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OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated in vitro the influence of an eugenol-based sealer (EndoFill) on the retention of stainless steel prefabricated posts cemented with zinc phosphate and resin-based (Panavia F) cements after different periods of root canal obturation, using the pull-out test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty upper canines were decoronated and the roots were embedded in resin blocks. The specimens were distributed into 3 groups, according to the period elapsed between canal obturation and post cementation: Group I - immediately; Group II - 72 h and Group III - 4 months. The groups were subdivided according to the type of cement used for post cementation: A - zinc phosphate and B - Panavia F. Following the experimental periods, specimens were subjected to pullout test in an Instron machine with application of tensile force at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until post dislodgement. The maximum forces required for post removal were recorded (kN) and means were subjected to statistical analysis by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test (α=0.001) RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences (p<0.01) between the posts cemented with zinc phosphate cement (0.2112 kN) and Panavia F (0.0501 kN). However, no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were found between the three post cementation periods, regardless of the cement. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the eugenol-based sealer influenced the tensile strength of the posts cemented with the resin cement, but had no influence on the time waited between root canal obturation and post space preparation/post cementation.
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the effect of ferrule preparation (Fp) on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth, restored with composite resin cores with or without glass fiber posts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-four bovine teeth were sectioned 19 or 17 mm (2 mm ferrule) from the apex, endodontically treated and assigned to four groups (n = 11): Group 1: Fp and post; Group 2: Fp and without post; Group 3: without Fp and with post; Group 4: without Fp and without post. All specimens were restored with composite resin core and metal crown. Specimens were subjected to fracture resistance testing in a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α=0.05). RESULTS: The mean fracture resistance values were as follows: Group 1: 573.3 N; Group 2: 552.5 N; Group 3: 275.3 N; Group 4: 258.6 N. Significantly higher fracture resistance was found for the groups with Fp (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: There was no statistically significant interaction between the "Fp" and "post" factors (p = 0.954). The ferrule preparation increased the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth. However, the use of glass fiber post showed no significant influence on the fracture resistance.
This study investigated the influence of cervical preflaring with different rotary instruments on determination of the initial apical file (IAF) in mesiobuccal roots of mandibular molars. Fifty human mandibular molars whose mesial roots presented two clearly separated apical foramens (mesiobuccal and mesiolingual) were used. After standard access opening and removal of pulp tissue, the working length (WL) was determined at 1 mm short of the root apex. Five groups (n=10) were formed at random, according to the type of instrument used for cervical preflaring. In group 1, the size of the IAF was determined without preflaring of the cervical and middle root canal thirds. In groups 2 to 5, preflaring was performed with Gates-Glidden drills, ProTaper instruments, EndoFlare instruments and LA Axxes burs, respectively. Canals were sized manually with K-files, starting with size 08 K-files, inserted passively up to the WL. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL and the size of the file was recorded. The instrument corresponding to the IAF was fixed into the canal at the WL with methylcyanoacrylate. The teeth were then sectioned transversally 1 mm short of the apex, with the IAF in position. Cross-sections of the WL region were examined under scanning electron microscopy and the discrepancies between canal diameter and the diameter of IAF were calculated using the tool "rule" (FEG) of the microscope's proprietary software. The measurements (µm) were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. There were statistically significant differences among the groups (p<0.05). The non-flared group had the greatest discrepancy (125.30 ± 51.54) and differed significantly from all flared groups (p<0.05). Cervical preflaring with LA Axxess burs produced the least discrepancies (55.10 ± 48.31), followed by EndoFlare instruments (68.20 ± 42.44), Gattes Glidden drills (68.90 ± 42.46) and ProTaper files (77.40 ± 73.19). However, no significant differences (p>0.05) were found among the rotary instruments. In conclusion, cervical preflaring improved IAF fitting to the canals at the WL in mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molars. The rotary instruments evaluated in this study did not differ from each other regarding the discrepancies produced between the IAF size and canal diameter at the WL.
TEMA: ferimentos causados por projéteis de arma de fogo apresentam alta incidência na região da cabeça e face. A articulação temporomandibular pode estar envolvida, além de estruturas anatômicas importantes como o nervo facial, necessitando de equipe multidisciplinar para efetuar tratamento adequado. PROCEDIMENTOS: apresentação de caso clínico de fratura condilar cominutiva causada por projétil de arma de fogo tratado de forma não-cirúrgica associado à terapia miofuncional orofacial. Paciente encaminhado para avaliação e procedimentos fonoaudiológicos após conduta da equipe de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, sem remoção do projétil, alojado superficialmente, próximo da origem do músculo esternocleidomastóideo à direita, com fratura condilar cominutiva e lesão do nervo facial. Foram aspectos observados em avaliação: mordida aberta anterior, importante redução da amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares com desvios para o lado acometido, ausência de lateralidade contralateral, dor muscular, paralisia e parestesia em terço médio e superior da hemiface direita. Realizadas sessões de terapia miofuncional seguindo protocolo específico para traumas de face constando de: drenagem de edema; manipulações na musculatura levantadora da mandíbula ipsilateral; ampliação e correção dos movimentos mandibulares; procedimentos específicos referentes à paralisia facial e reorganização funcional direcionada. RESULTADOS: após oito semanas de terapia os resultados obtidos mostram restabelecimento de amplitude e da simetria dos movimentos mandibulares, reorganização da mastigação, adequação da deglutição e fala, remissão da sintomatologia dolorosa e remissão da paralisia do terço médio. CONCLUSÃO: o tratamento conservador da fratura por meio da terapia miofuncional orofacial resultou na reabilitação funcional da mandíbula e face dirigindo os movimentos e estimulando a adequação das funções estomatognáticas.
This in vivo study evaluated the dissociation quality of maxillary premolar roots combining variations of vertical and horizontal angulations by using X-ray holders (Rinn -XCP), and made a comparison between two types of intraoral radiography systems - conventional film (Kodak Insight, Rochester, USA) and digital radiography (Kodak RVG 6100, Kodak, Rochester, USA). The study sample was comprised of 20 patients with a total of 20 maxillary premolars that were radiographed, using the paralleling angle technique (GP), with a 20º variation of the horizontal angle (GM) and 25º variation of the horizontal angle combined with 15º vertical angle (GMV). Each image was independently analyzed by two experienced examiners. These examiners assigned a score to the diagnostic capability of root dissociation and the measurement of the distance between the apexes. Statistical data was derived using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, Friedman and T test. The means of the measured distances between buccal and lingual root apexes were greater for the GMV, which ranged from 2.3 mm to 3.3 mm. A statistically significant difference was found between GM and GMV when compared to GP with p < 0.01. An established best diagnostic dissociation roots image was found in the GMV. These results support the use of the anterior X-ray holders which offer a better combined deviation (GMV) to dissociate maxillary premolar roots in both radiography systems.
Owing to improvements in its mechanical properties and to the availability of shade and translucence resources, resin composite has become one of the most widely used restorative materials in present day Dentistry. The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the surface hardness of seven different commercial brands of resin composites (Charisma, Fill Magic, Master Fill, Natural Look, Opallis, Tetric Ceram, and Z250) and the different degrees of translucence (translucid, enamel and dentin). Vickers microhardness testing revealed significant differences among the groups. Z250 was the commercial brand that showed the best performance in the hardness test. When comparing the three groups assessed within the same brand, only Master Fill and Fill Magic presented statistically significant differences among all of the different translucencies. Natural Look was the only one that showed no significant difference among any of the three groups. Charisma, Opallis, Tetric Ceram and Z250 showed significant differences among some of the tested groups. Based on the results found in this study, it was not possible to establish a relation between translucence and the microhardness of the resin composites assessed. Depending on the material assessed, however, translucence variation did affect the microhardness values of the resin composites.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the contamination status of endodontic absorbent paper points from sterilized or not sterilized commercial packs, as well as paper points exposed to the dental office environment. METHODS: Twenty absorbent paper points were evaluated for contamination status packed under different conditions: commercial/sterilized pack, commercial/non-sterilized pack, exposed to the clinical environment, and intentionally contaminated (positive control). Contamination was determined qualitatively and quantitatively by aerobiosis, capnophilic growth, and pour plate. The Petri dishes were analyzed with a colony counter, and the results were expressed as colony-forming units. The data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). RESULTS: No difference in colony-forming units was found among the groups of endodontic absorbent paper points. All groups were contaminated by fungi and bacteria. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the sterilization of absorbent endodontic paper points before clinical use should be recommended regardless of commercial presentation
This study compared the mandibular displacement from three methods of centric relation record using an anterior jig associated with (A) chin point guidance, (B) swallowing (control group) and (C) bimanual manipulation. Ten patients aged 25-39 years were selected if they met the following inclusion criteria: complete dentition (up to the second molars), Angle class I and absence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and diagnostic casts showing stability in the maximum intercuspation (MI) position. Impressions of maxillary and mandibular arches were made with an irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. Master casts of each patient were obtained, mounted on a microscope table in MI as a reference position and 5 records of each method were made per patient. The mandibular casts were then repositioned with records interposed and new measurements were obtained. The difference between the two readings allowed measuring the displacement of the mandible in the anteroposterior and lateral axes. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the three methods for measuring lateral displacement (A=0.38 ± 0.26, B=0.32 ± 0.25 and C=0.32 ± 0.23). For the anteroposterior displacement (A=2.76 ± 1.43, B=2.46 ± 1.48 and C=2.97 ± 1.51), the swallowing method (B) differed significantly from the others (p<0.05), but no significant difference (p>0.05) was found between chin point guidance (A) and bimanual manipulation (C). In conclusion, the swallowing method produced smaller mandibular posterior displacement than the other methods.
Composite resins might be susceptible to degradation and staining when in contact with some foods and drinks. This study evaluated color alteration and changes in microhardness of a microhybrid composite after immersion in different colored foods and determined whether there was a correlation between these two variables. Eighty composite disks were randomly divided into 8 experimental groups (n = 10): kept dry; deionized water; orange juice; passion fruit juice; grape juice; ketchup; mustard and soy sauce. The disks were individually immersed in their respective test substance at 37 ºC, for a period of 28 days. Superficial analysis of the disk specimens was performed by taking microhardness measurements (Vickers, 50 g load for 45 seconds) and color alterations were determined with a spectrophotometer (CINTRA 10- using a CIEL*a*b* system, 400-700 nm wavelength, illuminant d65 and standard observer of 2º) at the following times: baseline (before immersion), 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Both variables were also submitted to Pearson's correlation test (p < 0.05). The passion fruit group underwent the greatest microhardness change, while the mustard group suffered the greatest color alteration. Significant positive correlation was found between the two variables for the groups deionized water, grape juice, soy sauce and ketchup. Not all color alteration could be associated with surface degradation.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that both human and bovine sclerotic dentin have similar hardness properties, in addition to similar micromorphological characteristics. Sixteen teeth (8 human and 8 bovine) exhibiting exposed dentin in the incisal edge and showing characteristics typical of sclerosis were used. Vickers surface microhardness testing was conducted. Three areas of the dentin surface of each specimen were selected. All teeth were processed for scanning electron microscopy in order to estimate the amount (in percentage) of solid dentin on the sclerotic dentin surface. The data were compared by Student's t test (α = 0.05). The micromorphological and microhardness data were compared by Pearson's linear correlation test (α = 0.05). The mean percentages of solid dentin of human and bovine sclerotic dentin were similar (human 90.71 ± 0.83 and bovine 89.08 ± 0.81, p = 0.18). The mean microhardness value (VHN) of human sclerotic dentin was significantly higher than that of bovine sclerotic dentin (human 45.26 ± 2.92 and bovine 29.93 ± 3.83, p = 0.006). No correlation was found between the microhardness values and the amount of solid dentin in the sclerotic dentin, irrespective of the species considered (human R² = 0.0240, p = 0.714; bovine R² = 0.0017, p = 0.923; and combined R² = 0.038, p = 0.46). We concluded that although both bovine and human sclerotic dentin present a similar amount of solid tissue, human sclerotic dentin presents higher microhardness than bovine sclerotic dentin.
Human HOX genes encode transcription factors that act as master regulators of embryonic development. They are important in several processes such as cellular morphogenesis and differentiation. The HOXB5 gene in particular has been reported in some types of neoplasm, but not in oral cancer. OBJECTIVE: The present study investigated the expression of HOXB5 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and in non-tumoral adjacent tissues, focusing on verifying its possible role as a broad tumor-associated gene and its association with histopathological and clinical (TNM) characteristics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: RT-PCR was performed to amplify HOXB5 mRNA in 15 OSCCs and adjacent non-tumoral epithelium. A possible association with TNM and histopathologic data was verifed by the chi-square and post-hoc t-test. RESULTS: HOXB5 was amplifed in 60% non-tumoral epithelium and in 93.3% carcinomas. No statistically signifcant differences were found regarding the HOXB5 mRNA expression and TNM or histological grade. CONCLUSION: HOXB5 is expressed in OSCCs and its role in cancer progression should be further investigated.
OBJETIVO: Investigar a frequência de carcinomas mamários de fenótipo basal em uma série de tumores triplo-negativos (TTN), definidos pela negatividade para receptores de estrógeno (RE), de progesterona (RP) e HER2. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 140 TTN, obtendo-se características clínico-patológicas e sobrevida. Microarranjo de tecido (2 cilindros de cada tumor) foi construído e submetido à imunoistoquímica para RE, RP, HER2, citoqueratinas (Cks) 5 e 14, EGFR, p63 e p53. Consideramos carcinomas de fenótipo basal os tumores negativos para RE, RP e HER2, e positivos para CK5. RESULTADOS: Encontramos 105 carcinomas de fenótipo basal entre 140 TTN (frequência=75%). A idade média das pacientes foi de 54,8 anos, sendo que 34,3% estavam na pré-menopausa. A maioria dos tumores foi classificada como carcinoma ductal invasor de alto grau. Os TTN exibiram positividade para CK5 (75,0%), CK14 (29%), EGFR (36,4%), p63 (28,6%) e p53 (67,1%). Estadiamento avançado da doença foi observado em 52 pacientes (50%), com diâmetro tumoral maior que 5 cm em 41 casos (39%) e metástases axilares em 61 casos (59,2%). Seguimento clínico foi obtido em 89 pacientes (média=51 meses). Destas, 45 pacientes (50,5%) evoluíram sem doença; 6 (6,7%) estavam vivas com doença e 38 (42,6%) morreram pelo câncer. Recidiva sistêmica ocorreu em 42 pacientes (47,1%), sendo pulmões, cérebro e ossos os principais sítios de metástases. As médias das sobrevidas global e livre de doença foram de 36 e 28 meses, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Nosso estudo confirma comportamento clínico agressivo e elevada frequência dos carcinomas de fenótipo basal entre os TTN, semelhante ao descrito em casuísticas norte-americanas e europeias.
Vimentin is a cytoeskeletal intermediate filament protein commonly observed in mesenchymal cells; however, it can also be found in malignant epithelial cells. It is demonstrated in several carcinomas, such as those of the cervix, breast and bladder, in which it is widely used as a marker of the epithelial to mesenchymal transition that takes place during embryogenesis and metastasis. Vimentin is associated with tumors that show a high degree of invasiveness, being detected in invasion front cells. Its expression seems to be influenced by the tumor microenvironment. The aim of this study was to evaluate vimentin expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines, and to investigate the contribution of the microenvironment to its expression. HNSCC cell lines (HN6, HN30 and HN31) and an immortalized nontumorigenic cell line (HaCaT) were submitted to a three-dimensional assay with Matrigel. Cytoplasmatic staining of the HN6 cell line cultured without Matrigel and of the HN30 and HN31 cell lines cultured with Matrigel was demonstrated through immunohistochemistry. Western Blotting revealed a significant decrease in vimentin expression for the HN6 cell line and a significant increase for the HN30 and HN31 cell lines cultured with Matrigel. The results suggest that vimentin can be expressed in HNSCC cells and its presence is influenced by the microenvironment of a tumor.
Acupuncture for the prevention of radiation-induced xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in minimizing the severity of radiation-induced xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer. A total of 24 consecutive patients receiving > 5000 cGy radiotherapy (RT) involving the major salivary glands bilaterally were assigned to either the preventive acupuncture group (PA, n = 12), treated with acupuncture before and during RT, or the control group (CT, n = 12), treated with RT and not receiving acupuncture. After RT completion, clinical response was assessed in all patients by syalometry, measuring the resting (RSFR) and stimulated (SSFR) salivary flow rates, and by the visual analogue scale (VAS) regarding dry mouth-related symptoms. Statistical analyses were performed with repeated-measures using a mixed-effect modeling procedure and analysis of variance. An alpha level of 0.05 was accepted for statistical significance. Although all patients exhibited some degree of impairment in salivary gland functioning after RT, significant differences were found between the groups. Patients in the PA group showed improved salivary flow rates (RSFR, SSFR; p < 0.001) and decreased xerostomia-related symptoms (VAS, p < 0.05) compared with patients in the CT group. Although PA treatment did not prevent the oral sequelae of RT completely, it significantly minimized the severity of radiation-induced xerostomia. The results suggest that acupuncture focused in a preventive approach can be a useful therapy in the management of patients with head and neck cancer undergoing RT.
This study evaluated fracture torque by torsion, in relation to the length and diameter of orthodontic mini-implants, to demonstrate their viability for clinical and experimental use based on the torque recommended by the manufacturers. The fractures at the moment of insertion, whose incidence in the literature is around 4%, are principally due to excessive force and the inability of the implant to resist rotational forces. Thirty orthodontic mini-implants of three commercial brands available in Brazil (Neodent 1.6 x 9 mm, Dentoflex 1.6 x 9 mm and Kopp 1.6 x 9 mm) were attached to a device made specifically for this research, leaving the mini-implants with sufficient stability. The miniimplants were submitted to torsion torque, using a digital torque wrench, until their breaking point. The values obtained with the test were submitted to analysis of variance and the Tukey test. The mean values of mini-implant ruptures were 26 N.cm for group A (Dentoflex), 25.4 N. cm for group B (Kopp) and 32.8 N.cm for group C (Neodent). From the Tukey test we could observe that the relationships between the means of the Dentoflex and Neodent groups, and between the Kopp and Neodent groups, were significant. Between the Dentoflex and Kopp groups, significance was nonexistent. All the values found in our research for fracture torque were higher than the limits recommended by the manufacturers for clinical use in orthodontics. The highest values were found in the Neodent group.