mulheres entrevistadas e considerando os fatores de inclusão e exclusão para esta pesquisa, chegou-se a uma amostra de 3.405 binômios (mãe /recém-nascido).As variáveis estudadas foram ganho de peso, idade materna, peso pré-gestacional, Índice de Massa Corporal inicial e final, idade gestacional, tipo de parto e peso ao nascer. Análise foi realizada através das medidas de tendência central. Foi utilizado teste de Mann-Whitney para dados de distribuição normal e coeficiente de Pearson para variáveis contínuas. Foram considerados como significante os resultados com um p a 0,05. Resultados: A maioria das participantes apresentou faixa etária entre 21 e 30 anos, os nascimentos ocorreram entre a 38ª e 39ª semana gestacional, e seus recém-nascidos tiveram peso mediano de 3.219 g. Grande parte das pesquisadas (61,04 por cento ) iniciaram a gestação com um estado nutricional considerado adequado e 31,51 por cento apresentavam excesso de peso anterior à gestação. O ganho de peso excessivo ocorreu em todas as categorias de IMC pré-gestacional representando 49,6 por cento da população total estudada. O peso anterior à gestação apresentou elevada correlação com ganho de peso total ao final da gestação. Também foi observada influência do ganho de peso na gestação com a via de parto, idade gestacional e peso do bebê ao nascer. Conclusão: A maioria da população iniciou a gestação com estado nutricional adequado, porém, houve ganho de peso excessivo considerável em todas as categorias de IMC, este influenciou na via de parto onde a maioria aconteceu por operação cesariana e no peso ao nascer. O estado nutricional inicial influencia fortemente o estado nutricional ao final da gestação. Por isto, é importante que os programas de intervenção atuem em todas as etapas deste período, inclusive na conscientização da importância de um peso adequado anterior a concepção. Além de promover ações que auxiliem nos cuidados quanto ao ganho de peso na gestação.
INTRODUÇÃO - A obesidade é uma preocupação de saúde pública cada vez mais importante, em todo o mundo. A obesidade infantil, por sua vez, vem sendo associada a um alto risco de agravos infantis e de obesidade e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na fase adulta. Admite-se que o início da vida seja um momento crítico e determinante para o risco do indivíduo desenvolver sobrepeso ou obesidade. Entretanto, não está definido se existe algum período de maior vulnerabilidade na fase pós-natal e qual seria o melhor marcador do crescimento da criança para indicar uma possível intervenção precoce que possa minimizar o risco de desenvolver excesso de peso ou obesidade. OBJETIVO - Analisar as relações existentes entre indicadores antropométricos de crescimento no primeiro ano de vida e o desenvolvimento de excesso de peso no início da idade escolar. MÉTODOS - Estudo de uma coorte histórica de uma unidade básica de saúde em São Paulo, Brasil. Os momentos analisados foram aos três, seis e doze meses e aos sete anos de idade. Avaliou-se a velocidade de crescimento e o crescimento alcançado durante o primeiro ano de vida frente aos desfechos: excesso de peso e obesidade aos sete anos de idade. As variáveis foram analisadas estatisticamente através do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson e das curvas ROC, além de terem sido estimadas a sensibilidade, a especificidade e o risco relativo. RESULTADOS - Os Coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson do ganho de peso por ganho de comprimento nos períodos de 0 a 3 meses, 0 a 6 meses e 0 a 12 meses foram, respectivamente, 0,23 (IC 95 por cento : 0,13 a 0,33), 0,29 (IC 95 por cento : 0,19 a 0,39) e 0,34 (IC 95 por cento : 0,24 a 0,43), todos significantes estatisticamente. Os Coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson do escore z do Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC) para 3, 6 e 12 meses foram, respectivamente, 0,39 (IC 95 por cento : 0,29 a 0,48), 0,41 (IC 95 por cento : 0,32 a 0,50) e 0,42 (IC 95 por cento : 0,33 a 0,51). Para excesso de peso na idade escolar, a utilização do marcador escore z do IMC aos 12 meses maior que 0,49 apresentou sensibilidade de 68,29 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 59,3 por cento a 76,4 por cento ), especificidade de 63,51 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 56,6 por cento a 70,0 por cento ) e risco relativo estimado de 2,31 (IC 95 por cento : 1,69 a 3,17). Para obesidade, o mesmo marcador apresentou sensibilidade de 76,47 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 62,5 por cento a 87,2 por cento ), especificidade de 56,89 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 50,9 por cento a 62,7 por cento ) e risco relativo estimado de 3,49 (IC 95 por cento : 1,90 a 6,43). CONCLUSÕES - O primeiro trimestre de vida se revelou como sendo o período mais crítico, entre os estudados, para o desenvolvimento de sobrepeso ou obesidade no início da idade escolar. No entanto, o escore z do IMC acima de 0,49 aos 12 meses de vida se mostrou como o melhor marcador para esses dois desfechos.
Chlorides induce local corrosion in the steel reinforcements when reaching the bar surface. The measurement of the rate of ingress of these ions, is made by mathematically fitting the so called “error function equation” into the chloride concentration profile, obtaining so the diffusion coefficient and the chloride concentration at the concrete surface. However, the chloride profiles do not always follow Fick’s law by having the maximum concentration at the concrete surface, but often the profile shows a maximum concentration more in the interior, which indicates a different composition and performance of the most external concrete layer with respect to the internal zones. The paper presents a procedure prepared during the time of the RILEM TC 178-TMC: “Testing and modeling chloride penetration in concrete”, which suggests neglecting the external layer where the chloride concentration increases and using the maximum as an “apparent” surface concentration, called C max and to fit the error function equation into the decreasing concentration profile towards the interior. The prediction of evolution should be made also from the maximum.
In the cs.index.zip file we provide an R script which let us plot the conditioned Gini (or skewness) coefficient used in the working paper entitled "On conditional skewness with applications in environmental data" submitted to Environmental and Ecological Statistics. On the other hand, the ReadMe.pdf explains how to use the cs.index.R script.