989 resultados para frequency features


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Network theory applied to protein structures provides insights into numerous problems of biological relevance. The explosion in structural data available from PDB and simulations establishes a need to introduce a standalone-efficient program that assembles network concepts/parameters under one hood in an automated manner. Herein, we discuss the development/application of an exhaustive, user-friendly, standalone program package named PSN-Ensemble, which can handle structural ensembles generated through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation/NMR studies or from multiple X-ray structures. The novelty in network construction lies in the explicit consideration of side-chain interactions among amino acids. The program evaluates network parameters dealing with topological organization and long-range allosteric communication. The introduction of a flexible weighing scheme in terms of residue pairwise cross-correlation/interaction energy in PSN-Ensemble brings in dynamical/chemical knowledge into the network representation. Also, the results are mapped on a graphical display of the structure, allowing an easy access of network analysis to a general biological community. The potential of PSN-Ensemble toward examining structural ensemble is exemplified using MD trajectories of an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UbcH5b). Furthermore, insights derived from network parameters evaluated using PSN-Ensemble for single-static structures of active/inactive states of 2-adrenergic receptor and the ternary tRNA complexes of tyrosyl tRNA synthetases (from organisms across kingdoms) are discussed. PSN-Ensemble is freely available from http://vishgraph.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/PSN-Ensemble/psn_index.html.


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The amplitude-modulation (AM) and phase-modulation (PM) of an amplitude-modulated frequency-modulated (AM-FM) signal are defined as the modulus and phase angle, respectively, of the analytic signal (AS). The FM is defined as the derivative of the PM. However, this standard definition results in a PM with jump discontinuities in cases when the AM index exceeds unity, resulting in an FM that contains impulses. We propose a new approach to define smooth AM, PM, and FM for the AS, where the PM is computed as the solution to an optimization problem based on a vector interpretation of the AS. Our approach is directly linked to the fractional Hilbert transform (FrHT) and leads to an eigenvalue problem. The resulting PM and AM are shown to be smooth, and in particular, the AM turns out to be bipolar. We show an equivalence of the eigenvalue formulation to the square of the AS, and arrive at a simple method to compute the smooth PM. Some examples on synthesized and real signals are provided to validate the theoretical calculations.


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Maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms, for the joint estimation of synchronisation impairments and channel in multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system, are investigated in this work. A system model that takes into account the effects of carrier frequency offset, sampling frequency offset, symbol timing error and channel impulse response is formulated. Cramer-Rao lower bounds for the estimation of continuous parameters are derived, which show the coupling effect among different impairments and the significance of the joint estimation. The authors propose an ML algorithm for the estimation of synchronisation impairments and channel together, using the grid search method. To reduce the complexity of the joint grid search in the ML algorithm, a modified ML (MML) algorithm with multiple one-dimensional searches is also proposed. Further, a stage-wise ML (SML) algorithm using existing algorithms, which estimate less number of parameters, is also proposed. Performance of the estimation algorithms is studied through numerical simulations and it is found that the proposed ML and MML algorithms exhibit better performance than SML algorithm.


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In this paper, a current hysteresis controller with parabolic boundaries for a 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed. Parabolic boundaries with generalized vector selection logic, valid for all sectors and rotational direction, is used in the proposed controller. The current error space phasor boundary is obtained by first studying the drive scheme with space vector based PWM (SVPWM) controller. Four parabolas are used to approximate this current error space phasor boundary. The system is then run with space phasor based hysteresis PWM controller by limiting the current error space vector (CESV) within the parabolic boundary. The proposed controller has simple controller implementation, nearly constant switching frequency, extended modulation range and fast dynamic response with smooth transition to the over modulation region.


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In this paper, a current error space vector (CESV)-based hysteresis current controller for a multilevel 12-sided voltage space vector-based inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed. The proposed controller gives a nearly constant switching frequency operation throughout different speeds in the linear modulation region. It achieves the elimination of 6n +/- 1, n = odd harmonics from the phase voltages and currents in the entire modulation range, with an increase in the linear modulation range. It also exhibits fast dynamic behavior under different transient conditions and has a simple controller implementation. Nearly constant switching frequency is obtained by matching the steady-state CESV boundaries of the proposed controller with that of a constant switching frequency SVPWM-based drive. In the proposed controller, the CESV reference boundaries are computed online, using the switching dwell time and voltage error vector of each applied vector. These quantities are calculated from estimated sampled reference phase voltages. Vector change is decided by projecting the actual current error along the computed hysteresis space vector boundary of the presently applied vector. The estimated reference phase voltages are found from the stator current error ripple and the parameters of the IM.


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Acoustic signal variation and female preference for different signal components constitute the prerequisite framework to study the mechanisms of sexual selection that shape acoustic communication. Despite several studies of acoustic communication in crickets, information on both male calling song variation in the field and female preference in the same system is lacking for most species. Previous studies on acoustic signal variation either were carried out on populations maintained in the laboratory or did not investigate signal repeatability. We therefore used repeatability analysis to quantify variation in the spectral, temporal and amplitudinal characteristics of the male calling song of the field cricket Plebeiogryllus guttiventris in a wild population, at two temporal scales, within and across nights. Carrier frequency (CF) was the most repeatable character across nights, whereas chirp period (CP) had low repeatability across nights. We investigated whether female preferences were more likely to be based on features with high (CF) or low (CP) repeatability. Females showed no consistent preferences for CF but were significantly more attracted towards signals with short CPs. The attractiveness of lower CP calls disappeared, however, when traded off with sound pressure level (SPL). SPL was the only acoustic feature that was significantly positively correlated with male body size. Since relative SPL affects female phonotaxis strongly and can vary unpredictably based on male spacing, our results suggest that even strong female preferences for acoustic features may not necessarily translate into greater advantage for males possessing these features in the field. (C) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We show how Majorana end modes can be generated in a one-dimensional system by varying some of the parameters in the Hamiltonian periodically in time. The specific model we consider is a chain containing spinless electrons with a nearest-neighbor hopping amplitude, a p-wave superconducting term, and a chemical potential; this is equivalent to a spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic XY couplings between nearest neighbors and a magnetic field applied in the (z) over cap direction. We show that varying the chemical potential (or magnetic field) periodically in time can produce Majorana modes at the ends of a long chain. We discuss two kinds of periodic driving, periodic delta-function kicks, and a simple harmonic variation with time. We discuss some distinctive features of the end modes such as the inverse participation ratio of their wave functions and their Floquet eigenvalues which are always equal to +/- 1 for time-reversal-symmetric systems. For the case of periodic delta-function kicks, we use the effective Hamiltonian of a system with periodic boundary conditions to define two topological invariants. The first invariant is a well-known winding number, while the second invariant has not appeared in the literature before. The second invariant is more powerful in that it always correctly predicts the numbers of end modes with Floquet eigenvalues equal to + 1 and -1, while the first invariant does not. We find that the number of end modes can become very large as the driving frequency decreases. We show that periodic delta-function kicks in the hopping and superconducting terms can also produce end modes. Finally, we study the effect of electron-phonon interactions (which are relevant at finite temperatures) and a random noise in the chemical potential on the Majorana modes.


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We use the Bouguer coherence (Morlet isostatic response function) technique to compute the spatial variation of effective elastic thickness (T-e) of the Andaman subduction zone. The recovered T-e map resolves regional-scale features that correlate well with known surface structures of the subducting Indian plate and the overriding Burma plate. The major structure on the India plate, the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER), exhibits a weak mechanical strength, which is consistent with the expected signature of an oceanic ridge of hotspot origin. However, a markedly low strength (0< T-e <3 km) in that region, where the NER is close to the Andaman trench (north of 10 N), receives our main attention in this study. The subduction geometry derived from the Bouguer gravity forward modeling suggests that the NER has indented beneath the Andaman arc. We infer that the bending stresses of the viscous plate, which were reinforced within the subducting oceanic plate as a result of the partial subduction of the NER buoyant load, have reduced the lithospheric strength. The correlation, T-e < T-s (seismogenic thickness) reveals that the upper crust is actively deforming beneath the frontal arc Andaman region. The occurrence of normal-fault earthquakes in the frontal arc, low Te zone, is indicative of structural heterogeneities within the subducting plate. The fact that the NER along with its buoyant root is subducting under the Andaman region is inhibiting the subduction processes, as suggested by the changes in trench line, interrupted back-arc volcanism, variation in seismicity mechanism, slow subduction, etc. The low T-e and thinned crustal structure of the Andaman back-arc basin are attributed to a thermomechanically weakened lithosphere. The present study reveals that the ongoing back-arc spreading and strike-slip motion along the West Andaman Fault coupled with the ridge subduction exerts an important control on the frequency and magnitude of seismicity in the Andaman region. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of design quantiles of hydrometeorological variables at critical locations in river basins is necessary for hydrological applications. To arrive at reliable estimates for locations (sites) where no or limited records are available, various regional frequency analysis (RFA) procedures have been developed over the past five decades. The most widely used procedure is based on index-flood approach and L-moments. It assumes that values of scale and shape parameters of frequency distribution are identical across all the sites in a homogeneous region. In real-world scenario, this assumption may not be valid even if a region is statistically homogeneous. To address this issue, a novel mathematical approach is proposed. It involves (i) identification of an appropriate frequency distribution to fit the random variable being analyzed for homogeneous region, (ii) use of a proposed transformation mechanism to map observations of the variable from original space to a dimensionless space where the form of distribution does not change, and variation in values of its parameters is minimal across sites, (iii) construction of a growth curve in the dimensionless space, and (iv) mapping the curve to the original space for the target site by applying inverse transformation to arrive at required quantile(s) for the site. Effectiveness of the proposed approach (PA) in predicting quantiles for ungauged sites is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulation experiments considering five frequency distributions that are widely used in RFA, and by case study on watersheds in conterminous United States. Results indicate that the PA outperforms methods based on index-flood approach.


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Gene expression is the most fundamental biological process, which is essential for phenotypic variation. It is regulated by various external (environment and evolution) and internal (genetic) factors. The level of gene expression depends on promoter architecture, along with other external factors. Presence of sequence motifs, such as transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) and TATA-box, or DNA methylation in vertebrates has been implicated in the regulation of expression of some genes in eukaryotes, but a large number of genes lack these sequences. On the other hand, several experimental and computational studies have shown that promoter sequences possess some special structural properties, such as low stability, less bendability, low nucleosome occupancy, and more curvature, which are prevalent across all organisms. These structural features may play role in transcription initiation and regulation of gene expression. We have studied the relationship between the structural features of promoter DNA, promoter directionality and gene expression variability in S. cerevisiae. This relationship has been analyzed for seven different measures of gene expression variability, along with two different regulatory effect measures. We find that a few of the variability measures of gene expression are linked to DNA structural properties, nucleosome occupancy, TATA-box presence, and bidirectionality of promoter regions. Interestingly, gene responsiveness is most intimately correlated with DNA structural features and promoter architecture.


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Recent focus of flood frequency analysis (FFA) studies has been on development of methods to model joint distributions of variables such as peak flow, volume, and duration that characterize a flood event, as comprehensive knowledge of flood event is often necessary in hydrological applications. Diffusion process based adaptive kernel (D-kernel) is suggested in this paper for this purpose. It is data driven, flexible and unlike most kernel density estimators, always yields a bona fide probability density function. It overcomes shortcomings associated with the use of conventional kernel density estimators in FFA, such as boundary leakage problem and normal reference rule. The potential of the D-kernel is demonstrated by application to synthetic samples of various sizes drawn from known unimodal and bimodal populations, and five typical peak flow records from different parts of the world. It is shown to be effective when compared to conventional Gaussian kernel and the best of seven commonly used copulas (Gumbel-Hougaard, Frank, Clayton, Joe, Normal, Plackett, and Student's T) in estimating joint distribution of peak flow characteristics and extrapolating beyond historical maxima. Selection of optimum number of bins is found to be critical in modeling with D-kernel.


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Results of frequency-dependent and temperature-dependent dielectric measurements performed on the double-perovskite Tb2NiMnO6 are presented. The real (epsilon(1)(f,T)) and imaginary (epsilon(2)(f,T)) parts of dielectric permittivity show three plateaus suggesting dielectric relaxation originating from the bulk, grain boundaries and the sample-electrode interfaces, respectively. The epsilon(1)(f,T) and epsilon(2)(f,T) are successfully simulated by a RC circuit model. The complex plane of impedance, Z'-Z `', is simulated using a series network with a resistor R and a constant phase element. Through the analysis of epsilon(f,T) using the modified Debye model, two different relaxation time regimes separated by a characteristic temperature, T*, are identified. The temperature variation of R and C corresponding to the bulk and the parameter alpha from modified Debye fit lend support to this hypothesis. Interestingly, the T* compares with the Griffiths temperature for this compound observed in magnetic measurements. Though these results cannot be interpreted as magnetoelectric coupling, the relationship between lattice and magnetism is markedly clear. We assume that the observed features have their origin in the polar nanoregions which originate from the inherent cationic defect structure of double perovskites. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2013


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This work demonstrates the feasibility of mesoscale (100 μm to mm) punching of multiple holes of intricate shapes in metals. Analytical modeling, finite element (FE)simulation, and experimentations are used in this work. Two dimensional FE simulations in ABAQUS were done with an assumed material modeling and plane-strain condition. A known analytical model was used and compared with the ABAQUS simulation results to understand the effects of clearance between the punch and the die. FE simulation in ABAQUS was done for different clearances and corner radii at punch, die, and holder. A set of punches and dies were used to punch out a miniature spring-steel gripper. Comparison of compliant grippers manufactured by wire-cut electro discharge machining(EDM) and punching shows that realizing sharp interior and re-entrant corners by punching is not easy to achieve. Punching of circular holes with 5 mm and 2.5 mm diameter is achieved. The possibility of realizing meso-scale parts with complicated shapes through punching is demonstrated in this work; and some strategies are suggested for improvement.